March 28th.
"Hey, baby girl!" Danny calls Jessica.
"Do you know what today is?"
Jessica stops and thinks for a second. "...No... What is it?"
"Ten years ago today we met."
"Oh my gosh! Ten years already, that's so crazy!"
"Yep! I remember, you had Grayson on your hip and you came down to talk to Mikey.. Grayson was shouting his name, and you walked over and gave him a hug.. you told him he was amazing, and he thanked you, and then he introduced us.. that was when I turned around and acted as though I wasn't just staring and listening to your conversation. You said Hi.. in this sweet little voice.. I said my name and shook your hand... The moment we touched and you said, Nice to meet you, I'm Jessica.. Jessica Shepard... baby girl, that was the moment I fell in love with you."
"Oh Danny! I'm pregnant and you know you can't talk to a pregnant woman like that!"
Danny chuckles and walks over to give her a hug.
"I love you, and I have always loved you, Jessie."
"I love you too, Daniel." She says wiping her tears.
"And I love you too, little mister!" Danny gets down and holds her belly.
He places a kiss on it and says, "Did you ever think the first time we met, that in the next ten years, we'd make a beautiful baby girl, and a handsome little man?"
"Nope! It's pretty crazy, babe."
Danny smiles then lays his head on her belly.
"Mommy and daddy love you so much, Jonas."
The baby gently kicks his father's face making them laugh.
"Man, you're so strong, little dude!"
Jessica plays with his curls and smiles softly.
"I wonder who he's gonna look like." Jessica says.
"I think he'll look like you and Zachary."
"Maybe! I hope he has your eyes, and your cute little nose. Blonde hair and chubby cheeks would be cute too."
"Are you calling me chubby?" She laughs.
Danny chuckles and kisses her belly once again. He then stands up and kisses her cheeks, "I love your chubby cheeks!"
"Thanks!" She laughs.
Danny smiles and continues his smooth talk. "You're the most beautiful pregnant woman I've ever seen, Jessie."
"Stop being so cute!" She giggles.
"I can't help it, babe. It's who I am!"
"Oh gosh, you are just Adorable!"
"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with you on that."
Jessica laughs and playfully taps his chest.
"Here's to many more amazing years, Mister."
Danny smiles, then kisses her lips with so much passion.
April 19th.
30 weeks and 5 days pregnant.
Jessica woke up early and started on breakfast while Danny helped Nova get ready.
As she was finishing up, Grayson came down with major bed head.
"Hi, mom."
"Good morning, Grayson! Did you sleep well?"
"Yes. It smells good in here."
"Cause mama's cooking!" She smiles.
"Come sit and I'll serve you."
"No problem. Your dad and sister should be down soon."
Grayson yawns loudly in response.
"Today's Kikè's birthday party, do you know what you're wearing?"
"I'll have to go through my clothes. I'm known as the male model of the family, so it has to be good."
Jessica turns to him and gives him a funny look.
"Male model?"
"Mhm! Sam thinks it's him, but it's totally me!"
"You're crazy!" Jessica laughs.
"Crazy handsome?"
"Yes, baby!" She chuckles.
"Are we almost there? I have to potty!" Nova says.
"Yeah baby, we're almost there." Jessica responds as she places her hand on her stomach.
"Oh my gosh, the baby's kicking so much!"
Danny reaches over and feels her belly.
"Oh man! What are you doing in there, little man?"
"I wanna feel!"
"Nova, you're buckled in, you can feel him later."
"He'll be asleep by then!" She she whines.
"He'll be up and bouncing around after I eat. You can feel him then."
"Fine." She groans.
Finally they arrived and Zachary and Alyssa's house.
"Where's my birthday boy?" Jessica asks.
"Lita! Lita!" Enrique runs over.
"Hi baby! Happy Birthday!" Jessica says bending over to pick him up.
"Carful mom, he's heavy!" Zachary says.
"Oh he's okay! Baby boy, I can't believe you're two! How'd that happen?"
