Chapter 6: Welcome to the E.M.R.
I have a girlfriend.
I have a freaking girlfriend.
I have a girlfriend with whom I just shared my first kiss with...and several kisses after. Holy cow!
Those are the first thoughts that came to my head the moment my alarm clock goes off. Normally when it wakes me up, I get so irritated that I have the ultimate desire to smash it to pieces in one punch just like in The Amazing Spider-Man. But this time, I am too happy to give a darn. I just turn it off and move my body to face the ceiling with my hands behind my head and a smile on my face.
Of course, that only lasts for so long before my mom knocks on my door and tells me to get ready for school. But I still keep a cheery attitude as I take a shower while I listening to some cheery music on my phone to express how good I feel.
Yeah I know it's a nerdy song, but guess what, I'm also a nerd with a girlfriend! Woohoo!
Eventually, I get into my mom's car and we drive to Canterlot High. As usual, when we get there, she kisses me goodbye and then I get out of the car, walking to school. I realize as she drives away that I have not told her or my dad the big news yet. Guess I will have to tell them later.
I head to the front entrance of the school, where Octavia is waiting for me. She smiles as I walk over to her, and we peck each other on the lips.
"Ready to walk through the halls for the first time as a couple?" She asks.
"Really when you are," I reply with a grin.
We hold hands as we walk to the entrance to the school. It isn't long after we come inside that people start noticing us and mumble each other. I can hear them whispering things like 'Have they declared this on their MyStable pages yet?' and 'That lucky guy.'
I know that this is not going to be treated as much of a big deal as the events of the other night, but maybe this will be big enough news to shut some people up about the attack for a while.
As we make a turn to the south hall I notice Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and the rest of the Rainbooms saw us along with...her. Sunset Shimmer stares at the two of us as we pass by them. She's keeping a controlled happy face, but I know this is not something she wants to see. I'm tempted to bite my thumb at her to give the final blow, but I decide against it for the sake of my girlfriend (good grief I still can't believe I'm saying that.)
Eventually, we reach the end of the hall where we have to go to our separate classes. Octavia turns to me with an appreciative smile and says "Thank you for keeping your cool with her, darling." She didn't say her name, but we both know who she was referring to.
"Well as much as I wanted to, it just wouldn't be very gentleman-like to boast over our new relationship no matter how despicable she-" I suddenly stop when it hits me. "Did you just call me darling?"
"Oh. Yes, I suppose I did," She says with a slight blush on her cheeks. "I just thought of it last night and was thinking of maybe calling you that. You don't mind, do you? Do you think it's too soon?"
I think about it for a moment before I shrug and say, "Yeah I think it is too soon, but I like it. It's kind suits you to call me that. Besides, we've known each other for less than a week and already we're dating and have made out at least once before we even started holding hands, so I think we're past the point of taking it slow."
She chuckles.
"That is true," she admits.
For a few moments, we look at each other's eyes like the happy new couple that we are before Octavia sighs reluctantly.
"Well, I must be off before I get detention again," She says.
I make my own reluctant sigh before I say, "Yeah, I guess I better do the same. But we're still good for meeting at the front entrance after school?"
"Absolutely," She answers brightly. "See you then, darling."
And with that, we gave each other a long peck on the lips before we head to our separate classes.
Oh, life could not be any better than this. What was I thinking about waiting until college when there is a kind, caring, beautiful and not-at-all deceptive girl right here in Canterlot High? I definitely have to make sure to thank Soarin, Caramel and Pinkie Pie for pushing me into this.
Actually speaking of which, why didn't Pinkie Pie say anything while Octavia and I were - UULLLKKKK!!!!!!
Before I know it, I am up against the wall of lockers with Pinkie Pie crushing my rib cage with a hug, squealing, "I'm sssooooooooooooo happy for you!!!!!"
Ah. That's more like it.
"Thanks, Pinkie, but I do need my ribs." I manage to say. Once again, she lets go and a slight blush forms from her already pink face.
"Sorry," she says. "But this is so great! I knew we would find someone for you. I just knew it!"
"Yes, you were true to your word." I state. "and I really appreciate that you did that for me Pinkie. So thank you, really."
"Oh don't mention it." She answers gleefully. Before she adds anything, however, the bell rung indicating that we have a minute left to get to our classes.
"Ah! I gotta run!" Pinkie exclaims. "Okay, I just want to say congrats and good luck with your new girlfriend!"
"Thanks, Pinkie," I barely manage to say before she zooms off.
Well, that takes care of saying thanks for one friend, just two more to go.
The first five classes went rather smoothly. I even managed to trick Ms. Harshwinny that I was paying attention because I had my face glued to the chalkboard where she was showing her powerpoint lecture when in reality I was thinking of Octavia. Finally, it was time for lunch, which meant breaking the news to Soarin and Caramel...assuming that they somehow don't know already given the rumors.
