Chapter 41: Here Comes the Horror
Error's POV
It wasn't long after that I finished my bath, putting a bathrobe on and going to the kitchen once tying it shut. I go ti grab a mug for a drink but feel my feet get yanked from underneath myself before I can grab the mug. I find myself hanging upside down as Reaper holds me by my heels, seeming to be examining me. Then he turns, taking me right back to his room.
"ReApEr! PuT mE d0wN!"I say as he shuts the door.
He sets me down on the bed but holds one of my legs firmly.
"What's this? It looks like it hurt."He says
I sit up, seeing him stare at the tag stitched into my ankle. I sigh, shaking my head.
"ReAPeR, I l3aRnEd aFtEr y0u l3fT tHaT y0u diDn't mAkE a n0rmAl puPpEt. ThiS iS oNe oF tHe sIgnS pRovInG tHaT."I say
"What do you mean?"
"Y0u mAdE a v0od0o d0lL wiTh tHe sTriNg y0u b0ugHt."I say
He stares at me in shock.
"So whenever I touched it or moved it...?"
"I feLt iT. C0uLd hEaR y0u t0o..."I say
The puppet appears in his hand as his face burns up. He looks between it and me. My face burns as I question what's going through his exhausted mind.
"DoN'T gEt aNy iDeAs!"I say
Then I see him grin.
Too late...
He gently pushes me down again and I feel my body stiffen under the same force that indicates that he's using the puppet. I feel my head lift slightly before feeling a pillow slip under it. I shut my eyes as a pain shoots up from my ankle before quickly fading. Then he leans over me, gently kissing my cheek.
"There..That should feel better."He says
He lifts the puppet into my sight, allowing me to see that the tag is gone and stitched shut. So that means the pain I felt was the tag getting removed.
"I don't like that tag or the message it had on you. You're my partner, not an object to be returned. The tag makes it seem like you're owned, which you're not. And it clearly hurts which I don't want for you. I will hide the puppet so that nobody can take advantage of you. Now can we cuddle?"He tells me
I pull him close, kissing him on the head.
He's so sweet.....
He smiles, pulling me close and we spend the next few hours snuggling. I smile as he takes this chance to finally sleep. Then he wakes up and tries to get up despite obviously being exhausted. I grin, summoning my puppet to my hand and lift it backwards, pulling him back into bed. He lands on his back, looking confused. He tries to sit up but I don't let him.
"WhErE d0 y0u tHiNk yOu'Re gOiNG sO t1rEd sTiLl?"I ask
He glances at me curiously.
"I want to make you food!"He says
I roll my eyes.
"YoU nEeD ReSt. AnD yOu'rE NoT gOiNg aNyWhErE uNtiL yOu d0."I say
"Oh really?"He asks
"YeAh. I tHoUgHt 0f mAkiNg mY oWn."I say, showing the puppet of him and brushing the tiny wings it has
I see his body twitch, especially his wings as his face burns up.
"That was you? All that touching?"He asks
I nod.
"EvEn diD a lItTlE tAlKiNg t0 rePaY yOuR wHiSpErInG."I say
"I was hearing you?!"He says
I chuckle, nodding. I lean in, kissing his cheek.
"So h0w abOuT yOu ReSt? StAy aNd gEt tHe cUdDl3s y0u wAnT sO bAd."I say, pulling him closer and tucking the puppet out of reach.
He nods, burying his face in my chest before dozing off again.
We spend time when he wakes up crafting normal puppets to take everywhere with his as Reaper originally intended. It's simple yet such a sweet idea of his that I can't help but smile. He even calls them our soul-puppets, puppets of our soulmates and he looks so adorably happy about it. It's either that or we go everywhere wearing our flower crowns, making it official to anyone who sees us. I can imagine how surprising or odd it may be to any onlookers that we encounter while working. Like imagine a random soul's final moments including the sight of Death in a flower crown of purple violets or the destroyer wearing a crown of blue roses before the AU is destroyed. Those details aren't typically included when describing how life will flash before your eyes or when death comes to take your life.
Still, it's not my problem. We're happy together and I wouldn't change it for anything.
