After James and Caroline had their moment alone with their new babies, Jessica went out to get the family.
"Who wants to meet the babies?" She smiles.
"Mama!" Nova runs to her.
"Oh you're just happy to see me, aren't you, pretty girl?"
"Mish yew!" Nova lays her head on her mother.
"Oh my goodness, you haven't seen me in ages, have you?" Jessica jokes as she rubs Nova's back.
"Are they cute, momma?" Grayson asks.
"They are SO cute!"
"Can we see them?!"
Jessica led the guys to their room with Nova on her hip.
"Eyesh! Eyesh, mama!" Nova says poking Jessica's eye as they walked.
"Heh! Good girl!"
"Lipsh! Lipsh!"
"You're so smart, pretty girl!"
"Yay!" Nova claps her hands.
"Yay!" Jessica laughs.
"Oh look at them! We have three grand babies, baby!" Danny smiles.
"I know! And we've lucked out because their all cute!"
Danny chuckles and rubs her back.
"Babies? Babies, mama?" Nova points.
"Yeah, precious! The babies came out, huh?"
"Cooome ouuut!"
"They did come out! Good girl!"
James walks over with Lyla in his arms and Nova gasps.
"Haha! She's pretty, isn't she?"
"Yeah! Kish? Kish?"
"You can give her kisses, but very very gentle, okay?"
Nova leans forward and kisses her softly.
"Oh!" She giggles.
James chuckles.
"This is your aunt Nova, Lyla."
"Dat baby!" Nova points.
"Yeah! She's your niece!"
"Good girl!"
"Nieeece! Nieeece! Nieeeece!"
"Nova!" Jessica laughs.
"Quiet voice, baby!"
"What's she doing?" Danny laughs.
"Nieeeece, Dada!" Nova to the baby once again.
"She's learned that she's her niece.. or she just thinks that her name." Jessica chuckles.
"What a cutie!" Jessica kisses her cheek.
"Happy Birthday, mommy! You're thirty eight today!"
"Thank you so much for reminding me, Gray." Jessica smiles and gives him a hug.
"What, Novies?"
"I cannot believe she says his name like that!" Jessica laughs.
"Hug!" Nova lifts her arms.
"Aw!" Jessica touches her chest as they hug.
"My babies!"
"Babies?!" Nova's eyes light up.
"She thinks the babies are here! Heh! Later, Novies!"
"Babies! Babies!"
"She's so cute." Danny smiles.
Just then Samuel comes running in screaming for no reason at all.
"Hey!" Nova makes a face.
Jessica laughs at the way Samuel pronounces her name.
"Play cars wit me, Nona!"
"No! Dolly's!"
"NO! Dats girls!"
Nova furrows her brows and sticks her tongue out at him.
"Hey! Nova, stick that tongue back in your mouth!" Jessica says.
"He meeean!" She whines.
"Jesus, are you two fighting again?" Sam asks.
"She no play cars with me!" Samuel pouts.
"Play Dolly's!" Nova shouts.
"No dat dumb!"
Instead of getting onto Samuel, Sam just laughs.
"I think everyone is just a bit hangry. Why don't we have breakfast first?"
"Yeah!" Samuel jumps.
"Heh! Oh and Happy Birthday, mom!" Sam gives Jessica a hug.
"Haha! Thank you, baby!"
Soon after breakfast Samuel and Nova ran around laughing and playing together.
"They're best friends now that their bellies are full!" Jessica smiles.
"I knew they would be! They're both cranky when they're hungry."
"Heh, that's true."
"Nona, shoot da bad guys!" Samuel laughs making his father laugh as well.
"Samuel! I don't want him to teach my baby to shoot people!"
"What's he doing?" Tiffany shouts from the next room.
"He's telling Nova to shoot the bad guys."
"Samuel, no!"
"Dada say dat!"
"I was playing! It was a game!"
"Well don't tell him that!"
"Oh my gosh, they're only kids!"
"Sam, I'm serious!"
"Alright!" Sam rolls his eyes.
"Nona, I gon catch you, I gon catch you!"
Nova screams and runs away.
"Bud, that's your aunt! Nova, remember I told you to make him say aunt Nova?"
"Hah! Who's Nova?"
"Me!" Nova taps her chest.
"Very good! You have to make Samuel call you Aunt Nova!"
"Why?" Nova lifts her little hands.
"Because it's hilarious!" Sam laughs.
"Nona!" Samuel runs to her.
"No! Me Aunt Nona!" She hits her chest.
"Say Aunt Nova!" His father says.
"Auntie Nova?" Samuel points.
"Good job!"
"But why?"
"Cause you daddy say!" Nova says cutely.
"You dumb, daddy!"
"Samuel!" Tiffany shouts.
"Oops!" Samuel covers his mouth.
"Stop saying that word!"
"No pow pow, mommy."
"Then don't use that word again."
Later that day.
"Gray.. now you say it!" Grayson says.
"Not Gay, Silly!" Grayson giggles.
"Good girl! Mommy, she said it! She said my name!" Grayson smiles with excitement in his eyes.