I gather my lunch at the food counter thanking Granny Smith before I walk towards my usual table with my best friends. They are both looking at me with a smirk from Soarin and a gleeful look from Caramel.
Yup. They know.
I sit down and start to eating pretending that nothing is going on just for the fun of it before Soarin finally speaks.
"Soooooo..." he says. "Word in the halls is you and Octavia have been holding hands. Care to enlighten us?"
I take a bite of my burger and chew slowly to build up the suspense. Eventually, Caramel can't take it anymore.
"Oh, for the love of heaven, Rough Draft, just tell us already!"
With as much smugness and pride as I can show on my face, I swallow and plainly say, "Octavia and I are dating."
Both of my friends let out a cheer so loud that the whole school may as well have heard it. People are looking at us in confusion, but my buddies don't care. They just let it all out before they each give me a high five.
"I knew it! I knew we were going to find someone for you!" Caramel exclaims excitedly.
"And you said you wanted to wait," Soarin says in a mocking tone.
"Yeah, yeah, you guys were right and I was wrong," I say. "But in all seriousness guys, thank you. I could never have gotten the chance to meet her without you guys and Pinkie Pie pushing me."
"It's all good, man," Caramel says. "And who knows? You guys could be kissing before you know it."
I make a devious grin at that statement that says it all. Caramel's face falls in disbelief.
"Seriously? You already did that?" he asks.
"Well, the first kiss was what sealed the deal," I reply.
"Dude, I'm not even that far with Rainbow Dash!" Soarin exclaims. "How did you manage to beat us to that?"
I shrugged before I reply, "We more or less had a moment that...well...lead to kissing." I smirk before I add, "Dare I say we even made out a little."
"Tongue?" Soarin asks with a grin.
"Heck, no, dude!" I exclaim. "Seriously, why is that a thing? Is pressing lips just not romantic enough for people?"
"Relax, buddy, I'm just messing with ya," Soarin replies. "But seriously, I'm glad things are finally going your way with finding someone"
"Yeah. Maybe now we'll never hear you say a thing about her for as long as we live." Caramel comments in a hopeful tone that I respond with a glare. But shortly after, Caramel's face turns into an uneasy and nervous as he turns (albeit reluctantly) to Soarin.
"Speaking of which, Soarin, did you talk to Rainbow Dash about..." he asks before he stops as if he was afraid to say Applejack's name.
Soarin was going back to his food before he turns his head to Caramel. His eyes show a sense of uncomfortable dread as he looks at him and then at me. He slowly swallows his food and reluctantly replies, "Yeah, I did."
Caramel and I look at each other; him with a hint of fear in his eyes while I began to dread where I think this conversation was going to go. "And?" Caramel finally asks.
Soarin takes a deep breath before he answers.
"Rainbow Dash asked Applejack about what happened after the party and... Applejack told her that you did kiss her on the cheek," Caramel blushes in embarrassment before Soarin continues. "She went on to say that she wanted Rainbow Dash to tell me to tell you that..." Soarin makes a big reluctant sigh before he finishes. "...that you seem like a very sweet guy but she's not interested in dating. Like not just dating you, but like dating in general."
Caramel looks at Soarin with hurt shown all over his face. "Y-you mean, I never had a chance with her no matter what I did?" He asks.
"Basically," Soarin says. "She just spends so much time with school and work and her family when she's not hanging with the Rainbooms that she just isn't interested in the idea of romance, to begin with. She thinks of it as kind of a silly thing that the only Rarity would be really into. The way Rainbow Dash said it, it doesn't look like she's going to change her mind anytime soon. I'm sorry, man."
Caramel is crushed. He starts fighting tears and I don't waste any time walking over and sit next to him and both me and Soarin pat him on the back for comfort.
"I knew I never had a chance with her," Caramel manages to say as he tried to keep it together. "But it does hurt that she wouldn't even say it herself. I just -"
"Hey, it's okay Caramel, it's okay," I say we trying to comfort him.
After a few minutes, Caramel begins to calm down.
"I'm the okay guys," he says quietly. "I'll...I'll manage somehow. It's just a crush since kindergarten. I'll get over it."
"Don't worry, we're here for you, bro," Soarin says. "At least you got to spend time with her. That's got to count for something."
I nod in agreement before a thought occurs to me with a devious smile on my face.
"Yeah, and look at it this way," I begin to say. "You kissed her on the cheek. That's a moment you're going to remember forever." My evil grin grows. "And that also means you're technically farther into the kissing game than Soarin is, who has a girlfriend.
The sad faces of both of my friends disappear as they turn their heads to look at me. Soarin looks at me with a hard glare, but Caramel looks at me with confusion before he starts chuckling.
"Heh, I guess I kinda am," He says before he turns to Soarin. "I kissed my crush before you did."