I get a phone call from Farmer, getting a very interesting request. I spent some time listening and chatting with him, making him a promise, before he hung up. I spend the next few days stitching an outfit together and grin. Then the door bursts open as the kids come through excitedly.
"Papa! Uncle Horror is getting married! Mister Farmer proposed!"They cheer
I smile wider at them.
"YeP, iSn'T tHaT gReAt?"I say
"What are you doing, Papa?"Shino asks
"MaKiNg yOuR uNcLe a sUiT."I say
"You knew?"Raven asks
"FaRmEr aSkeD f0r mY sUpPoRt bEFoRe pr0pOsInG. I aM mAkInG tHIs f0r hOrRoR aNd tHe oNlY rEqUeSt tHaT hE hAs iS tHaT wE mAkE sUre HoRrOr dOeSN'T fAlL vIcTiM t0 hIs INsEcUriTiEs. YoU kNoW wHaT i mEaN. PiCkIng aT hIs hOlE oR cOvErIng hIs eYe."I say
"We'll help! I'll make sure he doesn't try anything funny!"Shino says
They take off again, determined to follow their sister on this mission.
After a month of preparations and Horror training Killer or Dust to work the kitchen, the wedding day comes. I gave Horror his suit, making sure that it fits and made outfits for the kids. Each of them were so happy with the roles that Horror gave them. Shino got to be the flower girl, Goth was the ring-bearer and Raven got to be the supervisor to make sure things go smoothly which included making sure Killer didn't spike anything. Our friends were invited and as far as I knew from Horror with the guest-list that everyone except Ink and Dream are invited or able to come. Blue is the only one joining us along with Farmer's family and friends or even Lust with Dance. We have plenty of guests coming and I smile as I get the kids into the outfits I made them. Shino looks adorable in her dress and the boys like their suits. We're going to be arriving early due to our roles to help set up and prepare for the wedding. I have the special job of being with Horror to keep him from getting nervous and walking him down the aisle. I adjust my tie, making sure my suit and collar hide my neck. Don't want Dream's crap getting involved today. I hear a whistle behind me.
"Someone's looking handsome.~ You clean up nice."Reaper says
"Dad! Why aren't you dressed?"Shino snaps
I glance over and shake my head, seeing him still in his cloak as if it's a regular day. Raven pulls Reaper back to his room to get changed and I adjust his tie when he comes out. Then I open a portal to the wedding location, a short distance from Farmer's property, and start help setting things up. Reaper tries to help with the decorations since he can fly, that being the only thing he can do without killing the land. This is his first wedding and I had to explain how these go when I said that we were invited, including him. He was very surprised that he was invited given his power that he believed to be a burden on the event, but Horror wanted him to come and so did Farmer. He seemed happy to know that he got on their good side and took this as an honor to attend.
I quickly go to Horror who is at Farmer's now empty house. I smile, congratulating him and gently hold his hands to prevent him from messing with his head. He's getting anxious and trying to "fix himself" for Farmer, just as Farmer and I both suspected he would do.
"HoRrOr, tHeRe'S nOtHinG tO fIx. ToDaY'S yOuR bIg dAy wItH fArMeR. FaRmEr lOvEs yOu. We aLl d0. He d0eSn'T wAnT iDeALisTiC pErFeCtIoN cOmING dOwn THAt AiSlE t0 hIm, hE wAnTs yOU. BeCaUsE yOu'Re pErFeCt t0 h1m. So cAlM dOwn aNd d0n'T wOrRy aBoUt ThAt."I tell him
"DoN'T mAke mE gEt Th3 fLoWeR gIrL iN hErE. YoU kNoW hOw ShE iS wItH INsEcuRiTiEs."I say
He chuckles, nodding.
"She'll kill me with a glare and that little pout."He says, giving in.
I offer my elbow, hearing the music start to play. He interlocks his arm with mine, hooked at the elbows and we walk out, seeing all the guests there. Everyone is in place and Shino starts walking in front of us, tossing flowers but always glancing back at Horror with a smile. Farmer smiles at us and mouths thank you to me when we reach him. I smile at them and take my seat beside Reaper as the wedding commences. They say their vows, I do's and whatnot. Dust, Killer, and Raven all stood as the groomsmen on Horror's side while Farmer's brother, Blue, and Shino stood behind Farmer. Shino looks so happy, hopping on her feet as she stood and trying not to clap too soon while Raven and Dust keep Killer from interrupting at any points as a joke. Goth brings the rings up and they place it on each other before kissing. I smile as everyone cheers or claps, seeing how happy the couple is despite being blushing messes. Horror is as red as a tomato and crying tears of joy.