"I know! It feels like you just had him." Alyssa pouts.
"It does! Oh gosh, he was such a cute baby! It was the first time a baby with tan skin and dark hair had ever come out of me!" Jessica laughs.
Enrique smiles and taps his hands on her shoulders.
"Kikè, wanna give Lita her present?" Alyssa asks.
"Ya!" He smiles and nods.
"Oh you guys! I told you, you don't have to do this!"
"Stop it, we want to! Here, say thanks for having me!" Alyssa smiles and hands the gift to Enrique.
"Tanks, Lita!" He hands it to Jessica.
"Aw!" Jessica giggles.
"You're so welcome, baby! I'm so happy I did it! I can't imagine our family with you, sweet boy." Jessica says becoming a little emotional.
"No cwy!"
"I'm just happy you're here, that's all!" Jessica smiles then kisses his cheek.
The next morning.
"Wake up, mommy! You're old!"
"Oh thanks, Nova.. *Yawns* Good morning to you too."
"Just playing, mommy! Happy Birthday!"
"Thank you, baby."
"Daddy has breakfast ready, so get up lazy butt!"
"I'm coming! Let me just potty first."
"Can't you hold it?"
"Um, no I cannot, missy."
"Because your little brother is straight up chillin on my bladder!"
Nova laughs.
"Heh! I'll just be a second, bug."
"Okay, I'll wait for you." She says taking a seat on the ground in front of the bathroom door.
"Finally! You took forever, mommy!"
"I had to wash up, Nova!"
"Yeah, Yeah, let's go eat!"
Jessica chuckles and nods her head as she makes her way to the kitchen.
"Happy Birthday, momma!"
"Thank you, baby!"
"Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!" Danny walks over and gives her a kiss.
"Thanks, cutie!" Jessica smiles and pinches his butt.
"Ooh! Thanks for that." He smirks.
Jessica laughs and walks over to the table.
"Mommy, you're walking funny!" Nova laughs.
"Yeah, you're starting to get that pregnant lady waddle!" Grayson chuckles.
"This boy is heavy, that's why!"
"He's just a little baby, mommy!" Nova rolls her eyes.
"Hey you just wait til You have a baby!"
"That's not for a lot of years!"
"Still.. You just wait!"
"Okay, Mommy!" Nova makes a face.
"You're a mess!"
"I am not!"
"Whatever you say, little miss."
"How old are you today, mommy?"
"I know, but how old?"
Jessica laughs. "Forty two."
"Forty two?! That's a lot of fingers!"
"I know!" Jessica chuckles.
"Why are you having a baby at this age?"
"What kind of question is that? Eat your breakfast, Miss thing!"
May 5th.
33 weeks.
"Mommy, you are getting super pregnant now!" Nova says watching her mother get dressed.
"I am! Your baby brother just wants to keep growing and growing!"
"Yeah, But he's gonna be so cute! I bet he'll be so chubby too!" She smiles.
"I bet he will be!"
"Was I so cute and so chubby?"
"You had some rolls, but you were a tiny little thing. But definitely a cutie!" She smiles.
"Yep!" She says making Jessica chuckle.
Baby Jonas was growing and growing. The doctor was very happy with his size.
One thing they told them at their last ultrasound was that the baby would not be able to go straight into surgery after birth. He would be in the NICU for two weeks before his surgery. They did receive some good news as well. After baby Jonas is born, Jessica might be able to hold him for a little while after birth. It was a small chance, but either way, Jessica was happy. Skin to skin contact was always super important to her.
Today is Alyssa's baby shower. Her mother is throwing it over at her house, so the whole family will go over to celebrate baby girl.
This is the furthest Alyssa has ever gotten in a pregnancy, and even though she was terrified of even having a baby shower, she ultimately gave in and decided it would be fun to have one.
As Jessica was talking to Alyssa about the babies, Zachary came over with his camera.
"Oh Zachary, I look huge next to her!" Jessica lifts her hand.
