Chapter 1: Creation has Taken Place
Things with white coats were towering over me, I was terrified, weak, and confused. They spoke, but their language was unbeknownst to me. All I could think of was a simple instinct: fight or flight. I got up with extreme difficulty. Although, my legs were too weak and gave in to my weight; I had to resort to crawling. I crawled as fast as my small, tiny limbs could carry me.
One of the things exclaimed something rather happily and the other took long strides on its two legs and picked me up. I squirmed furiously. It made an odd sound, its lips opened and poked out of its face. The sound was much like the sound of the slowly spinning blades covered by slim, silver rods, but chopped up and sloppy.
It pulled out something long and pointy out of its coat and stuck the thing in my arm. I screamed an ear splitting screech until I could feel my energy slowly slipping away. My eyes blinked quickly for a few seconds and then everything was black.
Ten years had passed since what Mr. Dewson called my "creation". Now, I was speaking clearly, and the small wings I was created with had grown to a considerable size.
Mr. Dewson decided I was finally old enough to meet the other Immune. He took me to a large room where happy Immune were playing and talking together. Mr. Dewson showed me to a German Shepherd-boy. He was covered in tan colored fur with a black tuft of hair on his head. He had on a dark blue shirt and jeans. Up pointing ears stood on the top of his head and a tan colored tail, sporting a black stripe down the middle, poked out of where his tail bone would be.
The boy looked at me and smiled.
"Hi! My name's Lookie!" he introduced as he shook my hand.
"M-my name's... J-Juju..." I stammered rather shyly.
"Hi Juju!" Lookie exclaimed. "I like your shirt! Hey, are those wings?"
I nodded and looked down at my yellow and black striped shirt. I also wore black pants. My antenna twitched as I remembered when Mr. Dewson first told me about my species of Immune.
He took me in front of the mirror and brushed my hair for me, being sure to watch out for the budding antennae.
"Juju, do you know what you are?" Mr. Dewson asked.
"No?" I replied, confused.
"You are what we call Immune. You're a bee species. Do you know what a bee is?" he asked again.
I had a very vague description of a bee in my head.
"A fluffy bug?" I asked.
Mr. Dewson chuckled.
"No, Juju, a bee is a little creature that neither you or I could survive without. They are sweet like flowers--"
I interrupted, "I'm sweet like a flower too!"
"Yes, yes my darling, you are. Now, as I was saying, they are sweet like you, but they also have a sting. Bees are both kind and strong. Like a knight." Mr. Dewson explained.
I smiled in delight. Ever since that first story Mr. Dewson read to me about the kind knight who protected his kingdom even when a huge dragon attacked, I had always wanted to be a knight.
"Is the sting part what these are for?" I pointed to my antenna on top of my head.
Mr. Dewson laughed again.
"Juju, those are for detecting danger. You can smell from about a mile away, can't you?" he said. I nodded in response. "Then you will be able to smell danger from a mile away. And," Mr. Dewson pointed to my still blunt stinger, "This is the sting part."
I smiled.
Lookie waved his hand in my face.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," my stutter had completely disappeared after the warm thought.
Lookie and I continued talking for a while. We walked around the large room, avoiding being ran into by other Immune while they played games. Mr. Dewson called me over to go back to our little room place and I waved goodbye to Lookie.
Mr. Dewson took my hand and we walked down the long corridor toward what Mr. Dewson called an apartment. We had dinner there and we talked happily. Mr. Dewson was like a father to me. Although, he never let me call him Dad.
"I'm just your protector," he would say.
After we finished dinner, Mr. Dewson pulled out some math flashcards. We went through the normal stuff; addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and so on. He then pulled out some paper and a pencil and taught me some more English. We went through a normal "school day" as he would call it.
It was finally time to go to bed after some reading. Mr. Dewson read me my favorite bedtime story, the one about the knight, and went to his own room to sleep. I fell asleep quickly.
In the middle of the night, I heard a loud alarm sounding. A man's voice appeared in the speakers.
"Attention! Attention! An attack has happened! An Immune was...." I was fast asleep by then.
I woke up not even a few minutes later to Mr. Dewson shaking me. He had a worried and terrified look on his face.
"Juju! You need to get out of here! They've found us!" he screamed in a loud whisper. Something started ferociously banging on the door, "Go through the window! The attackers are here already!"
Mr. Dewson shoved me through the window as I squirmed. Once I was safely through the first floor window, he shut it and locked it.
What I assumed to be the attackers burst through the door as if it was a twig. What I didn't know, was that Mr. Dewson had already formed a plan. As the attackers trampled over Mr. Dewson to get to a lump on Mr. Dewson's bed, a robotic, life-like version of me had sprung up out of the covers like it detected noise. The attackers took down the robot and seized it by its arms as it squirmed furiously. They dragged it out of the room and I saw poor Mr. Dewson sprawled out across the floor in terrible pain.
"Go now!" he mouthed.
I took one last glance at my favorite person in the world and bolted off.
I stopped at a clearing. Apparently others had been able to escape. But out of the room full of over one thousand Immune that I saw, there were only about ten or twenty, including Lookie.
"Are you the last one to escape?" came a voice from one of the Immune.
"Y-yeah... I think so..." I replied, breathless from the sudden terror that had happened.
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