Chapter 9: Love's Dead...Right?
Error's POV a month later
I smile, watching as another AU falls apart, using my strings to rip apart the remaining stable parts. I chuckle, smiling. What's even better is that I know my kids are enjoying themselves, safely playing at Nightmare's with Palette.
I was actually enjoying myself. But then...
"Geno! Genoo! There you are!"Reaper cheers, flying over to me
Ugggh, why do the AUs curse me like this? What did I do to Fate to deserve this?
"Wait a minute...Where's our son?"He asks
"HuH? OuR s0n? I neVeR hAd a k1d wiTh y0u."I say, blasting some more coded land away
"Yea, you did. Come on, Gen. It's me, Reaper! I saw you last week with our son, Goth!"He says
"DoN't caLl mE GeN. I aM nOt GeNo. I aM ErRoR. AnD tHaT's pReTtY fUnNy f0r y0u t0 aSsUmE aFtEr wHaT y0u diD."I growl, opening a portal to another AU
I go through and quickly start destroying it as well. He zips in front of me, tilting his head.
"What do you mean?"He asks
"I jUsT d0n't rEcAlL y0u bEiNg aRoUnD t0 rAiSe GoTh iS aLl. I meAn, iT hAs bEeN nEaRlY 13 y3aRs. DoN't y0u hAvE t0 rAiSe a SoN wiTh l0vE t0 b3 a paReNT? BuT pLeAsE, d0 cOnTinUe. ReMiNd Me hOw y0u diDn'T aBaNdOn uS aNd bReAk yOuR pROmIsE, bEcOmIng uNrEaChAbLe aNd dIsApPeArInG aFtEr aLl tHiS tImE wItHoUt lOoKinG bAcK. ReMiNd mE hOw yOu rEtUrNeD aNd dIdN't lEaVe m3 wiTh a s0uL t0 rAiSe aL0n3. TeLl mE hOw FaMilY cAmE bEfOrE tHoSe dUmB liSts oR a CuP oF COfFeE aNd hOw hApPy wE aRe! HoW hApPy GoTh iS tO hAvE yOu ArOunD! AnD tHaT yOu aReN'T tHe AsShOlE sHoWInG uP aFtEr aLl tHiS tImE aS iF nOtHinG wEnT wRoNG! Go On! My mEmOrY mUst bE fAiLiNg mE!"I snap at him
He stares at me in shock, his mouth shut. He is left speechless and doesn't answer.
"ThAt's wHaT i tHoUgHt. Y0u hAvE s0m3 nErVe, ReApEr."I say
" showed me the pictures...What happened to you, Gen?"He asks
"WhY sh0uLd i tElL y0u? Y0u cl3aRlY diDn't cArE tHeN. Y0ur bRoThEr diD tHouGh."I say
"You've changed so much...Gen, just look at you...And those marks on your cheeks...What happened to you, my dear? Who hurt you?"He asks, reaching for my cheek.
I snap my fingers and he gets tied up in my strings.
"DoN'T tOuCh mE! YoUr sIlVer t0nguE w0n't w0rk 0n m3 aNym0rE! It's iRoNic tHaT y0u'r3 tHe 0nE aSkiNg wHo hUrT m3, ReApEr. YeT tHaT sHoWs h0w liTtLe y0u c0nsiDeReD m3 iN y0ur aCt1ons...AnD sToP cAlLiNg mE GeN! ThE GeNo yOu kNoW iS dEaD anD gOnE! I'M nOt hIm aNd hAvEn't bEeN f0r 13 yEaRs! ThEr3's n0tHiNg y0u cAn d0 ab0uT iT!"I snap at him
"But Gen...."
"Err0r! My nAm3 iS eRrOR!"I snap
I shake my head, clenching my fists.
"I never intended to hurt you, Love."
"D0n't f3eD mE tHoSe liEs. Y0u diDn't g1v3 a sHiT aBouT mE wHeN iT cAmE t0 tHosE liStS. Y0u br0k3 y0ur pr0m1s3 t0 m3. WhAt wAs iT aGaIN?"I ask
He pauses, bowing his head.
