Chapter 46: Family Reunited
Error's POV
I frown, processing what Blue just told me on the phone. It has been four months already that we were away in Fate's realm. During that time the boys were put in our roles and tried to handle it with as much help that they could be provided. Palette and Goth kept things peaceful with the balance while Raven reaped with his Uncle Paps. But apparently things got complicated when Ink was returned early, restoring his position and causing more trouble than trying to fight Goth directly. He never got far with Blue and Palette getting in his way, but he caused enough trouble. But then according to what Horror told him, Gaster attacked the gang, striking Nightmare to get to the boys. He took Palette since he wouldn't release Goth to him. There hasn't been any word from them since and Paps can't find Raven anywhere....But since he took Reaper's job thanks to Fate...that would mean he gets the lists too...from Gaster.
I hold Shino closer to me as she continues to sleep peacefully in my arms. Blue says that Gaster hurt the gang badly and gave even more threats too...
"I'Ll sEe aBoUt tHiS."I say, then notice my glitching picking up.
I hang up and pass Shino to Reaper.
"Are you alright, Glitchy?"
"I'm aBoUt t0 craSh. G3t h3r 1n bed. Sh3 ov3r3xerTed heRseLf."I say
Then I crash, waiting a short bit to reboot. This always happens after Fate causes trouble...I glance around, unable to see Reaper around me. I hear him humming a soft lullaby to Shino down the hall and smile, then open a portal to check on the gang. First things that I see are a knife and a wooden carving a few feet away from each other.
"Hey look! Error's back!"Killer says
Within seconds the wood carving is beside me and I feel Horror's hands gripping mine.
Right, he's a skilled at sculpting wood...Seems like my vision is stuck with symbols for people...Personal symbols. If it wasn't personal then it would just be the souls themselves to symbolize my loved ones...
"Are you alright, Error? How'd you get back? What was done to you? Are you hurt? Did Fate starve you? I'm sorry! I-"He begins rambling until I raise a hand.
"ArE yOu hURt? BlUe tOlD mE eVEryThInG."I say
"Nothing I can't handle, Error."He says
"KiLlEr. HoW bAd iS iT?"I ask, knowing he will be painfully honest about it
"Tis not just a scratch, Error! That asshole tossed Horror around like it was nothing, toying with him! The jerk even wanted to take him to test what glue is holding this mess together as he put it and how he could get the title of an uncle! Boss sent me to keep Dust in his room so he wouldn't get hurt worse so I wasn't targeted as badly. Still, would've been fun to wipe that smirk off his face."He says
"I cAn'T reAlLy sEe riGhT nOw sO plEaSe gUiDe mE."I say, using my strings as bandages for Horror.
It takes a few minutes but with Killer's guidance, he was properly cared for with each wound. Killer kept tsk tsk tsking and telling me how Horror refused to let anyone help him and wanted to focus on others first. Like Nightmare or try to find the boys. I shake my head hearing this.
"So, did you get back with Reaper and Shino?"Horror asks
I nod.
"ThEy'Re aT hOmE rIghT nOw."I say
Then a loud dinging is heard.
*Balance Holder Returned. Welcome back DESTROYER ERROR. Position restored.*
"Hey! That's what popped up for Boss!"Killer says
"HuH?"I say
"He got the worst of it trying to keep that lunatic out. The security dropped as soon as Goth got your role and that freak ripped into Boss mercilessly and demanded a right to take Goth. Boss fought the most, especially when that freak tried to target Horror as well. Then a ding was heard and it said that Boss was removed from his position as Holder of Negativity or some shit. I heard shouting and then things went quiet. When Boss released the locks on the rooms, I came out to find him and Horror wounded severely and both the boys were gone. Boss...lost his tentacles and could hardly stay awake. And he had a blade as long as a pole piercing through his chest into the ground that we had to cut off of him. He's been recovering in bed upstairs."Killer explains
I frown, a bit shocked but also aware of how serious this is. Nightmare lost his position, meaning he lost his power, corruption, and reputation. Some of the things that he held in the highest regard and closest to him. I shake my head, going to check on him. I push the door open and see the change already. Instead of a black apple dripping with acid goop of corruption, I see a dark purple, glistening apple as the symbol for him as he groans.
