Chapter 10: Just In Case
When the group went to the local store (grocery most likely) they had eached split up to get what they needed. Mug had dragged Boris off yet again, while Felix decided to go on his own. Leaving Bendy and Cuphead to themselves. The minute that happened, Bendy had interlocked her's and Cuphead's hands together. Cuphead smirked at how her head was lowered in embarrassment. He lightly squeezed her hand as they went to get supplies.
Of course, they would have to go down the feminine product aisle for Bendy. Cuphead averted his eyes from the various pads and such as Bendy picked up a package of one to examine. It was during that time she realized something.
"Cuphead," She began as he turned to looked at her, "When did we you know...... The first time?"
"Um..... A little over 24 hours ago. Why are you asking," Cuphead asked looking at her in confusion.
Cuphead watched as Bendy turned back. She seemed a tiny bit tense. It wasn't till she spoke up finally after the minute long silence.
"It's late.....," Bendy muttered.
"What is........ Oh......," Cuphead realizing what she meant, "It could be from all the stress or something."
"No...... It has never been late before.......," Bendy began putting the product in her hand back going a bit farther down the aisle to the pregnancy test section.
Cuphead's eyes widened in mild shock. I mean yeah they have had unprotected sex multiple times already. But she had told him while they were making love in the shower that she was most likely unable to get pregnant. Hence the MOST though. There was at least a small chance.
Bendy picked up a box to a pregnancy test looking over it. Cuphead didn't know what to say or do. Part of him felt like she was over reacting, but yet another part told him that she should get the test just in case.
"I know that I might be over reacting," Bendy began, "But..... Just in case..... You know. I'll wait and see and if I start acting off then I'll use it."
Cuphead gave a nod of understanding, "Makes sense, but I would probably hide it from your brother for now."
Bendy nodded as Cuphead and her shared a quick kiss as she placed the test underneath some of items in the basket. 'Just in case.....' She thought as they continued to shop.
<Time-skip> (About 5 or so days of traveling later)
The first couple of days of travel went pretty well. Bendy seemed perfectly fine at first, but it wasn't until the third day things started to go off the rails. For one thing, Bendy had suddenly gotten sick for no reason. Not from her ink illness, of course everyone thought it was maybe something she might've ate. But she just continued to be sick after eating anything and sometimes without anything in her system, just throwing up pure stomach acid. It was like she couldn't keep anything down.
Boris was starting to get worried. I mean, did his sister catch some horrible stomach disease while they were in town? If so, would it cause her ink illness to act up even worse? To put it simply Boris was practically acting like a mother hen to her. It also didn't help that Bendy's moods had become extremely unpredictable.
I mean just that very morning Boris was doing his mother hen thing to her and she just instantly snapped at him. Then next thing everyone knew she was one crying not Boris. Cuphead was worried at the beginning of when this started, now he was starting to think it might not be a disease.
It was night and everyone was already asleep. Well, everyone except Cuphead and Bendy. Each night, whenever everyone was fast asleep, Bendy would quietly sneak over and cuddle with Cuphead. Being with her small stature and size she and Cuphead could both fit into one sleeping bag. Both were lying quietly, Cuphead's arms wrapped around Bendy's waist. It wasn't until Bendy spoke up quietly.
"Cuphead....," she quietly began, "I think I should use that test now......"
Cuphead couldn't agree more with that. Both of them slowly slipped out of the sleeping bag trying not to make a sound as Bendy grabbed her bag. They slipped into the woods a few feet away from where they were camped. Bendy pulled out the test from her bag taking it out of the box. 'One line negative. Two lines positive' She thought as she went behind some bushes to do what the test instructed her to do. Cuphead leaned against a near by tree tapping his fingers impatiently. It only took a few minutes as Bendy came out from behind the bush.
Cuphead couldn't see what emotion was on her face as she had her head lowered. Bendy took a deep breath as she quietly handed the test to Cuphead to let him see. When he saw his jaw practically dropped. Two lines clear as day..... Which meant positive.... she was pregnant with his kid....... Cuphead heard a small sniffle as he looked away from the test to see tears streaming down Bendy's face.
"I am so s-sorry....... I.. I," Bendy tried to shakily get out only to have Cuphead suddenly hug her.
"You don't have to apologize.....," Cuphead mumbled quietly as Bendy felt shocked.
"B-but I thought you'd hate me and w-wouldn't want t-to be w-with me anymore," Bendy explained as Cuphead pulled slightly back from the hug using his thumb to gently wipe her tears away.
"Hate you? I would never hate you Bendy," Cuphead began softly looking into her ruby red eyes, "And there is no way in hell I'd ever leave you. Not now or ever. I love you."
"I love you too," Bendy spoke up quietly with a gentle smile as Cuphead had placed a gentle hand on her abdomen.
Of course, the issue now was..... How were they suppose to tell the others? Especially her little brother Boris? And would the kid even survive with Bendy's ink illness and all? Shit was really starting to to hit the fan now for the two..........
There we go! And Fluff. Fluff everywhere. The song I posted at the beginning is what I was listening to while I was writing this Chapter. I love RWBY and can't wait for volume 5 that is coming out in October! Anyone else a RWBY fan? Let me know. Antebellum96 Out!
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