Chapter 9
---Paige's POV---
Their chuckles filled the room while Katherine let out a shivering sigh. I smiled and closed my eyes for a moment. Nick spoke up after a second or two.
"Hey Paige?" he asked me and I kept my eyes closed while I smirked. It was good to know that he was awake and that we both were save. So I decided to tease him a little, just to cut the tension in the room for a while.
"Yes, baby bro'?" I asked and I heard him scoff before I opened my eyes. He was playfully glaring at me while he asked, "Whom are you calling a baby?" John and Luke were smiling at our playful bickering.
"Did the hunters shot at your ears too? I called you my little baby brother." I cooed at the words, little baby brother, with a sweet voice. He growled slightly, scrunching his nose up in disgust.
"Don't make me come out of this bed, Paige. Wounded or not, I'll kick your butt." He said, smirking in the end. Even Kath was laughing when I replied "I don't think you'll make it out of your bed, one-armed bandit."
He growled slightly but he couldn't keep the smile from his face. He suddenly sat up and started to pull the bandages off his arm, revealing a faded pink scar in the distinctive shape of a bullet-hole.
Nick looked up and stared at me with a smug look on his face before I realized that my mouth was hanging open. "You got to love wolf-regeneration huh." He said with a wink while he pointed at his arm.
I huffed before slouching back in the bed, slightly tracing my ribs to feel at the wound. My regeneration should have started about now. I was surprised when I felt a small ridge about halfway my ribs.
"What the-" I snapped before I yanked the blankets back and tried to pull my shirt up. Several hands stopped me and pushed me back on my bed but that wasn't why I gave up trying to look at my ribs.
A low growl had filled the room when I had slightly lifted my shirt, revealing a small part of my stomach. I looked up to find the source of the growl and was shocked that Jacob was in the room. His eyes were slightly darker and his eyes were constantly looking back and forth between John, Luke and Nick.
My mouth was instantly dry while I tried to figure out why, of all the people I knew, Jacob decided to come here. Maybe he wanted to make sure that his command was followed, I didn't know what his intentions were.
Jacob stared at me and I saw his expression change in reaction to my inner turmoil. He looked down with a saddened and embarrassed look in his eyes, slightly shifting his feet. I glanced around the room to see if anyone else was there. But it was just my family, Luke and Jacob.
I swallowed before I asked, "You didn't bring your girlfriend?" with a surprised tone. Every time I came across Jacob in the hallway or when I saw him in the distance, he was literally glued to one or more girls. I figured that he was having a bachelor-party, since the amount changed from day to day. He must have been happy to ditch his mate.
He looked up with a confused look in his eyes while he stuttered "G-girlfriend?". I just shrugged and said; "I thought that maybe that brunette was your girlfriend, seeing that you don't hang out with the two blonds anymore. Although the redhead seems to get your attention as well."
I snapped my fingers, pretending that I was trying to remember something while I mumbled, "What was the name again? God, it's on the tip of my... OH! Adrianna, right?" Looking at him to see his reaction, I couldn't help but feel slightly better for confronting him. I knew that he didn't have a girlfriend because I am, or was, his mate.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about. Why would you think that she's my girlfriend?" Jacob asked with a slightly shocked expression. I smirked internally while thinking 'You didn't think I knew that huh?'
I rolled my eyes at him while I started to get ticked off with Jacob. I took a deep breath through my nose before I exclaimed in a harsh tone "Yes Jacob, I'm really that stupid that I wouldn't notice that my friends all suddenly stopped talking to me before and after you threatened me away from the table," I said, causing Jacob to gulp loudly while he looked at me and then at someone next to me.
Ignoring him, I continued," And I'm really that oblivious that I can't notice the fact that everyone except you was feeling like crap and wanted to look out for me. But of course, you had your hands full by chasing everything with a skirt around you."
Jacob's face turned a satisfying deep red, mumbling something under his breath while I heard multiple growls coming from my sides. I glanced at Nick and Luke, finding them both staring at Jacob with the same expression glued on their faces; disgust and anger.
Luke noticed that I looked at him and he backed down slightly. I was pleasantly surprised with his protective stance around me. I had assumed that he was on Jacob's side. One of the nurses came in and asked everyone if they needed a drink. Both Nick and me immediately called out, making everyone laugh.
