That evening all of the kids came over to Danny and Jessica's. Zachary and Alyssa decided to tell everyone that they are having a boy. They realized it was too hard to keep a secret as big as this.
"A boy?! Oh wow, that's awesome!" Michael says.
"Mommy, what you having?" Nova asks.
"A boy! It's a baby boy, Novies!"
"Oh no, I wanted a girl!" She says in her cute baby voice as she throws herself forward on Jessica's lap.
"But you'll love your little cousin Enrique!" Jessica smiles.
"Mom!" Zachary laughs.
"That's what I'm calling him, Zachary! Baby Ricky!" She smiles and holds her belly.
"And Jess, he's not her cousin." Danny says.
"What? Oh right! Sorry, that's still so weird to me!" She laughs.
"Your nephew Enrique!"
"Baby Ricky be nice to me?" Nova asks.
"Of course!"
"He be cute?"
"I know he will be!"
"He be quiet?"
"I don't know about that!" Jessica laughs.
"He be so much fun?!"
"Then I is happy it's a boy!"
"Aw! Good, baby!" Jessica smiles and gives her a hug.
"Gigi! Has a boy in hers tummy! Gigi has a boy in hers tummy!" Samuel jumps around.
"I think he's excited." Jessica laughs.
Suddenly the baby starts flipping all over the place.
"Zachary and Alyssa! Hurry up and come feel this! The baby's moving!"
The two run over and place their hands on her belly.
"Oh my gosh! Oh he's a little wiggle worm!" She laughs.
Jessica smiles and nods her head.
"Yes he is!"
Baby, it's mama! I can't wait to meet you and hold you in my arms, little man! Oh gosh, I just wanna kiss him all over!"
"He's so strong! Man, this kid is gonna be awesome at sports!" Zachary smiles.
Jessica smiles and watches them with tears in her eyes.
Grayson's ninth birthday came and they went all out.
Jessica couldn't believe her baby boy was nine years old already!
Thanksgiving was spent surrounded by family, everyone was so excited for baby "Enrique"
It is now December 20th and Jessica is 24 weeks pregnant. Her belly has grown tremendously over the last few weeks making Nova think it was close to baby time.
"Mommy, you have the baby today?" She asks.
"Nova honey, you ask me that everyday darlin.. Mommy is not having the baby today. Not until April, remember?"
"April tomowow?"
"I'm afraid not, honey bunch!" Jessica chuckles.
"Okay. The day after that?"
"The day after that?"
"Nova, mama is tired." Jessica chuckles.
"Mama go night night?"
"No, mama has to cook."
"What you're gonna cook for me?"
"How does pasta sound?"
"Yuck!" Nova makes a face making Jessica laugh.
"Yuck?! You love pasta!"
"I like daddy's pasta!"
"You little turd!" Jessica chuckles.
"You're gonna LOVE my pasta!"
"Me only like daddy's!" Nova laughs.
"Your old stinky daddy?"
"Hey my daddy not stinky!
.. My mommy is!" She giggles.
"Nova!" Jessica laughs.
It was amazing how grown up Nova was already.
She had her own little personality and everything.
"I kidding. I gonna go play with Gwayson.. My bwother!"
"Okay baby, you do that." Jessica smiles.
Jessica is now heavily pregnant.
She's in her seventh month of pregnancy and is more than ready to meet her new little grand baby.
"Danny.." Jessica says laying next the bed wearing only a T-shirt and underwear.
"Yes, honey?"
"Do you find me attractive?"
"What?" She pouts.
"I'm kidding! What kind of question is that, Jess?"
"I just look so terrible! I mean, it's okay because my body looks like this cause I'm in the middle of creating my grandchild.. But I look terrible!" Jessica cries softly.
"No honey, you don't look terrible!" Danny scoots over and wraps his arm around her.
"You look so beautiful!"
"You're my husband, you have to say that!"
"I don't, actually. But it's the truth. You are the most beautiful woman on the planet. Your body is gorgeous! And your heart is.. there are no words. Your heart is incredible. You're carrying our grandson! That is one of the most beautiful things you've ever done. You've created six little lives, Jess! That's amazing, honey."
