Chapter 1
"Come on!" exclaimed Finn Whitman as a log nearly hit him from behind. It had missed him, but had taken down his partner, Dell Philby. Philby pushed it off and scrambled back to his feet and continued to run alongside Finn. The pair were running from one of the most famous animals of all time: Tick Tock the Crocodile, from Peter Pan. And Tick Tock was determined to catch and kill them. The boys had been searching for a voodoo witch named Tia Dalma. They were currently in Walt Disney World, Frontier Land to be exact. They were running towards the fountain in front of the castle. Joe had the fob, so they were forced to use a manual return. Willa Angelo had Philby's laptop and was using it to monitor their situation from home and manually return them when necessary. Finn pulled out his phone and called her. She didn't answer. "Shoot! She's not answering," Finn called out to Philby. "Well, try again," Philby advised angrily. Finn obliged, without getting an answer. He told the other boy. "This is bad," Philby said. Finn was worried that Philby was still freaked out from earlier. They had been snooping behind the scenes and the croc had jumped out right in front of the British boy. It scared the living daylight out of him. Then they ran away for their lives and here they were now. Philby pulled out his phone and called Willa. She answered. "OhmygoshIfellasleepIamsosorry," Willa said quickly. Finn didn't understand any of what she just said but Philby apparently did because he replied, "We are going to need a manual return. We are almost to the founta- LOG!" Finn turned just in time to be able to dodge another log Tick Tock had thrown at them. Willa didn't even ask. "I'm ready, just tell me when you get there," Willa told them. The fountain became visible. "We're almost there! We can make it!" Finn cried excitedly. He jinxed it. Just then, the giant croc caught up to them. It grabbed at Philby and caught his legs. The Brit began thrashing to no avail. He ended up dropping his phone and Willa's voice could no longer be heard. Tick Tock held the boy over its head and opened its mouth. "Help me!" Philby cried out. Finn looked around frantically. He spotted a stick. Finn picked it up and jabbed it into the croc's stomach. The croc wailed and dropped Philby onto the pavement. He shot to his feet, grabbed his phone, and joined Finn in running for their lives. "Willa, are you still there?" Philby called. "Yes," she replied. The boys arrived at the fountain. "We're at the fountain!" Finn cried out as the boy jumped into the fountain. He turned and saw the croc was still coming. Tick Tock had reached the fountain. It raised its fist and brought them down. Just before they made contact, Finn and Philby vanished from the park.
Finn awoke in his bed. He was about to call Philby or Willa when he heard a crash coming from his sister's room. He raced towards it. He entered and froze. Tia Dalma, the voodoo queen herself, was in his sister's room, holding her captive, and pressing a knife into her throat. "Hope," Finn whispered. "Yes," the witch responded. "Let her go," Finn called out shakily. "How about... NO!" Tia Dalma boomed. She and Hope then vanished. A note lied on the floor where they had been standing. Finn picked it up and read it. It said, "Say goodbye to your sister because you will never see her again." Finn ran all the way back to his room. He had no clue what to do. He had to find his sister. Finn decided to call Philby. He dialed his number and waited for the red haired boy to pick up the phone.
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