"LeT mE gUeSs, yOu'Re pAsSiVe nOw?"I say, having read the code of his AU's story dozens of times
I know his secret even if he doesn't let others know it.
He groans, shaking his head.
"HoW aRe yOu fEeLiNg?"I ask
"How do you think?"He asks
"ProBabLY cRaPpY. I kNoW I woUlD iF I wAs wOuNdeD aNd fOrcEd bAck iNtO mY pAsT sElF."I say
"Glad to see Dream's crap off of you...I'm still going to kill him if your daughter hasn't already for what he did."He says
I roll my eyes.
"FoCuS on rEcOveRinG fiRsT."
"I don't care. Nobody messes with my nephew. Dream with that dumb necklace, that BASTARD who thinks stealing my power will stop me, anyone who dares will pay!"He snaps, then groans in pain
I sigh, shaking my head. He probably moved too much from getting too angry and passionate about his speech. Then I grin, knowing that he meant it.
Guess he found something to put above his power or image. Fate must've wanted Gaster to capture Goth or else he would've never been allowed to take Nightmare's role away and threaten the balance...Or maybe it's just for entertainment.
"Where is your daughter anyway?"He asks
"WiTh rEaPer aT hOmE. DoN'T wOrrY abOuT tHat AsS, nIghTmAre. I kNoW hOw tO hAndLe hiM."I say
"Really?"He asks
"YEp. I'm tHe gOd thAt hE fEaRs aNd dOeSn'T wAnT tO aNgEr. IF yOu gOt tHat dInG abOuT mY pOsiTiOn, then sO diD hE. He iS pRoBabLy sCrAmbLinG riGhT nOw tO sAve hImSeLf."I chuckle
Then my phone rings and I answer.
"Hey, Mr. Error! It's Palette! It's good to hear you! That must mean that you're free and safe! Gothy's safe too!"
"WhAt'S gOiNg oN? ArE yOu oKaY?"He asks
"Just don't get mad...I might've taken your puppets and spilled paint on them."
"WhY wOuLd I cArE aBoUt tHAt?"
"Cuz I know you love your puppets and don't want to get into more trouble. I'm using them to get free from this weirdo's traps. He doesn't know my power...And he shrunk us down in cages so this will be our escape. I got Gothy and going for Raven next. Their wings are tied by that weirdo."He says
"As l0nG aS y0u'rE oK, I d0n'T cAr3."I say
"O-Okay...That's a relief...."
"I woUlDn'T bOtHeR yOu oVeR pUpPeTs. WoUlD yOu liKe SoMe hElP?"I ask
"I don't know how you would so I'll call again when I break out of the trap."He says, hanging up
"Who was that?"Nightmare asks
"PalEtTe...ApPaReNtLy h3 t0ok mY pUpPeTs aNd hE'S oK r1gHt n0w."I say
"Why would he take your puppets?"He asks, yet I can hear his relief with the news.
"EsCaPe pLaN aPpArENtLy? ThEy wErE sHrUnKeN dOwN a l0t."I say
Then some error screens pop up in my vision. They start loading and when they finished, I was able to see properly again. I saw Nightmare instead of the apple now. Then my phone rings with a call from Reaper.
"Glitchy? Where'd you sneak off to while I was putting Shino to bed? And why is Gaster calling for me help with a claim that he's being chased by your puppets?"He asks
It quickly clicks what Palette meant about the puppets or what he planned. I chuckle, shaking my head.