Danny wipes her tears with his thumb and kisses her cheek.
"I don't want you to ever think badly about yourself or about your body.. you're beautiful inside and out."
Jessica gives him the smallest smile and sniffles.
"Thank you."
"Any time, gorgeous."
Jessica snuggles into him and Danny places his hand on her belly.
"He's really hyper right now." She says.
"I can't tell!" Danny laughs.
"Buddy you're going crazy, aren't you? You little monkey!
.. You're making grandma-"
"Sorry. You're making Gigi all weepy!"
The baby kicks even harder.
"Ouch! He about kicked my hand off!" Danny shakes his hand.
Jessica giggles making her belly bounce.
"I've missed this belly. You're always beautiful but.. damn Jessica, there's something so special about you when you're pregnant."
Jessica smiles and places her hand on his.
Danny pecks her lips then bends down and kisses all over her belly.
"You're about to hear your grandmother make noises no grandchild should ever hear their grandmother make. Plug your ears, kiddo." He says climbing on top of her.
"Danny!" Jessica giggles.
February 23rd.
Today is Zachary and Alyssa's baby shower.
It was going to be at Alyssa's parents house.
Jessica wore a blue dress that really showed off her growing belly.
"Nova, come on you have to get into your pretty blue dress so you can match mommy!"
"Where we goin, momma?"
"To Mr. and Mrs. Garcia's."
"Who that?" She lifts her hands.
"Aly's parents. It's a shower for the baby, remember?"
"My baby?" She asks.
"Yes, your baby." She laughs.
"I can't wait to meet him, mommy!"
"Oh gosh, I know! Just about two more months!"
"What?! That's years!"
"No it's not!" Jessica laughs.
"Yeah it is!"
"Oh you're such a drama queen!"
"I a queen, mommy! I a queen!" Nova jumps.
"Yes baby, now put your dress on, please."
"My baby's here!" Alyssa runs to Jessica.
"Momma, come feel! Look how big her belly is! My boy is gonna be huge!"
"Mija, don't say that! Jessica, you look beautiful and not huge at all!"
Alyssa's mother nudges her arm.
"Oh! Yes, you're right, momma!" She smiles.
"It's okay, he's a big baby!"
"I can't believe I'm so close to being a mommy!"
Just then Zachary walked over.
"Hey mama! Hey baby boy!" Zachary holds her stomach and kisses it.
"Hi handsome!"
Zachary wraps one arm around Jessica and the other around Alyssa.
"My baby mama's!" He smiles.
"I'm sorry, that sounds so horrible! My baby mama and my mama that's carrying my baby!" He laughs.
"You been drinkin, son?" Jessica chuckles.
"Well it's not a party without Margaritas!" He says that last part in an accent.
"Oh God, a margarita! You guys better have one waiting for me straight after I give birth!" She says making them laugh.
Everyone sat down in the living room to watch Zachary and Alyssa open their presents.
Jessica sat on the couch next to Danny when Nova walked over wanting to sit beside her.
"Mommy, I wanna sit with you!"
"Well hop up, Novies!" She pats the couch.
"Eh! Eh! I can't! I'm just too little!" She whines.
"Oh my goodness, you little midget!" Jessica pulls her up.
Nova snuggles Jessica's belly and places a little kiss on it.
Nova has gotten so attached to the baby, and is always wanting to cuddle Jessica's belly.
"Look! Jessie, this is a gift for you!" Alyssa says.
"You have a few gifts, mom."
"Me?! Aw!" Jessica places her hand on her chest.
"Nobody has to buy me anything!"
"You're having a baby! You totally deserve presents!" Alyssa's sister smiles.
"That's so sweet! Thank you all."
Jessica goes to stand up when Alyssa stops her.
"No, no, no, sit! Zach, go give them to her."
"Here you go, mama!"
"Thank you, sweetie." Jessica smiles softly.
"Ooh! Victoria Secret!" She shimmies.
"Ooh! You can buy something to wear for when we try for our baby!" Danny says with a smile.
"Ooooh!!" Everyone says in unison.
Jessica turns to him and gives him a look.
"I'm kidding! Geez!"
"Just go get me some cake."
