Chapter 21
Just be prepared for a really long chapter guys. Hope you all enjoy!
Max's POV
We had all separated as soon as the battle commenced. At first, I tried to stick by Amethyst but she ended up further away from me than I had hoped. I couldn't help her so I had to stay beside May, Drew and Brendan who were dealing with the soldiers better than I could. Unlike Drew, I didn't have a backup weapon so I was stuck using my bow and arrows at close range which was a bad idea. I rapidly fired arrows at the soldiers only to get my bow knocked out of my hands by a shadow warrior who appeared out of nowhere. May came up beside me and kicked that soldier hard in the face, knocking him down to the ground from the impact. She picked up my bow for me and handed it back into my arms.
"Thanks May." I gratefully responded to her actions which she returned with a small nod and a smile.
I was fighting against one of the soldiers with May, only to hear my name being called from across the battlefield. I focused my attention on the person who had called for me and my gaze locked with those familiar purple eyes. Amethyst. She began to yell something which I managed to just barely catch from the distance we were at.
"Max, go back to the castle and get Iris!" She had called to him.
Although I had gotten used to listening to her and always doing what she told me without complaint, I felt reluctant to leave my sister behind. I am terrified about the thought of losing May once again. I don't want to let that happen.
"Just go!" Amethyst pleaded from across the battlefield and even though I was hesitant, I still went, realising the urgency of the situation.
If I didn't do anything, everyone would be in big trouble. I have to get to Iris in time. If I could get back to Iris, then she would bring in reinforcements and then they can save the group. I weaved my way through the battle and found an opening, seeing that as my chance to escape back to the castle. I sprinted through the town, glancing backwards to see if I had been pursued during my escape. I mentally sighed in relief as I continued running when I noticed there was no shadow warrior following me. I urged my legs to move faster, seeing that the castle was still too far away. I needed to get there as quickly as possible.
I suddenly heard the clanging of heavy armour and a weird grumble nearby. Footsteps. But I couldn't sense which direction they were coming from. The footsteps began to surround me from all sides besides in front of me. I gulped realising that I might be in big trouble. I tried to ignore my pursuers and sprinted faster than normal only to realise that the footsteps fell in pace with my sprint. The sound of them always stayed near me.
Suddenly, something knocked straight into me, causing me to lose my footing and crumble under its weight. I groaned in pain and looked up to see one of the shadow warriors staring straight down at me with its blood red gaze. A sword was pointed to my face but I managed to roll out of the way just in time before it struck me. I scrambled back on my feet and brought out my bow only to see that I had ran out of arrows from the battle earlier. I mentally cursed myself. How was I going to get out of this situation?
I thought about it for a moment as the soldier came running straight towards me before deciding to run once again. Hopefully I could outrun the shadow warrior and reach the castle. That was my best bet in this situation. But once again, I was tackled to the ground, my face hitting the uneven terrain beneath me. I felt a sharp pang in my stomach and I looked down to see another shadow warrior pinning me down with his knee. I was trapped. I coughed as the pressure on my stomach worsened and I was struggling to move. Pain rippled through my body as I writhed on the spot, panic arising within me as I watched two more shadow warriors begin to approach me with their sinister gazes. I was in a pinch. I considered yelling but nothing but a squeak arose from my throat as I opened it. I shut my eyes, embracing the pain as much as I could. There was just no other possible outcome to this situation besides death. I was trapped and helpless. May I'm sorry. I know we just reunited, but that may have been short-lived my sister. This may be the end of the line for me.
"Max!" A feminine voice yelled in the distance.
May? No it wasn't May. This voice was different. Unless I was just imagining things in my dying state. The voice sounded awfully familiar, nostalgic almost. It brought a tear to my eye. I croaked out inaudible words as I felt my body slowly grow limper, the other two shadow warriors pressing their hands down on my face as though they were trying to suffocate me.
"Max I'm coming!" The voice yelled out but at a closer range this time.
The weight on my stomach was suddenly gone and the hand that had held down my face vanished. I could breathe. I could feel my body again. I was alive. I shot straight up, energy coursing through me. I glanced towards the shadow warriors who were struggling against a small figure dashing at them, sword in hand. A flash of bright blonde hair whizzed past my gaze and I blinked in surprise. Another figure burst out from the trees, a flash of red-orange hair caught my eye. I stared in admiration and relief as I stared at my saviours. No way.
"Bonnie!" I yelled in happiness as the struck down one of the shadow warriors all on her own, her blonde hair flowing around her as she fought.
She immediately snapped her head towards me, her ocean blue eyes staring at me with a glint of excitement. She clutched the sword in her hand as she strode over to me, before straight up tackling me in a bear-hug. I immediately hugged her back, that feeling of warmth comforting me. I never thought I'd see Bonnie ever again since I left for the Kingdom of Stars. I peered over her shoulder to see the other shadow warriors knocked out on the ground by its attackers and a wide grin formed on my face.
