Waiting as time goes by
Ten minutes. Ten long minutes of Alya waiting in the coffee shop. No sign of Nino, Marinette, or Adrien. She was alone in a busy cafe, and since she didn't want to be rude, after about five minutes, she bought a cookie from the counter. She long had since finished the cookie, feeling a bit awkward being alone around so many strangers.
She took out her phone, looking at all the new comments on the Ladyblog. Since she checked it once she had woken up, there wasn't a lot of them. It was the same thing over and over again. I wonder if Ladybug and Chat Noir will come back, the comments all say.
Though she doubted it, since Hawkmoth was defeated, there were barely any signs of the supersheroins. After a few weeks they were suddenly gone, never seen again. She knew that someday Paris will have to say goodbye to them eventually, but their run only lasted about 5 years. Time really went by fast for the two superheroes.
There were many nights when she wondered how they are coping now. Do they know each others identities? Do they miss each other? What were their jobs now?
Alya's thoughts became interrupted when she heard someone call her name. She looked up to see Nino walking her way. For once he actually looked somewhat fancy in a blue dress-shirt buttoned all the way, underneath a fancy grey sweatshirt. She was surprised to see him wearing khakis, along with dark blue shoes she got him for Christmas.
He bent down to kiss her, and sat on the opposite side of the table.
"So what got you all dolled up?" Alya said slyly.
"Well, I figured since I'll be hanging out with a famous fashion designer, a former model, who happens to have a famous fashion designer father, and a journalist, I'll have to look my best."
Alya chuckled.
"I guess I'm not the only one," Nino said looking at her clothing up and down.
She wore an autumn-y orange, thick sweater/dress thing, (Marinette told her to buy it when they last went shopping) black leggings and her favorite beige combat boots. All hair tide in a ponytail.
It's true, Even she felt it was needed to look good around them, especially Mainette and Adrien. Heck, even their sweatshirts and jogging pants looked fabulous. She looked like a hobo next to them sometimes, it was crazy.
"I'm guessing that's the reason you were late?"
"You have no idea." Nino grumbled, making Alya laugh.
"So, what's your plan to get Adrien to tell you about the, greatest secret of all time?" Nino over exaggerated.
"First of all; the greatest secret of all time, is the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Secondly; you are going to keep your mouth shut about it, and do what I say, while I do most of the work."
"Works for me." Nino grinned.
It was another ten minutes of waiting before they spotted an out of breath and of course, fashionable friend.
Like usual, she was late. And like usual she was wearing a fancy, long, light pink wool sweater/dress thing. Black leggings, black flats with pink tips, and all came together with a long, black, layered neckless.
She ran her fingers through her wavy, shoulder length, raven black hair. Then, waving her face with her hand as she heavily pants. She looked around the cafe, and once she spotted Alya, who was frantically waving , she made her way to the table.
Alya rapped her best friend in a tight hug, following by a more gentle hug by Nino. He switched seats next to Alya, so Marinette was forced to sit next to Adrien once he got there. A plan Alya advised the night before with Nino over the phone.
Marinette smiled apologetically at her friends.
"Sorry I was late...again," She chuckled nervously,"I was brushing my hair, then I had an amazing idea of a hair piece, that will look perfect with my new dress that I made. Before I knew it, I was sketching away all of my ideas. And before I knew it, I was 15 minutes late. Thank goodness I don't live far from here." She sighed with relief, and still out of breath.
Her friends laughed at her. Typical, fashion designer, Marinette. It made Alya wonder if all fashion designers become late, because they suddenly had the "perfect idea" and just had to sketch it right away.
It has been 20 minutes since Marinette had arrived, yet no sign of Adrien. Marinette was surprised when Alya told her that Adrien had quit being a model. It somewhat pained her to know that her friend has been going through tough times. She always kinda figured it wasn't something he truly wanted, but she also thought he enjoyed being a model. She guessed, as years goes by with you doing something you don't love, you start to dread it.
Alya showed her the magazine, constantly glancing at the door to see if he would appear. When she saw his cocky grin on the cover, she nearly panicked. How could sweet, little Adrien look like huge ego Chat Noir. The resemblance was uncanny, it saddened her, she hadn't seen her puny partner in years.
Almost 3 long years has passed since she last saw him on the Eiffel Tower as the sun was quickly setting. She cried more then she wanted, she tried to be strong for both him and herself, but failed. At seeing his lady cry, Chat started to cry as well. A surprise that she never thought she would witness out of him. They spent probably half an hour crying in each others arms. It had to be the saddest night of her life. She would never forget the last words he said to her, You will always be in this cats heart my lady. With that, he made his last bow, his last kiss on her hand, and his last smirk. Then he was gone.
Every year since then, on the anniversary of the last time she saw him, she would go to the highest point of the tower, and sit there, staring off out onto the city. She would think back at all the memories she had with him. With all his flirting, and puns that annoyed her to pieces. She would have never admitted that she secretly started to have a liking to his puns. She even tried it out for herself as Ladybug. She couldn't lie, it was purretty fun. Oh no.
