Chapter 33: New Toys
Error's POV
"Why do always ruin my fun? Why do you always get in my way? Even when we're not fighting and you're ruining my fun with AUs by destroying them, you ruin my fun with friends or those little kids. I'd love to play with them but you won't let me. I don't get you, Error. Why do I work so hard with AUs and have my fun with my work yet get no reward? My only reward is your attacks and intervention, which is a punishment. Yet you...You are quite the opposite....You get a happy life, friends, and family even after being nothing but trouble for me. Why do you seem to get all that and I don't?"Ink complains, pacing around
"Oh aS iF yOu aCtUaLlY cArE f0r tHoSe rEwArDs. YoU'D fOrGeT tHeM oR gEt bOrEd wiThIn aN hOuR."I say, rolling my eyes
I have Palette who can confirm it.
He frowns, but then smiles again.
"That's a cute kid ya got there, Error. It's a shame you won't let me play with her. Though I guess you won't be in our way now.~"He chuckles
"YoU kEeP yOuR diSgUsTiNg hAnDs oFf oF hEr! DoN't yOu dArE tOuCh hEr, iNk."I growl at him
He reaches out, trying to grab my chin but retreats when I try to bite his hand, glaring at him. He punches me before grabbing my chin.
"I just have one question. How does a useless destroyer like you get love, family, and happiness? What makes you deserve that or earn that? How can someone who kills for a living and gets in my way enjoy anything or care for anyone?"He asks
"YoU'rE oNe tO tAlK aBoUt cArInG. GEt yoUr hAnD oFf mE!"I snap
Then I see an idea spark in his mind as his eyes lose color and his grin grows.
"Wait...What if you don't care for them? Not as people at least. They're just like your puppets to you, aren't they? Like that god of death that's tied around your finger! It makes sense now! Hehe, well I'm sure that you won't mind if I toy with him a bit. Just consider it revenge.~"He chuckles
His face loses all color and I frown, knowing what this means. He is out of his vials, making him even more dangerous. And he plans to go after Reaper. He has no soul for Reaper to collect, making him a real menace.
My fists clench tightly, furious at his schemes and the thought of him causing them harm, but growing even more frustrated when considering how I can't do anything about it. I'm trapped in his paint, completely powerless and useless to do anything to resist or stop him. I can't protect them like I'm supposed to....Too weak...Trapped...And that only upsets me more...It's a horrible thought and feeling...Scares me...But I can't show Ink that.
"Don'T yOu dArE tOuCh ReApEr!"I snap
Of course, he doesn't listen, slipping away in a puddle. I try in vain to break free of his paint, thrashing around and trying to get free despite the pain and warning signs demanding a reboot. But then I fail, having to wait for him to lose focus on his paint for me to get free. The paint loses grip, becoming stains on my clothes and soaking my hands. It drips down on me and I try to wipe my clothes, specifically my scarf so that he can't trap me by regaining focus on the paint. I'm already trying to plan a solution on how to handle this. Go to find Shino and get her safe at home, then find her brothers and get them home safe. Once confident that they're safe, I'm going to hunt down Reaper or Ink and deal with whoever I find first.
But of course, things can't be that simple.
I feel something lock around my neck and glance down to see a golden collar-like necklace with a heart charm hanging from it locked around my neck. It's so tight that it feels like a choker necklace. I shake my head, regretting taking off my scarf to wipe the paint from it.
"Hi Error!~ How are you?"Dream asks
I glance to see him behind me, brightly smiling. I frown, glaring at him.
"WhAt tHe hElL dO yOu wAnT, DrEaM? NOt gEtTiNg cHasEd eNoUgH?"I ask
"You're looking a little lonely and I want to give you some company!"He says
"AnD wHaT thE fuCk iS tHiS?"I ask
"A gift for you from me! It's made out of special ores!"He says
"GeT iT oFf mE!"I snap, unable to take it off.