"Hey now, that's not fair," Soarin protests. "Rainbow Dash just isn't that just into that mushy stuff. We're taking our time."
"Yeah, long enough for your two nerdy friends to get to kiss the girls they like before you do," I say teasingly as Caramel snickers. "Seriously, you're supposed to be the popular one out of the three of us and yet we beat you to it. How embarrassing."
We both laugh at Soarin who gets frustrated but eventually calms down when he realizes I'm only teasing him to cheer Caramel up and starts chuckling with us.
After we calm down, Caramel let out a long sigh.
"Thank you guys," he says appreciatively. "That makes me feel a little better."
"No worries, Caramel," I say, patting his back. "Besides, who knows? Maybe one day, Applejack will change her mind. We're only teenagers, so I bet she'll be more interested in dating sometime in the future."
"You think so?" He asks.
"Hey, if magic can be real and Rough Draft can find a girlfriend in less than a week, than I say anything is possible," Soarin says encouragingly.
Caramel gives both Soarin and me a thankful smile before the bell suddenly rings.
"Oh crap, we're not even done with our food!" Soarin. The three of us suddenly grab our lunches and wolf down our food before we quickly grab our stuff, say our good-byes and race to our respective sixth-period classes.
The last two classes went by just as quickly as the ones before, but I still felt sad for Caramel over what Soarin said about Applejack.
At last, school ends for the day, leaving me to run over to meet Octavia at the front entrance. By the time I open the door, I see that she's standing next to the stairs, waiting for me. She smiles warmly as I walk down the stairs and kiss her.
"So, how was your day?" I ask.
"Oh, nothing much." She replies. "But there was much less talking about the attack, so that's a plus. "
"Yeah, that did die down rather quickly now that I think about it," I state. "So, any ideas for how we are going to hang out tonight?"
Her face suddenly turns into a reluctant frown before she answers.
"Actually, it seems that Vinyl and my other friends have made plans for us," she says. "They kind of want to meet you officially as my boyfriend. Before you say anything, yes, I did try to tell them that we want some alone time, but they managed to convince me."
I frown a little at this.
"Well then, I guess they automatically owe us a day to ourselves next time," I say.
"I couldn't agree more, darling," She says with a small smile. "Anyway, Lyra and Bon Bon are about to pick us up any minute to Vinyl's place. I must warn you that they are a rather...eccentric pair."
"Well, given the variety of people we have in this school, how eccentric are they?" I ask.
Before Octavia can answer, I'm grabbed by the back of my shirt and yanked from behind to be face to face with two girls with smiles on their faces so big that they almost match Pinkie Pie's biggest smiles. The one on my left is teal colored with light grayish cyan hair containing white highlights. The one on my right has her hand on my shirt. She has beige skin with half of her hair blue and half of her hair pink.
"O..." says the girl with the pink and blue hair.
"M..." says the teal-colored girl.
"Goodness!" They shout at the same time.
I manage to break my shirt free and back away from the two girls before the pink-and-blue-haired one speaks again.
"Tavi, you didn't tell me he was this cute! I mean on the cuteness scale he's like-"
"A 7 if not a total 8?" teal one interrupts.
"Yes, I mean he makes me-"
"Want to pinch his cheeks?"
"Yeah, just like..."
"That boy dressed as a merman in the fourth grade!" They say at the same time. They realize what just happened and start giggling in the most girlish way imaginable.
I watch the whole conversation, barely acknowledging what happened. I turn to Octavia, who is amused.
"W-what in the world just transpired?" I ask with a hint of shock in my voice.
"That Rough Draft, is what girly teenagers who are 'best friends forever' are like when they know each other better than normal people do," Octavia replies.
"Huh," I say blankly. "I didn't know people can do that."
"Neither did I before I met them," Octavia says. "In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they are actually twins as opposed to two girls that just grew up together."
I nod in acknowledgment before I turn back to the two girls who only now stopped laughing.
"Anyway, introductions," the one with the pink and blue hair says. "I'm Sweetie Drops, but everyone just calls me Bon Bon. And my bestie here is Lyra Heartstrings, but you can just call her Lyra."
"And you are the boy that has caught our Tavi's eye," Lyra states. "First Draft or something, is it?"
"Rough Draft," I correct before turning to Octavia. "Tavi?"
Octavia rolls her eyes in annoyance.
"It was either that or Octi for a nickname among our group, so I picked my poison," she explains.
"Ah," I say. "Well, I think Tavi works better."
"If you think you're going to call me that..." Octavia starts with a threatening tone.
"Hey, hey, relax," I say with my hands up. "I never said anything about calling you that."
"Good," she says firmly. "Because as my boyfriend I'd expect you to come up with your own nickname, understood?"
"Yes, ma'am," I reply.
"Anyway, we better get going," Bon Bon says. "Vinyl and the others are waiting for us."