"Sure, honey!"
"Me some cake too, daddy!" Nova lifts her head then lays back down.
"Yes ma'am!"
"No. You can share with momma, Nova."
"Nooo! My own!" She whines.
"No missy. You've already had some. You can share with me!"
Nova looks at Jessica with a sad little pout.
"I'm sorry but no."
She lowers her head then buries her face in Jessica's belly.
"Aw, why is the baby sad?" Jane asks.
"She wants her own SECOND piece of cake. But she doesn't need it. Right, Bug?" Jessica pats her back.
"MMMM!" She whines and presses her head into her mother's belly.
"Ouch, stop that!
*Sighs* She's been a bit of a mess and Very Very weepy lately!" Jessica sighs.
"Probably cause mommy and baby are getting loads of attention. Novies is used to being babied all the time!"
"Well she's still babied! Plus, nothing at home is gonna change.. I just don't think she really understands."
"Yeah.. Nova, wanna come sit with aunt Jane?" She smiles.
"No I wanna stay with mommy!" She whines loudly.
"Oh I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you, baby!"
Nova looks up and makes a face at Jane just like the face Jessica just made at Danny.
"You are so your mommy, little girl!" Jane chuckles.
"Thank you all for coming and for these amazing gifts!
Jessie.. you are giving Zach and I.. The greatest gift of all.. we love and appreciate you so so much. We both know we could never ever repay you but—"
"This is just the start of us spoiling you for the rest of our lives" Zachary says handing her an envelope.
"Aw." Jessica smiles and takes it from him.
She opens it and gasps.
"Oh my gosh! They're sending us on a cruise!"
"No way!" Danny's eyes widen.
"All of us?!" Sam smiles.
"No! Just Danny and I!" Jessica gives him a funny look.
"Well that sucks!" He pouts.
"Ooh! Break out that Victoria Secret, Jess!" Jane taps her back.
You two didn't need to do this. Really!"
Alyssa walks over and kneels down in front of them.
She takes Jessica's hand in hers and says, "We want to do this. You're giving us a baby. Please let us at least give you this."
Jessica smiles with tears in her eyes and hugs her tightly.
She then stands up with the help of Zachary and hugs him as well.
"Thank you both so much!"
"Thank You, momma."
The shower is now over. Danny's helping with clean up and Jessica is on the couch with Alyssa folding the baby's little clothes.
"Aw! Look at the little jeans! He's gonna be so cute in these!" Jessica laughs and waves the jeans before placing them on her belly.
"Like a little man! Oh gosh, can it be April already?!"
"I hear ya!" Jessica chuckles.
"Hah! Oh gosh, you just wait, come closer to your due date and I'm gonna be sleeping over at your house every night!"
"Haha! No problem, sweetie!"
"Gigi! Gigi! Gigi!" The twins run over to her.
"What, my babies?"
"We Lee-Bing!" Lyla says.
"You're leaving?! Oh well give me kisses!"
The twins hug her tightly and give her kisses.
"Oh I love you my little angels!"
"Lub yew, Gigi!" Liam says cutely.
"Be good for mommy and daddy!"
"They won't!" James chuckles.
"By, momma. I'll call you later, okay?"
"Alright, honey. You all be careful." Jessica kisses him and pats his opposite cheek.
"You too. By buddy!" He rubs the top of her stomach.
Jessica smiles softly.
She then laid back and relaxed.
Being pregnant, especially this time around made Jessica so exhausted.
She was ready to go home and go straight to sleep.
Jessica was out shopping with Grayson, Nova and Samuel.
"Samuel, stop it! I'm telling your parents when they get home!"
"No Gigi! Then I'll get in trouble!"
"Well we don't try looking under girl's skirts!
Jesus Christ, you are SO your father!"
Suddenly Jessica hers an older woman laughing.
"Um.. can I help you?" Jessica gives her an attitude.
"I'm sorry! I just remember those days! And you're pregnant again, bless your heart!"
"Yeah well.."
"It's okay, she doesn't have to take care of that one!" Grayson points to her round tummy before pointing to Samuel.
"Really she shouldn't have to take care of that one either but his parents are busy."
