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Chapter 30: His Life to Live

Error's POV two weeks later

The letters persist in the mail and I keep dumping them. I've already warned Reaper and Goth. But then one says that if I don't come to meet him then he will go after the kids to "meet" them. I sigh, heading out to meet him after ordering the kids to stay home.

I arrive to find tea already prepared and he is seated as if waiting for me.

"I had a feeling that would get your attention. Take a seat."He says

"No."I say, crossing my arms

"So, you are close to my son?"He says

"YeS, wE aR3 cl0sE aLl1eS."I say

"Why do you care for those kids so much?"He asks

"ThEy'r3 h1s kiDs bUt wE c0-paReNt s0 iT f3elS liKe tHeY'r3 mY k1dS. I hAvE aLs0 ra1s3d tHeM wHiLe y0u sEnT h1m t0 0v3rw0rK oN tHoSe hUgE l1sTs."I say

It's really none of his business but I'll play along I guess.

He sips, narrowing his eyes, seeming upset by that.

"Have you ever met the mortal he was dumb enough to fall in love with to have these kids?"He asks

I was that mortal....

I grin wider.

"N0, buT iT's n0n3 0f y0ur bus1n3ss."I say

He frowns and I shake my head. He starts asking more questions and I stop him, ignoring his response.

"Could you at least talk some sense into him?"He asks

"ThAt iS iT! ThIs Is WhY i d0n't b0tHeR sE3iNg y0u 0r b0tHer w1th y0uR bUlLsHiT! D0n't EvEr uSe h1m 0r tHe k1dS t0 g3t t0 m3! I aM diSguStEd bY eVeRyThiNg y0u'v3 d0n3 w1th0uT a h1nT 0f ShAmE! I'v3 n3v3r heArD s0me0ne tAlK s0 l0w oF cHilDrEn 0r bEl1evE tHaT tHeY d0n't d3seRv3 t0 l1v3! ThReAtEn tHeiR liVeS oR uSe ThEm aGaInSt ReAp3r t0 f1t y0uR iMaGe oF hiS l1fE! It's hIs liFe aNd wOrk, lEt hiM l1v3 iT. YoU cAn't liVe thR0ugH hIm oR deCiDe f0r h1m. It iS c0mpl3tE bUlLsHiT f0r h1m t0 b3 f0rc3d t0 ovErw0rK h1mSeLf t0 tHe p0iNt oF sl3ep-epRiVaT1oN, b0tTl3d em0t1oN, aNd iSolAt1oN wHiLe LiFe gEtS t0 eNj0y hErSeLF 1n hEr liTtl3 gArDeN wiTh0ut tHe sAme eXpEctAt1oNs 0r iSsUeS! It's UnhEaLtHy aNd i w0n'T sTaNd f0r iT!"I snap at him, clenching my fists

He drops his cup as he stares at me in shock.

"S0, b3 w1se n0t t0 thReAtEn h1m Or tHe k1dS. YOu may bE hIs cReaTor aNd gOd Of mAgIc, bUt yOu'lL rEgReT lEaRniNg wHat an AnGrY gOd oF dEsTrucTi0n cAn d0. ReMEmBer, yOur tItLe oF iMmoRtAliTy mEaNs nOthInG tO mE iN tHe gReAtEr sChEmE oF tHe mUlTivErSe. YoU're jUst aNoThEr pEsT oF aNoThEr aNnOmAlY, s0 I adViSe yOu tO chOoSe y0uR nExT aCtiOns cAr3fUlLy."I tell him, revealing my strings

He visibly starts shaking as he stares at me.

"Does that mean that if Reaper upsets you, you'll kill him too?"He asks

"He hAsn'T aNd hE wOn't. He iS tHe oNlY gOd I cArE fOr oR rEspEct sO aGaiN, woRrY abOuT yOurSeLf. CuZ iF i l3aRn tHaT y0u'r3 a thr3aT t0 th3 hEalTh oF rEapEr oR tHe kiDs, I w0n't hEsItAtE t0 gEt r1d oF y0u."I say

"Then perhaps you should meet the other gods. Would you-?"


I swiftly leave to relax at home, shaking my head angrily that I spent that time listening to him. I shake my head and notice my glitching increasing. Then I suddenly crash as my vision fades. When I wake up again, I find myself in a bed under some blankets with two arms wrapped around me.

Huh? How did I get here? Why did I even crash this time? How long was I out?

I glance over, finding Reaper behind me as I'm essentially sitting in his his bed. He smiles at me sweetly. My face burns up.

So close...

"Hey, sleepyhead. How are you doing?"He asks

I glance away, thinking a bit.

Maybe Fate got upset that I fought against Gaster for Reaper and our family...I did mention things that I'd like to tell Fate that would piss them off...Living our own lives instead of being used by them. Maybe that's what forced me to crash.

"I'm...0kaY...I tHiNk..."I say, glancing down to see a jacket covering my clothes.

A new jacket with precise stitching so tightly tied that you can't see the threads.

"WhA-"I begin

"Do you like it? I made the jacket just for you! I practiced so much to get it right to surprise you!"He says

My face burns more.

How sweet.....Wait, how am I here without crashing again? This is amazing! We can actually snuggle without shutting down! It doesn't even hurt!

"Looks like our training is working. You're not even twitching...Not that I'm complaining."He whispers softly.

I see him wink at me and smile wider, leaning into his grip. Already his face is burning up.

"NoR aM i...CoZy..."I say

"The clothes or cuddles?"He asks

"YoU..."I reply

I watch his clothes erupt with bubbling hearts as his face becomes a blue blushing mess, his eyes blurring with a goofy grin frozen on his face. Funny, I thought only his cloak does that...Unless it's the same material. I wave my hand in his face but get no response. I check his soul to find it beating abnormally fast. I check his code curiously for a problem and see this message:

*Sensory overload. Reaper.exe has stopped responding. Rebooting...*

Huh, so that's how you make Death crash...Guess he got overwhelmed...It takes just that to do so? This could be useful to make him catch up on sleep...

I chuckle at my findings and schemes to use this info for him to possibly end his coffee addiction at the source with his need for sleep. I rest my head against his shoulder.

"YoUr lIfE iS aBoUt tO gEt a LoT bEtTer, ReApEr."I say, signing that off with a kiss on his cheek.

No reaction, not that I was expecting one when he needs to regain himself. I grin, simply enjoying the chance to snuggle him.


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