Chapter 8: The Birthday
A few weeks later, Error's POV
"WhErE aRe y0u tAkInG mE, y0u tHr3e? Y0u s3eMeD v3rY det3rmiNed f0r m3 t0 l3aVe mY kiDs wiTh NiGhtMaRe anD pAl3tTe."I say
"Killer wanted to surprise you with something."Horror says as Dust shrugs
"It should be just up ahead! Come on!"Killer says
We follow behind him as he picks up speed excitedly. Horror and Dust chase after him when he shoves Dust, starting trouble as usual. And Horror seems intent on breaking them up. I follow behind them, taking my time as I'm far too used to this.
"Geno?"A familiar voice says
Seriously? Now he comes? How long has it been?
I frown, knowing the answer. 12 years at least. I see his shadow behind me, hearing the wings flap softly.
"KiLl3r! D0n't sTaRt aNoThEr f1gHt!"I shout, chasing after them as if I didn't hear him.
"Fiiine. Hurry up, Error! You're almost there!"He says with excitement poorly hidden in his voice
"Geno, please! Talk to me!"Reaper pleas
I could tell that he was following behind me and roll my eyes.
Talk to him? NOW he wants to talk? He was the one who wouldn't talk to ME! And after all this time...He has some nerve.
Then I grin, knowing that up ahead is my real company. The ones that I want to talk to and be around. Ones who care. And given his reputation and current behavior, all I have to ignore him and he will have to leave. I see them up ahead and smile as Horror pushes some branches to allow an opening for me. I step through and then-
"SURPRISE!"Killer cheers as confetti rains down on me
"Killer, I wasn't ready yet! Why did you rush him?"Dust snaps, holding some balloons
Killer only chuckles as I look around, seeing decorations hanging everywhere and a table filled with gifts and food. A sign hangs up with sloppy words written on it reading: Happy Birthday, Error!
"WhAt...Is tHiS?"I ask
"Your brother visited once to meet Palette after Goth told so much about him and we got into talking. He mentioned your birthday was coming up at one point."Killer says
"And you know Killer. He took that chance to get creative and the chaos just unfolded. Half of this stuff was stolen over the past few weeks while we were out on missions. He was collecting and preparing before he even told us what he was doing. But Horror was very happy to cook the food."Dust says
"AnD wHy dId yOu nOt iNcLuDe mY kIdS?"I ask curiously
"You've been spending every minute of your day with them and caring for them as well as destroying AUs or other things! When was the last time you got to enjoy yourself and relax? Have some me-time? I thought you'd like a break to enjoy your birthday."Killer says
"And he set them on another task anyway so we're technically just stalling you."Horror says
"HORROR!"Killer snaps
"What? Am I wrong? Also, we have an incoming Death at 6 o'clock."Horror says, picking up his axe.
"Geno! Please say something! Talk to me! I missed you so much! Where have you been? What have you done? Geno, please!"Reaper says
I turn around, seeing him zip in and reach for me. Horror slaps his hand away and glares at him.
"Wow, he really is delusional. He can't even recognize reality he is so tired."Dust says
"No touchy! First you bother my nephew, now this! I won't allow it!"Horror snaps
I see the shock on Reaper's face.
"N-Nephew? Geno, how could you let this become an uncle to our boy?"He asks, pointing to Horror
I glance at Horror, knowing what he meant since he reported the trouble to me afterwards. I smile at him and he smiles back.
"ThAnKs f0r ke3p1ng tHiS luNaTiC fr0m mY s0n, HoRr0r. I cAn oNlY iMaGiNe tHe n0ns3nsE he'D tRy wHiLe i WaS hAnDliNg iNk."I say
"Of course! I don't want him getting hurt!"Horror says
"Hey, Death! Look what I got!"Killer says
I see his gaze focus on something to my left. Then I see a small blur zip past my head.
"Go get it!"He shouts
Reaper quickly zips away to get it.
"Holy shit that actually worked."Dust says
I glance at Killer who reveals a small med-kit that's labeled "IN CASE OF DEATH/REAPER" and he opens it to reveal that it's full of coffee.