"Zoey, Clemont!" I cried out of joy, my face lighting up as soon as my eyes met theirs.
Bonnie released me and smiled as I ran over to the tall boy and the orange-red headed girl. Clemont sighed in relief as he saw me in one piece and grinned while Zoey just gave me a small smile and chuckled at me as I rushed over to them excitedly. I flung myself into their arms, happiness overcoming me, my mind suddenly forgetting what I was supposed to be doing. Just as I was relishing the happiness of the moment, the clanging of heavy metal sounded in my ears from behind Zoey and Clemont. I stared with wide eyes to see the shadow warriors slowly crawling back up on their feet.
"We have to get going before they fully recover!" I yelled quickly and gestures towards the castle. "Follow me, there's somewhere I have to be."
Bonnie, Zoey and Clemont didn't hesitate to listen as they rushed after me, not turning around. We all sprinted together towards the castle, the sounds of the shadow warriors further behind us now, but that didn't last long as their armour could be heard constantly getting closer to us.
"We're almost there!" I yelled almost out of breath as we reached the front gate of the Kingdom of Stars.
The shadow warriors were gradually gaining on us and it was putting a lot of pressure on our position. I tried pushing on the gates but they were locked and the guards on the outside were not at their post. Iris must have called them in. I swung myself around the face the shadow warriors direction to see that they were almost at the gate as well. I snapped my head back to the group an gestured to the walls.
"We're going to have to climb it somehow." I observed carefully, letting my mind run with any possibility of how to get over the walls.
"There's the trees over there. They're taller than one section of the wall." Bonnie suggested as she pointed towards a small group of trees just about tall enough to reach the top of the surrounding wall.
"It's a tough climb and those trees look old. It may be unsafe." Clemont stated as he scanned over the trees with his gaze with a thoughtful tap on his chin.
"Well we have no other choice now. Those demonic soldiers are coming this way!" Zoey yelled as a shadow warrior charged at us, sword pointed straight forward.
I drew out my bow and shot an arrow at one of the shadow warriors which lacked further behind the other two, shooting it straight through the head. I reached for another arrow from my quiver but I ended up grabbing air. I was out of arrows. I glanced to my side to see Bonnie getting flanked by one of the shadow warriors and her and Zoey already struggling with one of them. Clemont used a mace to whack one in the head but it dealt little damage.
"Have they gotten stronger or something?" I questioned frantically as the warriors did not fall.
"We have to get to the trees!" Bonnie yelled as she squeezed through the fight towards me.
Zoey shoved one of the warriors and due to its heavy armour, it lost balance and landed on its back. But that wasn't going to last long unless we got over this wall. Zoey jumped over the knocked down shadow warrior and sprinted towards Bonnie and I while Clemont was further behind because of the bag on his back and lack of energy.
"Hurry Clemont!" I yelled as we reached the tree and a shadow warrior was gaining on the blonde boy.
Clemont let out a blood-curdling cry as he launched himself towards the trees, grabbing one with his body and not hesitating to clamber up the trunk. I nodded before heading up after him, Bonnie and Zoey taking to another tree beside ours. It was a touch climb as Clemont mentioned earlier and the shadow warriors were constantly banging on the tree with their fists. That's when the tree shook violently, with me almost losing my balance. Bonnie yelped from her tree and Zoey let go of one arm to balance her safely. I sighed a breath of relief but then my leg slipped when the tree shook again. I glanced down and noticed the shadow warriors holding out their longswords, striking the trees one by one. I realised finally that they were trying to cut down the tree, with us in it.
"We have to climb faster!" I yelled and everyone began climbing at a much more rapid speed even though our limbs were aching and bruising.
The tree began to tilt weirdly as we reached the top of the tree, the wall still just slightly a bit taller. I glanced over to Bonnie and Zoey who had also reached the top of their tree but their tree stopped shorter than ours. They were going to have to jump over to ours. The only thing was, our tree was the one that was going to collapse first.
"Clemont you climb over first, I'll help you up!" I called out to Clemont who was above me.
He launched himself at the wall, his arms managing to grip the edge of the wall. His body was swaying dangerously from the edge but he didn't panic as he slowly began to lift himself. I crawled onto a sturdy tree branch nearby before releasing my hands and grabbing Clemont's legs to help him steady himself, before hoisting him over the wall. I gestured for Clemont to wait there as I turned back to Zoey and Bonnie who were balancing on one of the tree branches trying to walk over to us. Zoey made it over first, clutching onto the tree trunk for life while I clambered over to them and helped Zoey up onto the tree branch I was on. The tree shook once again, the trunk now balancing dangerously on an angle. If we didn't move quick now, we were sure to fall.
