"Look at you looking like an adorable little kitty cat! She's doing so well getting her picture taken, isn't she, babe?" Tiffany smiles.
"Yeah, she's slept the whole time." Sam chuckles, "She's pretty dang cute, huh?"
"Yes she is! That's two cute kids we have now!"
"We're on a roll, baby!" Sam smiles.
"Yep!" Tiffany laughs.
"Is it my turn, mommy?" Samuel taps his mother's leg.
"In just one second, baby. We're gonna change sister then you two will take some pictures together."
"Good cause I look So good!"
"Yes you do, baby!" Tiffany chuckles.
"Ah! Sam, they look so cute!"
"I know! I can't believe how much he actually likes her!"
"I know, I was so worried!"
"So was I.. but look at him.. he loves her so much."
"He does." Tiffany says as her eyes tear up.
November 3rd.
"Jess.. about this baby-"
"What baby?"
"Our baby."
"We have a baby?" Jessica slightly raises her brows.
"I mean the baby Nova wants us to have."
"Danny, I know she's your baby and you like to give her whatever she wants, but not this time! I do not want another baby and I don't want to hear another word about it. Understand?"
"Yeah, fine."
"Hey, don't get mad at me, Daniel!"
"I didn't even say anything!"
"You're not the one that's pregnant for nine months, are you? Or the one that has to go through labor and has to push the kid out, right?"
"No, but-"
"No uterus, no opinion! Goodnight."
And with that, Danny's bugging for a baby days were over. Jessica didn't want another one, and there was no changing her mind. He would rather not have another child, than to have one and know Jessica is unhappy.
November 17th.
"Happy Birthday, Brother!" Nova runs into Grayson's room.
"Grayson! Wake up, birthday boy!" She jumps up and down beside his bed.
Grayson stretches and slowly opens his eyes.
"Hey, Novies."
"Happy Birthday!"
"Thank you, bug!" He smiles with his eyes half shut.
"Mommy says it's your daddy's birthday too!"
"Yeah.. he's forty one today, Nova."
"Woah! Happy Birthday, Grayson's daddy!" Nova shouts to the ceiling.
Grayson chuckles, "Thanks, Nova. I'm sure he appreciates that."
"You're welcome!" She smiles, "Mommy made breakfast and daddy wrapped your presents! You got a game!"
"A game? An Xbox?" He smiles.
"I think that's what daddy called it!"
"No way!" Grayson throws his blanket off and runs downstairs.
"Wait for me! I scared by myself!" Nova runs after him.
"You guys got me an Xbox?!" Grayson shouts with excitement.
"Of course not! You're not that special!" Jessica jokes.
"Nova told me you did!"
"Nova!" Jessica looks at her slowly coming down the stairs.
"Oops! It just came out of my little mouth!"
Jessica sighs and nods her head.
"Oh well! Happy Happy Birthday, my love!" Jessica walks over and hugs him tightly, then places a kiss on his cheek.
"Thanks, momma!"
"Ten! Ten years old! How are you ten?! That's so crazy!"
"I'm almost a teenager!" He smiles.
"Don't rush my life, Grayson George!" Jessica raises her voice and pulls him to her chest.
"There, there.. it's okay, momma." Grayson softly rubs her back.
"Can I open my Xbox Now?" He asks.
Jessica turns to Nova and she smiles cutely.
"Whoops!" She giggles.
Danny chuckles then hugs Grayson.
"Happy Birthday, bud! I can't believe you're ten! When we first met, you were just one year old, dude! Man, time goes by so quickly!"
Grayson smiles softly.
"I'm double digits now!"
"Aw! Stop it!" Jessica pouts and walks over to grab him once again.
"We eat cake and play games now?" Nova asks.
"You booty! You're such a little a tattletale!" Jessica laughs, "We can't trust you a bit, can we?"
"I said I didn't mean it!" Nova lifts her hands.
"I know, I know!"
"So.. cake and games?"
"That sounds good to me!" Grayson smiles.
"Okay, Fine! Cake and games!" Jessica says making the kids cheer with excitement.
Four months later.
"I just dropped Grayson off at his friends house.. again! I hate that he's always asking to leave.. I let him because he's a good boy and just wants to have some fun with his friends. He gets bored at home since it's only his little sister and parents.. and we aren't cool enough for him anymore, I guess!"
"We're cool! I mean.. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell am!"
Jessica didn't find Danny's joke very funny.
"I just hate how quiet it is here, Daniel! I want Samuel, Tiff, Sammy and Tabi to move back!" Jessica pouts.
