Chapter 6: A Growing Family
Error's POV
"What was that supposed to mean, Dad?"Goth asks
"So, y0u kn0w h0w I wArnEd y0u ab0ut oUr fAmiLY?"I say
"That Dad hasn't been in the picture and won't be back for a while?"He guesses
I nod.
"I'vE bEeN lOoKing tHrOuGh AUs aNd fOuNd soMe cHilDrEn iN a siMilAr s1tuAti0n, eXcEpT tHeY hAv3 n0 paRenTs aRoUnD. ThEy arE iN tiMeliNes wiTh diFfErEnT vErs1onS oF oUr fAmiLy, s0 saMe pArEnTs aS y0u. ThEy'Re b0tH y0unGeR tHaN y0u aNd i WaNt t0 giVe tHem a pr0p3r h0m3. BuT i w0n't d0 iT wiTh0uT y0u."I explain to him
I'm going to give these kids a good life...clean up Reaper's mess that's left behind. Fix what's abandoned.
He seems to consider this and smiles wider.
"Not Ink-related, right?"He asks
I nod.
"Can they join us?"He asks
I smile, nodding. Then I open a portal and grin, stepping through to see a small boy and baby girl in his arms. I kneel down, smiling at them.
"HeLlo tHeRe litTl3 0neS. WoUlD y0u liKe t0 c0m3 wiTh mE? I cAn g1v3 y0u a n1ce h0m3."I say, extending my hand
The little boy looks up at me and frowns.
"Dad was supposed to do that for us but he forgot about us...Have too many souls to reap..."He says
I sigh, shaking my head.
"ThAt d0eSn't hAv3 t0 b3 th3 cas3. I cAn tAkE caR3 0f y0u. WhAt aRe y0ur nAmEs?"I ask
"Raven and this is Shino."He says
"Papa? Are these the new siblings you mentioned?"Goth asks
"Goth!"Raven cheers, getting up.
"I got everything set up for them at home!"Goth says
Raven looks between us, then smiles. He hands me Shino and hugs Goth tightly. I smile, gently rocking her to sleep as Goth leads Raven through. We get them settled and I smile, checking the code screens I have running calculations to see who would be the most trustworthy friend for Goth. Goth explains things to Raven and after a few days, they bonded quickly and grew to become close siblings.
A few weeks passed and they met their two uncles happily. Just like with Goth, I took Shino wherever we went strapped in a sling to me, also wearing headphones for UnderNovela when things get violent. Or whenever Killer starts trouble by trying to cook without Horror.
The number of times that I've seen Horror chasing Killer with a fire extinguisher is becoming far too big lately...Nightmare certainly isn't pleased with the fact that his kitchen nearly burns down.
I arrive with the three of them after Nightmare calls for a meeting.
"Two more kids, Error?"Killer says
"Wow, he has a trio too now!"Dust says
"Papa has taken good care of us, even if he looks different."Raven says
Shino giggles.
I smile wider, glancing at Nightmare to see what he called this for.
"So, we have been very successful against the Star Sanses lately. Yet I've gained new intel and have come to a decision. There will be a new member living here."Nightmare says
A code screen appears beside me and I grin seeing the calculations completed. Then I dismiss it to focus on Nightmare, who is lowering his tentacles and uncurling them. He steps to the side with a proud grin, revealing a small skeleton with green stars for eyes. He has a scarf like Ink and a cap on his head, dressed in a paint-covered uniform of some sort. He glances around nervously and waves.
"Everyone, meet Palette. My nephew who is living with us from now on."He says
"You kidnapped your nephew?"Horror asks
"No, he saved me from breaking down without them."Palette says
"They hardly are around or care for him."Nightmare says
I sigh, shaking my head. Then I step closer and kneel to him with Shino still in my arms.
"It'S n1c3 t0 m3et y0u, PaLeTtE. S0rRy tHaT y0ur dAd iS a m0r0n."I say
"Which one are we referring to?"Palette asks
"InK. He 0nc3 caLleD m3 bY y0ur nAmE iN bAtTle, sAyInG tHaT i wAs gr0unDeD. I'm s0rRy y0u hAd s0me0n3 as DuMb aS h1m wh0 c0ulD miX uS uP aS a pArEnT."I say
He just starts laughing.
"I'm sorry, that just sounds hilarious to imagine him doing mid-battle. It backfired horribly on him, right?"He asks
"Y0u c0ulD sAy tHaT."I say, recalling how he got a Gaster Blaster fire in his face after his shouting
He chuckles, smiling. Goth and Raven happily introduce themselves and then they run upstairs while Nightmare sets rules for the gang. I smile, seeing Shino wake up from her nap and glance around. I go into the kitchen to find where Horror keeps the children's food. I find some that he made and she eagerly takes it from me, trying to feed herself.
"She seems happy."I hear Nightmare says
I glance over my shoulder to see him behind me. I turn around, nodding.
"ThEy l0ve h0rR0r's f0oD."I say
"So, what's her name?"He asks
"ShiNo. HeR br0tHeR RaVeN iS wiTh GoTh. Th3y w3r3 aLs0 aBaNd0n3d...."I say
"I see...And what was that screen that you dismissed?"
"JuSt s0m3 cAlCulAti0nS c0mpl3teD. N0w i Kn0w wH0 t0 tRuSt aRouNd tHeSe tHrEe wiTh tHe l0weSt cHaNcE oF bEtrAyAl 0r aBanDonMeNt."I say, pulling up the calculations again
"You're really protective of them, aren't you?"He asks
"I'vE bEeN sCrEwEd 0v3r aNd tHeRe's n0 wAy i wiLl l3t aNy0n3 d0 tHe sAmE t0 th3m."I say, skimming the list
I smile, seeing a familiar name. Perhaps I could have them meet. After all, he doesn't deserve to be punished for his brother's mistakes...Hm...Luckily I saved pictures of Goth over the years.
"I can understand that. I don't want my new nephew to deal with any more pain from his so-called parents."He says
"Is tHaT wHy y0ur tEnTaClEs aRe gr0wiNg? Y0u'rE taKiNg hIs paIn?"I ask
He nods.
"Bout time I put this power to use."He says
I smirk, seeing how certain he is of this.
"YoU'rE a g0od uNcl3."I say
We talk a bit more before he goes to deal with Killer again. I take out my phone, calling from memory.
"Hello?"A familiar voice says
"HeY PaPs. It'S bEeN a wHiLe. NoW, h0w w0ulD y0u fEeL ab0uT meEting a ni3c3 anD tw0 nEpHeWs oF y0uRs?"I suggest
"Plural?"He says
"YeP. JuSt d0n't tElL ReApEr."
"Well, that's easy since he left his phone home again. No clue where he is."
"WhAt dAy woRkS f0r y0u? I caN eXplAiN ev3rytHiNg tHeN."I say
That starts a very pleasant conversation.
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