Night 2
"I'm so sorry for the trouble I've caused!" The giant man cried while bowing his head. After crashing on their ship by falling out of the sky he was apologizing continuously. Yes, he actually fell out the sky and the impact of his large figure almost flipped the boat over. Now the huge man was apologizing. He was weird looking. He had long light blue hair in a ponytail. His bangs covered his eyes and he had a big figure. "Haha! It's fine, thank you for sharing your food and water with us!" Sinbad said smiling. Syria nods her head. If it weren't for the man coming around, they would've starved. The man looked at them in shock before erupting into tears, startling the two siblings.
"What's wrong?! D-Don't cry!" Sinbad tries to calm him down. He's gonna sink the boat at this rate!!
"I'm sorry, it's just, no one's ever thanked me. They say I'm small and fragile... And my attitude is that of a fish left out in the sun..." The man says. Sinbad chuckles nervously and Syria tilts her head to the side. Small and fragile? He was big compared to them. Sinbad rubbed the back of his head. They must be big where he is from if he's considered small and fragile.... Syria suddenly stands up from beside her brother and looks in the distance behind the man and saw something coming straight toward them. She points at it and looks at her little brother. "Fish?" She questions the suspicious object.
Sinbad looks in the direction she's pointing in and narrows his eyes when he heard something... Or someone.
Now that he looked at it, it did seem to be coming closer by the second. And he was right. When the figure was code enough the person jumped in the air and grabbed the man by the back of the head and they both took a diving kneel. The impact caused the side where Sinbad and Syria to lift off the water, almost causing the whole boat to flip over.
"I'm so sorry for the trouble my brother has caused!!" The girl shouts. Sinbad and Syria gawked at the two. The girl sits up and scolds the other. "You stupid brother! It blew you away again!" She yells causing the other to cry again. "I know! I know!"
This gained the two's attention. "Ah! Sorry! This is all my big brother's fault. I'm Pipirika." She introduces herself. Sinbad and Syria nod at the two. "I'm Sinbad." Syria smiles at the both of them. "Syria." She says. "You didn't tell us your name, big bro." Sinbad states. Pipirika sighs. "This brother doesn't have a name."
"What do you mean?"
"We come from a tribe in the north called Imuchakk. The reason he doesn't have a name is because he didn't complete the ceremony of age. He does have a name but that's a child name which is used for children." She explains. "But it blew you away again!" She shouts at the other.
Syria moves over to the two and begins to poke the big brother. "Big..." She mumbles. Pipirika nods. "Everyone in our tribe is big." Big bro says. "It's hard to believe that Pipirika is only 13. I'm 21." Syria then looks at Pipirika and cups her cheeks. "Cute." She says and Sinbad pulls her away, making the older one pout.
"Can I ask what 'it' is?" Sin asks. The man nodded and began to draw something with a stick. "'It' is this, we call it the rampaging unicorn." He says, showing it to them. They all feel a harsh aura from behind them and look at Pipirika. She was holding up a poorly drawn version of "The rampaging unicorn". She had a scowl on her face as she gripped the drawing tighter.
"Now that." Big bro starts. "Is a monster." Sinbad snickers. Syria goes to Pipirika and pats her head. "Try harder.." She says to the other. This caused the other girl to grumble.
just then the boat starts to rock a bit and Syria looks in the water at the waves. "Un." She says and Sinbad nods. "The waves are getting restless. Also." A huge tail erupted from the water behind him. "Would that be 'it'?" he asks, pointing behind him.
Before they could answer the tail slams down causing the boat to go in the air.
Sinbad pops up from the water and grabs the edge of the boat. Pipirika and Big Bro comes up beside him and the flip the boat right side up and climb in.
"Syria!" He yells. A hand grabs his sister and he pulls her in. He lets out a sigh. "I thought you-"
He stops when he sees his sister eating a fish, the tail end sticking out her mouth and flopping madly. Sinbad immediately sits her up and yanks the fish out her mouth and throws it back in the water. "YOU CAN'T EAT RAW FISH SYRIA!!" He yells only to see his sister in the big brother's arms crying, muttering something along the lines of "Mean Shin," and "I hungry." The other male sadly patted her head with a small smile. "But you just ate..." He muttered to himself.
After everyone calmed down Sinbad begins to speak.
"How about we help you catch it?" He asks the siblings.
"E-eh.." The brother says. Sinbad grins. "That's no ordinary fish, plus it'll be fun! We can manage, right Syria?" His sister nods at him.
