I Have To Tell Y'all Something
So, for pretty much as long as I can remember, I've been hearing these strange "voices" every now and then. Well, voices isn't really how I percieve them as. They're more like echos in nature, and I'll explain what I mean in a minute. My main point is that I'm sick of wondering what the heck is going on with me, and I want to find some answers. However, I'm not too sure how to go aboit that. I thought my best guess could be getting all of my observations out there so that if someone stopped by and cared to read this chapter, they might know something that could help me out. I don't know if this is some kind of disorder or maybe even if it's just normal and at some point everybody experiences this. The whole situation is honestly just annoying to me, so I want to know what's up with my brain and why this is happening. If you guys know anything that could enlighten me about this, please let me know. It would be really helpful for me to get even the smallest amount of new information about this.
Ok, now let me explain.
It only happens when I'm sleep deprived, or just really tired or lethargic. Sometimes it happens when I wake up and I'm still fighting off sleepiness. Perhaps it could be a subconscious thing, but that is a bit debatable.
The tone of the "echos" (voices) is always mocking/nasty/mean. As far as I can remember, they've never said anything original, just copying what I think. For example, one day after getting up I was getting ready for school and I thought, "Ok, I gotta go get my water bottle," and then they echoed in a distorted version of my own voice, "Gotta go get my water bottle." They said it really nastily, like when you copy what someone said to rub in their face just how stupid they sound. Their tone of voice always sounds condescending, like they're on a higher level than me and they are snobbishly looking down their noses at me.
This has been happening ever since I can remember; in fact, it's a core part of my earilest memories. However, within the past year it's become extremely more frequent. For example, through out my "single digit" childhood and into my preteen years, it only occurred about a total of three or four times. Since my freshman year of high school, it has happened an estimated amount of six or seven times. I can't remember every incident, so that number could very well be inaccurate and it could be less or even more. My point is, the number of times I experienced these "echos" or voices or whatever you want to call them increased dramtically once I began high school and began to sink into my depression. There could be a correlation to my depression and these voices, but I honestly don't know how exactly that would work with all the scientific research done on how the human brain works while under the influence of depression.
I'm not telling you this to grab your sympathy or to say, "Look at me; I'm crazy!!" I am just genuinely curious to know what is going on inside my brain/mind and how I can better myself from that gained information. I just want to mainly know if I have some obsure type of disorder, maybe even schizophrenia, although to me the latter seems unlikely because I do not exhibit the other main symptoms of that particular disorder. Once I have that figured out, I can then learn how to move forward, how to live with this going on inside my head and manage it in a healthy way while also living the best life I can.
Once again, if you guys know absolutely anything that could help me out, please let me know. I really want to get this figured out, so I can move on with my life in a safe way. So if you've ever experienced something like this, or know someone who has, don't be shy and comment your information. I really would appreciate it. :)
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