Chapter 1: The Angry Hot One
The next morning, Bendy and Boris were already up and on the move again. Boris was right now looking at the map to see where exactly they were at the moment. This was due to the fact that the map was in his bag. While Bendy quietly walked beside him. Except they weren't alone.....
Not too far from too trailing behind them silently were two other people. Both had cups for heads, with one having blonde floofy bangs (~Floofy~) and a red and white bendy straw. While the other had no bangs and had a straight blue and white straw. These two seemed to be almost stalking them in a sense, unknown of course to the two ahead of them.
"Hey Boris. Do you think we can take a quick break," Bendy asked her brother having a really weird feeling that someone was watching her.
Boris looked at his sister with worry. They didn't usually take breaks unless his sister's ink illness acted up, but she seemed fine at the moment. Nevertheless, they quickly stopped and sat down in the grass quietly. 'Seriously why does it feel like someone is watching me... Let's just hope if there is someone they aren't some pervert....' she thought pulling out her canteen and taking a sip of water.
Mugman was bored. I mean here he was hiding in a nearby bush with his older brother, Cuphead, watching a female demon and a male wolf casually sit and rest. I didn't help that his brother wouldn't stop staring at the demon..... Part of him was wondering if his brother found her attractive or something.
"Bro...... I'm bored...... When are we going to do something," Mugman whined quietly.
Cuphead turned over to his brother and sighed in irritation. He already told him he was bored less then five minutes ago. Cup knew Mug was extremely energetic and hated sitting still for too long, but they couldn't just up and attack them. They needed the right moment to strike. But there was a small little detail their so called "boss" didn't tell them about these two they were currently watching..... One of them was a girl.
I mean Cuphead would still hurt her and stuff, but killing her...... I mean to him she looked really cute........ wait..... WHAT?!?! Cuphead quickly shook his head in from that thought as Mug looked at him in confusion.
"Listen were going do something in just a moment," Cuphead finally replied as turned back to hear what the two were talking about.
"Hey sis. I think there's a town not too far from here. If we get back moving we should be there by tomorrow morning," The wolf chirped happily looking over at the demon who was currently lying down on the grass with her eyes closed.
"Really? Well we might as get going then. We've rested enough," The demon spoke as she slowly got up into a seated position.
At this point Mug just spaced out on the whole. He lied on his stomach boredly now waiting for something to happen. Sadly, some leaves in the bushes ended up tickling his nose. He tried to hold back the sneeze, he really did, but wind decided blow and make the leaves tickle his nose even more. By the time Cuphead looked over to his brother he was way too late.
"AHCHOO," A voice loudly sneezed causing both Bendy and Boris to jump in surprise. The source of the noise had come from a nearby bush as someone popped out of it bushes. He looked pretty irritated judging by looks of it as another person slowly rose up as well sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.
"Heehee.... Whoops...," The cup headed one with the blue straw spoke.
"You are such an idiot....," The other one with the red straw replied.
During this time while they weren't looking Bendy slowly grabbed her brother's arm and started to back away. It was pretty obvious to her they weren't hiding in the bush just for shits and giggles. Sadly, the guy with the red straw noticed them.
"Hey. Where the hell do you two think you're going...," He spoke up threateningly.
Bendy didn't say anything as she grabbed her brother and ran. She could both of the guys following them. She knew staying together wasn't the best option, because they would be an easy target, especially if both these guys were carrying guns.
"Boris.... Split up. I'll lead the angry hot one away, while you lead the other one somewhere else," Bendy quickly explained not realizing what she said.
Before Boris could protest, Bendy let go of his arm and ran off in the opposite direction. She was right about one thing, the one with the red straw was chasing after her. Pain started to shoot in her chest as she ran. 'Shit! Not now....' She thought quickly looking back behind.
"Where the hell do you think you're going with those short legs," She heard him say.
It didn't take long before she tripped and fell harshly on the ground face first. She heard him laugh at her misfortune only to have her ink illness kick in. The guy caught up to her panting slightly. 'For being so short she can move pretty fast' Cuphead thought as he looked down at her with a glare.
"Now I finally...," Cuphead had started only to hear a loud cry of pain come from her.
"No.... No.....No," She cried out as Cuphead watched ink and tears stream down her face.
"What the hell are you doing? Looks kinda freaky....," Cuphead said tilting his head with a look of mild disgust on his face.
"Please.... Help me..... My bag has something to help me......," She weakly spoke up struggling to lift her hand.
During the chase, Bendy's bag had ended dropping her bag. In this scenario, Cuphead would've gave her the bag and let her the shit herself, but instead he grabbed the bag a knelt next to her. Bendy looked at him in confusion as he opened the bag and find whatever it was. Bendy was able to sputter out what the item as Cuphead found it. He gently held her as he quietly helped her get the pill down her throat. Bendy eventually lost consciousness.
Cuphead picked her up and gently carried her bridal style, but once they got closer to his brother and the wolf he just put her under one of his arms. He didn't know why he did it, maybe it was so Mug wouldn't interrogate him later about. Anyways, instead of seeing his brother attacking the wolf he was playing card with him......
"You're playing cards with him," Cuphead spoke up angrily as both Mug and the wolf turned to him.
"Bendy," the wolf cried out in shocked seeing his sister unconscious and in Cuphead's arm. Cuphead threw her unceremoniously into the wolf, or if Cup wasn't mistaken Boris, arms.
"Here", Cuphead began ,"How am I supposed to beat her if she's already in pain. Come on you little shit."
Cuphead grabbed his brother by the upper corner of his well cup face and dragged him off as Mug started saying Ow the entire way. As soon as they were gone Bendy started to wake up.
"Sis.... Thank god you're alright," Boris cried out in joy crushing his sister in a hug.
"I'm more glad that you are," Bendy spoke up quietly as she shakily stood up on her own two feet.
"Well, I did mean to ask you something...... Why did you call the guy trying to kill us hot," Boris asked with raised eyebrows eyeing his sister suspiciously.
She never going to hear the end of that one........ Same with another person with their sibling as well..............
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