"Pr0bAbLy sInCe hE iS dUmB eNoUgh tO tHiNk yOu'lL hElP hIm if hE dOeSn'T gIVe yOu tHe wHoLe sToRy. I'Ll go s3e wHaT hE mEaNs."I say
"Ok...I'll watch over Shino. See you at home."He says, hanging up.
I've got to see this.
I smile at. Nightmare who looks so confused.
"What's the situation?"He asks
"It apPeaRs hIs pLan wOrkEd aNd hE hAs GasTeR rUnNinG fOr hIs liFe."I say
"Oh that sounds fucking awesome."He says
"I'Ll sEnd yOu a vIdeO."I say
"I'll get the popcorn!"Killer says
I go through a portal after locking in on Palette's location. I grin at the sight of his plan. He didn't just grab any puppets, he grabbed the giant ones somehow and used his paint to bring them to life. So now Gaster is getting chased by a puppet version of Reaper, me, and the kids except they're three times the size of him. And riding the puppet of me is Palette as he holds my two sons close to him, small enough to fit in my hand with ropes still hanging from their ankles and wings. I frown at the sight of this, snatching the three with my strings before proceeding to record Gaster getting chased by the group of puppets.
"ClEvEr iDeA tO uSe tHeSe PaLeTtE."I say
"How long should I have them chase him for?"He asks
"HmMm, hOw abOuT aN hOuR fOr eAcH dAy hE kEpT yOu? HuRt yOu eVeN? If it'S tOo lOnG, I'lL uSe mY sTriNgs."I say
He nods and holds Goth gently, healing his wings. Raven smiles up at me and climbs up to my shoulder for a better view of the chase. Gaster kept shouting and pleading for help, unable to get far enough to open a secure portal. Yet nobody came. When seven hours passed, Palette said that we could leave. It didn't reach what was fair for how long they were kept but he was tired of it. I sent the video for the gang to enjoy though. It was hilarious to watch.
Instead, I return home with the three of them still resting on me.
"Papa? Is it safe now?"Goth asks as he glances around.
I nod and Raven smiles.
"We're home now, Goth."He says
"Why are my brothers and Palette so small? What happened to you?"
We glance over, seeing Shino come downstairs with Reaper.
"Gaster wanted to meet and test them while you were gone and wasn't taking no for an answer."Palette says
Reaper summons his scythe with a frown.
"Where is he?"He asks
"Getting chased by puppets."Palette says
"Perhaps I'll assist..."He says, smiling as he leaves.
Shino grab Goth and Raven from me carefully, checking them for injuries. I smile as I check Palette for injuries as well.
"Goth? Why aren't you showing your eye?"She asks
"Ink inspired some random weirdo to try to attack him to be a hero. I caught them and they told me everything but they hurt Goth badly...He can't see..."Palette says
I frown, furious hearing what Ink instigated against my son. Yet before I could say a word, Shino set her brothers down and walks through a portal with one of her blasters. It quickly shut behind her. I sigh, shaking my head. I set them each on a comfy pillow together after bandaging them the best I can. Then I call Reaper.
"Yes, Glitchy?"He says
"So aPpArEntLy ink gOt aN iDiOt tO aTtAcK gOtH aNd n0w ShInO iS gOinG aFtEr tHeM. CaN yOu get hEr wHeN yOu'rE dOnE wiTh GasTer s0 she dOeSn'T gEt iNt0 tRoUbl3?"I ask
"Okay, I'll give her a ten minute head start before I join her."He says, hanging up
"Is everything ok? Is Shino ok?"Goth asks
"ShInO iS oKaY. ShE aNd rEaPer wiLl bE hOmE sOoN. ThEy'rE jUst hAndLinG thInGs. NoW, wHaT cAn I gEt yOu tHreE?"I ask
"A hug? We're so happy that you're okay and back, Papa."Raven says
I sit down and they climb onto me, hugging me even if it was just my fingers.
"I'm hApPy t0 bE bAcK wiTh yOu tOo."I say, gently patting their heads.
It's good to be home and have the family back together.
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