"Right. Shall we get on with this Madame?" I ask Octavia.
"Yes, we might as well," she replies with a sigh.
The ride was less than quiet. Octavia and I were silent as the grave sitting next to each other while Lyra and Bon Bon were discussing a hundred subjects a minute as Lyra drove her car. I couldn't help but stare at these girls, trying to understand a thing they are saying, while Octavia was holding my hand for comfort, clearly aware of how I'm still trying to comprehend what I'm witnessing.
Thankfully the car ride ends as we park next to a house that looks big enough to look like a mansion.
"Vinyls parents are very popular DJs," Octavia says to me, clearly reading my reaction. "They don't exactly try to live like normal people like my parents and I do."
"I'll say," I comment.
We walk inside the house (guess Octavia and her friends are welcome anytime) and are greeted by Derpy Hooves, a girl from Canterlot High who is beloved by everyone in the school because of her painfully adorable personality. Standing next to her is a guy with brown hair, tan skin and wearing a nice suit covered by a long coat.
"Ah yes, so this is the guy you've been talking about, Tavi," the guy says with a British accent before he walks toward me with his hand extended. "Name's The Doctor old chap, but everyone just calls me Doc. Nice to finally meet you."
"Uh, yeah, same here," I say taken aback of his firm grip when we shake hands.
"Vinyl, Tavi's guy is here!" Derpy calls out, facing upstairs in her unbearably cute voice.
Vinyl walks down the stairs, surprisingly not wearing her glasses, showing her sharp red eyes. She has a suspicious look on her face as she comes toward me. I'm starting to become uncomfortable, wondering if I should wait for her to make a hand gesture as a way of saying something, or if she wants me to make the first move.
After an awkward pause, I guess the latter.
"Hey...Vinyl," I say in a friendly but uneasy voice. "How've you been since the party?"
But she doesn't respond. She continues to give me a hard glare as if her red eyes were trying to burn right through me.
"Uhh...made any new jams lately?" I ask hesitantly.
Still no answer.
"Oooookay. So how does communicating between us go? Like, do you just make hand jesters, or do you know sign language? I'm sorry if I offend you or something is just..." I stop talking, feeling like I'm walking on thin ice.
Suddenly, Vinyl's glare melts into a smirk and a tomboy voice comes out of her mouth.
"You're right, Tavi, he is silly."
I scream at the top of my lungs and hide behind Octavia in panic.
"Holy crap!!!!! She talks!!!!!" I scream.
The next thing I know, everyone else is laughing hard. Lyra and Bon Bon are giggling and pointing at me. Doc is roaring with laughter while Derpy makes a cute giggle placing her hand on Doc's shoulder for support. Even Octavia can't stop herself from snorting out a laugh. But out of all of them, Vinyl is laughing the hardest. She roars with so much laughter that she goes down on her knees, holding her gut.
After a minute, the laughter begins to die down, and Vinyl manages to stand back up, barely holding back whatever laughter she has left.
"W-well-well the least you could've said is 'holy crap. She's sexy!'" She says in mid laughter.
"What is going on? I thought you are mute! Everyone in the school does...right?!" I exclaim.
Octavia lets out a short snicker before she answers, "That would be a yes to anyone who is not in this house."
"But...but why in the world would she act like she's mute when she's in public?" I question.
"For publicity, dude," Vinyl replies. "It's all part of my image as a DJ. I am an awesome yet silent DJ. It brings a sense of mystery about me.
"But isn't that hard to do?" I ask. "I mean, I've heard it's hard for the teachers."
"Meh, I manage," Vinyl answers with a shrug. "Plus, it keeps me from needing to interact with any of my boring classes."
"Vinyl, all of your classes are annoying to you," Octavia comments disapprovingly.
"Hey, what can I say? I'm trying to be polite," Vinyl says with another shrug.
"So, you all are okay with this?" I ask the rest of the group.
"Oh, we don't mind," Derpy answers. "We're her friends, and we respect her decision."
"Indeed. It can be trying at times, but you learn to understand her without talking after a while." Doc adds.
"I find it to be just as questionable as you do, but I'm reluctantly on the same page," Octavia says politely.
I'm about to ask another question when suddenly Vinyl's face is mere inches apart from mine, and she gives me a menacing glare.
"Now that you know my secret, you're gonna have to promise never to reveal that I can talk. And just so we're clear, I mean Pinkie Promise," she says threateningly.
I gulp and reluctantly tell myself that this is for Octavia before I carefully say, "I'm as silent as the grave. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."
I hope that would be enough, but Vinyl keeps her glare.
"That's too easy. The real challenge is knowing if you're right for Tavi," she says.
"Ooookay, how do I prove myself?" I ask, concerned.
Vinyl grabs me by my shirt and pulls me closer to her until our noses are touching. Her glare is more threatening, and I'm getting uncomfortable, hoping someone is going to help. Then Vinyl begins to speak again but in a cold and aggressive tone.
