Chapter 7: Uncles and Mugs
A few days later, Error's POV
"OkAy, k1dS. He wiLl b3 h3rE s0oN. Be g0oD."I say
"Yes, Papa."Raven and Goth say as Shino giggles.
A portal opens and Papyrus flies through, his wings folding as he readjusts his cloak. He smiles.
"Hello, Error."He says, already adjusting to my new name.
"Wait, this is our uncle?"Goth asks
I nod.
"He and I met once while you were destroying AUs. It's nice to meet you properly, Goth. Now, which one is Raven and Shino?"He asks
Raven runs over with Goth, hugging him happily. He smiles, seeming so happy to meet his nephews. We sit by my beanbag and smile. Shino reaches out to him and he coos at her, his eyes sparkling.
"She's adorable!"He says
I smile as the three snuggle close to their new uncle and he gently cradles Shino in his arms. I smile, chatting with him over the next few hours and letting him bond with them to make up for lost time. I even shared the photos I've saved over the years to show how they grew, explaining the family situation. Specifically who these uncles Goth keeps mentioning. And then, of course, he is happy to hear about Goth's new friend, Palette.
After a while, his phone buzzes and he has to go. But it wasn't long until they met their other uncle when my brother, now known as Blip, returned from his own trip across AUs. He smiles, happily hugging and making them some clothes. It wasn't long until he was making scrapbooks for each of them and having me give him the photos that I saved on my phone.
The three of them are happy to have so many great uncles.
It wasn't long until Goth grew close with Palette after he settled into the new routine with his uncle. I was very happy to see that since I know they'll make good friends. Palette was one of the top results in my calculations to be good for Goth based on his coded information. Sure, he is technically one of Ink's kids but he really is Nightmare's with how he is being raised. And I trust Nightmare's family more than that soulless mess. I can see that Palette is a good kid.
And they've had plenty of opportunities to get closer since one of the first thing that Nightmare did was to include Palette in the gang's training sessions so that he learns self-defense. Since Goth is frequently fighting alongside the gang, they often get paired together the most, especially when Killer begs for a turn with Palette. Or they just hang out along with Raven and sometimes even Shino. So obviously that means that I'm over at Nightmare's castle more often, but I'm used to it. It's nice to see them happy anyway.
Like today for example. I stumbled through a portal to the kitchen after an exhausting battle with Ink that wrecked my antivoid. I'm too tired to clean it up right now and only feel relieved to know that the kids were here for a sleepover while I handled his ambush. He and his fucking ink puddles get so annoying. I shake my head, relaxing as I hear the coffee machine hum, slowly pouring into a familiar white mug. I set my torn scarf aside to be fixed later and searched through the cabinet for where I left a special mug. I hear a groan as I find it, filling it with hot chocolate, which is my equivalent of coffee. For some reason, coffee doesn't give me the rush of caffeine that wakes everyone else up, yet hot chocolate milk does. Plus it's chocolate and tastes sooo good.
Wait, I'm getting off-topic.
I glance over to see a very tired Nightmare grabbing a mug from the machine and grin, seeing the text printed on it that reads #1 Unclemare. Palette certainly has a crafty way of showing his love.
"TirEd?"I ask
"Killer and Dust just wouldn't stop fighting and sleep. Fights should only be in the training room."He says, shaking his head
"WhAt kiNd oF fiGhT wAs iT?"I ask
"What do you think?"He asks
"It inVoLvEs k1lLeR. ThAt lEaVeS a l0t t0 tHe imAgInAt1oN."I say
He sighs.
"A pillow fight that turned into a real one with rubber ducks and bone attacks. Bizarre, I know. Where do they get these ideas from?"He says
"AgAiN. It'S kiLlEr. A mAgic1an n3v3r rEvEaLs tHeiR sEcReTs. EsPeCiAlLy a crAzY oNe. HaVe y0u forGoTtEn tHaT y0u hAvE tHe Emb0dim3nT oF cHa0s liViNg hErE? AnD y0u eXpEcT rEaSoN fRoM hiM?"I chuckle
"Ugggh, quit reminding me."He says, stirring his drink with a finger
He glances over and smirks.
"I'm surprised that you didn't go for the Asgoro mug."He says
"NaH, i liKe tHis 0ne."I say
"#1 Dad Master?"He says, tilting his head
"WeLl i hAvE mAsTeReD bEiNg a dAd bY n0w, buT GoTh sAyS tHaT iT's aLs0 a SeCoNd mEsSaGe. ThE yElLow lEtTerS sHow thE mEsSaGe Da MastEr, uSiNg Da to rEpLaCe tH3. It's sWeEt."I say, taking a sip
"And what are you tired from?"He asks
"DeAliNg wiTh aN aRtiSt's tEmpEr tAntRum."I reply
He hums, nodding as if confirming it to be true and accepting it. Then he takes a long sip from the mug. With his pinkie out of course. I wouldn't be surprised to see him flip people off while sipping from his mug if he could find a comfortable way to hold it with his middle finger sticking out. I have seen him test it.
