Chapter 3: Missed Me?
Alright here is the next chapter! Now it won't be super long as the last, but it will most certainly add plot along with mild relationship stuff between Bendy and Cup!
After walking for a bit, they stopped at a local store to resupply on food, and such. Boris did that as Bendy quickly slipped into the bathroom to splash her face. Boris eventually stood outside of the bathroom waiting for his sister still fan girling (Yes GIRLING) over meeting the mouse.
"Come on sis! I'm like dying here," Boris exclaimed his tail wagging like a hurricane.
Bendy splashed her face gently as she laughed lightly, "Okay okay mouse fan. I'm hurrying...."
As soon as she finished wiping her face clean she found herself instantly slammed against the wall by her shirt. The wind was knocked out of her as she saw who her attacker was and, believe me, part of her was really hoping it wasn't who she thought it was. ...
"Did ya miss me," Cuphead asked a sinister smirk on his face.
'......Yes.......' Bendy internally thought. Now she wasn't going to say it out loud mind you. But she wasn't going to deny that she kinda did miss him. Even though he was trying to kill her, this was first time a guy actually, you know, noticed her in quite awhile. Besides, she did kinda find him hot......
"Now this going to be fast and painless...," Cuphead started pointing a finger to her head.
Situation didn't help with her mild attraction as his face was extremely close to hers. Along, with the fact that it wasn't just her shirt he had grabbed as well. He had accidentally grabbed her bra as well pulling both away from her chest. To put it simply, she was mildly 'exposing' herself thanks to him. He was powering up laser to hit only to freeze instantly.
It didn't take very long for Cuphead's eyes to well shift downwards. Believe me, when I say his face instantly lit up red with embarrassment. Of course, he did try to look away, but he couldn't help it, he was actually liking what he was seeing so far from her. And a part of him, may or not, wanted to see more. Of course, Bendy's face had also turned red from both anger and embarrassment as well.
"PERVERT," She shouted instantly kicking him right in the crotch.
He had let go instantly as he teared up from the blow. Cuphead growled angrily as he chased after her. He seriously wasn't expecting her to do something like that as he got ready to shoot her with his laser. He was just going to immobilize her not kill her.......yet......, but let's just say things didn't go as plan. He did hit someone with the laser, but it wasn't who he was aiming for.
A look of horror crossed everyone's face as the person who ended up getting hit was his brother Mug. Cuphead fell to his knees as he teared up horrified at his own actions. It didn't take long for him to snapped out it run over to his brother. He gently picked Mug up in his arms as his brother tried to stay awake.
"Come on Mug! NO..... Open your eyes.... Mug," Cuphead practically shouted as his brother closed his eyes.
Boris slowly approached Cuphead cautiously as Bendy followed behind. She knew what Boris was going to do and most certainly knew that it wasn't such a good idea.
"Boris....," She quietly warned him.
"Um... Sir.....," Boris began as Cuphead fully stood up with Mug in his arms.
"Did I say your death was going to be quick and painless....," Cuphead began turning his head around towards the two instantly scaring them shitless with his eyes glowing sinisterly red, "My Bad. I'm going to tear you limb from limb."
Bendy grabbed Boris wrists, "Bro.... We should go...."
Boris was going to protest, but Bendy dragged him off as they ran like hell. Boris was crying the entire way. They had eventually stopped as Bendy towards her brother with an irritated sigh. She didn't understand why he was crying, those tried had tried to kill them. But yet she also felt kinda bad for Cuphead (Luckily learned his name from overhearing it). If she was in his shoes, she would also feel the same way. Anger, guilt........
"Listen.... I know you wanted to help," Bendy began as took a hold of her brother's face wiping some of his tears, "But there was nothing we could've done. I'm sure he got his brother medical help already. Now.... where's my little wolfy,"
"Here I am....," Boris mumbled as Bendy squashed his face slightly.
"What was that," She playfully asked as she saw a smile start to appear on his face.
"Here I am," Boris spoke up much louder with full blown smile and a wag of his fluffy tail.
Both siblings laughed gently as they settled back down. Now that the atmosphere around them was more calmer they decided to continue going, but first something to eat!
There we go! Two chapters in one day! Of course Cuphead will be back and much well.... crazier then ever. I must warn the next chapter will have an extremely sensitive topic. But that's not until next chapter! Until then folks! Antebellum96 Out!
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