"Tell me, do you care for Tavi?"
"Well, I may have only known her for a few days, but yes, I do," I answer, still uncomfortable.
"That's also too easy. How about, are you willing to die for her?"
"Well, yeah, I mean, she's my girlfriend."
"Would you protect her with all you have even if it causes you immense pain?"
"Vinyl," Octavia says in a concerning tone, but Vinyl ignores her.
"Would you allow yourself to be crushed to pieces for her? Have your eyes gouged out? Be burned at stake? Have every bone in your body broken?"
"Viiiinnnyyyylll," says Octavia warningly.
I'm getting more uncomfortable and try to break free from Vinyl's grip, but she isn't having it.
"Your intestines spilled? Your throat opened? Your skull crushed? Your limbs cut off? Your - HMMP!"
A gray hand covers Vinyl's mouth, and forcefully turns her head to face an enraged Octavia.
"Vinyl Jordon Scratch, you will let go of my boyfriend and stop pestering him this instant!!!!" she screams.
Vinyl's eyes widen, and she quickly lets go of my shirt. I lose my balance from trying to get away from her and fall on my bottom. Derpy, Doc, Lyra, and Bon Bon just look away uneasy, clearly having seen this side of my girlfriend before. I feel intimidated as I look at Octavia's eyes. If looks could kill, she could destroy the whole town.
After a minute, Octavia lets go of Vinyl and lets out a long sigh. She tidies up her vest and skirt before she turns to me and pulls me back up. She looks ashamed as she clears her throat and whispers, "I'm sorry you had to see that. I guess now you know I have a bit of a temper."
"It's okay," I quietly say. "Thank you for stopping her, at least."
She scoffs.
"Vinyl had that coming," she says with a wave of her hand. "She didn't tell me that she was going to talk to you like that. It was way out of line. From now on, no one talks to you that way when I'm around. Understood?"
"Yes, ma'am," I say quickly.
Satisfied, Octavia gives me a small smile before turning back to glaring at Vinyl.
"Are you through 'challenging' him?" she asks.
Vinyl snaps out of her frightened trace before chuckling nervously.
"Well, I didn't scare him off or anything, so I don't see why not. Does anyone object?"
"Bon Bon and I are on board," Lyra answers.
"I say we let him in," says Derpy.
"Yes. Let's welcome the chap," Doc says.
"Alright then, everyone to the basement," Vinyl announces as we all follow her to the end of the hall to where the basement is. Vinyl holds the door for us to enter the staircase with Octavia, and I come last. As we enter, Vinyl grabs me by my shoulder and whispers in my ear so that Octavia can't hear.
"By the way, a friendly word of advice: never tell Octavia your middle name. I don't care if you lovebirds start getting to know each other forward and backward like Lyra and Bon Bon. You piss her off, and you'll be completely scarred beyond words if she shouts out your full name."
"Wait, wouldn't I be scared anyway knowing she's pissed or something?" I whisper back.
"You'd like to think it's that simple," she answers. "Unfortunately, Tavi has a way of being more...threatening when she's shouting out your full name after losing her temper. So seriously, don't give her your full name."
I look at her confused yet unconvinced, but I simply play along and nod. She walks down the stairs ahead of me while Octavia was a few steps down waiting for me.
Once I make my way to her, she asks, "What was that all about?"
I hesitate before I reluctantly answer, "You don't want to know."
She looks unconvinced with my answer but decides to drop it as we make our way down.
After making it to the bottom, Vinyl flips a switch and lights start to flicker to reveal a workshop. There are all sorts of gadgets and gizmos lying on worktables and hanging on walls. I look at my right to find Vinyl's Wub mobile and a runway that leads to the driveway outside. Then Vinyl clears her throat and proudly shouts, "Rough Draft, welcome to the E.M.R.!"
There is nothing but silence apart from her words echoing all over the entire room. Everyone is starting at Vinyl, unsure of what to say.
Thankfully, Octavia clears her throat says, "Vinyl, maybe you should elaborate on the name?"
"Aw, but Tavi, I like the acronym," Vinyl whines.
"But do you think Rough Draft as any idea what that means?" Octavia contradicts.
Vinyl sighs and mutters, "fine," under her breath, and with less energy she says, "Welcome to the Evil Magic Resistance."
I stare at her, confused.
"The...Evil Magic Resistance?"
"Well, of course, it sounds dorky when you say the whole name," Vinyl huffs. "Why else do you think I like the acronym? Acronyms are cool. They give us more of an identity, even if we are a private group."
"Yeah, but forgive me if I find what you appear to be saying to be...pretty out there," I say. "I mean, are you implying that you guys are...planning to fight back evil monsters from that other world?"
Vinyl looks at me like said something weird.
