Don't Wake a Sleeping Dragon
Word Count: 896
Warning: brief Gratsu, but also Natray
A chapter of pure fluff and perhaps a little sexual tension. As always, feel free to give me suggestions and feedback!
Natsu snored on, curled protectively around a pillow as if it was something meaningful to him. It was already early afternoon, and Gray had gone to make sure the dragon hadn't kicked the bucket. Erza would kill him for sure, if that were the case. Gray had only gone to check, but minutes had passed and he hadn't relinquished his position in the doorway. Natsu let go of all the rage and pain, becoming peaceful while he slept. It was a sight the ice wizard had never dreamed of seeing, but couldn't get enough of.
Without thinking nor registering his actions, Gray stepped away from the doorway and into the bedroom. His hand was slowly inching towards the sleeping male's face, longing to touch the relaxed features. Gray snapped out of it, yanking his arm back with widened eyes. What the hell? Shaking his head, he gently lowered his body onto the surface of the covers. Gazing down at the unconscious form, he released a small huff and a smile. This flame-brain has really done a number on me, hasn't he?
As he rose to exit the room, a fiery hand attached to his arm, restricting his movement. With more strength than he had expected, the hand dragged him backward. He fell onto the bed, two whole arms wrapping around his middle. What the- The heat coming from the offending appendages was anything but unfamiliar. Gray shoved at the heated body, but the grip only tightened. The pillow laid crumpled on the floor, long forgotten to the dragon slayer. The ice mage poked at his captor, but Natsu continued sleeping as if nothing had occurred. "Damn it, Natsu," Gray whispered, shifting around enough to free his arm and place his hand on the pink hair near him.
//Time Skip//
Gray woke to giggling laughter and a sharp poke to the side. He opened his eyes to see two green ones staring straight into his, only centimeters away. He fought back the urge to smack his forehead into Natsu's, noting that the dragon was straddling his scarcely clothed body. "Why are you in here?" Natsu asked dumbly, tilting his head like a dog. The ice mage rolled his eyes, shaking his head as much as he could.
"You're the one that dragged me in here, pyro," he sighed out, attempting to move his arm. He found that it too was pinned down by the confused dragon. Natsu looked down at his hands, as if realizing for himself that he was holding Gray down. A smirk twisted his lips as he retained his grasp on the taller wizard. "You gonna get off me, or are you just gonna sit there?" Gray asked with a scowl. Natsu laughed again, leaning closer to the wizard.
"I think I'll stay," Natsu answered with a devious smirk, dropping his body weight onto Gray.
"Hey, man! What the hell?!" Natsu rested his face on the bare chest of his caretaker. He rubbed his cheek against Gray, showing his intention of staying for as long as he wanted. The ice mage tried to fight his way out of the dragon's grasp, but stopped when he remembered just how stubborn the flame-eater could be.
"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to wake a sleeping dragon?" Natsu teased, refusing to release Gray. He chuckled again, taking in the ice-make wizard's expression. He rolled off of Gray, letting him get up and attempt to hide the blush Natsu's actions had spurred.
"Shut it, matchstick," he responded, walking out of the room again.
"Aw, don't run away," Natsu called after him with a whining voice, making grabby hands at his retreating frame. "I was just messing around!"
"You better heal up, slayer, or you're not gonna last 'till the end of the week," Gray shouted back agitatedly but not without care.
"Was that a challenge, snowdrop?"
"Where's you come up with that nickname? Sounds almost as stupid as you are."
"As soon as I can stand up without gettin' dizzy, we're throwing down, icicle!" Natsu promised, fire coming from his mouth. Gray returned to the bedroom with a large bucket of ice water. "W-what are you doing with that?" The smaller male's words showed his sudden lack of confidence at the appearance of something cold besides the ice mage himself.
"Burn my house, I'll douse you in ice water. Got it?" Natsu nodded weakly, giving Gray pleading eyes. "Stop the cute act, ash-brain."
" think I'm cute?" Natsu questioned with a wide smile. The black-haired male was surprised by his own words, never intending for the aforementioned cute one to hear it from him.
"You're hearin' things. Probably a result of all the hot air in your skull," he said, attempting to rectify the situation as well as save his reputation.
"You didn't deny it," the fire dragon teased again, not knowing how close Gray was getting to doing something rash. The something may have included thoughts that brought another dust of salmon to the chilly male's face.
If the morning of the second day had been this eventful, Gray could only imagine how exhausting an entire seven days with the dragon slayer would be. Natsu had grown multitudes of boldness overnight, making the ice mage more flustered than he had ever believed he could be in Natsu's company. An obsessive stalker was something he could handle, but the dominant dragon could very well be the death of him.
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