Immediately after the wedding Sam and Tiffany left for their honeymoon, leaving Danny and Jessica in charge of Samuel.
October 8th.
Jessica was working from home when she suddenly felt a small flutter in her tummy.
"Ah! Oh my gosh!"
"What Gigi?! You's okay?" Samuel drops his toys and runs to his grandmother.
"Yeah, honey I'm okay.. the baby just moved!" Jessica said with a smile.
"Oh my gosh! I feel it too?" He asks pressing his hand on her belly.
"I feel nothing, Gigi! Just mush.."
"Oh thanks!
Hah, Well the baby is really small right now, but in a few weeks you'll be able to feel it."
"It's a baby girl or a baby boy?"
"We'll know in about another month. What do you want your little cousin to be?"
"Um.. well a boy would be fun cause I'm a boy too and we can both play cars and not dollies like Nova!"
"Hey, you like playing dollies, and Nova likes playing with your cars sometimes!"
"Yeah! But I want a boy too! Then he can share my room!"
"Aw.. well baby, you know that the baby isn't going to live here, right?"
"But why?" He whines and tilts his head.
"Because it's going to live with it's momma and daddy."
"You not the mommy?"
"No, remember I told you that I'm the Gigi."
"That's kinda silly cause I don't think I was in your tummy. I think I was in my Mommy's tummy!"
"Yep, that's right! Alyssa can't carry the baby so I'm doing it for her and Zachary. Now why don't you go grab Nova and we can get some lunch?"
"Okay! NOVAAAA!"
Jessica chuckles and sits back to relax for just a second.
Just then the doorbell rings.
"You sit! I git it, Gigi!" Samuel runs to the door.
"No, I get it!" Nova chases after him.
"Thank you so much for the help babies, but don't worry, I've got it."
Jessica opens the door and it was Alyssa.
"Alyssa! Guess what!!!"
"What?!" She smiles.
"I felt the baby move!"
"Ah! Oh my gosh!" Alyssa drops her things and holds Jessica's belly.
"It's faint tiny little movements, but soon you'll be able to feel them!"
Alyssa looks at her small bump then smiles softly up to Jessica with tears in her eyes.
"Sorry.. this is so cool.. it's such a special moment.. I just wish I could feel it..." She says in a low voice.
"Oh honey."
Alyssa shakes her head and sniffles.
"It's okay. Thank you again for all that you're doing for us.. I'm happy it's you that is the one carrying my baby.. that you're the one that gets to feel him or her.. I'm happy it's his or her grandma that is the one it's safe inside. I think I'd be struggling if my baby was moving around inside of some stranger right now. I love you and I couldn't be happier or more grateful for your decision."
Jessica smiles and wraps her arms around her.
"I'm so happy I'm able to do this for you two."
Nova smiles up to them then hugs Alyssa's leg.
"Aw Love Bug, you're such a sweetheart!" She smiles.
"This why I need a boy! Girls hug WAY too much!" Samuel says making them laugh.
"Oh and Gigi, you said you were gonna make me some lunch!"
"I'm going! Keep your dipey on!"
"Hey!" Samuel points his finger at Jessica.
"I wear big boy undies now, GRANDMA!" He says knowing Jessica doesn't like to be called Grandma.
"You little booty!"
Samuel laughs and runs as fast as he can away from Jessica wearing only underwear and a T-shirt.
"Those little legs!" Jessica giggles.
16 weeks and 6 days pregnant.
"Gigi, like my costume?"
"Oh Sammy, I love it!"
"Yeah I'm a lion. Rawr!"
"Oh my goodness, you are the cutest little lion ever!"
"I know!"
Jessica laughs.
"Nova, come put your tutu on, sweets."
"My kitty tutu?"
"Okay! I coming, mommy!"
Jessica chuckles and sits down on the couch with her tutu in her hand.
Nova stepped in and Jessica kissed her cheek after pulling it up.
"You're so beautiful!"
"Oh thanks!"
Jessica smiles and places her hand on her growing belly.
At this time Grayson walks down.
"Gway, look! Mommy's tummy is getting so big!"
"I know, the baby's growing!" He smiles.
"You look cool, Gray!"
"Thanks, momma! Where's your costume?"
"Well the plan was to be an oven with a bun on my belly, and Zach and Aly were going to be the bakers!" Jessica chuckles.
"BUT my oven costume is a bit snug. Daddy's at the costume store looking for a T-shirt I can wear.. Hopefully one that still goes with the theme!"
"Cool!" He chuckles.
Danny came home and was able to find her a shirt that had an oven and a bun that said, "Their Bun"
After getting dressed they all headed over to James' house for the party.
When they arrived the twins stumbled over to them.
"Look at them walking like a big boy and girl!" Tiffany smiles and gets down to their level.
"Give auntie some kisses!"
"Just not too many! We don't want her catching any of that baby fever crap." Sam says.
"Oh goodness, it's too late! These little loves just make me want a baby so bad!"
"Someone get her away from them!"
Tiffany laughs and continues playing with the twins.
"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Samuel runs over smiles at her.
"What, baby?"
"I'm your baby boy!"
"Oh yes you are! You're my number one little man!"
"Yes I am! I thought you forgotted!"
"Oh I could never forget!"
"Look at him! He's a mama's boy." Caroline smiles.
"You all come in and get some food."
"I'm on it!" Jessica hurried to the kitchen.
"Let's go, kids. Once your mother gets there she'll empty the place!"
"I heard that, Daniel!"
"I love you, Jessica!" He smiles.
"Mmm! Delicious!"
"Full, baby?" Danny asks wrapping his arm around her.
"Yep.. for now." She smiles.
"My little baby's hungry!" Zachary says.
"I was talking about my child, not my mom! Yuck!"
"We all knew what you meant, honey." Alyssa laughs and pats his thigh.
"Just thought I'd clarify."
"Heh! So are you guys finding out the gender?" Caroline asks.
"Well Zachary and I definitely want you find out! We're just not sure if we're gonna keep it a secret from everyone else until he or she is born."
"Well I have to know!" Jessica says.
"No you don't." Zachary nods and smirks.
"Yes I do! There's no way you can keep that from me! If you do, I'm gonna.. I'm gonna cry!" Jessica pouts.
Alyssa laughs.
"Aw! Of course we won't hide it from you, Jessie!"
Still think it's a boy, Jess?" Caroline asks.
"I don't know, some days I feel girl.. I guess my mind just goes straight to boy since I have so many of my own.
I just feel like Nova was a one time special!" Jessica laughs.
"I so special, momma?" Nova smiles.
"Oh you're SO special!"
"Yeah!" Nova smiles and slams down on Jessica's legs.
"What do you think the baby is, Nova?" Jessica asks.
"A boy.... and a girl!"
"I want both!" She laughs.
Danny laughs and picks her up and sits her between him and Jessica.
"I squished!" Nova says in a high pitched voice as she laughs.
"Oh little drama queen!" Danny says leaning over and kissing the top of her head.
What do you two think the baby is?" Caroline turns to Zachary and Alyssa.
"I think it's a girl!" Zachary smiles.
"I think it's a boy! I really want a mama's boy!
Any chance you can pop two out for us, Jess?" Alyssa jokes.
Jessica laughs.
"I only feel one. Sorry, love!"
"It's okay.. boy or girl.. I don't care. Mama's gonna love my little baba more than anything in the world!" Alyssa smiles as she walks over and kisses Jessica's belly.
I still haven't really decided on the baby's gender.
I was leaning towards a boy at first, but now I have no clue what I'm gonna do!
I also have no idea what I'm going to name it! 😬🤣
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