"Uh...yeah," she answers. "We kinda want to be prepared for stuff like that. I mean the school has encountered demons and sirens in like, what? A month? Who's to say something like that won't happen again?"
"Well, sure, but how do you expect to fight back?" I ask.
"Ah-ha!" Vinyl exclaims. "I was just about to get to that. Doc?"
I turn to Doc, who clears his throat, walks over to a wall of gadgets, and starts proudly explaining, "After the strange events of Caterlot High's Fall Formal and Battle of the Bands, Vinyl has asked me to investigate and find an explanation for these happenings. Being a student of Gallophrey High, where we specifically study science, she figured I would be best suited for the job."
"Yeah, when Sunset Shimmer turned into a she-demon, I managed to escape before she destroyed the front entrance and brainwashed everyone else," Vinyl adds before her face falls. "But that doesn't mean I didn't see everyone turn into mindless zombies. I hid in a bush and dared to take a peak only to find everyone at the dance looking so soulless. What really got to me was when I saw Tavi there. We were just starting to become good friends and yet there she was with green eyes, a limp stance, and groaning. It made me ashamed that I ran for my life while my friend turned into a hallow being."
She lifts her head to look ashamedly at Octavia. Octavia looks down with dread, making me remember what she said yesterday about how she felt about the brainwashing. I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her, and she turns to face me and gives me a small but appreciative smile.
We face Vinyl and Octavia says, "You know it wasn't your fault, Vinyl. You would have been brainwashed too, and you know it."
"Yeah, but I sure wished there was something I could have done," Vinyl responds. "Sure I was happy and all when Sunset Shimmer was defeated and put on a fun show in my Dj booth once the dance was back on, but even with my cheeriest demeanor, I felt like I should have done something and try to find a way fight back. It may have been just one attack with a magical being at the time, but I couldn't help but feel like this wasn't going to be the last of it. So I tried finding out more. To the best of my ability to sound mute, I tried asking Applejack, Rainbow Dash and the other girls who defeated Sunset Shimmer with that Twilight girl. But they all said that the magic left with Twilight when she went back to that other and tried to assure me that there was no danger left. I didn't buy that, so I reluctantly tried Sunset Shimmer but she acted too down to answer me. That's when I asked Doc to look more into it."
"Yes, although I had trouble believing her because it sounded very preposterous," Doc adds, coming back to the conversation. "But Vinyl insisted that I investigate and I did hear rumors about the events even though there were no photos or videos to prove it, so I gave vinyl one of my sonic scanners to use if something like that happened again so I could study it."
As I take in this information, I turn to look at Derpy, Lyra, and Bon Bon.
"And where were you guys when this was going on?" I ask.
"Oh, I wasn't able to go to the dance because I had to babysit," Derpy answers.
"Yeah, and we had a camping trip with our families that we didn't want to reschedule just for the dance, especially since we thought Sunset Shimmer was going to become Princess of the formal for the fourth year in a row," Bon Bon says.
"Fair enough," I say before Vinyl continues.
"So I kept Doc's thingamajig with me in case something like happened again. Then, of course, The Dazzlings came to turn the showcase into a battle of the bands and all that stuff. I didn't pay any mind because I was just hanging around and listening to my tunes throughout most of it. But then I noticed Doc's thing acting up and then the Twilight girl's talking dog walked up to me and said something about the siren's trapping The Rainbooms, I took the opportunity. The fact that these creatures use magic to power their music was the perfect opportunity to redeem myself and fight back and whip the Dazzlings' butts. "
"Thankfully with that and the data that my sonic scanner collected, I began to slowly believe that - while I wouldn't call it magic per say, some sort of unknown force has been causing all of this commotion," Doc adds. "Since they're our closest friends and they were part of the battle of the bands, we asked Derpy, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Octavia to take part in my experiments for signs of side effects of this - for lack of a more appropriate word, magic. Sadly, we didn't learn a whole lot potentially because this sort of energy appears to be beyond what is known to science. But we did learn how the source subtly alters the brain to the point where Vinyl and I are attempting to create counter-defenses in case it happens again. All of these gadgets you see around you are our various prototypes for protection against brainwashing and maybe even weapons to use against these 'magical' creatures."
"But how is Vinyl able to help you with something like that?" I ask.
"My dad is kind of into mechanics as a hobby," Vinyl answers. "He usually builds stuff for his gigs down here, but I help him out a lot and have learned enough to build my own stuff like my Wub mobile."
"Are your parents okay with you guys doing something like this, though?" I question. "I mean, this seems like a lot of money and a lot of dangerous experimental equipment just to be precautions about all the magical stuff at school."
Vinyl shrugs and answers, "Nah, we're pretty loaded, and my folks are pretty cool with whatever we do down here as long as we don't blow up the house or something."
That wasn't the most mature or convincing answer I've ever heard, but I decide it would be best to be quiet about it. But then I think now is the best time to answer the question that I've had on my mind this whole time.
