Oh dear, that's sounds really weird...
Which is on par for who I am so I guess that makes sense!
This is the part where I have to take the time to say thank you.
This might be the first time you read one of these author's notes, it might be one of many from me you've read but I hope it doesn't down play my gratitude.
This is my thirteen book I'm written. That's right THIRTEEN!! It's crazy. But you want to know what's really crazy?
The fact that I get to share my work with you and that you enjoy it! Not only that but you keep reading even when the story gets MAJORLY depressing! You stick with me!
I've said this before and I'll say it again, you don't understand how much your support and encouragement means to me! When I feel almost stuck with writing I read your comments and get excited to write the next chapter knowing how you'll react to it!
You are a source of happiness in my world! I hope you know that!
To my silent readers! I love you even though I might not know your name! I love that you choose to be a part of this story!
To my voters! You are my gold stars! (I was going for a play on the fact that voting means you click on a star and in school you get gold stars, I don't know if it made any sense) Still, love you, boo boo!
To my commenters! Stars above do you make my day! Your comments make me laugh, grin like an idiot and smirk like an evil villain! I love you for choosing to take the time to write out your reactions instead of speeding through the chapter!
Thank you a million times over! Muchas gracias! Heel erg bedankt! Merci beaucoup! Grazie mille! Tusen takk! Muito obrigado! Tack så mycket! Aad baad u mahadsan that! Ich danke dir sehr! Gelek sipas! மிக்க நன்றி mo dupe lowo yin lopolopo! बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद ඔයාට බොහෝම ස්තූතියි Много благодаря! Mauruuru nui koe! Maraming salamat! Շատ շնորհակալություն Děkuji mnohokrát! Terima kasih banyak! Mange tak! Dziękuję bardzo! огромное спасибо muito obrigado! Asante sana! Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều! তোমাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ Σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ! Çok teşekkür ederim! 非常感謝
بہت بہت شکریہ شكرا جزيلا شكرا جزيلا
A special thanks to all the readers who survived through the updates and heartache of cliff hangers!
I have to give a huge shout out to BrinkofExtinction because you have literally been with me since A Second Chance was getting posted! I'm so grateful!
Girl! BinkaBrummer I love you! You haven't left me after six years and it still blows me away!
duchessdome Thanks for sticking with me even though you really didn't like the ship switch!
To all of you who I'm still surprised to see you again in a book but love it because it's like seeing old friends!
Fashionista203 simply_thrilling_223 ErinFowl204 9mi_ra angelvoiceb Wishington35 MiatheSmall Cheecii littleE4 bioluwatifeni_ nanduus222 potter__y Zaf_Salih gui_iris practical_cookie ruqu52 BloodRose42 SushilSanu bookaholic2005 Christine136 tiffanyhoward585 grumpymood featheretta7 Vrps2000 AmandaLeone7 nelz_diamond04 NerdyBookworm228 Fiona1695 BooksForever_03 WardaSaqib5 ThatGodgirl17 booknerd_me_ Daila2707 Rspicy Petal9 mara_cleia Rayane2332004 tango_megatop zisreadin rahelteamsuper annowed
To the commenters I feel like I really got to know you in this book!
TOXIC_HEADSHOT_ 3LayeredHue Polar3m Mrunalini25 crystal_hana leahalex9 Doxaangel26 bioluwatifeni_ slow_sloth4 sharon_kay1 Rozdi06 KillerCutie17 calistmas KatarinaK123 SanyaHeart123 zaaraahtabassum Lucyyyyyyyyy lollipop916 nuwangig9 AthiraT Udontknowme2626 Babymajesty2002 bookloverz236 lee_na_hp vballgirl14 Rejjylovesreading r1e6m0 NotAlyssa10 gracefelt Sonicka19 dragonhunterthirteen thornsandwishes Damitopielo Rayn_Stoen Omotolani1k MaddyJones726
You are all amazing and your names are here because you made your presence known each update! Thank you!
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