10: Business and Pleasure
It was a Saturday evening and Chanyeol was dressed in his nicest suit, but it wasn't for some elaborate dinner date with Kyungsoo, instead he had agreed go as Mr. Byun's companion to a business meeting. Mr. Byun had asked him a week ago if he would be willing to come, and after a lot of deliberation, Chanyeol decided it would be the perfect way to show Baekhyun how much he didn't miss him.
Sure it was petty, but all Chanyeol cared about was rubbing Baekhyun's nose in his mistake.
• • •
When it was finally time for Chanyeol to leave for the meeting, he put his coat on and grabbed his keys before heading out to his car. As he was about to unlock his car, a sleek black car that was all too familiar pulled up beside him. Chanyeol glanced up involuntarily when he heard the automatic window roll down, and then the seductive lure of Baekhyun's voice as he called, "Mr. Park would you like a ride?"
Chanyeol was momentarily struck mute, as he stood there gaping at his boss. Baekhyun's grin widened, knowing he had him, and he leaned over to push the passenger door open as he purred, "Come on, Chanyeol, I promise not to bite."
Chanyeol finally managed to snap out of it as he walked forward to get into the car as he asked, "Are you stalking me? I never told you were I lived."
Baekhyun pursed his lips and quietly murmured, "I may have snuck a peek at your file . . ."
Chanyeol's jaw dropped and he cried, "Isn't that illegal!"
"Why? Are you going to tell on me, Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asked with an arched eyebrow.
Chanyeol scoffed. "Why would I waste my time? You'd probably just seduce whoever I tell then toss them aside, and use it as blackmail," Chanyeol muttered bitterly.
Baekhyun pursed his lips, and his voice was emotionless as he asked, "Is that what you think I'm doing to you?"
Chanyeol shrugged. "How would I even know, you're so manipulative."
"I'm not using that night against you, Chanyeol. You didn't have to agree to come with me tonight, although I'm glad you did."
"Why are you trying to get on my good side, and why are you being so nice to me?" Chanyeol asked.
"Would you rather I'm mean to you?" Baekhyun asked quietly.
"It would be a hell of a lot less confusing if you were . . ." Chanyeol muttered.
Baekhyun sighed. "I'm sorry, Chanyeol. I never meant to hurt you, I just want to put that behind us and be friends."
"No you don't," Chanyeol muttered. "You're just jealous because I'm with Kyungsoo, and that I'm no longer pine after you at the office. You're selfish, Mr. Byun, why can't you just accept that I'm happy."
"Because I saw you first," Baekhyun muttered.
Chanyeol rolled his eyes with an exasperated huff, and snapped, "Just start the damn car already, it's getting cold in here."
When they arrived at the business meeting, Chanyeol was confused to see people in tuxedos and dresses walking into the building, that had a red carpet and white lights decorating the exterior; and two valets greeting people at the door and parking cars.
Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun incredulously as he demanded, "What the hell is this? I thought you said this was a business meeting!"
Baekhyun bit his lip and ignored Chamyeol's gaze as he replied, "It is . . . in a way, but really, a business party."
Chamyeol's jaw dropped. "And what am I supposed to be then? You're dotting idiot of a date who was too naive to recognize this as a trick!"
"You're not an idiot, Chanyeol! You're the only one I wanted with me tonight, and if it meant lying to your face, then so be it because your here and for the first in a long while I'm happy! Even now as I'm arguing with you, I'm happy."
"I–-I . . ." Chanyeol shook his head as he trailed off, and then he jaw set into place as he pushed his door open before curtly saying, "Come on, I want to get this night over with."
Baekhyun softly sighed, and after a short moment he climb out of his car and slowly trailed after Chanyeol to the entrance. Chanyeol didn't speak to anyone unless he had too, and he listened statically as Baekhyun introduced him to the other party guests, and claimed they were only friends. But anyone could tell by the possessive tone of Baekhyun's voice that Chanyeol was off limits, and that if anyone dared to touch him or even look at him, things would quickly escalate into something ugly.