"So where in the world do I fit in with all of...this? Are you asking me to join your...crusade against possible future encounters from that other world simply because I'm dating Octavia?" I ask.
"Eh...not exactly," Vinyl answers, "I think Tavi might want to explain that."
I turn to Octavia, confused. She is trying to avoid eye contact with me as she reluctantly answers my question.
"Well, you see, Rough Draft, I may not have been completely honest with you when I said that Vinyl convinced me to bring us here," she says. "She did demand to bring you here to test you about our relationship, but I might have suggested the idea of making you a member of the Resistance as well."
"Why?" I ask.
"Because I remembered what you said about feeling weak against Sunset Shimmer and The Dazzlings and how Vinyl felt helpless with the former," she answers. "We're not exactly ready to face a demon or a siren just yet, but if we can figure out how to defend ourselves and fight back if absolutely anything like that happens again, I want you to be a part of it. Not just because you're my boyfriend and I care about you, but because this might be what you need to face your fears and be able to stand up for what unknown forces lie from this magical world. Plus, I wanted to show you how much you are not alone with how to feel about all of this magic. Derpy, Lyra, and Bon Bon feel just the same as you and me."
I turn to the three people she just named, feeling hopeful.
"Is that true?" I ask.
"Oh yes, we're pretty uneasy about the whole magic thing in general, quite frankly," Bon Bon answers sadly. "Lyra and I may not have been at the Fall Formal, but we did get brainwashed to compete in the battle of the bands writing our own music expressing how much we love each other as B.F.F.s, so we're not really okay that we were used for the Dazzling's plan, and while we're totally cool with the Rainbooms, Lyra and I aren't comfortable about the magic they have even if they saved us with it.
Lyra nods and puts her hand on Bon Bon's shoulder for support with a frown on her face. Derpy rubs her arm before she reluctantly joins in the conversation.
"I'm just terrified of magic, to begin with," she says with a shiver. "I wasn't at the formal, but the stories I heard the school day after and seeing the front entrance of the school destroyed like that terrified me. It was worse when the showcase was turned into a battle of the bands. I was really excited to perform with my friends Blueberry Pie and Raspberry Fluff, but when the sirens came, I felt so determined to win that I got so angry around everyone. I remember Lyra and Bon Bon holding me back when I was yelling at Bulk Biceps, claiming that my band was better than him. It haunts me sometimes that I did that because I love that guy; he's a total sweetheart. I just wanted to have fun with my friends and these magical creatures and the Rainbooms practically turned the whole thing into some magical musical war zone."
Derpy puts her head down, unable to finish. Doc is quick to come to her side and wrap his arms around her for comfort. She looks up to face him with a smile, appreciative of the gesture.
"So you see, Draft, pretty much everyone that's not Doc or me has been affected by all this magic stuff in some way or another," Vinyl says. "It's great that most of the school appears not to be traumatized by either the dance or the battle of the bands, but you, Tavi, Bon Bon, Lyra and Derpy are the exceptions. You guys are the only people who aren't willing to act like nothing happened and are worried that more beings like the Dazzlings or Sunset Shimmer will come to attack us. I'd bring the Rainbooms into this, but given how some of us are afraid of magic in general and the Rainbooms are just as capable of being corrupted by magic as we are, we as a group want to be kept a secret. Even so, we don't want to be helpless; we want to be able to defend ourselves if anything like this happens again. So that leaves us with one question: do you want to play a part in this, or do you want to be a pawn for someone's game again?"
This is a lot to take in at once. I can't believe Octavia set me up to be asked to join this...magic fighting group. I can't fault her for meaning well, and I hate to admit that she, Vinyl, and Doc are right that we could be attacked by some magical force again at any moment. But should I take a part in something like this to face my fears? After a few minutes, I take a deep breath and reluctantly ask, " can I help?"
Unexpectedly, the whole group cheers at my question and Vinyl, and Doc walk over me and pat my shoulders in congratulations.
"Alright, Rough Draft! " Vinyl exclaims. "That's the spirit!"
"Indeed, atta boy ol' chap," Doc adds.
"This is going to be fun!" Bon Bon says excitedly
"I know, right? I can't wait," Lyra says.
Derpy only giggles in excitement while Octavia has an appreciative smile on her face. I give her a small smile in return before I turn to Vinyl.
"Seriously, though, what can I do?" I ask.
"Well, you can help us prepare for The Dazzlings trial for starters," Vinyl says.
"The Dazzlings trial?" I ask, confused.
"Yes, we figured that our first mission (so to speak) should be to keep an eye out for the Dazzlings while they're on trial," Doc explains. "They may be ordinary teenage girls, but we think we should be cautious since they seem persistent enough to have attacked the school the other night. It's not likely that they used this 'magic' or whatever force you want to call it to do so, but with everything that has happened at your school, we shouldn't take chances."