"So this is what a wedding is like..."Reaper says
I nod, seeing him smile wider and hold my hand.
"It's nice."He says
Things shift to the party afterward and everyone starts socializing after Horror and Farmer make their entrance. It was organized in an empty barn that was now full of tables and strings with lights, making it look beautiful and cozy. It wasn't long before Farmer and Horror had their first dances and then there came the traditional first dances. Since I was the one who walked Horror down the aisle, I was technically in a parent position so I had a dance with Horror and Farmer individually much like how a father would have the first dance with a bride or groom. Farmer whispered his thank-you's to me for helping and Horror whispered his thanks to me, saying that I helped turn his life around and he doesn't know how to repay me. I chuckled, shaking my head at him. I had no idea that taking him out of his living hell AU would lead to this but I'm glad that it did.
"Be hApPy, HoRrOr. YoUr hApPiNeSs aNd g0od liFe wiTh FaRmEr wiLl bE aLl I nEeD."I tell him
"Really?"He says
"FaTe DeTeRmIneD yOu a PoOr liFe s0 seEiNg yOu liViNg a GoOd oNe fReE FrOm tHeIr mIsErY wiLl bE eNoUgH, HoRrOr. YoU dOn'T oWe mE a ThING. JuSt eNjOy yOuRsElF. ReAcH oUt iF yOu eVeR nEeD hElP, thOuGh."I say
He smiles, hugging me close and I smile at him. I'm glad that I practiced my ability to touch as it prepared me for today. Then I feel a tug at my sleeve and I chuckle, seeing Shino glance up at us sweetly.
"I'Ll lEaVe yOu t0 dAnCe wiTh yOuR biGgEsT SuPpOrTeR. WeLl, oNe oF tHeM."I say, chuckling
He smiles, dancing with Shino who used her wings to reach his height. It was adorable to watch them dance together. From there the floor opened up for anyone to dance and enjoy themselves. Dust kept a close eye on Killer though and I made my rounds, chatting with anyone that approached me from Blue to Farmer's brother, all of us happy for the couple. Goth was dancing happily with Palette. Reaper was helping serve food and I helped him, brushing pieces of confetti from his wings that got stuck while decorating.
"WhAt tAbLe aRe wE, ReApEr?"I ask
"Six, dear."He says
"AlRiGhT. I'Ll siT wiTh yOu WheN yOu'Re dOne hErE. I tHiNk tHey'Re gOiNg t0 swItCh to a BuFfEt sTYle sOoN s0 yOu caN eNjOy yOuRsElF."I say, getting food for each of the kids.
"Okay, Glitchy."He says, quickly kissing my cheek
I smile at him, quickly returning it. Then I feel someone's gaze burning into me from behind. I glance around, spotting Nightmare at the edge of the party staring at us as his body sinks like melting ice-cream. I shake my head, seeing him frown and pout as his tentacles wiggle with sharp points. He was seated alone.
This proves my point exactly. He can't handle positiveness and this party is full of love and joy, some powerful positive emotions. How does he expect a loving relationship from me when he can't handle this? I'm actually surprised that he showed up here...
I smirk, leaning in to kiss Reaper again just for the heck of it. Then Raven blows a whistle. Everyone lines up and Horror holds the bouquet as a countdown begins.
"What's going on?"Reaper asks
"It'S tHe fLoWeR tOsS."I say
"The wha-?"He begins
Then he gets hit in the head by the flowers and they land in his hands. He panics, tossing it to Shino and looks bewildered as everyone cheers.
"Are the flowers okay? I didn't kill them right?"He asks, not wanting to ruin the wedding in the slightest
Farmer laughs and Shino nods, reassuring him.