"Yay! Good job, Nova!"
"Yay!" Nova giggles and claps her hands.
Just then the doorbell rings. Nova knew the babies were on their way so she got so excited.
"Mama da babies here!" Nova jumps as Danny opens the door.
"They are! Oh hello my precious babies!"
James sat both carriers down as the babies were wide awake and inspecting their surroundings.
"Happy Birthday, Momma!"
"Thank you baby, boy!
Oh my little munchkins!" Jessica speaks in a baby voice.
"Say Gigi, we're one month old today!" Caroline says.
"Oh my babies are getting so big!" Jessica says taking Liam out of his carrier while Danny takes Lyla.
"How's grandpa's girl?" Danny bounces her.
"Dada, Dada." Nova taps his leg.
"What, Princess?"
"You My dada." She looks up with her sweet little face.
"Heh! I know I'm your Dada, baby."
"Put dooown!" Nova points.
"Aw but I wanna hold her!"
Nova's lips quiver and her eyes immediately fill with tears.
"Dada." She spoke in such a hurt voice as she roughly grazed her temple.
"Put dooowwn.."
Danny bends over and picks her up.
"Why are you cryin?"
"You my daddy!" She says as a single tear rolls down her cheek.
"I am, baby girl! Just because I'm holding the baby doesn't mean I'm not your daddy anymore!" Danny chuckles and kisses her cheek.
"Yames!" Nova calls James as she leans forward and lightly pushes the baby towards him.
"Hey, don't do that!"
"Take it!"
James laughs and takes the baby.
Danny looks at Nova and she was staring at him with tear stained cheeks and her finger in her mouth.
"All gone!" She lifts her hands and makes an 'O' shape with her mouth.
Danny laughs and kisses her forehead.
"You spoiled little girl."
"My Dada!" She giggles and wraps her arms around his neck.
May 14th.
"Gigi! Gigi! Gigi!" Samuel bangs on his grandparent's door.
Danny and Jessica both jump up from their sleep.
"What's on fire?!" Danny asks in a panic.
"It's Samuel." Jessica says with her hand on her chest.
"Wait! It's the fourteenth! It's my baby's birthday!" Jessica throws the covers off of her and runs to open the door.
"Happy Birthday, baby boy!" Jessica lifts him and hugs him tight.
"Gigi, I Two!"
"My goodness, you're such a big boy!"
"Yeah I big guy!"
Jessica laughs and kisses his cheek.
"Oh Samuel and with this new haircut you look like such a big boy!"
"Cause I AM, Gigi!"
"That's right! Yes you are!" Jessica giggles.
"Mommy making food!"
"Yummy! I'll wake Gray and Novies and head down."
"No forgot grampy!"
"Of course I won't forget about him!"
"Okay, see you there!"
Jessica laughs and puts him down.
She pats his butt and he starts laughing.
"Dat is My ass, Gigi!"
"Samuel! Don't say that word!"
"Mommy call daddy that name."
"Oh she did, huh? Well what did daddy do?"
"He tell mommy to slap it."
"Oh my goodness! Your daddy is a mess, Sammy."
"I know dat! He gonna get a pow pow!"
"Yes he is!"
"That's funny!" Samuel cracks up.
Jessica laughs and Samuel takes off.
Grayson passes Jessica in the hall on his way to the restroom.
"Good morning, baby."
"Are you okay?"
"I don't feel good, mommy." Grayson rubs his eyes.
"Aw, what's wrong?"
"I just feel yucky."
"Well you don't have a fever." Jessica feels his forehead.
"It's Saturday so at least you have the whole weekend to rest."
Grayson doesn't respond, he just hugs Jessica and lays his head on her.
"My poor baby!
Why don't you go wash up then eat some breakfast?"
"I'm gonna get your sister then go down."
Jessica walks into Nova's room and she was asleep with her butt up in the air.
Jessica patted it and said, "Wake up, sleepy girl! It's morning time!"
Nova groaned and turned her face.
"Wakey wakey, momma!"
"No!" She whines.
"Novies! Come on, baby girl."
Jessica picks her up from her crib.
"Mama, sweep!" She fusses.
"No ma'am. If I let you sleep then won't nap later, and that won't be good! No it won't." Jessica said in a baby voice just before she kisses her cheek.
Nova once again fusses.
"Cut that whinin out! It's Sammy's birthday and we have to be pleasant."
"MMM!" Nova hums and hits Jessica's chest.
"Hey! Why are you being a booty?"
"No let me sweep!" Nova makes a face.
"Well I'm sorry, lazy!"
Jessica walks back out to the hall and Grayson comes out of the bathroom holding his stomach.
"Mommy, I have to throw up!"
"Then why did you leave the bathroom—" Just as the words left Jessica's mouth Grayson threw up right in the hall.
"EWWW! AHHHH!" Nova screams and kicks her legs.
"Daniel! A little help?!"
"What's up? Oh daaaamn!"
"Grayson, go to the bathroom! Daniel, clean this, please."
