Chapter 31
A/N- Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I hope you enjoy it!!!!! Please follow me!!
The next day was so bad.
Everyone had gotten a lot of sleep and Jared and Jensen decided that they would pick on Misha all day.
It was not pretty.
I could tell that Misha was getting so frustrated. They just would not leave him alone.
Every single time he was filming they would do something to mess him up. Everyone was watching and waiting for the next thing that they would do.
At one point he had gotten so frustrated he took a walk.
Misha had gone to lunch and I had gone with him. It was just us because Jared and Jensen were still filming.
Once we had gotten our plates and sat down, I hatched my plan. I still wanted to get back at them for making faces at me earlier.
"So, Misha, how much would you like to get back at Jared and Jensen?"
He looked up at me curiously.
"I'm listening."
I smiled mischievously.
"Okay. So, basically, we're going to pie them."
He looked happy about my plan and I could tell that he wanted to hear more.
"But, how? Every time I've tried I've gotten caught."
"There's one thing different. You've got me. So, here's how it's gonna happen. I'm gonna get two of the creamiest pies available, one for Jared and one for Jensen. I'm gonna lure them out by the trailers and then -BAM- we hit them right in the face with the pies."
"That sounds wonderful. But how are you gonna lure them out?"
My smile grew wider at what I had planned.
"You just leave that to me."
He nodded and I got to work on the plan.
I threw my plate away and headed to a person who I could get help from. I found a guest star who knew of a pie place not far from set who delivered. He gave me their number and I headed to Jensen's trailer.
Once there, I made sure no one was there and called. I ordered two of the creamiest pies and had it delivered.
It took a good hour before the pies got there.
In the meantime, I watched everyone film like normal.
I hadn't told anyone, but I did my fair share of acting at my old school.
So, no one suspected a thing.
I had told security what I was doing so when I got a message on my phone, I knew the pies had arrived.
Everyone was taking a break at the moment.
Jared and Jensen were still on set as well as most of the crew. Misha was in his trailer, per my request. It would make it easier when it was time to get revenge.
I walked over to Jensen and told him that I was going to go for another walk. He told me to be careful and then I headed to the trailers.
A smile broke out on my face.
Hopefully, the story would be well known amongst the Supernatural fans.
Once I reached Misha's trailer I knocked on his door with a special pattern so he would know it was me. He opened the door and we went to get the pies.
By now, most of the cast and crew knew what was going to be happening so they were starting to come out and hide so they wouldn't mess up the plan.
Once we had the pies we headed back to the trailers.
Once we were in place, hiding in the shadows of Jensen's trailer, I pulled out my phone and dialed Jensen's number.
Just like I had hoped they were still on break, so he answered.
"Bella? Everything alright?"
I made my breathing deep and uneven, trying to make myself sound as scared as possible.
"Sweetheart! What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Dad, I was walking around, a-and someone s-started chasing me. Th-they had a knife in their hands. D-daddy, I-I'm scared."
I looked around and saw everyone staring at me as I talked. Some were staring at me in awe, others were trying not to laugh.
"Sweetheart, it's okay I'm coming. Where are you?"
"I-I'm in your trailer. D-dad, please hurry. A-and please, bring Jared, h-he looked really strong."
"Okay, I will, I'm coming."
Then he hung up.
I pressed end as well and at the same time, everyone burst out laughing.
We quickly contained it and I grabbed one of the pies from Misha.
Everyone had their cameras out phones already recording the phone call. My heart was pounding in anticipation.
We were going to get them so badly.
This was revenge for what they did to everyone.
I took deep breaths and tried to control myself.
Seconds later I heard two sets of footsteps coming our way.
Misha and I got into place, pies at the ready.
We saw their shadows coming to the trailer.
I raised my free hand and counted down.
To Be Continued...
A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!
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