September 30th.
"Are you ready to give me away tomorrow, mom?" Sam smiles.
Jessica laughs.
"Where are you going, son?"
"Heh! Are you ready for our dance?"
"I'm nervous!" She whines.
"It's gonna be so good!"
"What if I mess up?"
"Everyone's gonna be watching me anyway!"
"Oh gosh!" Jessica laughs.
"Mama! Mama!" Nova runs to Jessica.
"What, Princess?"
"Up!" She lifts her hands.
Jessica lifts her up and kisses her cheek.
"What, baby?"
"I no know where Sammy at!" She lifts her hands and tilts her head.
"You don't know where Sam is?!"
"We play hide and seek and when I go seekded him, I no find him no where, mommy! I scared!" She cries.
"Oh Nova don't worry, we'll find him. Come on, sweet girl."
"Samuel! Where are you, stink butt?"
"Samuel!" Sam shouts.
"Mommy, he's gone! Somebody tooked him!"
"Baby, nobody took him. He's still in the house somewhere. Samuel, get out so you can have some ice cream!"
"Ice cweam?!" They hear his little voice.
"That's him!" Nova gasps.
Sam then opens the cabinet and he smiles at them.
"You founded me!"
Nova squirms to get down.
"Sammy! Oh my gosh, I thought I losted you!" She hugs him.
"We playing!"
Nova then pulls away and slaps him.
"Never do that again!" She says pointing her finger at him.
"I not! I sowy, don't be sad!" He says wiping her tears.
"Look at them! That's so sweet!" Jessica smiles.
"Adorable. Now let's practice our dance! It has to be perfect."
"Sam, don't you think we've rehearsed enough?"
"You could use some work."
"You better be! You got your moves from your mama, don't ever forget that!" Jessica points her finger.
"Okay!" Sam says sarcastically and laughs.
"Asshole!" Jessica hits his arm.
Tiffany's POV.
Tiffany's plan all along has been to walk down the aisle alone. After thinking about it, she realized she didn't want that at all. She wanted someone to give her away to Samuel. Someone who was like a father to her.
"Danny?" Tiffany lightly knocks on the door.
"Come in!"
She slowly walks in and Danny smiles.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah.. I was thinking and... I wondering...."
Danny sets his glasses down and stands up.
"What is it, Tiff?" He places his hand on her arm.
He could tell she was upset.
She then looks up to him with tears in her eyes.
"Will you walk me down the aisle?"
Danny smiles softly.
"I don't have anyone.. you and Jessica have become my parents.. and I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me."
"Tiffany, I would be honored to walk you down the aisle."
"Thank you." She smiles and gives him a hug.
"Would you dance with me too?" She looks up to him.
"And show up Jessica? Absolutely!"
Tiffany laughs.
"I'm just playing.. Of course, I'll dance with you."
She smiles softly then hugs him once again.
Just then Sam walks in.
"Hey Dan-
.... Um.. should I be concerned?"
"Shut up!" Tiffany chuckles.
"Thanks again." She tells Danny.
"No problem, honey."
"Okay what's going on?!" Sam slightly raises his voice.
"I asked Danny to give me away!"
"To who?!"
"You, you dumbass!"
"Oh! Thanks, Danny!" Sam smiles.
The next day.
"Look at you in your pretty dress!" Jessica smiles as she fluffs out Nova's flower girl dress.
"I so pwetty, mama!"
"I know! My goodness, I'm so jealous! Do you think I could borrow this dress?"
"No way, mama! This is MY dress! You too big!"
"I'm too big?! Well how rude!"
"Mama!" She laughs.
"You wanna borrow my dress?"
"No way! I just wittle!"
"Oh you're just wittle?"
"Yeah, mama!" She nods.
Jessica chuckles and kisses her cheek.
"No getting liploss on me!"
"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Jessica wipes her cheek with her thumb.
"It's okay! I get some liploss too?"
"Maybe later!"
"Baby has liploss too?" Nova points to her stomach.
"The baby?!" She asks making Nova laugh.
"The baby's in my tummy, it's not wearing lipgloss!"
"No wearing liploss?! Put some on then!"
"No!" Jessica laughs.
"Yes!" Nova looks at her mother with a cheeky expression.
"You're silly, baby!"