"Come on Bonnie!" I yelled to her as she measured the distance between the two trees.
She shook her head at me, her eyes wide with fear. This was obviously very dangerous but if we didn't do anything soon, we'd all fall. I held out my arms to her as a reassuring gesture but she still hesitated. I felt panic surge within me. She had to move soon.
"Bonnie please!" I begged her and she looked at me with eyes the size of moons, fear clouding her ocean blue gaze.
She shook her head in attempt to snap out of her fear but her body was shaking as she stared down below her. I frantically farted my gaze to any possible solutions before deciding to reach an arm over to her as much as I could. She glanced at me with shock.
"No Max!" She yelped as I reached my arm even further towards her so I was almost at the edge of the tree branch to the point where I was balancing on the tip of it which was wobbling violently under my weight.
"Just hurry before it snaps!" I yelled and before she could say anything, the branch beneath me began crackling.
"Max!" Bonnie exclaimed, panic lacing her tone as the branch swayed and jolted downwards.
I glanced to my side where Clemont was already helping Zoey up to the castle wall but the branch that lead to the wall was breaking underneath me. Bonnie and I wouldn't make it.
"Bonnie, find another way up! You have to." I shouted and Bonnie shook her head violently and attempted to reach forward and grab me, forgetting about her fear.
I took my arm away just in time so she couldn't reach me. If she did, she'd fall as well. Because after that, the branch snapped. I stared up at the tree as I felt my body plummet towards the ground. Maybe I was about to die today no matter how many times I've been saved. I shut my eyes, the second time preparing myself for death but I never landed. Instead, I found myself hovering right above the pointed sword of the shadow warriors. I stared up at the tree top to see Bonnie's small head looking down at me from afar with worry in her eyes. I was confused. I was still midair, as though a barrier had stopped me or something but I couldn't feel anything besides air. I tried moving but my body wouldn't budge. The shadow warrior beneath me let out an ominous growl and attempted to swing at me but to no avail. The shadow warrior was suddenly slammed into the tree, only to knock it down due to the fact that it was balancing on its edge already after being battered by their swords for so long. I watched as the tree revealed the wall where Zoey and Clemont were staring down from, eyes wide as they stared at my hovering self.
"I got you Maximus." Someone spoke from nearby and I sighed out of relief, immediately recognising that voice.
The shadow warriors were knocked down as though a strong blast of wind had hit them hard. I was slowly let down to the ground, an invisible force moving me. I puffed out a strained breath of air and I glanced up to meet those familiar, unusual purple eyes looking at me with amusement.
"You looked pretty ridiculous falling from that tree." Amethyst chuckled and reached out a hand to me which I grabbed gratefully.
I nodded at her and she huffed before flicking my forehead.
"I knew it was a bad idea to let you go alone. Good thing I came along since you needed the help just as I expected, bodyguard." Amethyst stated and I sighed.
I almost failed her right then. I almost failed my sister, and my friends. I almost died once again. I was meant to be Amethyst's bodyguard yet I was the one that needed saving.
"Hey, don't put yourself down like that. Everyone needs the help sometimes." Amethyst observed and I looked at her with wide eyes. "I knew because you had that sadness in your eyes that annoys me."
I rolled my eyes before cocking an eyebrow. "Since when did you become a magician?" I questioned with crossed arms and she shrugged.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She spoke quickly before whistling and walking over to the fallen tree. "Let's go help your friend now shall we?"
I glanced up towards the tree where Bonnie seemed to now have relaxed but she had no way of getting up to the top of the wall now that the taller tree had fallen.
"It's fine, I have a way of getting her up there." Amethyst patted my shoulder before she stared up at Bonnie and nodded. "Here we go."
Amethyst's eyes began glowing bright purple, the colour turning into something of magenta and violet combined, her eyes a swirl of mystical colour. Her hair lifted up just slightly hovering above her shoulders as though being raised by an imaginary force of air. She raised a hand to the sky, Bonnie yelping in surprise as she did so. Bonnie looked around frantically as she was suddenly taken up into the air by an invisible force pushing her upwards. I glanced at Amethyst who had sweat dripping down her forehead, she was suddenly panting. Bonnie was taken up to the top of the wall where Clemont and Zoey caught her and she squealed when she was abruptly dropped in their arms and Amethyst was left looking exhausted, the energy draining from her face.
"Our turn." Amethyst turned to me, her eyes back to normal but they stared into mine with exhaustion.
"Is this, whatever you're doing draining you?" I questioned out of concern.
"No it's all good. Let's just get up there to Iris before it's too late. The others need us." Amethyst croaked, her usually energetic voice suddenly monotonous and quiet.
