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Chapter 39: Lovers' Joy

Error's POV a week later

Finally, Reaper's gone. Now I can research more about relationships, especially with the kids out of the house.

I take out a stack of books and start reading through them carefully, taking notes. My memories of my life as Geno are slipping away lately so I have less experience to fall back on to know what makes him happy or meet his romantic needs. I want to give him enough, be enough for him. These books give me plenty of ideas though on how to brighten things a bit.

Perhaps we could try the usual things couples do like stargazing, watching sunrise/sunsets, game nights that could be with the kids, spa, park walks, etc. Perhaps he could even try cooking with Reaper....or movies or UnderNovela together. Imagining each idea or possible scenario made my soul feel all warm and fuzzy. I can't help but smile at each idea.

I read another book. learning the little ways to show him love. Leaving notes for him, making a custom ringtone for him, picking out songs to listen to together, holding hands and surprise hugs/kisses, just smiling at him, lightening the workload, sending messages/compliments, using different languages, 10 things you love of X with flower, create relaxing place after work.

Hmm...I already have the ringtone done...I've been doing the surprise hugs or kisses and smiles...I also try to lighten the workload for him by eliminating more AUs...Guess I have those done...And I make sure that he can relax when he returns home...Huh, I'm doing stuff without even thinking about it. But some of these do sound nice. Maybe I could do these.

I set the book aside, getting a few papers to make little notes. I smile, writing whatever comes to mind for him. I tucked them around the house where I knew he would find them like near his coffee or in his room, but also hid some around the house if he continued searching. I added more fun by writing some in Spanish for him to translate, making those messages special.

Then I grab another book, reading about the different love languages and ways to treat each one. Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Gifts, and Physical Touch, each have options to consider.

Hmm...It says to know mine and his. His is definitely a mix of quality time and physical touch with the way that he melts under just my hand on his cheek or when I suggest cuddling...What would mine be? I do enjoy his nicknames and....when he....Ugh, why is my mind fogging up again?

I take notes on how to treat a partner with physical touch or quality time love languages, then tuck the books away. I scratch at the necklace that seems to get tighter each day on me. I've given up on getting the necklace off since it requires Dream. Dream has made it clear what's needed for him to consider removing it. A chance that he obviously isn't getting. So I cover it with my scarf as much as I can. I know the sight of it bothers Reaper and I don't want that. It annoys me how he isn't even here yet seems to be getting between Reaper and me. I frown at the thoughts, then grin with an idea. I should make it clear that I'm not interested and taken.

The next day was my turn to work and I left a note for Reaper to wake up to. He comes out as I drink from a mug and plan which AUs to destroy this time.

"Morning, Glitchy. This is a sweet note from you."He says

"I'm gLaD y0u l1k3 iT."I say, adjusting my scarf and taking a sip.

"Glitchy? You're wearing the crown again..."He says

I nod, having the flower crown of blue roses on my head.

"Sh1n0 l1k3s iT wHeN i wEaR iT."

"Ya know...I originally got you those flowers...."He says softly, glancing away

"So y0u aDmiT iT."I say

He looks at me in shock.

"YOU KNEW?"He asks

"YeAh buT y0u d1dn't s3em t0 wAnT t0 sAy iT s0 i aCtEd clu3l3sS. Y0ur p0eM dRaFtS wErE sWeEt t0o."I say

His face burns up.

I walk over, kissing his cheek.

"I'Ll b3 bAcK s0on.~"I tell him

"What's gotten into you, Error?"He asks

I frown, knowing he is serious since he didn't use a nickname.

"WhAt d0 y0u m3aN? D0 y0u n0t liKe iT? Am i d0iNg s0meThiNg wR0nG?"I ask

"No, it just seems a bit sudden. I don't want you to be forcing yourself past your comfort limits."

"BuT...I fe3l c0mf0rt wItH y0u...I wAnT t0 b3 faIr t0 y0u...I'm n0t f0rc1nG mYs3lF....I'v3 juSt nEvEr b3en l1k3 tHiS...My gl1tCh1nG kePt m3 fr0m b3iNg cLoSe t0 0tHeRs s0 1 wAnT t0 mAkE uP f0r tHaT...Am i d0iNg l0ve wRoNg?"I tell him, glancing down nervously.

I hear only silence from him. I glance up, seeing that his face is burning and that his eyes turned into hearts, his cloak bubbling.

"That's adorable."He says, holding my hand gently.

He pulls me closer gently, then pauses.

"May I kiss you?"He asks

I nod and he kisses me gently, making my face burn up as he gazes at me with those hearts glowing brightly in his eyes. Then he releases me, letting me go to work. But he made it clear that this isn't over.

I start destroying AUs and grin, making great progress until arrows fire at me suddenly. I glance over, seeing Dream gazing up at me.

"Is InK oN vAcAt1oN 0r s0m3tHiNg?"I ask, shaking my head

"Stop destroying the AU and let's talk, Error!"He says

"AnD wHaT c0uLd wE p0sSiBlY tAlK aBoUt?"I ask, swinging on my strings

"How we can settle with words instead of violence! My offer still stands!"He says

"StiLl n0t iNtErEsTeD y0u we1rd0."I say

"Oh come on, Error! I could give you a good life! It's literally my job!"He says

"YeAh liKe mY s0n gEtTiNg sH0t 0r y0uR hIsToRy wiTh pAlEtTe sh0wS a g0oD sUcCeSs rAtE. I d0n't n3ed y0u t0 b3 hApPy."I say

"Where'd you get that flower crown?"He asks

I roll my eyes, grinning.