Chanyeol ignored it all, and had become a sorta puppet by the way he allowed Baekhyun to tow him in all different directions. He just didn't have the energy to fight him anymore; his been fighting for too long and some times he felt like he was losing. And even the conjured images of Kyungsoo's smiling face weren't enough to shake away his thoughts and his doubts.
He was going to have to do something.
As the night wore down and Baekhyun began to say his goodbyes, Chanyeol finally took initiative and lead Baekhyun to a place he wanted to go. He kept a firm hold of Baekhyun's hand as he lead him away from the party into a dim lit hallway, and walking further until he found an unoccupied room. He pulled Baekhyun inside before closing the door behind them, and as he turned around to meet Baekhyun's gaze, his eyes were dark with barely contained lust.
Chanyeol sealed away his own lustful thoughts before squarely meeting Baekhyun's gaze when he said, "What are your intentions? Do you plan on winning me over again, only to break my heart all over just so you can get me to sleep with you? Because let's get something straight, Mr. Byun," Chanyeol said in a low tone as he stepped closer to Baekhyun, and stooped down until his lips met Baekhyun's ear as he continued to speak. "I won't fall for you again, I have Kyungsoo and unlike you —- a heartless shell —- I can see a future with him. And as you've said before, you were nothing more to me than a good fuck."
Baekhyun inhaled sharply, and he felt the sting of tears in his eyes as his fist twitched at his side —- eager to hit something tall and stupid —- he managed to fight it off. He inahled a shaky breath before quietly replying, "Park Chanyeol, I know you don't mean any of that. You're just angry with me, and you'll regret speaking to me that way tomorrow, but I'll forgive you now." Baekhyun sighed. "I know I seem heartless and a future with me may be unimaginable, but if you took a moment to walk a day in my shoes, your whole perspective would change. I'm not heartless because I want to be, I only act like it because I'm afraid of getting hurt again."
"Yes, the notorious asshole of a boss, Byun Baekhyun once had a broken heart," Baekhyun quietly muttered. "I'm being too flippant about it though, because . . ." Baekhyun trailed off. "I've never told anyone in the office this before but, I had dated someone a few years ago and—-and then one day they were just gone . . . Fate, or whatever the hell you want to call it, can be a real bitch some times."
Chanyeol didn't say anything for a moment, and then he quietly asked, "What happened?"
"They died," Baekhyun whispered. Chanyeol's mouth dropped open, but nothing came out. Baekhyun smiled thinly before muttering, "They got hit by a car crossing the street to get coffee...." Baekhyun sighed. "And I . . . I haven't been with anyone romantically since them, and when you showed up for your interview, I was instantly smitten. I didn't like it, but I also couldn't deny it, so I thought that maybe if I slept with you and got the feeling out of my system you would just become another face . . ." Baekhyun trailed off with a bitter laugh. "But Park Chanyeol, after that, there was no way you could just be another simple face to me."
Chanyeol felt conflicted, and his heart squeezed in pain for Baekhyun. It took him a moment before he was able to ask, "Why didn't you tell me any of this before? Why did you let me believe I could never be anything to you, if you . . . if you felt differently?"
"Because that would have meant opening up my heart to you, and I didn't think I was strong enough, but turns out . . . I feel weaker without you," Baekhyun whispered. "I don't know what it is about you, Chanyeol, maybe it's a combination of everything . . . But whatever it is, I like you, and I don't think I can continue to deny that."
Chanyeol didn't know what to say, but not a minute longer he softly cursed before clasping his hands to Baekhyun's cheeks and roughly kissing him. And he didn't allow himself to think about the consequences, all he could focus on was the soft pressure of Baekhyun's mouth against his own as he kissed him back, and how amazing it felt to finally give in to the desires he had buried so deeply.
Word count: 1,551
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Now we know Baekhyun's past, but what's in store for his future? Will he be able to completely win Chanyeol back, or will Chanyeol be hesitant and wary of getting hurt again? Hmm, wait and read to find out. Thank you, have a lovely day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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