Jessica follows Grayson into the bathroom with Nova on her hip.
"No! No go in there!" She arches her back and kicks her legs.
"I don't trust you by the stairs, Nova!"
Nova watches Grayson and it was just too much on her little tummy. She suddenly got sick all over Jessica and a bit on Grayson.
"Oh NOOOO!" Nova cries.
"It's okay, we'll clean you all up."
"It yucky! It yucky!"
"I know, baby. It'll be okay."
"Gigi, what took so long?" Samuel asks when they finally make it downstairs.
"I'm so sorry, baby. All four of us had to get in the shower."
"Why?" Sam chuckles.
"I'm pretty sure Grayson has a stomach bug, he threw up in the hall so Danny had to clean it, then Nova got an upset tummy watching him.. she got sick on me And Grayson!"
"Sounds like a fun time." Sam laughs.
"It was fantastic." Danny say with a blank face.
"Besides all that! It's my boy's birthday!" He smiles.
"I two, grandpa!"
"So old!"
"No I not, you are!"
"Thanks, buddy!" Danny laughs.
"Happy Birthday, Sammy! I don't want to get you sick.. but I love you." Grayson says sweetly.
"I lub you too, Uncle Gray!"
"Ah! That's so cute!" Jessica grabs her chest.
"Well I don't know if you're ready for breakfast after that but.. breakfast is served!" Tiffany smiles.
"Heh! No, we're all clean and ready to eat!"
"So Danny.. Jessie.. Sam and I have something to tell you guys.
"Okay.. what's up?"
"Well um.. Sam and I have a gift for Samuel but uh.. we won't get it for another seven months."
"What?" Jessica says with absolutely no emotion.
"Mom.. Danny.. Tiffany's pregnant."
Danny and Jessica didn't say a word they just stared at them not even blinking.
"You guys? Uh.."
"You're pregnant?" Danny breaks the silence.
"Why?" Jessica asks.
"Because we had sex!"
"Sex!" Samuel repeats his father.
"Sam!" Tiffany shouts.
"I can't Sam, it's a joke you guys!" She laughs.
"What?" Jessica asks still a little out of it.
"I'm not pregnant! I'd die! I'm definitely not pregnant!"
"Oh! I mean, that would be uh.."
"That would be nice, but not right now! Not until we're in our own home!"
"I don't want a baby!" Samuel nods.
"You don't want a baby brother or sister?" Jessica asks him.
"No I just want me." He points to himself.
"Oh okay!" Jessica laughs.
May 29th.
"Where's the birthday girl? Oh there she is!" Jessica says in a cute voice as she walks into Nova's room.
Nova was unusually happy this morning.
She was standing faced towards the door sucking on her binkie and bouncing up and down when her mother walked in.
"Hi baby girl! Happy Birthday!"
Jessica lifts her up and kisses her cheek.
"I love you!"
Nova lays her head on Jessica's shoulder and pats her arm.
"Want some yummies?"
With the binkie still in her mouth Nova mumbles, "No more tits?"
Jessica couldn't help but laugh.
"You're two years old and you still like milkies! Well.. I know you're only supposed to have it before you go night nights.. but it IS your birthday!"
Jessica sits down on her rocker and Nova bounces up and down and claps her hands.
"You are so you daddy's child!" Jessica giggles.
GWAAAYYYY!" Nova calls her brother.
"What, Novies?"
"My dolly? My dolly? My dolly?" Nova lifts her hands and looks around.
"You lost your dolly?"
"Can't fine it!"
"Well I can help you!"
"Fine my dolly.." She mumbles as she gets up from the ground.
"Dolly! Dolly, where are you?" Grayson says as they search for her doll.
"There is!" Nova shouts and points.
"Fred had it! Fred, no sir! That's sissy's doll!
Here you go, Nova." Grayson hands it to her.
"Thank you Gway!"
"You're welcome, are you having a good birthday so far?"
Nova nods.
"Good!" He smiles.
"Alright you two, ready for the park?" Jessica walks in from the kitchen.
"Yeah!" They both shout.
Nova jumps around with so much excitement.
"Haha! Let's go!"
Danny, Jessica, Sam, Tiffany and the kids met James, Caroline and the twins at the park for a little picnic.
"This is so much fun! Smile, babes!" Jessica holds her camera up to Nova and Samuel who were eating their sandwiches.
"Perfect! Now daddy and Gray! Smile my loves!"
"One more of me, Gigi! I so cute!" Samuel stands up and poses for his grandmother.
"Oh my goodness! You are so your daddy, little boy!" Jessica laughs.
"Dat away! No more!" Nova covers her face.
"And she's like her mama!" Danny chuckles.
Jessica smiles and leans towards Nova.
"Are you like mama, sweet girl?"
"I Noah!" Nova hits her chest.
"You're Noah?" Jessica laughs at the way she says her name.
"No, NOAH!"
"Oh I'm sorry!" Jessica giggles.
"Well I love you, Nova." Jessica smiles and pecks her cute little nose.
"Nose!" Nova giggles and covers her nose making Jessica laugh.
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