Then I smirk, noticing an interesting detail printed on the bottom of the mug. Nightmare Fuel.
"WeLl, tHaT's cErtAiNly op3n t0 inTeRpReTaTi0n."I chuckle
"What is?"He asks
"The BoTtOm oF yOuR mUg hAs a LaBeL. It cOuLd bE a PuN reFeRrIng tO HoW thE mUg iS fuElInG yOu wItH eNeRgY oR iT cOuLd bE mAkIng a JoKe aBoUt hOw yOu FueL peOpLe's bAd dReaMs."I say
"Well yours says Knit you on the bottom so have fun interpreting that."He says
I chuckle, shaking my head.
"PrObAbLy rEfErs tO mY pUpPetS or KniTtIng sKiLlS. I kEeP tHem FrOm lEarNiNg cUrs3 wOrDs."I say
"Seriously?"He says
"WeLl i aPolOgIzE fOr nOt wAnTinG mY dAuGhTer'S fiRsT wOrDs tO bE fUck YoU bItCh oR sOm3 sHit. WhY dO yOu tHiNk ThaT i NeVeR leAvE thEm AlOne wiTh kIlLeR?"I chuckle
"I heard my name?"Killer says, popping up beside me
I chuckle, shaking my head.
"ArEn'T yOu StiLl bAnNeD fRoM tHe kiTchEn?"I ask
"Yes, yes he is."Nightmare says
"Quick question, Error! This has been on my mind a bit. If you didn't have your phobia of touch, do you think you would be touchy or active in the physical department?"He asks
"AnD wHy hAs THIS beEn oN yOuR mInD?"I ask
"Well, there clearly is an exception to your no-touching rules since you had Goth. Did you desire that or enjoy it with Goth's dad? Or was it painful? It just has me curious since until you revealed Goth, I thought you never got close to touching anyone and had no interest in it. I don't have your phobia or crashing issues so I guess I just want to understand your experience."He replies
I think it over, sipping from my mug. Would I really let someone in again? Would I let anyone back in? Get that close if I didn't have the excuse of my phobia and reboots? I shake my head. No..I wouldn't let anyone get the opportunity to hurt me again....but...
"It'S cOmpLicAtEd f0r mE. PeRsOnaLlY i dOn'T tHiNK I'D lEt aNyOne gEt ClOsE tO mE lIkE i dId bEfOrE hAvInG gOtH, rEgArDlEsS oF mY pHobIa. I dO tHiNK i wOuLd tRy TO bE mOrE pHysicAl oR tOucHy iN oThEr wAyS tHoUgH iF i dIdn't hAvE mY pHobIa iSsUeS. It wOuLd bE sO niCe To be aBlE t0 hoLd mY kIdS, kIsS tHem oN tHe hEads, tHaT sOrt oF thIng wiTHOUt fEaRiNg a suDd3N cRaSh. I'm not aNsWeRinG t'he quEstiOns aBouT pa1n or eNjoYm3nt. I dIdN'T eXaCtLy hAvE aN iNtErEsT iN iT aNd nEvEr SaW a pOiNt iN s3x uNtiL tHe fAtHer cAme aLoNg. I dId iT foR tHe oThEr pArEnT, nOt bEcAuSe i WaS iNtErEsTed In dOinG iT. AnD iT rEmAInS tHaT wAy f0r mE nOw. No IntErEst In iT eVen iF i hAd a CHoiCe wiThOuT pAiN oR rEbOoTs."I reply, then take another sip
"So you don't find anyone sexy?"He asks
"NoPe. NeVeR hAv3 aNd NeVer wiLl. JuSt a BuNcH oF aNoMaLiEs ThaT lOoK gOoD, sOme bEtTer tHaN oThErs AeStHeTiCaLlY. HaNdSoMe oR cuTe, sUrE, bUt nOt seXy."I say
He stares at me in shock.
"WhAt? SuRpRisEd tHaT i Don'T sHaRe tHe SaMe vi3wS aT yOu? JuSt bEcaUsE i hAvE kIdS dOeSn'T mEaN ThAT i fInd eVeRyThIng atTrActIvE tHat wAy. YoU'Re tHe One aTtRaCteD tO oUtEr, I'M aTtRaCtEd tO tHe StArS oF hIs Au."I say with a shrug
"I think there's a word for that, Error."He says
"YeAh, wEiRD."I say
"No, Error. You're ace."He says
"HuH?"I say
"Perhaps an ace in the hole."He chuckles
"St1Ll n0t mAk1nG s3nSe."I say
"I will show you later!"He says, running off.
I glance at Nightmare and he shrugs. I sigh, shaking my head and going back to drinking my mug.
I'm too tired for this...
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