Chapter Four: Family Milestones
Years later, Error's POV
Time just seemed to fly by after that. So many milestones occurred as Goth grew older. His first steps was a big one as he tried to join me on my bean bag seat, landing beside me after tripping. Learning each name of the gang and learning sentences as well as skills in reading or writing. His walking became running and he picked up on Spanish as well. Yet as he grew taller, he also gained some traits from wings. Yeah, that was a surprise. He likes loose clothing so I've made him cloaks in white so that they're unique and not mistaken for him. But that becomes harder when he summons a scythe as his weapon when testing his magic for the first time.
"Woooaaah! This is cool! Is this a special kind of bone attack?"He asked, glancing to me curiously
"No...ThAt's a sCyThe..."
"Is it a type of knife like Mr. Killer's? Or Mr. Cross' giant blade?"He asked
"NoT eXacTly...LeT's giVe y0u the nExt lEsSoN."
"Yes, Papa."
So with new wings comes the milestone of first flight. Yeah he wasn't the best at flying and crashed roughly the first few times but now he's a natural, easily flying up to my hammock as he pleases. He sleeps in one too now, keeping the doll Horror made for him and all the gifts from the gang over the years close to him(many being stolen or "repurposed" goods). They, along with Blue, have been there to see his milestones as well and attended each of his birthdays. Their support has been amazing and he considers them like family, especially Horror and Blue.
But as he gets older, he also gets stronger. So he is trained either by me or taken by Horror to train with the gang. I was hesitant at first, not wanting specifically Killer to influence him too much, but allowed it since I trust Horror the most. Well, him and Nightmare out of the gang. Nightmare had grown to be quite reliable for me, especially when it came to getting rid of Ink or his golden brother Dream before they could threaten Goth.
Yet Goth also grows more curious.
"Papa? I'm thinking and want to ask you something..."He says, taking me out of my thoughts
This will probably prove my point.
"YeS, GoTh? WhAt iS iT?"I ask
"Why don't I look like you? We only seem to share a white eye, but that's about it."He asks
"HmM, weLl i uSeD t0 l0ok liKe yOu...bUt tHat wAs bEf0rE wE aRriVeD hErE. SoMe bIg, CruEl bEinGs dEciDeD tHaT i hAd t0 cHanGe t0 fiT tHeiR roLe oR pLaNs f0r m3."I say
"Will that happen to me?"He asks
I shake my head.
"I w0n't lEt aNy0ne pUt y0u tHroUgh wHaT i wAs pUt tHr0uGh."I say
"What did you look like?"He asks
"NeArlY eXacTly liKe y0u, eXcePt mY otHer EyE wAs c0vErEd uP. AnD i w0r3 tHaT sCaRf."I say
He nods, smiling.
"AnY oTheR qUest1oNs?"I ask
"What am I meant to do? You go out to work while I watch UnderNovela or try crafting and other days you join Uncle Horror in battle. Can't I join you? I can help!"He asks
"GoTh, iT's vErY daNgEr0uS oUt tHeRe. I d0n't wAnt yOu tO b3com3 a tArgEt aNd gEt hUrt."I say
"And I want to protect you! You've told me about the dangers, and I've seen you fight! I just want to do my part in making sure that you don't get hurt."He says
I think about it and see him give me begging eyes, pleading for me to agree. I guess it would be easier to protect him when he's by my side than rushing back to the antivoid after every battle to check on him.
"AlRiGhT...YoU cAn joIn mE bUt iF i g3t tHe fEeLiNg tHaT y0u'rE iN dAnGer, y0u st0p."I say
He smiles, nodding.
"Ok! I love you, Papa!"He says
"I l0ve y0u t0o, GoTh."I say, going back to reading my book.
That set a new routine for us where he joins me when I leave or get called by Horror for fights. I destroyed AUs and code while he picked off souls with his scythe, especially those who tried to attack me. In battles, he quickly swoops around to help the gang that he considers family, deflecting attacks aimed at them and blocking any attempts to sneak up from behind. They were very proud of him, saying that all the training paid off. I'm just happy when I see a trip end, and he's unharmed.
Yet I didn't quite realize how far news of Goth with me would travel.
