Chapter 2
Caitlin and I sit at the back of the class, doing our best to avoid Mr. Williams' wrath. So far, he's picked on Katie Green for having a stain on her shirt, Tommy Smith for asking his friend for a rubber, and Silvia Soltai for wearing 'too much makeup'.
I sit there, doing my English work, aware of Caitlin copying my work beside me, avoiding eye contact with Mr. Williams. I don't say anything, because then, Mr. Williams would notice Caitlin copying. Sadly, though, she gets noticed anyway.
'Miss. Walsh!' he says, and Caitlin's head snaps up.
'Oh, snap', she mouths to me.
'Were you copying Miss. Avirez- Kelly's work?'
'No, Mister.' she mumbles.
'You're way at the back, how am I supposed to understand what you're saying?' he says, his face slowly progressing through different shades of red. 'Repeat, louder.'
The whole class is looking at Caitlin. Her face now matches Mr. William's, and her own hair.
'No, Mister.' says Caitlin, louder this time.
'That's what I thought. But why would I believe you? A puny little year 9... as you have proven that you cannot be trusted, you will be swapping seats with Mister Rocco Rodriguez.'
Rocco looks up, and sighs. Although he is the only other kid in my year with Hispanic heritage- the only one like me- I despise him. But he doesn't know it.
You may be wondering 'Sofía, how come you hate him? It sounds like you have no reason to...'
Well, I'll explain.
It started back in year 5, when I first came to Australia. He was in my class, and his stereotype was- and still is- rich guy. So, he was automatically popular. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't beat him at anything. I was always second. Second at writing, second at maths, second at drawing, second at swimming, second at soccer, second at running... Well, you get the idea. My hatred for him has lasted for 4 years now, and it's not fading anytime soon.
So, you can imagine my (nonexistent) delight when I learned he would be sitting next to me. He puts his stuff down, and sits next to me.
'Hi.' he says. I grunt non-committedly, and he seems to get the message. He goes back to his work.
Somehow, I make it through the rest of the period with him next to me. Then, Mr. Williams says the words that would haunt my nightmares for the rest of the month.
'I hope you like your seats, as this is where you will be sitting for the rest of the year.' I glance at Rocco, and he looks at me. He shrugs, and I return to my work.
At morning tea, Caitlin and I find a seat as far from everyone else as possible. This is what we do all the time- people watch. Two outcasts that no one wants to hang out with.
'I'm so sorry!' says Caitlin. 'That was all my fault! I copied your work, and now you're stuck sitting next to Rocco Rodriguez for the rest of the year! And I know how much you hate him!'
'It's OK.' I say, even though it isn't. 'If you're lucky, I might even survive!' I joke, trying my best to lighten the mood. She shrugs, then pastes her typical Caitlin smile back onto her face.
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