"I so so silly!"
"We go to the wedding today?"
"Sam alweady married though!"
"Well they're renewing their vows."
"What's that?" She lifts her hands.
"It's a way of celebrating their marriage."
Have cake there?"
"Yeah baby, there's cake there."
"Yummy for my tummy!" She wiggles making Jessica laugh at her cuteness.
"You're so cute, baby!"
"Yeah, I so cute!"
Everything was so beautifully decorated, the guests have arrived and it is now time for the wedding to begin.
The whole family was ready to walk down the aisle when Danny saw Jessica in the corner by herself with her hand on her stomach.
"Hey babe, you okay?"
"Yeah.. I feel sick." She pouts.
"The baba's got your tummy feeling sicky?" He asks softly rubbing her stomach.
"I think it's because I'm nervous about the dance!"
"Afraid I'm gonna out dance you?" Danny smirks.
"No! What if I look stupid?"
"Babe, you always look adorable!"
Jessica pouts.
Danny chuckles and kisses her lips softly.
"Our son is about to get married, stop being such a party pooper."
"Okay." She smiles.
"Yeah, Ma?"
"Before we walk out.. I just want to say how proud I am."
"Really?" Sam smiles softly.
My little pain in the butt in the butt little boy is.. he's an amazing father and husband... and an incredible son. Daddy and I raised you well."
"Aw, Thanks mom!" Sam says giving his mother a hug.
"Oh and don't worry about how I kept teasing you. You're an awesome dancer." He smiles.
"Hah! Thanks, baby."
"Oh and thanks for walking with me.. I know usually grooms walk alone but.. I like my momma by my side!"
"Aw my baby boy! You're gonna make me cry!"
"No, no, no, none of that!" Sam says fanning her face and blowing her tears away.
"Sam, stop!" She laughs.
The wedding was absolutely beautiful.
Now it's time for the first dance.
Since Sam and Tiffany walked down the aisle to Young and Beautiful by Elvis Presley at their first wedding, they decided that would be the best choice for their first dance.
'You're so young and beautiful and I love you so
Your lips so red, your eyes that shine
Shame the stars that glow
So fill these lonely arms of mine
And kiss me tenderly
Then you'll be forever young
And beautiful to me'
"I love this song.." Tiffany says in a soft voice with tears in her eyes.
"Me too.. I guess we did one thing right with our first wedding." Sam chuckles.
"Our first wedding was perfect.. perfect in it's own special way. That was the day we truly became one. This beautiful place and beautiful dress is just a bonus." She smiles.
Tiffany, you're amazing. I don't tell you enough but you're so incredible."
Tiffany smiles and looks down.
"Seriously! I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'd never find your underwear.. never make the bed.. never beat the hard levels on literally anything you play!"
"Heyyy! I'm pretty good by myself!"
"Yeah right!"
"Ah!" Sam laughs and kisses her lips.
It was now time for Jessica to dance with her son.
Everyone watched as the two slowly swayed back and forth.
The song they chose was Because you loved me by Céline Dion.
'For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me'
"My baby boy.." Jessica smiles softly.
Tears slowly ran down her cheeks.
Sam wiped them and smiled.
"Mom.. after we lost dad.. I didn't know how we'd live life without him. You were the rock for all of us. Thank you for being the best mother we could ask for, and the most badass Gigi!"
Jessica laughs and kisses his cheek.
"I love you, baby!"
"I love you too, momma." He smiles.
"You ready? It's coming up!"
"I'm ready!" Jessica says with a nervous smile.
Just then the music stopped. Jessica and Samuel looked at each other with a confused look as the guests looked at the Dj thinking it was something he messed up.
Uptown Funk starts and Sam hands Jessica black ray bans. He then slips his on and they start their dance as everyone cheers.
The next song was Thriller, followed by The Dougie.
Danny watched as he held Nova.
"Daddy, why mommy dancing? She's so silly!"
"She's doing so well, isn't she?"
"Yeah! Good job, mommy!" She shouts and claps her hands.
"Oh you're so sweet!"
"Yeah.. She shaking the baby in her tummy, daddy!"
"I know!" Danny laughs.
The next song was The Twist, then YMCA, The Macarena, Crank that, and the final song was Baby by Justin Bieber.