Little did she know, that a certain former cat superhero did the exact same thing, but the only difference was that he cried.
She had to shake her head to stop thinking about the past, and pay more attention to her friend. Alya told Marinette about when she asked her employee, Elise, about the interview. She had explained her plan and everything. Marinette asked if she could help, Alya said that when she needs her help she will ask, that's all.
The cafe was already less then halfway empty when finally he came through the door. Oh no. Is it possible for someone to get hotter after a month of not seeing him? Ohnoohnoohno. She promised herself that she would behave, no crushing over a guy who became a million times hotter since high school. Is that even possible?
He wore an emerald green sweater that matched his beautiful green eyes. Are those elbow pads?! Wait, wait, wait. Is that my sweater?! The one I created with my own hands?! Oh my stars!! He also wore navy-blue jeans and brown, dressy shoes, but they weren't nearly as important.
Waaaaaaaiiiiiitttt. He's wearing the scarf. My scarf. He still has it! Well of course he still has it, Marinette, he still thinks it's from his father. Normally the bright green and baby blue would clash together, but somehow he made it look good. WHY IS HE SO DANG PERFECT?!
And his hair, his almost shoulder length golden hair, that was messily pulled back it a short ponytail.
When Marinette found out that he was growing it out, she almost died of excitement. She normally didn't like men with long hair, but once she pictured Adrien's golden locks draping down his shoulders, it was a win. And boy was it a win?!
Adrien has already made his way over, hugging the three friends and made his seat next to Marinette. I'm going to die.
"I like your sweater." Marinette smirked.
It took Adrien a second before he started laughing. Someone, get me a jar, I need to steal this hottie's laugh.
"I would imagine you would, why do you think I put it on?" He smirked, making Marinette blush.
Adrien looked over at their other, now smirking, friends, "Sorry I'm late," Adrien said apologetically.
"Don't sweat it, bro, you were only late by thirty minutes!" Nino exclaimed.
"So what's your excuse?" Alya asked, still smirking. Adrien chuckled nervously, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, a habit that hasn't ended.
"Uh, well reporters were surrounding my hotel like a swarm of bees. It took me longer then expected to get out and avoid the ones on the streets. Sorry about that," Adrien said.
Marinette looked at Alya and Nino knowingly. The reporters must want more information from Adrien about the big scoop.
"Ooh, that must be tough," Marinette exclaimed,"trying to avoid reporters and cameras that were everywhere."
"Yeah, it is," Adrien said,"but enough on me, how are you all?"
"Well, I'm going to try to get a promotion before the year ends. All I need is to get into a big scoop and get everything I can out of it. It should be easy enough." Alya smirked at the uneasy look on Adrien's face.
"We don't doubt that you will get it." Marinette said.
"I know." Alya responded proudly.
"Well, I'm working on a new album for my record. Guess what it's called," Nino asked, yet didn't wait for a guess,"The bubbler."
The three friends started laughing, remembering when Nino got akumatized and turned into The Bubbler. Something that they won't forget.
"I thought you hated when you became The Bubbler," Adrien said.
"Yeah, but it's something from the past that only the people who were there knew about. It's like a secret only me and Paris had kept together. It's perfect!"
After a few more seconds of laughing, Marinette decided it was time to release some big news.
"You aren't the only ones with big news. When I was in Italy, I was sketching out some designs on a bench. And this stray black cat with green eyes came over to me, so I started petting it, the cat reminded me of Chat Noir and it gave me an idea." She waited for a dramatic pause.
"I'll be starting a Ladybug and Chat Noir fashion line!"
"Oh my goodness, Mari, that's amazing!" Alya exclaimed.
"I know. Back in high school I would be constantly sketching out Ladybug and Chat Noir designs. I only actually made a few of them though. So I'm going to look through my old sketch books and pick out the ones I like the most. Ooh, it's going to be so much fun." Marinette had a full out smile, squealing in delight.
"And I thought black cats were a sign of bad luck." Adrien said quietly.
Marinette frowned at this, "Oh no, I believe black cats are especially lucky, Ladybug would have been no where without Chat Noir beside her."
Adrien seemed to be surprised by Marinette disagreeing with him, but he ending up giving her a small smile.
"I guess you're right." Which made Marinette smile again.
"So, Adrien, what's new with you?" Alya leaned forward, wagging her eyebrows. "There must be a reason reporters were surrounding your hotel."
Adrien's smile quickly disappeared. "Well, I'm sure you three already know the answer to this judging by Alya."
"Crap, was I that obvious?" Adrien nodded.
"I quit being a model." No one even tried to act surprised.
"Then what are you going to do next?" Marinette asked, ignoring Alya's disapproving glare.
They were all surprised that he actually answered with only a moments hesitation. Guess Alya's plan isn't needed.
Cliff hanger!!! Guess what his next job will be in the comments.
I have some ideas of what, but I want to make sure it's purrfect just like Adrien.
I'm on a writing spree and I have a million ideas on what to do in the next chapters. This story is finally piecing together! Can't wait!!
Make sure to comment, vote and all that stuff. Bye bye!
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