"Congrats, Reaper. Your future looks bright."Farmer says
"Why are you telling me that? You're the one that just got married."He says
"I'Ll g0 gEt s0m3 f0oD t0 tHe tAblE."I say, my hands still holding the plates for the kids.
"Have you never been to a wedding before or seen one before?"Farmer asks
"Death usually doesn't get an invite to these invites. I'm usually there for bad times, not the good times in life..."Reaper says
"I see...Well since you caught the flowers, even if it was by accident, it means that you'll probably be the next one married. Or just good fortune. It's sort of a traditional wedding superstition."Farmer says
I glance at him, seeing his face burn as he gazes at me. I chuckle, going to the table. I find Nightmare walking over with a grin.
What does he want?
"Looks like Reaper's going to settle down soon. Once he walks down the aisle, that is."He says
"YeAh. Lo0kiNg fOrWARd tO sEeInG tHaT dAy."I say
"Seriously? You're expecting it?"He asks
"I doN'T nEed fLoWeRs tO tElL mE tHe fUtuRe. WitH hOw hApPy wE aRe, tHerE's bOunD tO a g0oD fUtUre aHeaD."I say
"I've never heard you so optimistic before, Error."He says
"YoU'vE nEvEr s3eN mE iN a sUpPoRtIve ReLaTiOnShIp, NiGhtMaRe. BeiNg mY aLLy aNd bUsinEss aNd aLl tHaT."I tell him with a chuckle
Try as much as you want, Nightmare. You can't poke holes in this to break us.
Nightmare sees me smiling and that he's not winning this. He sighs, frowning.
"Hey Error...I'm sorry for my behavior. The lies, tricks, deceit...everything. It wasn't fair to you and I expected something from you. I hope Reaper treats you right and we can continue our alliance or form a friendship, even if it's at the most minimum level."He says
I glance at him in surprise. Nightmare has always been so prideful that he has never apologized before...usually making an excuse to explain his actions. But no, he's genuinely apologizing without excuses.
"I cAn'T rEaLlY saY thAt I fOrgIvE yOu...BuT I aPpRecIaTe thIs. It'lL tAk3 tIm3 t0 rEbUiLd th3 bRiDgE yOu bUrnT bUt pErhAps tHerE's a chaNc3...MaYbE..."I say
He nods.
Then there's a loud booming noise and I see a large portal open. The music stops as Gaster comes through.
"Reaper! What the heck are you doing here? Why are you wasting time when you should be working and letting me see the kids? It's been long enough that I haven't seen them!"He snaps, trying to get closer
Reaper frowns as Gaster continues to shout and spew hostility at him. I sigh, preparing my strings but then a giant blast sends Gaster into the sky with a quick second one sending him deep underground before he could get near Reaper. Given that he was outside the barn, it was very easy to knock him around.
Everyone turns to see Shino beside her Gaster Blaster that just fired.
"It works! Good boy!"She cheers, petting it
"Holy shit, the flower girl has a blaster."Killer says
Everyone stares in shock at the size of it compared to our little flower girl. I chuckle, smiling at her.
"What the hell?"Nightmare says
Horror runs over, covering Shino's skull as Killer continues to make comments with curse words. I chuckle even more at the sight.
"Did I do good, Papa? Did I use the Gaster Blaster right?"She asks, glancing over at me.
"HOW DARE YOU!"Gaster snaps, climbing out of his hole with his clothes now muddy.
"What? I'm just protecting Dad from you. You're not nice or good and I won't let you bother my family. Can you please leave? You're crashing the wedding."She says with a innocent smile.
Farmer chuckles at the fact that she is basically talking down to him, now sitting on her blaster that is ready to fire. Reaper zips over to protect her and Horror summons his axe, both blocking her from Gaster.
Gaster glanced at me and I glared at him with strings ready. He frowns, losing all confidence and fleeing back through the portal. I grin, glad that he remembers my warning about harming my family.
"What was that? Why did he flee when he saw you?"Nightmare asks
"He jUsT kNoWs n0t t0 maK3 m3 aNgRy."I say
The wedding continues as planned and I smile, seeing everyone is having a good time.
Yet in the back of my head I know that this isn't over...
Time until next quota decision: 3.5 weeks, 7 hours, 15 minutes and counting....
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