19. No Regrets
When their kiss broke, Chanyeol leaned his forehead on Baekhyun's and whispered, "Don't ask me to hide, I can't do it . . ."
"Then I hope you enjoy the freedom," Baekhyun replied before he stepped away from Chanyeol and turned to his brother. His face was expressionless as he said, "Baekbeom, I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Park Chanyeol."
The room was silent as Baekbeom carefully digested the information he just learned, and then he glanced at Baekhyun as he said, "Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?"
Baekhyun pursed his lips, and he saw red as he suddenly exploded, "Because if I told you and Dad, I know you'd try to take my company and claim I wouldn't be able to handle it due to incompetence! Ever since I lost Heechul, you both keep claiming I can't do anything right without ruining it or having it die on me! I'm not God! I can't control fate, so stop acting like everything wrong is because of me! I never did anything wrong!" Baekhyun cried.
"We're not trying to hurt you, Baekhyun, we just don't want to see you get hurt," Baekbeom softly replied.
"I don't believe you," Baekhyun whispered.
"That's because you see the world the way you want to see it," Baekbeom said.
"Fuck you!" Baekhyun said before grabbing Chanyeol's hand and his coat before he was hurredily leaving the room. As he quickly left his office, he told his receptionist to cancel all his meetings before he got onto the elevator, ignoring as his brother and receptionist called after him.
He needed a moment to escape his world, and he desperately prayed Chanyeol would be able to help him.
When they stepped onto the elevator, Baekhyun clasped against the back wall with a heavy sigh. He pushed his hand through his hair with frustration before he quietly muttered, "So you met my brother, nice guy don't you think?" Baekhyun joked humorlessly.
Chanyeol didn't say anything, especially since he didn't feel it was his place to have an opinion because from what he saw, his brother was only worried about Baekhyun. Chanyeol was too, and he kept wondering why he seemed to refuse to see that his brother only wanted to help. But then again, maybe Chanyeol was the one being fooled?
When they reached the lobby, Baekhyun didn't waste his time to leave and get into his car, and the moment Chanyeol had safely buckled his seatbelt Baekhyun was tearing his way from the underground parking garage and speeding his way home. He didn't want to have to think or worry about anything, and he wouldn't allow for anything or anyone to keep him from doing exactly that.
When they got to Baekhyun's house, he unlocked the door before walking to the kitchen to pour himself a drink. He had already downed two glasses of tequila when Chanyeol walked into the room, and he glanced at the bottle and the glass in Baekhyun's hand before sighing, he slowly walked towards him and took the glass from Baekhyun's hand.
The instant he did, silent tears began to fall down Baekhyun's cheeks and he whispered, "Chanyeol please, help me forget today? I–I—-"
Chanyeol pressed two fingers over Baekhyun's lips, before his hand slowly slid away to rest on his neck as he leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth. "I'll help you, but I need to hear you say something first," Chanyeol replied.
Baekhyun wound his arms around Chanyeol's waist as his hands dipped pass his belt. Baekhyun softly pecked Chanyeol mouth before whispering, "Anything."
"Then tell me what I want to hear."
Baekhyun's gaze flickered up to Chanyeol's, and his desires melted away as he tenderly lifted his hand to caress Chanyeol's cheek. Baekhyun smiled softly and delicately kissed him before he quietly whispered, "I love you."
Chanyeol smiled beneath Baekhyun's lips and his hands wound around his waist as he whispered back, "Thank you." And then he lifted him up and took the stairs up to his bedroom.
Their love was untamable; their passion was an ember that never burned out. They loved each other, and after so long of going back and worth, they finally said it. It was freeing; like a weight had been lifted off their chests and they were finally able to breathe. They were happy.
• • •
The next morning when Baekhyun woke up to sunlight pouring in through his curtains, he smiled at the beauty and warmth. His world was changing, and he would be better. He glanced over at Chanyeol, who was sound asleep beside him with his bare back exposed and his face one of peace and youth. Baekhyun smiled as he leaned down to kiss his cheek, his smile unwavering as he carefully scooted out of bed and wrapped a robe around his naked body.
He showered quickly before going downstairs to make Chanyeol breakfast in bed, and as he was preparing to start his phone suddenly rang. He paused what he was doing before answering it.
"Hello?" he asked.
"Hello, Mr. Byun, you have a client here waiting to see you for a business meeting. He's from our top trading company," they informed.
Baekhyun mentally face palmed and said, "Damn it, okay, I'll be there as soon as I can. Just keep him happy and hyderated until I get there, I should only be twenty or thirty minutes depending on the traffic."
"Yes, Mr. Byun, I'll inform our client. See you then," they said before hanging up.
Baekhyun hung up too and silently cursed himself for forgetting such an important meeting. He quickly looked around for a pad of paper and a pen, leaving a note for Chanyeol about his whereabouts for when he woke, and then he was grabbing his coat and keys before driving to his company.
He parked in a hurry and dashed across the street after looking once, and then everything was suddenly swirling around him when from the corner of his eye he noticed a black SUV suddenly turn a sharp corner without any foreseeable intentions of slowing down. Baekhyun gasped, and in that split second everything flashed white, and he could see every mistake he ever made laid out before him.
He would die minutes after the car hit him, and his body would be thrown into the windshield and the momentum of the collision would send his body tumbling along the back of the car before he'd land broken and bloody against the pavement. His pain would be unimaginable, but then he would retreat into his thoughts and picture Chanyeol.
He would have made him breakfast in bed, and he would have woken him with a kiss on the cheek. Chanyeol would wake up with his eyebrows pinched together, that always made Baekhyun smile, and then he would meet Baekhyun's gaze and it would take him a moment to orient himself but once he did, he would smile too. Chanyeol would insist that Baekhyun eat too, and when Baekhyun would refuse him, Chanyeol would refuse as well; and wanting Chanyeol to always be happy and healthy, Baekhyun would submit to him despite how much he didn't want too.
And then their day would continue, filled with cuddling on the couch because Chanyeol loved to cuddle, and when night fell they would end the perfect day with blissful love.
Baekhyun wanted that future, he didn't want the premonition of his death.
Baekhyun jerked out his subconsciousness just in time to quickly dive out of the way of the car, that as it passed didn't even slow down to see if they had hit him. Baekhyun laid on the side of the road, his heart rate elevated and his breathing erratic. It took him another moment before he could stand, when he could, he glanced up his company and knew he had to make a decision. He could either go inside and spend his precious minutes with a man who was only looking to gain more control and money, or he could go home to his sweet and selfless boyfriend who was laying so temptingly naked in his bed.
There was no contest, Baekhyun didn't want to waste another moment of his life. So finally knowing what to do for the first time in years, he ran back to his car and jumped inside before racing back to his house; before racing back to the one person he'd chosen as his new forever.
Word count: 1,413
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