Jessica sang the song to her baby boy as they danced. Sam then grabbed her stomach and danced as he sang 'Baby' over and over again.
Jessica laughed and said, "What is it with me and being pregnant at my kids' weddings?"
Sam laughs as the music goes back all the way to the first song.
He wraps his arms around his mother and pulls her towards him.
"My baby.. I love you."
"Love you too, mommy!" Sam says in a funny voice as he squeezes her tighter.
Everyone ate and danced the night away.
Jessica was over by the candy table holding Nova's hand as she made her decision on what to get.
"I want one of those, mama!" Nova points and goes way up on her tiptoes.
"Okay, baby."
"And one of those.... and one of those!"
"That's a lot, missy!"
"I want it, mommy!" She whines and jumps up and down.
"Okay, okay! I don't feel like fighting with you right now."
Jessica didn't notice but Danny was watching her from a distance. She looked so gorgeous.
"Hey beautiful." He said in his deep raspy voice as he wrapped his arms around her mid section.
Danny kisses her neck making her giggle.
"Your daughter is waiting for her snacks, Daniel."
"Mmm.. but I want some snacks too." He mumbles with his lips against her neck.
"Stop it." She laughs.
"Man, Tiffany was right about this dress. I can't keep my hands off this sexy body!"
"This sexy baby bloated body?"
"You're beautiful! Everything about you is beautiful."
"Come on, mama. Let's go eat snackies! Daddy, let go!"
"But Nova! She's so pretty!" Danny whines.
"Hey I So pwetty too!"
"Yes you are!" Danny chuckles and picks her up from the ground.
"Daddyyyyy! Hey daddy!"
"What, baby?"
"I was a good flower girl?"
"You were a GREAT flower girl! I'm so proud of you."
Danny chuckles then sits her down at the table.
"Hey! Can we sit with you guys?" Alyssa asks walking over with Samuel.
"Yes! Sammy, sit next to Auntie Nova!" Nova says hitting the table.
Alyssa laughs and helps Samuel up on the chair.
"Are you on baby duty?" Jessica asks.
"I am!" She chuckles.
"How are you feeling? You did great by the way!"
"Well thank you!" Jessica giggles.
"I'm doing well!"
Alyssa smiles and places her hand on Jessica's belly.
"My little baba! You're really starting to poke out now, huh?"
"I am!" Jessica smiles.
"Gigi! Gigi!" Samuel interrupts.
"What, baby?"
"My mommy and daddy gotted married again!"
"That's so cool, huh?"
"Yeah! My daddy say I stay with you and Grandpa?"
"They not taking me on bacation?"
"This trip is going to be mommy and daddy only, but next trip I'm sure they'll take you along."
Just then a slow song starts and Danny stands.
"Hey pretty lady." He smirks.
"Hi!" Jessica gives him a sweet smile.
"Would you like to dance?"
"Of course!" She smiles.
"You go you two! Just be carful with my baby in there!" Alyssa smiles.
"I'll be carful!" Jessica laughs.
They two swayed to the music.
Danny held Jessica's body against his. He loved having her so close to him.
"You're pretty beautiful, you know that, Lange?"
"I hear it so much I'm starting to believe it." She laughs.
"Well it's about time!
Your face, your body and especially your heart are the most beautiful things on the planet."
"Aw, you're such a sweet boy!" She smiles.
"Yes I am!" Danny says making Jessica laugh.
They then share a deep passionate kiss.
Meanwhile at the table.
"Alyssa, watch our snacks! Come on, Sammy! Let's go dance!"
They both hop down and run to the dance floor.
Samuel wraps his arms around her and they stumble around to the beat.
"Danny, look at them!" Jessica smiles.
"Aw! They're so cute!" He chuckles.
"Mommy, Daddy look! We dancing!"
"You're dancing so well babes!"
"Yeah! Now you have to kiss me, Sammy! You have to kiss when you dance!"
"I am NOT kissing you!"
"Oh yes you is!" Nova grabs his face and kisses him on the lips.
"Ah! NOVA!" Samuel groans and wipes his mouth.
"Poor Samuel.. My great aunt Muriel used to do that me!" Danny shudders.
Jessica laughs and gives him a hug.
"No one can resist your cuteness, baby!" She says smiling up to him.
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