"Fr0m mY b0yfr1eNd. My dAuGhTeR mAdE iT iNt0 a cr0wN."I say proudly

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend."He says

"No kIdDinG. He iS v3ry sWeEt aNd tHe bEsT tHaT i c0ulD aSk f0r."

"Who is it?"He says

"ReApEr of cOurSe."I say

"The one who I always sense having dreams and fantasies about you? That coffee-addicted god is your boyfriend?"He asks

"He'S jUst mY tYpE."I say, taking that moment to rest a hand on my cheek to seem love-struck.

I purposefully take that moment to also imagine all the sweet moments between us and imagining more with Reaper. I see Dream's face scrunch up, sensing all of this positivity and he frowns.

"What do you see in him? I know plenty of what he sees in you but..."He asks

"SoMEoNe wHo mAkES mE hApPy aNd rEsPecTs mE. APpArEnTlY rArE qUal1t1eS t0 f1nD iN tHe mUlt1vErSe, l1k3 s0m3oNe wH0 w1lL tAkE n0 f0r aN aNsWeR."I say, then swing away and continue destroying the AU before he could object.

After destroying over a hundred AUs, I return home confident that will buy me some time of peace without Fate bothering me with demands. I find Reaper sitting with my books placed around him on the floor, some open to random pages. He also has a handful of notes that I hid in his hands. His face is burning and his cloak is bubbling with hearts but I can't see his eyes.

Should I say something or...? Is this wrong...? No, he seems happy...But why is he hiding his eyes in his hood? Am I supposed to do something?

I slip away into the kitchen, trying to go unnoticed. I grab some snacks to energize myself again and feel two hands gently slither around me from behind, pulling me backward.

"Glitchy~"I hear Reaper coo, resting his head on my shoulder.

I can feel his breath on my neck yet can't see his face beneath his hood. My face burns as his wings wrap around us, blocking out the surroundings of the kitchen. His wonderfully soft and the current position being protective...comforting...Add onto the fact that he knows that I love hearing him coo to me....

He must've planned this. He knows how to get to me.

"YeS?"I ask

He lifts a book into my sight, one that I just finished reading yesterday titled: Normal Things to Do with Your Partner.

"Why do you have this?"He asks

"Is tHeRe s0meThInG wRoNg?"I ask

"Those other books are fine, but why this one?"He asks

"Is iT bAd?"I ask, still not getting it.

"I don't need normal, Glitchy. Your love is good enough for me."He says softly, tossing the book away.

I hear it land in the trash can. Then his grip gets slightly tighter as he kisses my cheek.

"I'm ready to take anything you give me. You know I'll return it to you tenfold.~ So please, don't keep reading to be what others consider normal. Cuz I already love what you've got. Ok, my precious Glitchy?"He whispers softly

My face burns even more as I lean into his touch, loving each word.

"OkAY..."I hum softly

"Are you alright?"He asks, shifting a hand to my chest.

I nod but feel him stiffen up.

"Why is your soul racing? Are you alright?"He asks

"ReApEr..."I say

Within seconds his grip leaves me and I hear the door slam. I glance around, seeing that he's gone. A few minutes and my phone rings from his brother calling me.

"HeLlO?"I say

"Why is my brother panicking about a soul issue?"He asks, Reaper heard rambling in the background.

"*sigh* He d0eSn'T kNoW wHaT l0v3 d0eS tO a sOuL, hUh?"I say

"Oooh, he went too far with affection, huh?"

"Too far?!"Reaper snaps, sounding alarmed.

"It's ReApEr. He's alWaYs lOvInG."I say, taking a seat on the couch

"Good point. Wasn't sure if it was something with worrying about. Especially since he asked for ways to reverse it or fix it."He says

"DoN't wOrRy aBoUt iT."I say

He hangs up. Then a few minutes later, Reaper runs over, clinging onto me.

"I'm sorry!"He whimpers repeatedly

"ReApEr, yOu hAvE nOtHiNg tO be sOrRy fOr."I say

"Really?"He asks

I nod.

"But your soul is beating faster! How can I help?"He asks

"LeArN tHe cOnsEqUenCes of yOuR aCtiOns."I say, putting a book in his hands

I smile at him, giving him the book on love languages. He glances at it, looking confused.

"What do I need this for?"He asks

"JuSt rEaD cHapTeR thReE, ReApEr."I say

He opens it, flipping through the pages as I adjust him in my lap. I grin, kissing his cheek.

"I knOw hOw tO trEaT yOuRs.~"I say, gently brushing his wings and seeing them twitch.

His face burns up.

"Wait, this is...About love languages...Why did you...Ooh...Is that why your soul was beating fast? My words?"He says

"YeS, yOu loVabLe iDiOt."I say, kissing his cheek.

I grin wider, kissing his cheek. His face burns and I chuckle, hugging him close.

I love him so much...


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