Chapter 36: Affection
Reaper's POV three weeks later
Error meant what he said about not letting go. He spent a week without letting go of me. What amazed me was the fact that he didn't crash but he was so determined that I guess he fought it off. I often walked around the house with him clinging onto me, his face buried in my chest or hooked onto my back. Every night I had to snuggle one of them, not that I was complaining. After that week wrapped up, he kept a string around my wrist. I hardly was able to leave his sight or the kids' sight, seeming worried that they might lose me. But now they seem calmer and today is the first day that I'm not being constantly watched by them. I find it cute and sweet, yet I'm relieved that I managed to reassure them that they won't lose me. But I told Error the truth about what happened to me yesterday and he crashed, his face a blushing mess. We had a short argument afterward since he didn't understand why I waited so long to whisper vague directions about a cure to him in his sleep, but that ended when I told him any attempt to wake him or directly tell him would cause my mouth to be stitched shut. His anger turned to Ink and now he's off destroying to lure Ink out to get his revenge.
While he seeks his revenge, I take care of the kids and make sure that they aren't harmed by Ink's tricks, rebuilding the trust in them that I won't disappear. And also trying to build their trust in my kitchen skills. Shino is optimistic but my two sons are the problems. When I'm not dealing with their criticism of cooking pancakes or making origami with Shino, I read the book that Horror gave me. Now I understand why he gave me it, it's basically a book teaching how to take care of an asexual partner and going over the kinds of love that I could show them, Error specifically.
Days pass before Error returns home, seeming calmer and pleased with whatever he managed to do. By then the kids were already sleeping in bed and I was reading the book, lying on the couch when he walked over with a tired smile. He climbs onto me, resting his head under the book and listening to my soul beat. He smiles wider with the chance to snuggle me. Within minutes he is sleeping peacefully on me.
He's adorable...
Then a few days later, the kids went to play with friends and Error went to drop them off. I continue reading the book from Horror and smile, spending time relaxing. I got my stuff back, finding it all in Error's room. My phone, scythe, and lists. All three of them, even the plan that I wrote out in a flow chart. Maybe he only saw the first two lists...I hope that's the case...
Then the door swings open and I see Error severely glitching and looking frustrated.
"Hey Error, are you alright? Did Ink piss you off again?"I ask, already planning how I'll comfort him.
He shakes his head and walks closer to me, handing me the violet flower crown.
Oh, I've been on his mind again? In what ways? Hmm...
I glance up at him, seeing his face burn a bright yellow. Then his soul appears, nothing more than a small shard but beautifully shining in its precious glory. He's showing me his soul...Such a delicate, precious thing shown to me...I just wanted to cup my hands around it and protect him from the world.
"I l-lOvE y0u...a LoT...I'd SaY with all mY sOuL bUt tHat wOulDn't bE fAiR tO yOu...YoU'vE bEen O-0n mY mInd aNd i kNoW iT wOn't bE tHe sAmE aS bEfOR3...As GeNo...BuT i dO lOvE yOu And i nEvEr wAnT tO fEeL sO sCArEd oF lOsInG yOu aGAiN. S-So, cAn yOu lOvE mE aNd cAn I aT lEasT tAkE yOu oN a dAtE?"He asks, his voice shaking a bit.
I smile at him, seeing him struggle to keep from glancing away, fiddling with his fingers as he holds the flower crown. I get up, stepping closer to him.
"Aww, Glitchy...Sweetheart. It doesn't matter the size of your soul, it's very precious to me. You should know that. I'll take as much love that you're willing to give. The question is, are you willing to accept all the love I'll give your soul? Cuz I'm going to spoil it rotten with affection!~"I say, cupping his soul carefully.
His face burns up hearing that.
"R-ReApEr! Be sEriOus! AnSweR mE!"He snaps
His soul zips back into hiding. I smile, pulling him closer gently.
"Yes, Error. I can and will love you. You set the time and place and I'll be ready. You'll never lose the love that I have for you. No matter how much you change, I will always love you and be by your side. I won't stop being by your side. All I can promise you are my soul, time, and loyalty. I will love you anyway."I tell him
I see the biggest smile ever before on his face, beaming so brightly as his eyes twinkle. Then he seems to realize his reaction, hiding in his scarf. Then he reaches out, holding my cheek and glancing down.
"Would you like to kiss?"I ask him
His face is a blushing mess now and he nods. I lean in, kissing him as I feel my face burn. I hold him gently as he leans into my touch and I lean into the hand cupping my cheek.
It feels so nice to hold him close...sharing this moment...Then I decide to pull away before I push his limits with his glitching. But then he quickly leans back in for another kiss, surprising me but I melt back into it. Then he pulls away and I smile at him, seeing how dazed he looks.
"So does this mean we can cuddle?"I ask
"HaVen'T yOu aLreAdY bEeN gEttInG tHat iN mY sLeEp?"He asks with a wink.
My face burns up, not expecting that response. I try to think of an answer before he kisses my cheek with a nod.
"N0w, I hAvE a qUeSt10n. I sAw y0uR fLoW cHaRt aNd sAw tHaT y0u hAd pLaNs f0r r3j3ct1oN. WhAt wAs tHaT f0r?"He asks
Shoot, he did see the flow chart.
"Well I didn't want to assume anything and wanted to be ready to act with respect to your decisions."I tell him
He smiles with his gaze softly twinkling. He plants another kiss on my cheek.
"ThAnK yOu."He says, pushing my hood down and placing the flower crown on my head.
I smile at him, and then he sits down and I sit beside him. He leans against me, resting his head on my chest.
"I liKe y0ur s0ulBeAt..."He says softly
I gently brush the top of his head, enjoying the peaceful time together as it sinks into me that this just happened and we're together.
This isn't a dream...This is going to be great.
Little do I know how wrong things are going to go.
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