Chapter 3- We're getting there
The next morning, Merlin entered the prince's quarters with breakfast. Like usual, he was tempted to steal a sausage or something along those lines, but Arthur needed the substance to heal. He decided not to wake the royal up, instead allowing him to have the extra sleep he needed. Instead he sat in the chair beside the royal, stirring some tea that the chefs had given him seeing his tired expression that morning.
Around an hour later, Arthur woke up. He squinted his eyes in the darkness of his room. Looking over to his side, he saw Merlin sipping a tea cup beside him.
"What time is it...?" The prince muttered, Merlin looking up from his cup.
"7am. I slept in then let you sleep in," Merlin replied, looking back at his half finished cup. Arthur shifted himself in a sitting position then grabbed a sausage, taking a bite. It wasn't boiling hot like usual, but instead was pleasantly warm. Looking over at Merlin, who was still taking random sips out of his cup, he saw how tired he appeared. He knew this was how he normally appeared, but only now noticed the dark bags under his manservants eyes, having never had actually looked at him for too long.
Arthur always thought Merlin was reasonably healthy and well fed, but now realised differently. Arthur has always seen a servant and thought that they were as healthy as him, not having realised how thin they were and how baggy clothes looked on them, causing an effect that looked like they were averagely healthy. The people of Camelot were healthy, that's for sure, but that's because they live in their own houses, like Gwen, who was Morgana's servants but lived at home so had her father to take care of her.
Merlin did live with Gaius, but he was used to having one person to feed, himself. Arthur also has made Merlin work before he could eat breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner! Feeling a twang of guilt, Arthur grabbed a sausage and waved it in front of Merlin's face, as a sign it was for him. This caught Merlin off guard, but he gladly accepted the nutrition.
After eating, Merlin went to go hand the plate back to the kitchen, Arthur sitting in a comfortable silence.
After arriving back, Merlin set out some clothes for the royal, heading back out clutching some herbs that were presumably for Gaius. After getting changed Arthur say back down on his bed, then heard a crash outside his door. Picking himself up, using his good arm of course, he pushed the door open and smirked at the scene in front of him.
Gwen and Morgana were helping Merlin pick up a pile of helmets he had to clean. Arthur walked out and began to help them pick the rest up.
"Hey, you are capable of helping Merlin!" Morgana said, causing the future king to roll his eyes as he stood back up after picking up the last helmet.
Before Merlin could go on his way again, Arthur called another servant over to do Merlin's job. After they had left, Arthur interlocked their hands and took a blushing Merlin into his room, followed by a few giggles from the girls behind them.
Oof that was forward-
I think the girls ship it, don't you? Anyway I have to do school stuff (Bleh) so I'll see you later
But before that here an auto fill text message thing with a line from Merlin
Merlin, it is your way to get your hair cut.
(Merlin, it is your destiny (original))
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