Chapter 2: Mr. Mickey
Sorry for not saying at the beginning of the first two chapters! I ended getting way too into just the story typing, but no worries! Hope you folks enjoy this chapter. Oh, I will also be posting Chapter 3 as well today!
After that close encounter between the Cup bros, at least Bendy thinks their brothers anyway, after taking a rest for the night, they finally made it to the town Boris had mentioned yesterday. Now, the town was kinda simple in style with some local shops and cafes lining some of the streets, a few small house here and there. Nothing too spectacular to say the least.
Bendy noticed Boris had stopped walking after they passed a local bulletin board of some sorts. 'What the hell is he looking at....' Bendy thought turning around and stopping next to her brother. The board didn't have much on it, just a few help wanted ads, one about teaching kids to play piano, and a missing animal poster. But the poster that did catch her brother's eyes was slightly bigger then the others and was well more elaborate. A soft smile crossed her face as she saw how Boris looked in awe at the poster. It was, of course, a poster about "Mickey's Traveling Circus."
Boris was a huge fan of the mouse ever since was he was little pup. Bendy remembered how Boris would sing and dance to every song that played on the radio as she was busy working on a project. Boris was too young at the time to help her out in the garage at the time so he would just sit and keep her company. Along with entertaining her of course. She kinda missed that, ever since the illness, Boris had stopped mostly all of that. Well, at least he still played the clarinet.
Boris instantly looked over at Bendy with puppy dog eyes, "Sis.... Can we please go see it? It's happening today! Pleeeeaaaasssseeeeee!!!!"
Bendy couldn't help , but sigh gently. It was so hard to say no to that face. Even though they should be continuing on their quest, what's a few hours of hanging around here gonna do, right? A simply nod of her head was enough for Boris to grab his sister's hand and drag her to where the circus was going to be held. She couldn't help, but laugh gently at her brother's enthusiasm to get a front row seat. 'Don't ever change bro....'
<Time Skip> (After the circus)
Yet again, with Boris's puppy dog, he had convinced his sister to let him go and get the mouse's autograph. They eventually went to the backstage like area and saw the mouse. Both walked up to him as Boris face turned redder and redder each step over. It was kinda adorable to see Boris like this in Bendy's opinion.
"E-excuse me Mr. Mi-Mickey.....," Boris stammered out at first as Mickey, who's back was turned at time turned over to look at the two, "I wa-was won-wond-wondering if I cou-could......"
"He wants to get your autograph dude," Bendy bluntly spoke up making Boris blush more.
Mickey couldn't help, but smile at the wolf, "Of course. What's your name kid?"
"B-Boris.... and th-this is my big sis-sister Bendy."
"Did you enjoy the show," Mickey asked as he started to sign the book that Boris handed to him.
"Yes very much," Boris replied happily his tail wagging like crazy.
"Meh. It was okay," Bendy spoke up.
During this time, the once known magician of the circus, Oswald had come back stage as well. He sadly wasn't in it for some strange reason. Boris was kinda sad not to see him in it, but ah well. The thing was, Oswald wasn't himself. Actually, he hadn't been himself for quite a while now. Ever since Ortensia.......
A cry of pain was heard as everyone snapped over to see Bendy was clutching her chest in pain. Ink started to flow down her face as Boris quickly knelled next to his sister holding her in his arms. Oswald stared with horror as the memories came crashing like a tidal wave. All he heard in his was the painful cries of help and sobs of his once wife Ortensia.
"Oh my goodness! Donald get Ozzie out of here," Mickey cried out as Oswald. Donald instantly dragged the stunned rabbit away from the scene.
"B-Boris.... I'm sorry.....," Bendy chocked out as Boris shushed and comforted her. Mickey was nice to enough to help move Bendy and put her in a comfortable bed inside.
By now, Bendy's illness had settled down again as the ink stopped flowing from her face. 'Poor kid.... He's probably gonna lose her soon....' Mickey thought darkly looking at Boris with a deep frown. During this time he saw Bendy was talking quietly to her brother. Before long,Mickey had decided to hug the poor wolf.
"I am so sorry," Mickey spoke quietly embracing the wolf.
Pulling back Mickey noticed Boris's face had lightened to a bright red. Then out of no where a strange bark had come out of his mouth. Mickey blinked in mild confusion as he heard Bendy giggle.
"I don't think you have to worry about me being embarrassing," Bendy spoke through her giggles.
Boris turned towards his sister with a playful glare, his face still all red. Mickey sighed gently as decided to talk to wolf privately.
"Boris.... Can you come over for a second I just need to talk," Mickey started as Boris looked back at him in confusion.
A simply okay and both went and sat somewhere far enough away for Bendy not to eavesdrop. Now that was Boris was gone, Bendy's smile instantly faded away.
Now, Bendy tried her hardest to stay positive in any situation. But right at this moment, she was struggling greatly. Clutching the blanket tightly in her hands Bendy couldn't help, but think of the what ifs. What if they can't fix the machine in time? What would happen to Boris then? He would be completely alone in this world without her. The worst part in all this..... She knew the illness was preventing her to ever having children. Back before the illness had hit, Bendy had always dreamed of finding someone special, getting married, having kids, etc. A simple life... But when the illness hit her she knew it was never going to happen.
You see, many women who ended up getting the illness had a lower chance of becoming pregnant. If they were lucky enough to get pregnant though.......... One illness attack and the child, the mother, or both would most likely die. This was from the strain the illness had on the body. With a child, your body had to work much harder in order to provide energy for you and the child. This also didn't help that no guy would ever want to be with her.
She was once quite a flirter. Flirting with any guy she found attractive, but it usually ended up with her being ignored or being brushed aside for much better looking woman. Then, when I guy who did actually find her attractive and such, the minute they found out about her illness they just up and left. Probably, because they didn't want to see or help her whenever the illness did hit. So, she just gave up all together on finding a dream guy.
She sighed sadly thinking of all this. Of course she stopped her frowning and dark thoughts right when Boris came back from his talk with Mickey. Putting on more happier look on her face, she got off the bed.
"Well, we should be going now. It was amazing meeting you Mr. Mickey," Boris spoke up happily.
Mickey waved bye as he watched the two head off. His face fell the minute they were gone. If only there was something he could do for Boris?
There we go! Like I said in the description Bendy is slightly different from the original male counterpart. I also thought of the whole ink illness, pregnancy thing, because it would work into this story. It also does look in the blog that illness does take a lot out the person so yeah! Next Chapter will be coming right up! Also, the Cup Bros. are gonna be back! YAY!!!
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