I knew if I didn't listen to her, she'd get mad and I didn't exactly want to make her mad the state she was in right now. I just nodded my head briefly before sighing as she reached her hand towards me and to the ground beneath her. I glanced over to the knocked down shadow warriors, their motionless bodies crackling. I turned back to Amethyst who stared at me with bright purple eyes before nodding at me. She sent a wave of force at the three shadow warriors who lay on the ground, their bodies now moving. That invisible force knocked them back down. They began struggling against the force as though it was pinning them down temporarily but Amethyst stayed strong and kept them there and I stared worriedly at her. Surely that extra power was going to drain her but I kept my mouth shut before she whacked me with something.
It was a weird sensation being lifted into the air by something that's not physically there. It gave me a rush of freedom and space but it was also quite nerve racking being sent a few feet up into the air without being carried by anything. Amethyst was shaking as she carried both herself and I through the air while also holding the shadow warriors down. We eventually reached the top of the wall where we were helped by the rest of them who all stared at us in relief.
"Max, I'm so glad you're okay! After that fall I sure thought you were done for." Bonnie exclaimed before hugging me. "You're not hurt are you?"
"No I'm fine. I'm more worried about Amethyst right now though." I stated as I observed the usually energetic princess who now was panting as her eyes returned to their usual colour.
Her face was awfully pale and it was almost as though she couldn't keep her eyes open. Her body was hunched over with sweat constantly dripping down her face. She stared up at us with a weak smile before giving us a shaky thumbs up and I sighed.
"Stop pushing yourself." I said. She looked as though she was about to protest but seemed to think better of it and clamped her mouth shut.
"I'll help her." Zoey volunteered and allowed Amethyst to lean on her for support as she could barely stand.
"How did she do that?" Bonnie questioned me once we began walking into the inner section of the castle.
"Not even I know." I shrugged before glancing curiously at Amethyst who had her gaze turned to the ground with a blank stare as she limped while using Zoey's shoulder for support.
"So Max, why do we need to be back at the castle when the fight was where you were?" Zoey questioned.
"It was Amethyst herself who yelled at me to go get a certain someone from the castle to help stop this battle. But in the end Amethyst followed me back either way so we have to get this person in order to save the others who are currently caught up in the fight between those soldiers." I explained and I was answered with a bunch of understanding hums.
We entered the inner part of the castle, the hallways deathly silent. Iris had really taken everyone in or something because there was no one wandering around at all. Amethyst suddenly coughed violently causing us all to focus our attention on her.
"Hey you guys, just leave me here. I'll make my way to the infirmary. You should find iris now. That's more important I'm only going to slow you down." Amethyst croaked before coughing once again and Zoey helped stable her.
"But Amethyst." Bonnie protested but Amethyst shook her head and gave a warm smile to us.
"Just go." She said and waved her arms at us in attempt to shoo us away.
"I can take her to the infirmary." Clemont volunteered.
"I'll be fine don't worry-" Amethyst was cut short as soon as she was interrupted by her own fit of coughs. "Sorry." She rasped abruptly before collapsing to the ground, her body lying limp on the floor.
"Amethyst!" I yelled in panic but she didn't respond and I hurried to her side with Bonnie following me quickly.
I shook her body gently but she didn't move in response whatsoever.
"Her breathing is slowing!" Clemont exclaimed as he pressed his fingers against her neck.
"Amethyst!" I shouted in agony and fear.
How did this happen so quickly? Amethyst, what have you done?
Haha yes of course I had to add Bonnie and Clemont to this story. I had it planned long ago. If you don't remember, Zoey was also mentioned earlier in the story so I'm finally putting them in. If you don't remember who Zoey is for whatever reason, she's one of Dawn's coordinator rival/friends in Diamond and Pearl and I personally love her.
Also sorry if you find it strange for this Houdini stuff I'm adding to the story. I enjoy writing about magic so sorry if it was unexpected or doesn't fit with the story. I just thought, maybe having really cool magical people will add some coolness my story owo
I'm very sorry for the extremely long wait for this update, I've been busy, unmotivated and slacking so I never got the chance to continue my updates. I'm extremely sorry for this awfully late chapter and that it's also very badly written but here you finally go. I've been trying my best this month to write as much as I could in any spare time I had.
Also if you didn't notice, my writing might have changed since the beginning when I began this story because well, I'm not sure. I just read back to previous chapters and I realised how different my writing is and how I've changed how I describe the characters whoops.
I've been working hard these past couple of days just to get a few lots of words into the story and I finally did it. I finally updated this chapter and updated my plan for the rest of the story. So far so good. I apologise if you don't like this chapter but I honestly, truly tried my best. I seem to be apologising a lot lately sorry.
But here it finally is.
Thank you so much for reading and of course, thank you so much for 11k reads!! I forgot to mention this but after I came back, my book went from 9k to 11k!!! I really appreciate all the support guys it means a lot.
Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart.
- April
17th May, 2019
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