"Grayson." Jessica says grinding her teeth.
"See.. She's our mom." He points to Nova and himself.
"That little boy over there trying to pull that lady's pants off is her grandson. OUR nephew! And she's pregnant with my brother's baby. Her son's baby! Making him her grandson!"
"Oh!" The woman's eye we're wide.
"Oh gosh, I swear it's a lot less fucked up than that! Come on kids, I don't know why I left the house!" Jessica sighs.
Jessica grabs Samuel and puts him in the basket as he screams and cries.
"You always do that to me, Grayson!"
"I did it on purpose! Did you see her face?" He cracks up.
"That was the best thing I've ever seen!"
When Jessica got home she was absolutely exhausted.
"Your father isn't home yet?! AGHHH!" She groans and lays her head on the steering wheel.
"What wrong, mommy?"
"Nothing baby, Mommy's just sleepy." Jessica says on the verge of tears.
"Nova is too, momma!"
"Why don't we all go take a nap?"
"NO! I don't like naps!" Samuel shouts.
"Samuel, you better take a nap, buddy. I'll let you sleep in my big boy bed if you do!" Grayson says.
"YEAH! Okay!"
Jessica sighs.
"Thank you, Grayson."
"No problem! That'll be five bucks!" He smiles and holds his hand out.
"What?! After your u embarrassed me in front of that lady? Get out of here!" Jessica laughs and shoves him before she gets out of the car.
While putting the groceries away Jessica hit a lot pain in her side.
"Ooh ow!"
"You okay, mom?"
"Yeah, Gray.. I'm alright. Thanks."
"No problem. I'm going upstairs with Sam."
"Thank you so much! Let me know if he gives you trouble."
"I will. Come on, trouble maker!"
"Hey! Watch it, Mister!" Samuel looks up to him with his finger pointed, acting like he's tough.
Jessica takes a deep breath once her pain passes.
"Okay, Love Bug. Let's go take a nappy!"
"Baba mama! Baba!" She whines.
"You want a baba right but now?"
"Oh alright!" Jessica sighs.
Jessica makes her a bottle then hands it to her.
"Pick me up!" Nova cries and holds her arms up.
"Oh goodness." Jessica sighs and picks her up.
Danny's POV.
*Phone Rings*
"Dad! You have to get to the hospital, now!"
"What?! Mom's in labor! I'm gonna be a dad!"
"What?! Oh my gosh! Okay, okay, I'm coming!"
Danny quickly hung up and went to the office.
I can't stay here, my wife is in labor!"
"Oh my gosh! Ah! You go! Get out of here, Grandpa!
Danny drove to the hospital as quickly as he could and went to to be with Jessica.
"Oh Fuck.. Where's Danny? Did you call your father? I need him!" Jessica cries.
"Yes mom, he's on his way, don't worry!"
"I'm here! Just relax, baby. I'm right here."
Jessica smiles and takes his hand.
"How are you feeling? Have they checked you?"
"Yeah, I'm four centimeters."
"That's good!"
Danny then looks over to Zachary and Alyssa.
"How are you two?"
"Emotional! I can't believe he's coming already! I'm gonna be a mom!"
"It's crazy.. he's on his way!" Zachary said with an excited but nervous look on his face.
Danny smiles then turns to Jessica who was now moaning softly.
He stayed quiet and held her hand until her pain passed.
"Good job, baby. You're doing so well."
Six hours later.
"Oh God! Owwwww.. Dammit. Danny, my back!"
Danny quickly jumped to his wife's aid.
"Look at them.. Zach, he's been so amazing through the whole thing.. the love he has for this woman is incredible. He worships her.. seriously. I've never seen someone love another person as much as your father loves your mother."
"I know.." Zachary smiles softly.
Danny breathed in and out with Jessica until her pain eased a bit.
He then moved her hair out of her face and kissed her nose.
"You're doing so beautifully, baby girl. Our grandson is almost here.. we're so close to meeting him and seeing his little face!"
Jessica smiled very softly.
Finally after 14 hours of labor it was time to push.
"Right now I'm just gonna have to ignore the fact that your my mom and that's your vagina."
