Chapter 3
The very next day, Queen's Physician, Sir James was summoned by the duchess. The order led to havoc at Buckingham palace. Everyone tried to decipher the letter which was written in haste, full of mistakes and with an authority no one possessed at the duchess' household. Apart from being annoyed at her mother's cross-the-line behaviour, Victoria was also concerned about the health of the patient who suffered pain, so intense that such urgency in making an appointment was thought to be crucial. Everyone had their own hypotheses, the most convincing being the one from Lehzen. Considering the fact that only a week had passed since Lady Flora's last public appearance, her proposition was based on what the witnesses had thought to be fishy that evening: the protruding belly behind Flora's strange opaque hand-held fan.
At the duchess' abode, everything was quite deranged. But the cloud hadn't burst yet, Sir John hadn't been inquired.
The Duchess went to Lady Flora who had been bed ridden by the pain. She intended to ask for something that she was certain would sound selfish.
"How are you doing?" The Duchess asked in her angelic voice.
"Not good, if you must have an answer....Has the doctor arrived, yet?"
"No, but he must be on his way." She smiled and was ready to leave as she understood that she couldn't ask Flora to do what she wanted. It made no sense. But in the moment when she pushed the door handle down, she felt a gush of blood through her, imbuing her with the kind of courage that enables one to do unimaginable things. She became resolute in steering her way through every majestic wave the sea had to offer.
She turned and said "You are to refuse a physical examination. Not until we're sure that it wasn't him."
"What do you mean 'no'? You owe it to us, after all we did for you, you cannot..."
The doctor's arrival was announced and the duchess left to receive him.
A prejudiced Sir James was shown into a room, which he would never have associated with Lady Flora. It was magnificently filled with sunshine, which was reflected by decent looking cream coloured walls and off-white curtains; far from the taste of the flashy and superficial aristocrat he assumed her to be.
Her room was at the pole opposite to where her mind was; here everything was gloomy, sick to the core and melting of exhaustion. Sir James, still prejudiced about Flora's character, examined her. The area the pain originated from and how it had spread to different regions in her belly, hinted that she might indeed be with a baby. Added to this was the doctor's unwavering faith in rumours, leading to a baseless conclusion.
Then he asked just to sound like he was doing his part "Do you have any implications as to how this could have happened?.... Maybe something you ate that might have upset your stomach."
"No, I don't think so. Could this just be it.... a flu?"
"Well, it can explain the pain but not the swelling," He said though he knew that this would be highly unlikely, given the severity of the pain and its location. "Perhaps, an act you repent. You can confide in my proficient secrecy. In the end, it's a part of a physician's profession, to know everything about his patients."
Flora looked at the Duchess' face glaring from the corner of the room. She read her lips, clearly enunciating an authoritative "No!"
"I am still a chaste woman, with dignity!" Flora exclaimed as if it would make her stance more believable. "Well, then we would need to perform a complete medical examination,"
Flora said interrupting Sir James "Now;"
"Yes, preferably............. Such things require a speedy response."
The duchess imposed her words "Look at her! I don't think that she is comfortable with such an elaborate affair being undertaken in such a haste. Let's give the idea some time to seep in her mind. The next time you come, even you'd be better prepared for it."
"Exactly, I too believe that the examination should be postponed. Anyways, I feel like if giving it some time can do good, then we must try the natural way." Flora said.
"If I may suggest, then......"
"Thank you, Sir James." The Duchess interrupted in her resonating-angelic voice.
"The pleasure was mine. Then, I shall give the medicines to your maid. So long, till our next appointment." He said expressionlessly.
The ladies smiled, not saying anything until they saw Sir James leave. "Such a presumptuous little prick!" the Duchess said. "You have to talk to Sir John. It's a question of my life."
Her eyes rolled in exasperation and she left the room uttering an ignorant "Fine;"
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