"Are you sure that it'll come to this island?" Sin asks. They were now on an island, sitting around a campfire they made. Sinbad had to take off his shirt and sash to let it dry. Syria only took off her sash, leaving her in her pants and shirt.
"Definitely," Pipirika says. "It has to. We should have a few days to prepare."
"So tell us more than."
"Well." The big brother says. "It should have a weak spot, we also use this." He says showing them the harpoon he has. Sinbad nods and taps his chin. "So that's the only thing you guys have..." He mutters. Both siblings nod. "Well, is it against the rules to use traps?" He asks. Both Imuchakks glance at each other. "W-We never thought of that...." Pipirika mutters.
For the past three days on the island, all four of them began to set up traps Sinbad and Syria showed them.
"Neh, Syria? Why are we tying the rope to the trees? Do you two honestly think that this will hold that thing?" Syria shakes her head. "It can probably slow it down, but not stop it. Plus it could probably help you two out."
"You'll see now get ready the waves are getting restless."Sinbad says. Syria looks up at the sky before squinting. "Storm." She says to no one in particular, Sinbad nods.
The storm was getting heavier by the minute. Syria tugs down on Yunan's hat so the rain doesn't get on her face too much. Sinbad had told her to stay put while the two Imuchakks went in the water. He went on the other side of the cliff to watch the two carefully, making sure the plan didn't backfire.
Just then the huge creature jumped out the water and Syria saw the big brother riding on it with the harpoon jabbed in it's back. Syria could tell that it was too shallow but before anything could be said the creature plunged back in the water, taking him with it.
A thunderbolt came from the clouds above and struck the Rampaging Unicorn. Syria let out a cry at the huge crack like sound from the impact as the creature was totally fried and fell on the shoreline. Half of its body on shore and the other half still in the water.
After a few moments of her ears ringing the storm began to lighten up and she shakingly stands on her feet. From where she was on the cliff she could see the Imuchakk man staring at the creature in disbelief then at Sinbad. She slowly makes her way over to her brother and Pipirika.
"That was amazing Sinbad!" The girl shouted. Syria tilts her head to the side. Was it him that made the thunderbolt? She sees something small and glowing coming from her brother. The little butterfly looking creature lands on her shoulder and she stares at it.
"Syria! Are you okay?" Sinbad asks. She doesn't answer she just watches as the little butterfly flies around her, she even tries to catch it by clapping her hands together.
"Ummm... What is she?" Pipirika says looking at Sinbad. He continues to look at his sister try to catch something, maybe a bug? "I don't know..." Although this was the normal behavior of his sister, he couldn't help but wonder. He grabs Syria's hand. "Come on, let's go to your brother."
Once the made it beach they each see the older man.
"Now that that's done we can go back to your land right?" Sinbad asks.
"Uh, Y-yeah.."
Syria takes note of the other's behavior, completely ignoring the butterfly trying to get her attention again. She looks at him, then at Sinbad. Then again... and ...again...
Then it clicked.
She punched Sinbad on the back of the head.
"OW! THAT HURT SYRIA!!! What was that for?" Syria points at the older Imuchakk gaining his attention. "W-What is it?"
She continues to make hand gestures between the two. Sinbad doesn't get it one bit, but the other does.
"Haha.. it's fine." He tries to play it off, Syria could see past that fake smile.
She hits her brother again.
"OW ITAI!!" Sinbad yells, seriously his sister had one hell of a right hook!
Pipirika stares at the three.
The next day they all made boats out of the bones of the Rampaging Unicorn. They skinned it and sliced the meat into equal portions. The meat was said to be high in protein and the fat was made for oil. After loading everything up and tying the boats together they set sail for Imuchakk.
"Wooow~ It's so white and pretty here!" Sinbad says in awe. Pipirika laughs. "This is the far north, it snows all the time here." Sinbad begins to look around and play with the snow.
"That's c- Achoo!" He wraps his arms around himself and starts shaking. "It's cold.."
"Haha, you'll need this then." A woman says giving him a blanket. "Ya, put this on your head." Another says. He thanks them and wraps the blanket around himself.
That when he noticed.
"Syria?!" He calls out. The others notice as well and begin to look around.He feels the blanket being pulled off him then back around him again. Syria had wrapped the blanket around the both of them and snuggled closer to her brother. He sighs in relief.
"Well, it seems you are back son." A huge man, bigger than most of them, came forward to the group.
"Yes, father."
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