Luke passed the offer, saying that he was leaving for dinner in a few minutes while he continued to glare at his son. Dinner? It was already past dinner when I came home with Nick. Suddenly I bolted upright, causing everyone to look at me with a panicked look on their faces while they came towards me.
"What time is it? Skip that, what day is it?" I asked quickly, a slightly panicked tone in my voice. Kath and John looked at each other while Luke replied, "It's Friday and it's about," he glanced at his watch, " seven thirty in the evening."
I groaned while I flopped back on my bed, mumbling loudly, "Mister Kristofferson is going to kill me." I glanced at Kath when she giggled and she replied with a reassuring smile, "I called him yesterday Paige. I explained part of the situation and he wishes you well."
Sighing in relief, I smiled at her while saying "Thanks mom. But I thought that Dad," I said while I rolled my head to look at him, "promised to keep my work a secret." Both of them looked slightly dumbfounded before John shrugged and joked, "Sorry Paige, but she sort of squeezed it out of me."
I rolled my eyes, not at all angry with him. John had suggested asking Kristofferson for work because I liked animals that much. Mister Kristofferson was a human who owned a ranch not too far away from us, who gave me, beside a job, a new way to work with and learn about animals.
Kath smiled amused while she said, "Please tell him that I've told you that his stallion Soldier Boy is coming in this weekend and that he needs you to train it." Her eyes gained a pleading look and I laughed loudly while Nick, Luke and Jacob had a confused look on their faces.
"Yeah, will do." I nodded before I lay down and closed my eyes again. I heard Luke discuss something with Jacob and Jacob left the room before footsteps approached and a hand gently grazed my hair. I opened my eyes reluctantly.
"I had contacted the Alpha that is in control over the territory which your family and orphanage was located in and he confirmed what you are. I'm guessing that you are tired now, but I need to know more of your abilities." Luke said with a pleading voice. He reminded me of my real dad in some ways.
I sighed lightly before I spoke up. "Just let someone get you my book. I've written everything in it." I mumbled and Nick snorted. "No, you didn't, it just has your animal drawings in it."
Anger and irritation were building up and I let out a feline hiss, what made Nick cringe slightly. "That's because I wanted you to see only that." I looked back up at Luke's face and said "There's no use in explaining it without my book."
Luke nodded and called Jacob back in while he glanced at me. I just shrugged my shoulders, knowing that he was wondering if it would bother me to have Jacob in my bedroom.
"I need you to get Paige's book from the Walker's house." Luke started to say and I finished of his sentence in a tired, strained voice. "It has a hard cover, displaying several animals and plants. I last left it on my desk in my bedroom."
I closed my eyes again while Jacob had a funny look in his eyes; shock, hope, curiosity and frustration were all combined into one amusing look. Right now, I couldn't be bothered with him.
---Jacob's POV---
I was still thinking of the look on Paige's face when she mentioned my 'girlfriends' and I couldn't help but blush and feel miserable while I walked towards Nick's house. Of course she would notice Adrianna and the others. It wasn't like I kept it a secret, dating several girls and coming to school with them. I was strangely excited to get her book while a part of me felt horribly depressed.
What was the point in hoping? She already knew about Adrianna and the other girls, it wouldn't be long before father told her what I was to her. Her mate, who should have loved her but instead dated several other females while he left her all alone, with no friends to back her up. She would hear what I was supposed to be for her.
But, what changed? Paige is still Paige but now all of a sudden I feel fine with her being my mate? Have I ever stopped and thought about it, to pinpoint what exactly I didn't like in the first place about a human mate?
Nothing came to mind, so I sighed when I arrived at the house and followed the scent of Paige upstairs, where I stopped, hesitating on the doorstep with my hand on the doorknob.
These were her private quarters, the one room where she had some semblance of privacy... And I was going to barge into it, even if I had her permission. Taking a deep breath, my curiosity got the better of me and I pushed the door open.
Paige's room surprised me. It was so...casual. When I was invited into one of the wolf girls' rooms, they would always scream posh, glitter and glamour. Paige's room on the other hand, made me feel ... calm.