"Baby, it's been months since they moved!"
"And I'm still upset!" She whines.
"I know, baby. You wanna get another pet?"
"No.. I want my babies back!" She cries.
"Honey, why are you crying?" Danny asks setting his newspaper down.
"Because I'm sad, you asshole!"
"I'm sorry. I know you're upset.. it'll take some time, but you'll be okay."
"You're not helping at all, I'm still sad!"
"Okay, then how do you feel? Like do you feel something is missing? I mean, I know you miss the kids, but most of them moved out a while back. Is there something else?"
"I don't know!" Jessica shrugs, "I just feel lonely and I know it's crazy because our family is so huge, but.. I don't know, that's just how I feel!"
"Baby, you're not alone. You have kids and grandkids, you have a brother and sisters, and nieces and nephews, your parents, my parents, you have your daughter in laws that are more like your own daughters.. you have Fred!" He chuckles, "You're far from alone."
"I know, but like I said.. I don't know what it is or why I feel this way!"
"Is it because it's almost Sam's Anniversary?"
"I don't know.." Jessica looks down.
Danny then stands up and walks over to her. He holds her in his arms as Jessica lays her head on his chest.
"Well I'm here for you. We can talk and figure out exactly what's missing. Maybe all you need is.. I don't know.. a new hat!"
"I'm not upset about a hat, Daniel!"
"I know, I'm sorry! That was stupid. Just relax.. I'm about to make a delicious dinner and ALL of our babies will be over soon."
"Why don't we buy a huge house and we can all live there?"
"Cause that would be crazy, baby!" Danny chuckles.
"I guess.. Dammit, I have the worst separation anxiety ever!"
Danny chuckles and kisses her head.
"No. You're just a great mama."
"Thanks." She sniffles.
"Wanna help with dinner since Nova is still taking her nap?"
Jessica looks up and smiles softly, "Sure."
Danny turned some music on as he and Jessica prepared dinner.
Kiss by Prince began and danny turned to Jessica.
She smiled at him and started to giggle when he began dancing.
"Like my moves?" He asks.
"So sexy!" She laughs.
Danny walks over and grabs her waist, "Come on, dance with me!" He says.
Jessica smiles then dances with him as Danny sings, "You don't have to be rich
To be my girl
You don't have to be cool
To rule my world
Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
I just want your extra time and your
Kiss," Danny kisses her lips, "Oh oh!"
Jessica throws her head back and laughs.
Danny smiles and kisses her forehead.
"Here. I need you to chop this up for me."
"Sure!" She smiles.
"Done, honey! What's next?" Jessica asks.
"Well done, baby! You're the best little sous-chef ever!"
"Thanks!" She giggles.
"That is French for under."
"As in I can't wait for you to get sous-neath me!" Danny says with a smile.
"Very funny, Daniel!" Jessica chuckles and places her hand on his chest.
Just then the next song plays and Danny sings loudly making Jessica laugh.
"Sugar pie, honey bunch
You know that I love you
I can't help myself
I love you and nobody else!"
"You have such a talent, Dr. Huston." Jessica smiles.
"I do, don't I?"
"Oh so modest!" She laughs.
Danny kisses her lips then spins her around.
While dancing the two catch a glimpse of their daughter. She was bouncing up and down and flailing her arms.
"Nova! When did you come down, love bug?" Jessica asks.
"I heard music and I wanted to dance!"
"Well come on!" Danny lifts her up and places her on his shoulders. Nova bounces and waves her arms.
He then kisses Jessica and the three of them dance around the kitchen.
All of the kids came over Jessica was now in a much better mood.
"Gigi, you coming to my birthday party next week?" Lyla asks.
"It's my party too!" Liam adds.
"Of course I'll be there!"
"Good! You bwinging gwampa?"
"Of course!" Jessica laughs.
"Guys, Stop talking to my mommy and let's go play!" Nova says as they take off running.
Jessica chuckles then turns to Enrique and Tabitha playing on the ground.
"You two are too little to run around everywhere, aren't you?"
She then moves over to sit with them.
Enrique smiles and crawls over to her.
"Hi baby boy! How are you?"
"Wa Wa Wa Wa!"
"He's trying hard to say Wela!" Alyssa chuckles walking into the living room.
"You're so close, buddy!"
"I came back in here because I realized all the adults left you with the kids."
"I don't mind, I like it." She smiles.
"Babies are what I'm best at." Jessica chuckles as Enrique climbs on top of her and lays his head on her chest.
"He is such a cuddly boy!"