"That I'll always love you, no matter what happens. That I'll never leave you when you need me and that I'll be there to support you and care for our child."He says
"YeT y0u fAiLeD t0 cHeCk aNy oF tHoSe b0xEs. Y0u br0k3 tHaT pr0m1sE aNd tHaT br0Ke m3. D0 y0u hAvE aNy iDeA hOw mUcH tHaT hUrT aNd wHaT iT tOoK tO gEt tHrOuGh tHaT? To d0 iT aLoNe aNd kEeP GoTh sAfE aNd hEaLtHy wHeN yOu cOuLdn't bE bOtHeReD tO aNsWeR tHe pHoNe? To EvEn gIvE aN iDeA oF wHeN yOu'd rEtUrN? To bE aLoNe iN tHe dArk wHen bRiNgIng gOtH inTo tHe wOrLd? AnD tHeN t0 s3e y0u aGaIn wItH tHe nErVe t0 aCt As iF y0ur AbSeNcE mEaNt n0tHiNg aNd tHaT y0u hAvE aNy rIgHt bAcK iNt0 mY liFe aNd iNt0 GoTh's? Wh0 tHe hElL gAvE y0u tHaT riGhT?"I snap at him
"I wanted to finish my work ASAP and Gaster ordered me to avoid any distractions, including my phone. Or else...he would never let me get back to you."He says
"DiD y0u tHiNk t0 t3lL hiM tHaT y0u hAd t0 keEp yOur pHoNe sInCe yOuR lOvEr maY bE cAlLiNg AbOuT a bAbY oR nEeD hElP?"
"ThAt'S wHaT i ThOuGhT."
"T-Technically, I haven't broken the promise. Not completely, at least."He says
"Oh r3aLlY?"
"I still love you, hun."
"Puh-LeEz. Y0u exPeCt m3 t0 beLiEvE tHaT sHiT?"I chuckle
"It's true. I love you, Gen. With all my soul."
I shake my head, blasting and focusing on destruction in the AU.
"YoU'r3 c0nf3sSiNg l0v3 f0r a d3aD s0uL."I say
"Your soul says otherwise. I'd recognize that beauty anywhere. But you're not acting like yourself. The Gen I know was against genocide and looked to stop it, not cause them."
"YeAh aNd wHeRe diD tHaT gEt h1m? NeArLy d3aD aNd tRaPpEd iN dArKnEsS wHeRe h3 feLl f0r y0ur tr1cKs, mAkiNg h1m fe3l sp3ciAl uNtiL y0u diTcHeD h1m aFtEr gEtTiNg wHaT y0u wAnTeD. It's bEen 13 yeArS, s0ulS chAnGe. AnD iF th0s3 liStS aRe s0 imp0rtAnT t0 y0u, i miGhT aS wElL aDd t0 iT aNyWAy. I hAvE a j0b t0 d0 iN cAsE y0u hAvEn't n0tiCeD wItH mY rEpuTaTi0n. We'Re fiNe wItHouT y0u. We'Ve leArNeD t0 b3 hApPy wiTh0uT y0u. D0n'T sCrEw tHaT uP wiTh y0ur li3s aGaIn."I tell him
"Please, just listen to me. I love you dearly. I missed you so much that entire time and wanted to return but didn't want to lose you. Didn't want to risk trouble for you. It hurts me to think of everything I missed with you and our son. And if what you're saying is true, that Geno is gone, then let me meet you, Error....Fall in love with you again....Be happy with you again...Please, Error. That's all I ask."He pleas
I glance over at him, surprised. I was expecting denial and anger from him...for him to keep arguing that he isn't wrong and that I'm Geno...But what I hear is acceptance and recognition. A genuine confession with his own regrets and an offer for a new start.
He was trying to protect me? Didn't want to lose us? Wait...Don't fall for him again.
I frown, forcing that bit of hope down. I glance at him, hanging limp in my strings. He's not even fighting to free himself. Just staring at me with a pleading, begging gaze. Is he that serious or that desperate?
"WhY wOuLd I bEliEvE a WoRd y0u sAy? WhY wOuLd I LeT yOu iN aGaIn jUsT t0 g3t huRt aGAiN? And nOw hUrT mY kiDs t0o?"I ask
He couldn't even answer or look at me when I ask that. I shake my head, tossing him through a portal with my strings. I finish destroying the AU and collapse on my beanbag chair, burying my head in it.
What a load of bullshit. He clearly doesn't consider what he's saying. Could he really learn to love someone other than Geno? He couldn't even give me the recognition of my name instead of Geno....He needs time to really consider what he's getting into. Unless he is just bluffing.
Then I feel the cushion get wet and I sit up, seeing that it's wet. I feel my face, finding tears rolling down my face.
Why am I like this? Why do I have hope? I should be over it...over him...Why do I want him to be serious? I'm just looking for failure...
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