The walls of her room where painted in soft, earthy colors and a normal queen-sized bed stood close to the window, allowing her a glance at the stars if she'd leave the curtains open.
There were papers with drawings on her desk, some were rough sketches and mainly ideas while others were detailed works for a painting on the wall. It seemed like she wanted to make an optical illusion on the wall; a painted window that showed a view of the outside world.
Obviously she hasn't decided yet which background she would choose, because there were several sketches worked out for that concept, with a forest, a meadow, mountain ranges and several others.
I glanced around again and found her book under some of the sketches. Curiosity killed the cat they say, but then again, I was a werewolf, so I didn't hesitate and opened the book. Some of the pages were blank while others contained very lifelike animal drawings.
After a while I noticed that I sat down on her bed, slowly flipping the pages in the book while every drawing mesmerized me, especially the wolf sketches. I remembered that there was a wolf-pack sketch in the art room during the first days of school and I wondered if Paige had made that one.
I jumped up at father's mental voice, "Are you going to investigate her room inch by inch or are you going to bring that book before the week has ended?" he commented in a sarcastic tone. Looking out of the window I saw that the sky was pitch-black – I had sat down for almost an hour and half.
Taking a shortcut, I ran through Paige's room and jumped out of the open window, changing my shape before I landed, and then took off to the hospital, where I dropped off Paige's book at the backdoor.
It was already clear to me that Paige couldn't quickly forget what had happened, nor was it my intention for her to ignore what happened and accept me instantly. So I ran towards a clearing in the forest where I paced around, wondering what I should do.
She was my mate but I had treated her like garbage, waste. The hunters have made it clear that they weren't afraid to go after her; I was only hoping that they didn't know that Paige was my mate. If so... this wouldn't be the last attack.
Of course they knew. Why else would they attack a human? They never targeted the innocent, unless they had any relation with one of the pack. Obviously they found out that Paige is my Fated and they took the steps to erase her from existence.
But what did I want? I had always pushed the possibility of us aside; I even dated several available female wolves just to avoid the topic Paige presented. My bond with her had grown stronger and thinking back of the three weeks without her, I noticed that I had missed something and tried to fill it up.
I shook my head, angry with myself while I turned around and ran home. Why was I so stupid? Why did it matter to me that Paige wasn't a wolf? There have been countless werewolves who found human mates, and they were happy.
"She is your other half Jacob. We can't be truly happy without her." My wolf whined softly while I stopped and shifted behind the trees of our yard. I knew he was right, but how would I get us out of this mess? How could I win her back?
"Take it slow. Rebuild her faith and trust in us and get to know more about her." My wolf suggested. He was right. Maybe I could ask mother and father about it. But first things first.
I closed my eyes and focused on the mind-link, searching for the minds I wanted to contact. "Guys? The command is void. You can talk to Paige again." Silence filled my mind when every single one of them heard my silent command.
Then the mind link was filled with cheers, laughter and several of the guys were already planning a 'welcome back' for Paige. I smiled lightly at their reaction because I knew that Paige would get a warm welcome the next Monday morning. My wolf was glad as well because the pack had unconsciously accepted their new Luna as one of their own.
"It only took a while for a certain stubborn child to see the truth. But I'm glad you did." My mom's gentle and calm voice waved through my mind, soothing the turmoil inside. She showed me an image of the cliffs, where she was waiting in wolf-form. "We need to talk about some things Jacob."
---Paige's POV---
I woke up when a hand gently grabbed hold of my arm while my name was being called out. Reluctantly opening one eye, I caught a glimpse of Jacob's father and Nick standing next to my bed before my eyelids became too heavy and they drooped down again. I rolled on my side and yawned.
Nick poked me in the back and I let out a low warning grow, letting it rumble through my throat. Nick chuckled before he teasingly said "Who's the baby now? Can't wake up? Awe, poor little Paige is-" his teasing and sweet, cooing voice was muffled when my pillow hit him square in the face.
"Score!" I laughed while I punched my hands in the air, grinning at Nick's shocked expression while Luke was glancing between the two of us. Nick quickly grabbed the pillow and came charging towards me but I cowered in my bed, arguing, "You wouldn't hit a wounded girl? I'm your little sister!"
