"Why did you answer like that?"
"I did, babe! I promise!"
"Then why did you sound like that?"
"I just.. the sex was just so good, I was speechless!" He smiles.
"Aw! Come here, baby. Let's cuddle!" Jessica smiles.
Danny lays beside her and wraps his arms around her as Jessica cuddles into him.
"So I either didn't get her pregnant.. or I did and I got what I wanted, which is great.. but then she'll kill me and I'll never be able to meet my baby! Either way.. this isn't the best." Danny thinks.
The next morning.
Nova's POV.
"How's your breakfast, bug?" Zoey asks.
"Good, I just miss my mommy and daddy!" Nova pouts.
"Oh honey, I know you do, I'm sorry."
"Maybe we can go to the beach and we'll see their boat!"
"I don't know, babe." Zoey chuckles.
"Yes, sweets?"
"I want to be a big sister!" Nova says with a big smile.
"Oh you do? Well what do your parents say about that?"
"Mommy says no, but daddy says he'll work on it. He said he was gonna work on it on the boat! I think you can order babies there!"
"Oh goodness!" Zoey laughs.
"Your daddy is a mess, Nova!"
"I know! My brother is having a baby girl!" She says with a smile.
"I know, I bet you can't wait to meet her."
"Yeah.. But she's going to be Samuel's baby sister, not mine!"
"She'll be your niece though! That's super fun." Zoey smiles.
"Yeah, I know.. but granny, Sammy doesn't even want his baby sister! He wants a brother! I don't care what I have, I just want one! Why doesn't my mommy want a baby?"
"Well honey, you have to think about all your Mommy's been through. She had twin baby boys at a young age, then she had Michael, then Grayson, Then you, THEN Enrique! I'm sure she's tired, honey."
"But Enrique isn't hers!"
"She still had him! That's a lot on your mommy, baby."
"I guess.." Nova sighs and rolls her eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes at me!" Zoey laughs.
"Sorry!" Nova says with an adorable little giggle.
Sam and Tiffany's POV.
"Where are we going? Are we almost there?"
"Yeah, bud. Remember when we mentioned to you that we were gonna look at some houses?" Sam asks.
"Well that's what we're doing!" Tiffany smiles.
"But why? We already have a house!"
"I know, but with the new baby coming, we're gonna need some more room."
"Gigi and Grandpa have lots of rooms!"
"We can't take over their whole house, Sam. Plus, it's good to move out on our own! It'll be so much fun!" Tiffany says trying to make him more excited about the idea of moving out.
"No! But what about auntie Nova? She's my best friend!" Samuel pouts.
"Aw honey, nothing's for sure yet. We're only going to look at the houses."
"I don't like this! It's the dumb baby's fault!"
"Sam, cut it out, please." Sam say to his son.
"I wanna stay at Gigi's! I don't wanna move!"
Tiffany sat back in her seat and took an exhausted sigh.
Two days later, Cozumel.
Danny and Jessica's POV.
"Look at my pretty baby girl!"
"And look at my handsome man." She smiles and taps his nose with her finger.
"I am pretty cute, huh?" Danny smirks.
"Yes you are!" Jessica laughs and wraps her arms around him.
"Daniel.. I really love you."
"Thanks! I really love you too, baby." He smiles.
Jessica giggles.
"You wanna?"
"Well yeah! But where?"
"We can find a place." Jessica smirks and bites her bottom lip.
"Man, I love having my baby all alone like this! You want sex All the time!"
"Yep! Now you know why I don't want another baby!" She smiles.
"Well Nova is starting school next month, which means during lunch we can sneak around and act like two horny teenagers!" Jessica laughs.
"Doesn't that sound like fun?" Jessica smiles.
"Yeah.. So fun."
After their week long cruise, it was time to head home.
Most of the kids were at the house already, all they were missing was Grayson and Nova who were being dropped off by their grandparents.
"We're back!" Jessica says walking into the house.
"Ooh! Look at you two all tanned! You look like Enrique now!" Alyssa laughs and walks over to give them a hug.
"Aw! Do I look like my baba now? Come to Wela, Kikè!" Jessica kisses the baby's chubby cheeks over and over again.
"Man, you've grown up in just a week! Where's my tiny little baby?"
Enrique kicks his legs and smiles.
"Oh you missed me! I missed you too, honey!"
"Looks like Ricky wasn't the only one that did some growin! Heh, how are you feelin, Tiff?" Danny asks.
"I feel okay. Thanks for asking." Tiffany smiles softly. She seemed to be upset about something.
"How was the cruise? And please spare us the disgusting details." Sam says.
"Hah! It was so amazing! We really needed this time together. Thank you, Zach and Aly for sending us!" Jessica says.
"Oh it's no problem! I mean, you gave us a baby!" Alyssa laughs.
"I did and look how good I did!" Jessica baby talks as she bounces the baby making him giggle.
Soon Jessica's parents arrived with Grayson and Nova.
"Mommy! Daddy! You're back! Oh my gosh, Daddy, your skin is all red!" Nova says with concern.
"Daddy fell asleep in the sun!" Jessica laughs.
"Oh no, poor daddy! Oh DAD!" Her eyes go wide.
"Yeah, bug?"
"Did you do it?" She smiles.
"Uhh.. Nova!"
"Did you put the baby in Mommy's tummy?" Her smile grows.
"What?" Jessica turns to Danny.
"Daddy said he would put a baby in your tummy on the boat!"
"What the hell, Danny?" James says.
"I told you to stop! You can't tell her things like this!
Nova honey, momma isn't gonna have another baby."
"But daddy said!" She whines.
"Don't listen to your daddy, mommy is not having anymore babies. I'm sorry."
Nova pouts then squirms to get down.
She then walks away as she bawls her eyes out.
"Nova.." Jessica sighs.
"I'm sad too!" Samuel sobs.
"What's wrong with you?" Michael asks.
"Me, my mommy, my daddy and my Dumb sister are MOVINGGGG!" He cries.
"What?!" Jessica's eyes widen.
"Samuel! *Sighs* It's not for sure yet, but.." Tiffany starts.
"But we put an offer on a house." Sam finishes.
"Why! I like having you guys here.." Jessica says with tears in her eyes.
"And we love being here.. but with the baby coming.. we know it's time for us to move out on our own."
"Well I'm so proud of you two.. even though it makes me really sad to see you go.."
Nova walks over to Samuel and places her hand on his shoulder, "Sam Sam.. you're moving?" She asks.
Samuel nods his head and rubs his eyes.
"You're not gonna live here anymore?" Nova asks, her voice shaking.
"No.. And I don't wanna leave!!" He says crying hard and hugging his aunt.
"I don't want you to leave either! I love you, Sammy!"
"I love you too, Novies!"
"Well.." Grayson sighs then looks up and smiles at his parents.
"Welcome home!"
I haven't made up my mind on the baby.
Should I wait a while longer before she has one, or do y'all want it now?
I wasn't planning on her even having anymore at all so.. 😬
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