"No, it's meant to be a gift for you and I want you to enjoy it. Surely you can wear it for a bit and grow to like it. Don't worry, it has no connection to me or my crown so nobody will know. Especially if it's under your scarf! It won't have connections to me unless you want to be with me where I can make you happy."He says
"GeT l0st!"I snap
"Won't you give me a chance Error?"
"WhAt iS wItH yOu aNd yOur bRoThEr laCkInG tHe uNderStaNdinG oF nO? GEt lOsT."
"But I haven't even given you your gift of company!"
"I doN'T wAnT yOuR cRaP! ThiS iS eNoUgH sHiT! GeT tHiS w0rD iNt0 y0uR hEaD! NO! N-O! NO!"I snap at him but he shoves a small bag into my hands.
He quickly flees when I glare at him. I set the bag aside, putting my scarf on. Then I curiously open the bag, finding a small puppet of Reaper inside with a different stitching style than me. I lift it up curiously and sigh. Ink's target for trouble and I don't know where to begin with finding him. What cruel timing is this gift? I shake my head, dismissing the thoughts.
"I sH0uLd b3 r1pPiNg hIs shIt apArT....BuT iT's oF h1m...CaN i ReAlLy r1p iT uP? WhAt iF iT's a v0od0o d0lL aNd hArMs h1m? UggH, I hAvE w0rSe t0 w0rRy aBoUt...I hAvE t0 f1nd ReaP3r....."I mumble, going through my thoughts carefully.
I tuck the puppet into my pocket, opening portals to hunt him down but he is nowhere to be found...No matter how many AUs I go through and end up destroying to narrow down the search...He won't answer his phone either...Then as I'm starting to panic, I see Ink sink away with a grin into a puddle. Not far from the puddle was Reaper's scythe. And beside it are two lists. I pick one up and read the list of souls meant to be reaped. The other list seems to be a flow chart plan titled: Path to Happy Family. It was heavily detailed, determining each possible outcome and reaction he would take. It included confessing to me and going from there if I said yes....leading to proposing to me down the road.....But even being prepared to "respect Glitchy's decisions and co-parent" if I say no at any point...He'd actually listen and back off...Because my joy matters to him according to his notes.
I feel my soul breaking as I read the note and pick up his scythe.
"WhAt diD hE dO...?"
Then I hear a ding and see his phone nearby, showing my missed calls. I frown, feeling my soul pound as my body trembles and my mind starts racing with thoughts. I feel tears fill my eyes but quickly wipe them.
No...He isn't gone....Ink can't win that easily...He's still out there, I just have to find him...First, protect the kids.
I gather his things, then return home and sigh with relief to find Shino waiting inside with her brothers. I lock everything up and try to calm down and not scare the kids by panicking about Reaper. Then I hear Shino start giggling.
"Another puppet, Papa?"She asks
"DrEaM gAvE mE iT."I say
"And you kept it since it's Dad, didn't you?"She asks
I nod.
"What are you going to put this one in?"She asks while Goth and Raven grab snacks.
I shrug.
"You seem to need to relax. Why don't you work on that?"She suggests
I sigh, nodding. I need a clear mind to find Reaper and get revenge on Ink after all. I sit on the couch as she goes to her room to color, my strings putting Reaper's things in his room. I examine the puppet carefully, finding that I can remove the cloak and a detailed skeletal puppet lies underneath, including stitches outlining a soul.
Huh...Wonder how much work this took...Perhaps a warm outfit this time. If it's a voodoo doll, perhaps this will help him.
I set it aside, crafting a different outfit than his cloak. I put the puppet in the outfit and then have some code run to find Reaper before making the kids dinner and eventually going to bed, acting as if it's a routine day so the kids don't panic. Especially Shino who is scared enough of Ink. If she learned that he got to Reaper, she'd never feel safe again. I shut my eyes, the puppet inches away on a pillow beside me.
Please, Reaper...Get home...Show that you're out there...
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