Nick hesitated for a few seconds but it was all I needed. I quickly yanked the pillow out of his hands and smacked him on top of his head causing feathers to flow out of the pillow. Just at that moment, John and Kath walked back in.
"What the..." John said while he looked around and I followed his lead and noticed that feathers were twirling around in the air, and Nick's hair looked more like a bird's nest, feather's sticking out everywhere. He noticed my look and raised his eyebrow, challenging me to laugh while I started to shake a little.
It wasn't out of fear for him exactly; I was trying to contain my laugh so hard that it could be possible that I've broken several ribs. Eventually I couldn't contain it anymore and just busted out into a hysteric fit of laughter. John and Kath joined me while I could hear Nick's disapproving growls fill the room before Luke finally caught our attention by dryly clearing his throat.
He waved my book around while he looked at me. "Now that I have your attention," he said while I glanced back at Nick and bit on my lip with a snort. He really did look ridiculous. "Care to explain why this book only has drawings in them?"
My mouth dropped open in shock before I stuttered, "Y-you could see the drawings?". Luke nodded his head and I frowned before I mumbled "But I only gave my new family permission to see the drawings. So how could..." I trailed off as I searched for a logical explanation.
"I think I can explain part of it." Luke said while he stepped forward, placing the book on the edge of my bed. "You allowed your 'family' but since we are a werewolf-pack, your family counts as-"
I interrupted him without thinking, "You mean to say that I gave the whole pack permission to see my drawings?" I half yelled before I slapped my hand for my mouth and mumbled a quick sorry. Luke was looking at me with an amused smile on his face while he crossed his arms over his chest.
"You did." He said with a calm voice before he glanced around at everyone in the room. "Now I would like an explanation about that book, what your powers are and how many forms you currently have." Luke said with a steady yet demanding voice. His authority clearly flowed through his voice.
Nodding while I grasped my book, I hesitated slightly before I looked at Nick and my parents before I glanced back at Luke. "Still the same conditions as before?" I clarified, referring to my plead to keep my nature a secret. He nodded while Nick moved his weight between his feet uncomfortably before he blurted out "Why does it need to be a secret?"
I looked at him while I sighed before I explained, "Because I am the last one of my kind. Hunters have wiped out our entire species, leaving only myself behind as a reminder of my people." Kath gasped for breath while she raised her hand to her mouth, a saddened expression in her eyes.
"My parents left me so they could distract the hunters. They would make a false trail away from me while I would learn several forms until I was strong enough to fight for my life." I said before I swallowed slightly, "but it seems that the hunters caught up with them because they never came back."
I felt Kath's hand on my hair before she hugged me and I hugged her back before I reluctantly pulled away out of her grasp. Opening the book on the first page, I placed it on the bed and pointed at it.
"What do you see?" I calmly asked.
Everyone came closer, standing around the bed to look at the, in their eyes blank, page. John was the first to reply, "Nothing, it's empty."
A smirk formed on my face while I looked up at them and said, "No, it's not." I looked back at the book and spoke out loud, "I give John, Nick, Katherine and Luke permission to fully read this book."
I lay back down and was greeted with a series of gasps and barely contained cries of shock because the page was slowly filled with the message of my parents. Somebody took the book of the bed before its weight was replaced with somebody sitting on the edge of my bed.
"Go ahead," I mumbled with a slightly strained voice," read it. All of my forms are written down in that book, along with their abilities, differences from normal animals and such." It stayed quiet for a while before I curiously opened an eye.
"When can I go home?" I asked, ready to leave this place. Nick and my parent probably felt the same, because they looked up from the book and stared at Luke, waiting for his answer. It took a while before he looked up at us, his eyes drawn back to the book in an instant.
"You can leave now; the wound has fully healed and you would rest better in your home." He said, his eyes glued to the page he was reading. Luke motioned towards the book while stating, "I'm taking this home to read it and I'll come back tomorrow morning to accompany you to Kristofferson's ranch."
I nodded while my family gave me a happy smile before they gave me some clothes and left the room. Quickly dressing myself, I was wondering why Luke wanted to accompany me to the ranch but then I realized why exactly.
With the new horse around, it was more than likely that I would learn its new form by training it, and Luke wanted to see it with his own eyes.
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