I slowly nod before I ask my next question, "So... not that this is a vote of no confidence or anything, but are you sure the Rainbooms won't be able to help if something happens?"
"Well, keep in mind we want to keep E.M.R. a secret just in case," Vinyl answers. "Besides, their magic appears to only works when they play music, and I doubt the staff at the courtroom are willing to let them bring their instruments just to be cautious ."
"Okay, fair enough. So what do you plan to do if by the slightest chance the Dazzlings try to pull anything?" I ask.
"Ah, I was waiting for you to ask," Doc answers. He walks over to one of the walls of gadgets and takes a few out and places them on the table. "These are just prototypes, but hopefully they will work well enough for the trial."
"Hopefully?" I question.
"Well, it's like I said earlier, we only can detect so much with this unknown force," Doc explains. "Anyway, these here are scanners for in case the Dazzlings try to escape. We haven't developed any weapons for defense yet, so we have a couple of tasers for in case we need to fight them. Unfortunately, we can't bring these to the courtroom for obvious reasons, so if they try anything, we have to be quick to exit the building, grab our equipment from Vinyl's car and try to stop them."
I become uneasy as I ask what I hope is my last question, "Wouldn't we get in trouble for using this unlicensed stuff against a couple of convicts?"
"Erm...well, yes, we could," Doc answers hesitantly. "But it's a risk we're willing to take."
"So we're taking the Ghostbusters route for this stuff," I say plainly.
"Yeah, that's one way of looking at it," Vinyl says with a shrug.
"Uh, Ghostbusters?" Octavia asks quizzingly.
"Wait, you've never seen Ghostbusters?" I ask, shocked.
"Rough Draft, I'm not as nerdy as you are," She answers plainly.
"Okay, that does it. We're going to have a few movie dates to get you up to date with this stuff," I announce. "Everyone should know stuff like Ghostbusters or Star Wars, whether they're nerds or not."
Octavia rolls her eyes and politely says, "Whatever you say, darling. Whatever you say."
Eventually, we stop discussing the plan and decide to go hang out. We went to Sugarcube Corner to have a few shakes and get to know each other better. It was hard to communicate with Vinyl since she had to pretend to be mute. On the bright side, though, Sunset Shimmer wasn't working tonight, so that helped me enjoy drinking my milkshake.
After a couple of hours, Octavia and I decide to separate from the group and start walking home. We hold hands while Octavia has her head on my shoulder, which is nice. But as we walk, she sighs heavily and lifts her head to look at me.
"Be honest with me, Rough Draft; are you upset that I lied to you?" She asks.
I turn to look at her and take a moment to think carefully before I answer.
"No, just a little disappointed," I say honestly. "I get that the E.M.R is supposed to be a secret and all that, but I don't appreciate being tricked."
"I thought as much," she says. "I am sorry about the whole thing, and I didn't know Vinyl was going to do that to you. Tell you what, how about every day, we tell each other something the other doesn't know every time we hang out. How's that?"
"That sounds fair," I say with a shrug.
"Alright, then it's your turn to tell me something," she says.
I hum in thought, trying to think of something. Then an idea hatches in my mind.
"Well, I guess we can start with a dark secret of mine. But I must warn you that it's really hard to take in," I say, pretending to sound troubled.
"Is it about Sunset Shimmer?" She asks.
"No, that's another secret for another time," I say. "Besides, this is even darker than that."
Silence fills the air. Only our footsteps make any noise. Octavia starts to get worried as I keep the suspense building.
"I'm Batman."
It takes a moment before Octavia fully processes my words in her mind. Her eyes widen before they turn into eyes of anger. The next thing I know, she's swatting my heard hard, but I laugh the pain away as she yells at every hit.
"You! Are! A! Git! Rough! Draft!"
"Well, it's what you get," I giggle. "You trick me, so I trick you back."
"That was poor form you jerk," she exclaims. "You had me really worried there!"
I let out a few more giggles before I fully calm down.
"You're right. That was not cool of me," I say. "I'm sorry I tricked you. Forgive me and call us even?"
Octavia lets out a sigh.
"Well, I guess that's fair," She says before pointing her finger at my chest. "But pull a stunt like that again, and you will only think I'm dating you. Do I make myself clear?"
"Crystal," I say quickly.
"Good," she says pleased as she takes my hand and rests her head on my shoulder. "Now take me home. You can tell me a real fact about yourself next time."
"As you wish, my lady," I say, using a fake version of her accent. She scoffs at my response but manages to let out a small smile. We reach her front porch and kiss for a few seconds before she comes inside and bids me good night.
I walk home and come upstairs to my room while my mom tells me that dinner will be in half an hour. I plop onto my bed and let out a long sigh. Today was a long day, and the next few days are going to get crazier.
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