Chapter 34: The Puppet Prince
Reaper's POV
I glance around, seeing that I'm back to normal size. I sit up, rubbing my head, and realize that I'm still in the new outfit, glancing around. I see Error sleeping beside me, fresh tears in his shut eyes.
I'm really here...That all happened...I'm his puppet...
My face burns at the fact that he took off my clothes and dressed me in a new outfit. His focused, calculating gaze and those fingers gently brushing across my bones...The soft strings knit together that now cover my arms and legs...I think things over carefully. Did I really just hear what I thought I did?
What did Shino mean ANOTHER?
I climb out of the bed and curiously explore the room, searching curiously. I quietly open the closet, finding a small box labeled: Home Hobby...
I open it, finding dozens of puppets. Multiple made of Shino, Goth, and Raven but numerous puppets of me. Too many to hold in my hands, each with different little clothes, outfits, and accessories. There were a few of Error, but those were always connected to the other puppets. Hugging Goth, holding Shino in his lap, Raven leaning on him, and holding hands with me. Stitches show the contact and connections of his love. My face burns and I smile a bit.
So this is what Error does when I'm not home...His little secret...His guilty pleasure...He's so adorable...So sweet...
"ReApEr...."I hear him mumble
I turn around, seeing Error patting around in the bed. I lay down and he hugs my arm firmly.
"CoMe.....h0m3...."He says, tears resting around his eyes.
I gently wipe his tears, smiling as he relaxes. I shrunk back down the next morning and he wakes up, shutting the closet door and shaking his head. He pulls up a code screen and sighs.
"WhY iSn'T hE f0uNd y3T? I swEaR iF iNk...."He mutters
He puts me back in his pocket and heads out to do his routine. I glance up, seeing how despite his acting normal with the kids, he was severely worried. He's unsettled and thoughts are probably racing through his head.
This becomes a cycle of being carried around as a puppet during the day and turning to normal at night. His code is taking forever to locate me in all the AUs. Whenever I try to tell him or wake him, my mouth gets stitched shut. In the day, Error takes me everywhere in his pocket. He has the kids stay with Horror while he hunts Ink down. He tries to seem strong but breaks down at night in tears, crying my name in his sleep. He pleaded for me not to leave him again...To come home....To be okay...Sometimes he'd hold my scythe close after waking up from a bad dream. It was horrible to watch without being able to speak. All I could do was wipe his tears, snuggle him, and try to comfort him.
Then one night I noticed him itching at his neck as he slept so I tried to adjust his scarf, then freeze up seeing what's underneath. A golden necklace with a heart is tightly locked around his neck.
What the hell is this? Why is it on him?
I try to remove it but it only tightens even more.
*Unlock attempt denied. Soul not recognized. DREAM needed to unlock.*
Why does he have something from Dream on? The one who shot our son...?
That quickly gets answered in the day when Error gets frustrated with the lack of progress, going on a destruction spree across the multiverse. All with me in his pocket witnessing it. He attacked Ink mercilessly at every encounter although Ink forgot what he did by now to me. Or what he apparently did to Error, which Error would snap at him about.
It wasn't long until he encountered Dream, unleashing more rage at him.
"Error? Have you considered my offer? You seem to have been consumed by miserable negativity and sadness. Is that why you're destroying AUs? To let out pain and frustration? That could all change if you take my hand. I'll make everything better, Er."He says
"I d0n't cArE! UnLeSs iT's tAkInG tHiS Sh1t oFf mY nEcK aNd hAv1nG iNk sAy wHaT hE d1d t0 R3aP3R, i aM n0t inTeReSt3d! I wAnT rEapEr h0m3 aNd sAf3! AnD i wiLl d3str0y eVeRy AU uNtiL tHaT hApPeNs! ThAt wiLl mAkE mE haPpy. He w1lL mAkE m3 hApPy, n0t y0u!"Error snaps at him
Aww...Error....I'm going to kill Dream for putting it on him against his will.
"Well, I could provide you some proper company with that puppet. It isn't a normal one so if you're lonely in bed, it can replace him."He says
He snatches me from Error's pocket to prove it. With a circle traced on my skull, I feel myself grow bigger yet still unable to move like a stuffed doll.
"See? The size of a body pillow! Good to cuddle in bed!"He says
Error snatches me back and frowns, reversing it. He quickly leaves so Dream can't bother him. But before going to bed, he adjusts it to see me grow bigger so that he could snuggle me before going to sleep. But not before he tried talking to me.
"ReAPeR...Wh3rE aRe yOu? WhAt d1D iNk dO t0 y0u? WhY hAvEn'T yOu cOmE hOmE? WhY nOt gIvE a SiGn? ArE yOu hUrT? StiLl oUt ThErE? WhY....I cAn'T l0sE yOu...NoT aGaIn..."He questions, tears in his eyes
I frown, knowing the exact reason. Ink.
"Error has gotten plenty of time to toy with you so I think it's my turn. Let's have some fun, shall we? And don't worry, you'll get free one day the old fashioned way in fairytales! You just have to find someone that loves you as a person and get a kiss! But unfortunately, you'll be stuck with me for a while so good luck with that!"Ink said
He got the jump on me while working and I remember it burning into me before I turned into this puppet, unable to move. He took me away, putting me on a shelf and left. The thing is, Dream was with him and saw me, taking me as a chance to give a gift to Error. Trying to score some points I guess. But this threw off his plans and now I may be able to find a way to reverse it, getting home to him...
"WhY aM i aSk1nG? YoU'r3 n0t g0iNg t0 aNsWeR...I sHoUlD kNow tHaT..."He mutters, chuckling to himself
"I l0v3 y0u...."He says softly before dozing off.
. . . . .
HE WHAT?! He loves me? He actually does? We could have a relationship again? Be in love again? Stars this has to be a dream or I'm in heaven! Error just kiss the puppet pleease and this could be over! Please Glitchy!
But I can only use this information in silence for plans or pleas as a puppet in this routine....feeling him squeeze my arm and rest his head against mine...Right?
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