Meanwhile, with Reaper
In a distant AU, Reaper is working away at his list and reaping souls. It wasn't always easy when some were willing to fight him viciously for their lives or flee. He finally has one last soul pinned down, his scythe to their neck.
"Any last words?"He asks
"Tch, as if I would tell a fraud my last words. I know you're not the real Death. He looks nothing like you."The monster says
"What? You seriously want this to be your last words?"He asks
"I bet you copied or stole this scythe from him! Everyone knows the real Death doesn't wear black! He wears a white cloak, and if you see a red scarf waving past you, you know you're already doomed! And the real Death goes wherever the destroyer goes, clearing the souls left in the wake of his destruction! Everyone knows that! You're just a poser! A fake, a fraud! You're not Death! Just a wannabe!"
He swings the scythe, collecting the soul with a shake of his head. He's too tired to handle this nonsense. He checks his list and tiredly smiles when he sees that he is done for now.
"Finally..."He sighs
He returns back to his AU, ready to return home for a nap before visiting his beloved. He gets a warm welcome home from his brother who had finished much sooner than him.
"Brother! You're home! You're finally home!"His brother cheers, hugging him
"Hey, Paps...You wouldn't believe the nonsense that I heard. Some expected me to wear white and called me a fraud."He chuckles
"Oh, yes! I've heard about that mistake! I've even seen the one who they call Death! I saw him with the Destroyer, Error I think, and we both ended up reaping souls. He is no older than a teen perhaps. I was in an AU they were destroying. Your doppelganger is a very sweet boy, in fact. He was very friendly and sweet to me. Nyehehehe!"Paps says, chuckling
Then he hands Reaper his phone.
"I found this at home. You forgot it, and it has a ton of missed calls. Brother, why didn't you tell me that I was going to be an uncle?"Paps asks him
Reaper stares at him in shock, his wings folding and twitching.
"How did you-?"He begins
"Geno told me. You really underestimate how clever he is sometimes. He has your phone number and he knows his brother's phone number so it was only a matter of time until he figured out which digits were different for our AU's area code. When he couldn't get a hold of you with his calls, he called me. I couldn't do much to help since I didn't know where your list would send you or when you'd be back. And at some point, after he broke the news to me, he stopped calling. Why didn't you tell me that you were having a child with Geno?"He asks
"I...I didn't...Know...It was pretty early on and I didn't want to get our hopes raised too high. How could I have a kid or any soul? You know I kill everything I touch, Paps. Well, aside from Gen. I didn't know how long it would last or if the soul would survive."He says, gripping the torn piece of Geno's scarf that he has wrapped around his wrist.
"Why didn't you at least tell me the possibility of having a nephew, though? I would've taken your list and handled things so that you could've been there with Geno! So that you could've supported him and been there to figure things out! He certainly was looking for your help! He thought you were avoiding him or ignoring him and sounded pretty hurt. How could you expect him to support a new soul alone, given the soul he has already is hardly complete? And how did you think that you could leave your phone behind and on silent even without the chance of missing his calls?"Paps tells him
"What? Really? I could've done that? Gaster didn't want me distracted and said that if the list wasn't completed that he'd never let me return to Geno. I-"
"Which is exactly why you should've informed me, Brother! I would've handled it for you! But now it may be too late to fix, Sans."He says
"What are you talking about?"
"Geno left our lists while you were off working. It was a few days after he stopped calling that his name left the list. Which could only mean so many things...."He says, pausing when he sees how hard it hit Reaper
Reaper's eyes shrink in shock, tears filling his eyes. Did he really lose his beloved Geno? He was just with him and the little soul developing...their son....He still clearly sees Geno's cute smile that he tried to hide under his scarf...Still hears his laugh...And remembers his promise. There's no way he could've lost them both...and the chance to keep his promise...He collapses to the floor in tears, crying and feeling his brother hug him. Who could be responsible for taking his loved ones from him?
Perhaps the "Death in White" is to blame....Perhaps that red scarf is a trophy from taking his beloved Geno away...Perhaps they need to have a little chat...His fists clench at the thought and he smirks at a few plans zipping in his head before he completely passes out from tears and exhaustion.
Little does he know what he's getting into.
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