"I know, he gives the best hugs." Alyssa smiles softly.
"Thi thi?" Enrique asks for his bottle.
"Oh gosh, his thi thi! Jessie, Zach and I are trying to wean him so you can have your boobs back for good!"
"Thi! Thi! Thi Thi!" He whines.
"It's okay, I don't mind." Jessica chuckles and rubs his back.
Enrique hits Jessica's chest and says, "Wa Wa Thi Thi!"
"He knows the source!" Alyssa chuckles.
"Mama has your Thi Thi, come on!" She holds her arms out.
"Nuh UH!"
"Ah! Did you hear him?!"
"I did! Kikè, do you not want your mama?"
"Wa Wa!" He holds onto her tight.
"Well fine! I'll hold Tabitha!" Alyssa picks the baby up from the ground and she fusses.
"My goodness, never mind!" She laughs and sits her back down.
Tabitha then continues playing with her toys.
"She doesn't like to be taken away from her toys." Jessica laughs, "I tried it earlier and she was maaad!"
"Well then I won't disturb her." Alyssa chuckles.
Enrique smiles at his mother as he lays on Jessica's chest.
"Hi!" He waves.
"Hi, baby boy!"
He then sits up and holds his arms up.
"Oh now you want me, huh?"
Jessica laughs and hands him over to his mother.
"Bye bye!" He waves to Jessica.
"Bye, handsome!"
Jessica then smiles at Tabitha. She smiles back and shows her grandmother her new toy.
"What is that?"
Tabitha throws her toy at Jessica making her laugh.
"Hey! What was that for?!" Jessica snatched her off the ground and kissed her tummy making her laugh hysterically.
Finally everyone returns form the dining room and they all sit around talking.
"It's crazy that this is all just our immediate family here. It feels like a party!" Michael says as he sits with his arm wrapped around his girlfriend.
"I know, our family is so huge now!" Jessica smiles.
"You all keep popping out babies, cause Gigi can't get enough!" Jessica says in a high pitched voice.
Tabitha looks up and reaches for her mouth.
"She's saying, shut up, Gigi! My mommy and daddy don't need anymore babies!" Sam says making everyone laugh.
"Heh! Give it time, my boy! Baby fever never ends!"
"No, we're done, mom!"
"I want one more." Caroline smiles.
"Yay!" Jessica cheers.
"But not until the twins are at least five! I'd go crazy if we had another one now!"
Hearing everyone talk about having baby's made Alyssa upset. She loved her son more than anything, and hoped to one day down the line give him a little brother or sister. She of course was extremely blessed that Jessica helped them, but that could never take away the hurt of not being able to give birth to a baby. She and Zachary have spoken about adoption in the past. Of course they don't want another child until Enrique is older, but the fact that she can't carry a baby, will never stop being painful for her.
April 19th.
"Grandpa is here, the birthday party can begin!" Danny says loudly walking into Zachary's home.
"Hey guys! Come on in!" Alyssa hugs them.
"Here, Jessie!" She hands Jessica a gift.
"What's this for?"
"We are extremely thankful for all that you've done. A year will not go by without us recognizing what you did for us."
"We just want to do something nice for you, momma." Zachary smiles.
"You two don't have to do anything for me! This is so sweet!" Jessica instantly becomes emotional.
"Just say thank you." Zachary chuckles.
"Thank you!" Jessica laughs and wipes her tears.
"Hey, I had to put up with her mood swings and get knocked out by that big ole belly!" Danny says making them laugh.
"I'm serious." He says looking down to Grayson and shrugs his shoulders.
"It's just a little something to thank you for all of the hard work you went through just to bring our baby boy into the world."
"That's so sweet, you guys! It was as totally worth it, and I'd do it all again just to see his sweet little face." Jessica says with a soft smile.
Shortly after speaking with Zachary and Alyssa, Jessica went to find Enrique.
"Happy Birthday, Ricky!" Jessica says gently bouncing Enrique up and down.
"I can't believe you're one, baby boy! Just last year you were in my tummy just taking your sweet time!" Jessica giggles and kisses his cheek.
"It was an honor to carry you around in my belly, and to feel every little movement....
Gigi loves you.. and I'm so happy I could help your mommy and daddy. The world needed another sweet sweet boy like you."
Enrique gives Jessica a big smile that just melt her heart.
"You look just like your daddy when you smile like that! So so handsome!"
"Luh.. yeeew!" He says.
"Aw! I love you more, Enrique!" Jessica smiles and tears up just hearing his sweet little voice.
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