"You do not! You're both beautiful and I want a picture of my favorite woman during this miracle they are both are creating."
Jessica smiles. "Listen to this boy. My baby!" Her voice goes high.
Zachary chuckles and snaps their picture.
The two women get back to talking, and that's when Tabitha joins.
While continuing her conversation Jessica lifts her up.
Tabitha lays her face in the crook of her neck and closes her eyes.
"I guess I'm the best choice for nap time." Jessica chuckles. "Does Gigi feel like a big comfy bed?"
Tabitha stays silent, but nods her head Yes.
Jessica laughs and lightly pats her bottom.
"Tabi! I'm sorry, Jessie, I'll take her." Tiffany says.
"No, leave her, she's fine!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, she's light!" Jessica chuckles.
"Okay. Thank you."
"No problem, honey." She smiles.
Just as they get back to their conversation, Enrique walks over.
"MY LITA!" He pouts.
"Baby, I'm still here! Let me just put her night night."
He fuses a bit and grabs her legs as he throws his face forward into her belly.
"Ooh baby, be careful! The baby's in Welita's tummy. You're gonna hurt him."
"I the baby!" He whines.
Zachary then juries over and says, "Hey, I saw that! Why did you just head-butt my baby brother?" He says rubbing his hand gently on the center of his mother's stomach.
"My Litaaaa!"
"Aww!" Jessica pouts.
"I'm sorry, he's been SO whiny lately." Alyssa says.
"Oh it's fine, honey! All babies get that way when a new baby is on the way. "Kikè, are you excited for your baby sister?" She asks.
"Ya!" He smiles and nods.
"Tell Lita your sister has a name already!"
"She does?! Ahh! What is it?" Jessica smiles.
"No member!" He lifts his hands.
Alyssa giggles and says, "We've decided on Valerie Mireya."
"Oh that's so beautiful! Oh gosh, you're gonna have to teach me how to say her middle name, cause it's just too gorgeous for me to butcher!"
Alyssa laughs. "I'll help ya out!"
"Her name means Strong Miracle." Zachary says.
"Oh! Oh my gosh, I'm gonna cry!" Jessica tears up.
"No cwying, Lita!" Enrique points.
"Heh, okay baby.." Jessica smiles softly.
"Valerie Mireya.... Enrique, is that your sissy's name? It's so beautiful?"
"Hold!" He lifts his arms.
"Haha! He doesn't care!"
"Just a second, Ricky!" Alyssa chuckles.
Once Tabitha was out, Sam came and got her. Enrique asked for help getting onto the couch right beside his grandmother. He then laid on her belly and gently traced his fingers on her bump as he mumbled softly.
"What are you saying to the baby?" She asks.
"Da baba!" He looks up and smiles.
"Yeah, the baba!"
He then looks at his mother and points. "Two baba's!"
"Good boy!" Alyssa giggles.
"Sissy kishes!" He crawls over and kisses his mother's belly before going back to Jessica's. "Sissy kishes!"
"That's your uncle!" Zachary laughs.
"Sam?" Enrique tilts his head and gives his father a puzzled look.
"Not Sam! *Laughs* You're getting a new uncle! His name is Jonas! Don't you remember?"
Jessica laughs and nods her head. "Jesus Christ, what are your father and I doing having another baby again! I mean, look at all the grandkids we have!"
"You're young, it's okay!" Alyssa smiles.
"I could say that with Nova, honey. Now.. not so much!" She nods with a chuckle.
"Young, Lita!" Enrique shouts.
"Thank you, baby." Jessica chuckles.
Enrique smiles then throws himself onto her bulging belly. He hugs it as tight as he can causing Jessica slight discomfort.
"Be gentle. Don't hurt the baby." Zachary says.
"He's okay! It's just some tough love." Jessica smiles and cups his adorable little face.
I hope y'all aren't getting bored! I'll add some drama in soon just for a little extra spice.. ☺️🤗
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