*Sonic's POV *
(4 months later)
Life had been the same these past few months. Shadow and I only texted when we needed to pick up the kids from each other. Nothing more.
Sh: Here.
S: Going.
Was what it usually consisted of. Thanks to Tails and my family, I had managed to start feeling better and was slowly becoming the same hedgehog I used to be a few years back.
"Is Shadow invited?" Lea asked and I nodded.
"He is. I sent him the invitation and he said he's coming. He wouldn't miss it." I smiled at her.
Shadow had changed a bit, he had tried going back to his snappy self for a while but after 3 months, he was acting like he is around the kids to everyone. He smiles more often now and doesn't snap at others.
"Oh maybe he'll bring her!" Noah said. "I'm curious as to who she is." I raised a brow at that.
"Bring who?" I asked confused.
The kids always avoided talking about Shadow in front of me and avoided talking about me in front of Shadow. So hearing about Shadow now had me curious.
"Aunt Rouge says Shadow has been spending every day after work with someone he reunited with. Says that she's really sweet and she loves hanging out with Shadow. Apparently Shadow has a soft spot for her so he spends every day with her unless he's with us." My ear twitched at that.
What the hell? Shadow's seeing someone?
"Yeah! Rouge said that she cried when she found out Shadow was back! But they haven't told us who she is, we were supposed to meet her last weekend but Shadow had to go on another mission." Lea groaned. "I'm excited to meet her."
"Me too!"
"How long has it been?" I asked curious.
"This past month was when they started talking about. Aunt Blaze says she's in college right now so we haven't been able to meet her yet because she is always busy too." Noah answered now.
So Shadow met someone younger? I mean, I can't blame him, he is immortal after all, but why does he have to bring this girl into their lives? Was he just messing around? No, he had been acting rude to everyone but the kids until this past month. So she's changing him.
I nodded at the kids and told them to get ready for the twins party. I waited until they left the room then I sat down in the bed and called Shadow immediately.
"Is something wrong with the kids?" Shadow immediately asked after he answered the phone. Valid question, I never called him.
"Who is she? Why wasn't I informed? You can't just bring random people in their lives!" I snapped at Shadow.
"What are you talking about, hedgehog?" Shadow answered.
"The girl you've been seeing! I need to know who she is! You can't just bring people into their lives, what if they get attached? Is it serious? Or are you just dating around? Sleeping around? Huh?" I don't know why I was so mad.
Shadow growled in the other end of the phone. "Just who do you take me for? I don't date around. I don't sleep around." He answered angrily, it hurt me to hear those words. So he actually cared about this girl?
"The kids said you were going to introduce them to your girlfriend. Why wasn't I informed about this?" I rolled my eyes.
"My-" He growled louder, clearly annoyed with me. "You idiot. I'm not seeing anyone!" He snapped back at me.
"That's a lie! The kids told me that you reunited with someone and you've been seeing them everyday! And of course it has to be someone younger. Who is she?" I snapped back. If Shadow could, I bet he'd chaos control in front of me and slap me.
"I dont have time for your nonsense, Faker." Shadow hung up the phone making me growl louder and throw my phone at my bed. I rolled my eyes and went to get ready.
*Shadow's POV *
"What?!" I snapped at Rouge who kept knocking on my door. Rouge opened the door and Blaze was immediately glaring back at me.
These past few months we had learned to get along but there were still time where we both couldn't stand each other. I learned she hated me at first because Rouge cared so much about me and I wasn't treating her right so I changed the way I treated Rouge. I cared about her anyways, I just wasn't used to showing emotions all the time when the kids weren't around.
"What happened?" Rouge asked confused. She knew I wouldn't had snapped at her for nothing.
"Faker is-" She stopped me by crossing her arms. "Sonic." I corrected. "Sonic heard from the kids that I'm 'seeing' someone and now is yelling at me saying I can't bring people in the kids lives without consulting him first about it. He started yelling at me over the phone about it." I rolled my eyes and laid back down in my bed.
"Did you tell him who it was?" Blaze asked and I shook my head.
"The idiot wouldn't let me get a word in. He started accusing me of sleeping around and then started saying that I would of course go for someone younger. Hes crazy!" I chuckled.
Rouge and Blaze gave each other a look making me raised a brow at them. "What now?"
"Are you taking her to the party?" Rouge asked and I nodded.
"I am, she's been wanting to meet the kids for the longest time." I answered and Blaze chuckled. "What?"
"Nothing." Blaze shook her head and walked out. "Just nothing." Rouge followed leaving me alone in the room to get ready for the party.
I had to pick her up soon.
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