"Zachary, it doesn't fucking matter!" Jessica shouted in pain.
Danny and Zachary helped hold Jessica's legs back as Alyssa stood beside the doctor.
She was in tears waiting to see her baby boy.
"Alright Jessica, he's coming fast. You ready to push?"
"Yeah.." She says spreading her legs.
"Okay, Push!"
Jessica pushed as hard as she could for 15 minuets before her grandson started to crown.
"Ah! OWWW!"
"Oh my gosh. Keep pushing, mom!"
"Oh my gosh!" Alyssa cries.
"That's it, honey. He's coming! He's coming!" Danny smiles as he sees his grandson's head.
"Good! Deep breath in and one more big push straight down into your bottom!" The nurse says.
"Aghhh! OW!" The baby was out and the doctor laid him on her stomach while the nurses cleaned him a bit.
"Oh my gosh!" Jessica cries.
Alyssa began bawling and Zachary shed a few tears as well.
He wrapped his arms around her and kisses the top of her head.
They then handed the baby over and Jessica was so happy to see them finally holding their baby boy.
It filled her with so much joy knowing she was able to make this dream happen for them.
"Hey beautiful.. Good job. You're amazing, do you know that?"
Jessica chuckles as Danny leans in to kiss her lips.
A few minutes later Jessica's pains came back signaling the after birth was ready to be delivered.
"Okay Jessica, just a light push."
Jessica pushes and nothing happened.
"Okay, a little bit stronger and hold it for ten. Ready? Deep breath in and push, push, push!"
"Wait! Stop pushing!" The doctor says loudly.
"What's wrong!" Alyssa turns to them.
"Oh my gosh!" Zachary's eyes widen.
"Is that a baby?!"
"What?!" Jessica asks.
"That's another baby! Okay, Jessica. I'm gonna need to push hard, okay? We must have missed it on the screen."
"How the hell do you do that?!"
"Twins! Zachary! We have twins!!" Alyssa smiles.
"This is so awesome!"
Jessica continues pushing for another ten minutes and finally a baby girl is born.
"It's a girl! Zach!"
Jessica smiled softly at the excitement in the kids' faces.
Danny wrapped his arm around her and kisses her cheek over and over again.
"You are so incredible!
.. Jess?"
"Hm? Sorry.. I'm sleepy.."
"I'm sure you are!" Danny chuckles then kisses her once again.
Zachary then walks over and kisses his mother's cheek.
"Thank you, mom.. thank you so much."
"Jessica, we owe you the world!" Alyssa says barley able to speak.
... Dad! Something's wrong!"
Danny looks at Jessica.
Her head was hanging and her eyes were beginning to roll back.
Jessica's mind suddenly went black.
There was total darkness and all she heard was chaos.
She saw a blurry image of a man and a little girl in the corner.
Those are the the first words she heard from them.
Meanwhile the doctors are doing everything they can to help her.
"You have to help her! Please help her!" Danny sobbed.
Jessica's heart monitor suddenly made a noise no one wanted to hear.
"I need everyone out of this room, immediately!" The doctor says as the nurses take the babies away from Zachary and Alyssa.
"No! I'm not leaving her! This is my wife, and I said I would never leave her!" Danny shouts.
"Sir, you need to leave. Now!"
"Dr. Huston, we are trying to save your wife. You need to go."
"Come on, dad-"
"Get OFF of me!" Danny pushes Zachary away.
He then holds Jessica's face and kisses her lips.
"You'll be okay, baby girl.. you be okay.." He gave her another kiss as his tears fell on her face.
"I love you, Princess." He said stroking her face and taking in all of her beauty.
"Dad, she's gonna be okay.."
"Please.... Just leave me alone, Zach."
Zachary nodded his head and went to Alyssa.
"This is all my fault. I can't have a baby and your mother— Oh God, your sweet sweet mother!!" She sobbed.
"It's my fault! It's my fault!"
"Shh.. No, stop it. She's gonna be okay. My mom is the strongest woman I know. She'll be fine."
Just then the doctor came out.
Danny looked at him and the man said something that killed him. Something that made him fall to his knees. Something that felt as though someone stabbed his heart out.
He said, "I'm sorry."
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