"Of course! That's why we listen to Error! He knows how to get rid of trouble! Now, let's enjoy it!"Killer says
I roll my eyes and smile at them.
If Reaper were serious about this, he wouldn't have left. He's addicted to coffee but there were times that I came first...He'd tell me so...If he really wanted to fix things, he wouldn't have done this. He is bold enough to make such judgmental comments about "our son" or who has been around him since his absence. Guess I missed the part where he showed up and helped raise Goth...He's just looking for trouble as usual.
I spent the next few hours enjoying my birthday, eating with them or opening the gifts they gave me. I saved the cake slices for Shino, Raven, and Goth. Then Killer's phone buzzes and he takes us home after we finish. Nightmare smiles at me, walking closer to me.
"Happy birthday, Error. Your kids have been working hard with Palette and they said that they just finished."He says, his tentacles brushing the confetti off me gently.
I smile at him and he grins wider, noticing that my glitching didn't worsen around his tentacles.
"Looks like our training has been working."He says
I nod.
"ThAnKs aGaIn f0r c0miNg uP wiTh tHaT."I say
Ever since he heard my response to Killer's question and my desire to touch my kids, he has been giving me "training" sessions where we privately meet and work on my glitching issues. It's usually just working up from touching fingers and extending how long I can handle that gradually. It was hard at first but there is obvious progress since I don't crash as much now. And I want to share my love with my kids. I want to give them the love that a normal parent would. They deserve that much. And it's good to have a trusted friend helping me do this.
"Of course."He says
"Dad! Come quick!"Raven shouts
I quickly go to the sound of his voice and hear Shino giggle. I push the door open and gasp at the sight.
"Dada!"She cheers, taking her first steps over to me
I squat down, extending my arms as she makes her way over eagerly on shaky legs. She trips, falling in my lap and part of me prepared for a reboot never came...I felt an electric shock go up my spine that hurt for a moment, but that was it. I didn't crash when she touched me...I smile widely as I realize this and she smiles up at me. Then before I could say anything she reached up, wrapping a fluffy pink scarf around my neck.
"Dada good!"She says with a big smile.
"Looking good, Mr. Error. She worked hard making that."Palette says
Raven chuckles and steps behind me. I feel something get draped over my shoulders softly and I glance over, trying to see what it is. I see a blur of black, grey, white, and purple. Then Goth steps over and smiles at me.
"Mr. Killer wanted us each to make something for you. I just can't believe that this is the first time we're celebrating your birthday with the number of times you celebrated mine."He says, laying another blanket on me
I see that stitched into the blanket is a depiction of me with the three of them tied together with blue strings and hearts. Below it is the stitched title of Family. I smile widely at the sight, finding it sweet.
"ThIs...iS n1cE..."I say, then see Killer leaning over to glance in.
"To our favorite ace-in-the-hole glitch!"He cheers
"He's our only ace glitch, dumbass."Dust says
"WhAt iS aCe?"I ask
"It means asexual and it's what you described to me the other day. Having no general need, interest, or attraction to getting into bed with someone."Killer says
Goth takes out his phone, typing, and then glances at me, then at Killer.
"So, that's why you wanted Raven to make those stripes...It is a nice flag..."He says
"Whaaa? No beh?"Shino says, looking up at me
Then the tears start coming and she starts crying, clinging to me. I facepalm, gently rubbing her back.
"Why is she crying?"Killer asks
"I l3t h3r sl3ep w1th m3 iN mY hamMoCk oR bEd. ShE oNlY sle3ps p3aCeFuLly wHeN sNugGliNg s0 sHe t0ok y0ur cLaiM t0 m3aN tHaT i d0n't wAnT t0 cuDdlE hEr aNymor3."I say
"Killer! You burn down the kitchen and now you make my niece cry! Who or what are you going to break next?"Horror asks
"It's not my fault!"Killer says
I shake my head as they argue and soothe Shino, smiling at the kids. I smile, snuggling with them the most I can.
What a nice birthday...
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