15. "Stay With Me?"
The roads weren't so busy as Baekhyun aimlessly took to the street, and found himself driving into the heart of the city where street after street was lined with businesses and little shops. Baekhyun glanced at the shops as he passed, and smiled to himself when he saw one with a window display of things he knew Chanyeol would like. He pulled into a parking space and went inside, buying what he wanted before leaving once again.
He needed to keep himself busy, so he got into his car and drove. He turned his radio on to block his thoughts, and he melted into the peace it created. When he reached a red stop light, he sighed to himself and glanced out his window, and he felt his heart drop.
Through the bay window of a quaint and cozy coffee shop Baekhyun could see Chanyeol sitting with Do Kyungsoo, and he kept blushing and shyly smiling as he looked at him. Kyungsoo looked smugly happy with a smile of his own, and then he was getting to his feet and kissing Chanyeol's cheek before going to the counter, leaving Chanyeol looking like a fool at the table as he stared after him.
Baekhyun felt his blood immediately start to boil, and in the moment he completely forgot where he was as the white-hot liquid of jealousy surged through his veins.
He unbuckled his seatbelt with the intentions to march straight into the coffee shop, to show Do Kyungsoo that Chanyeol was so completely off the market and in a new committed relationship. He wanted to rub Kyungsoo's nose into their love. He wanted to—-
Just then there was a earsplitting screeching from behind him, and curiously Baekhyun glanced up into his rearview mirror to see a car bearing down on him. His eyes widened and he gasped as he frantically struggled to lock his seatbelt back into place. He heard it click into place with relief just before he felt the body jarring impact of the vehicle behind him smash into his back bumper, that ultimately sent him skidding into the middle of the four-way intersection through his red light and into the oncoming traffic.
He inhaled a sharp breath and tightly closed his eyes as he saw a car struggling to slam on their brakes in time to avoid hitting him. His car was hit again on his passenger side as another car slammed into him, sending his car screeching once again as his body was throw into the driver's side door, his head colliding with the window hard enough to draw blood and impair his vision. The last thing he remembered before unconsciousness claimed him saw the sound of distant sirens and someone screaming his name, before everything went black.
The room was silent with baited breaths, and as Chamyeol's breath came back to him little pieces and familiarities began to click together inside his head. He gasped as he stared at the sleek black car, beaten and broken as it too stilly sat in the middle of the intersection, wisps of smoke coming out of the engine and around the tires.
As Chanyeol sat there, putting the pieces together, a quiet voice whispered a single word in the back of his mind, and that sole name jerked him back to life.
Baekhyun . . . it whispered.
Chanyeol felt every part of his being twist with unimaginable pain as he drew in a ragged breath before springing to his feet. He knocked his chair over in his haste, and spilled his coffee cup when he accidentally knocked into the table in his desperate desire to reach Baekhyun. He quickly weaved his way through the shocked bodies of people before push his way out the door, his feet immediately taking off at a dead sprint as he yelled Baekhyun's name.
He heard Kyungsoo confusedly yelling behind him, but he didn't have the enough of a coherent brain to answer him, all he could think about was pulling Baekhyun from his car and holding him in his arms.
When Chanyeol reached Baekhyun's car, the police had already arrived and EMT's were working to carefully pull him out, encase he had some kind of spinal injury. Chanyeol was too distraught to comprehend the police when they insisted he stay back, and saying the only thing he could think of, he gasped, "Please, he's my fiancé! Please!"
One of the police officer's gave him a sympathetic look before telling the others to let him through, and exhaling in relief he raced forward to the ambulance and jumped inside. He was too distracted by the bloody and unconscious man laying on the gurney to notice the broken-hearted look of his soon-to-be ex-boyfriend; Chanyeol's eyes and heart only had enough room for the one.
The ominous beeping of machines filled the silence of Baekhyun's room, while Chanyeol waited exhaustedly by his side for him to wake up. The doctor and nurses had rushed him for scans, and the only thing the doctor could confirm with absolute certainty was that Baekhyun had a concussion. He wouldn't know anything further until Baekhyun opened his eyes.
The time seemed to stretch and felt endless in Chanyeol's wait, and the sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, and the last wisps of pinks, oranges, and yellows were fading from the darkening sky. Time had lost it's meaning.
• • •
Everything hurts, like the aftereffects of amazing sex, except this pain feels horrible, Baekhyun thoughts as he scrunched his nose before blinking his eyes open. He grimaced against the bright florescent lights above him, and tried turning his head to the side only to moan at the sharp pain that it caused to spike down his back. He quietly whimpered and began to get anxious.
He couldn't turn his head to see where he was, all he knew for sure was that he felt like he'd been hit by a bus and there was an annoying beeping in his ears and the gentle sound of snoring.
Baekhyun glanced down and to his left, straining to see. He gasped when he recognized a familiar head full of curly brown locks, and immediately became overwhelmed with the urge to touch his hair and to feel his skin against his own.
Baekhyun whimpered again when he couldn't reach to touch him, and opened his mouth to quietly call his name, only for that to fail as well. He exhaled in frustration and began to get frustrated, so huffing he decided to just loudly whine and wiggle around as much as he could without further hurting himself.
Chanyeol woke up to an increasingly louder whine, and blinked his open against a heavy yawn, he glanced up at Baekhyun to see that his eyes were open and begging for attention. Chanyeol gasped and clumsily grabbed his hand as he hurredily said, "Baekhyun, you're awake! How do you feel? Do you hurt a lot, I can get a nurse if you do? Just tell me, whatever you need I'll get it." Chanyeol said in a rush.
Baekhyun smiled around the pain in his cheeks and managed to hoarsely reply, "St–stay....with m–me?"
Chanyeol felt tears gather into his eyes and he vigorously nodded as he chokedly replied, "Don't worry, I won't leave your side for a second, I promise."
Baekhyun was able to relax a little bit hearing that, and he sighed as he closed his eyes again. "So t–tired," he murmured.
Chanyeol wiped his eyes and reached out to gently brush away the hair from Baekhyun's forehead as he softly muttered, "You can sleep after the doctor checks you over, stay awake for me until then, Baekhyun. Got it?"
"Hmm," Baekhyun hummed in response. "G–got it."
Chanyeol bit his bottom lip before roughly kissing Baekhyun's forehead, and then he was pressing the call button for a nurse and informing them that the patient Byun Baekhyun was awake.
Word count: 1,332
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Hello, lovelies! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you have an amazing first day/night to this new year. 😊
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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