"Last night, the missing body of 16 year old Rachel Evans was found in Rock creek this morning." The news lady reported. "Investigators have not given any further information on the death...."
I shut the TV off. I have always hated the news. Most of it probably was fake anyway. People lie. People steal. People kill. It's all fake.
I sat at the kitchen table watching my eight year old sister, Rylie, shove Golden Grams into her oddly large mouth. I looked back down at my cracked screen. I scrolled through a bunch of Instagram photos. Then my best friend, Trevor's, collar ID invaded my screen.
"What's up monkey butt?" I answered.
"Wanna hang today?" He asked.
"It's raining." I plainly stated.
"So? We can go to that indoor roller rink or go swimming." He suggested.
"Alright. Where do you want to meet?" I asked.
"I can just pick you up. I don't want you walking by yourself.... Did you see the news?" He asked.
"Yeah. Some of it. I turned it off though. You know I hate the news." I groaned.
"Yes you hate everything, but your phone. That thing is your life." He teased.
"Is not!" I protested. "I don't hate you. I love my family."
"You punch me a lot, and give disgusted looks towards your sister."
"I punch you because you annoy me sometimes. And seriously! You've seen my sister eat. She eats like a angry, starved bear that hasn't touched food in years!" I talked loudly into my phone, and then remembered my sister was right across the table. I looked at her. She was glaring at me. I shrugged.
"I am not annoying!" He countered.
"Uh huh, is that right? Remember that time you kept poking me and saying 'I'm not touching you.' That didn't even make sense because you were touching me!"
"You lie." He laughed.
"Omg Trevor! No I'm not! How can you not remember that?!"
"Because it never happened." He stated ever so calmly.
"I give up." I sighed.
"I don't even know why you try."
I shook my head. "Are you almost here?"
"I just pulled into your driveway."
"Okay." I said hanging up. I grabbed my black backpack, that contained all I needed. "Mom! I'm going out with Trevor!" I yelled and then walked out the front door. The rain poured onto my brown wavy hair, making it a darker brown. The shoulders of my white t-shirt began to become see-through. Water flung up off the the end of my black shoes with each step.
I flung the passenger door of Trevor's black truck open and jumped in. I looked at him. "So where we going?"
"Roller skating? Pool? Gym?" He suggested.
"I don't care. Surprise me." I told him.
"Alright!" He agreed and drove off.
Trevor has lived in Rocky Ridge his whole life. He knows all the fun spots. We always have the greatest adventures. But for some reason he won't take me on a camping trip. I've always wanted to go camping. I don't care what kind of camping. Now matter if it's beach, tree, or yard camping, he won't take me. He tells me this town isn't big on camping. I mean I guess it makes sense. I've only lived here for a couple weeks, so I still don't know the town ways.
As we drove, I watched the rain fall onto the still town. Nobody was out jumping in mud puddles, the children weren't sliding on the mud slides, it was dead. But I guess that's just how this town is. Not everyone is the same.
I looked over at Trevor's profile. A defined jawline. His blonde hair wasn't even brushed. He had his favorite gray sweatshirt on that I thought matched his eyes. He tells me they're hazel, but I just don't see that.
He looked over at me. He probably suspected I was staring. "What?"
"Oh nothing. Just thinking." I told him.
"About what?" He asked still looking at the road.
"So you are thinking of the word 'nothing'?" He teased. I glared at him, but he didn't notice because he doesn't want to ruin his good driving record.
"You know, I think you should be quit!" I advised. He nodded and pretended to lock his lips. Then he rolled the window down and tossed the imaginary key out onto the wet earth. "Thank you."
Minutes later, Trevor told me to cover my eyes.
"Are we almost there?" I asked.
"Shay, is your seat belt tight?" He asked in a panicky voice and stepped on the gas.
I opened my eyes and looked over at him. "Huh? Why are you going so fast?!"
He took a quick glance at me and then back at the road. "SHAY! IS YOUR SEATBELT TIGHT?!" He panicked. I checked my seatbelt to ensure it was tight.
"Yes, why what's going on?!"
"Close your eyes and protect your face with your arms!" He commanded.
"Trevor! Your scaring me!" I panicked and my heart started beating faster, but I did as he said. "TREVOR!"
Just as I said that, the world went black.
A/N: Alright first chapter. Did you like it? Please let me know your thoughts. Please if it's interesting so far, let your Wattpad friends know if you think they'd be interested. If you liked it please vote. And comment i love reading comments!
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