Chapter 28: Burning Bridges
Error's POV a few weeks later
I groan as I decline another call from Nightmare. It has been hard to enjoy much time with his endless harassment. He keeps looking to advance our relationship without directly saying so. No, he'd rather try deceitful ways and trickery and trying to insult Reaper as if that's a healthy thing that will make me fall for him. He clearly doesn't understand what trust and honesty mean to a relationship. And there's only so many times that he can take me to clearly romantic locations under before the term "private meeting" loses all professional qualities. He won't listen to my ejections so I'm no longer listening to him. I have also tried fighting fire with fire and being as "subtle" as him by bringing friends along to these "meetings", which clearly frustrates him with the message that I'm not interested in being alone for him to pretend that we're dating or whatever his mind sees it as. It pleases me and makes me smile to see how frustrated he gets. He earned it as I see it. Lie to me and try to set something up and well, I'll just twist the dishonest game you made.
My thoughts get interrupted with another phone call.
Uggh, let's just be direct again and try to get it in his head.
"NigHtMaRe, I aM sIcK oF tHeSe sUdDen mEeTiNgS. I cAn sEe yOuR iNtEnTiOnS aNd i aM nOt iNtErEsTeD. CUt iT oUt."I say, answering the phone
"Oh come on, I'm just showing you what I could give you in a relationship for us. It could be more fun and better than what Reaper is giving you."He says
"YeAh, moPpiNg y0u uP aFtEr fEeLiNg pOsItIvE fEeLiNgS liKe lOvE wOuLD ReAlLy bE wHat I wAnT tO sIgN uP f0r. FAcE iT, NiGhTmAr3, y0u aRe uNaBlE t0 hAnDlE iT wiThOuT hAvInG a CoMpLeTe mElTdOwN. Y0u jUsT wAnT cOnNeCtiOnS aNd pOwEr. AnD i aM nOt lo0kInG fOr tHaT rElAtiOnSh1p. YoUr bEhAvi0r sHoWs wHaT i n3ed t0 kn0w aBoUt yOu oR a p0sSiBle rElAt1oNsHip. NoThiNg g0oD lAsTs l0ng bEf0re y0u hAvE t0 f1nd a fLaW iN iT t0 b3n3fiT fRoM. St0p n0w aNd lEaRn wHaT n0 m3ans."I say, rolling my eyes
"But I've certainly been more present and around to provide me to you than Reaper! I've known you for over 15 years! I've done a lot for you! SO many favors!"He says
"AnD yEt iT wAsN'T unTiL ReApEr sHoWeD uP tHaT y0u sTaRtEd aCtInG liKe yOu wAnTeD mOrE tHaN a bUsiNeSs, pRoFEsSiOnAl RelAtiOnsHiP. WhAt? YoU s3e hIm aS a ThReAt? I kNoW yOu lOvE cOntROl abOvE aLl eLsE s0 tHe tImINg d0eSn'T iNdiCaTe tRuE rEsPeCt oR loVe. YoU jUsT se3m t0 wAnT t0 hAv3 m3 s0 DrEaM oR rEapEr cAn'T. Y0u cLeArLy d0n't cArE f0r mY fe3liNgs wItH hoW yoU'v3 be3n aCtiNg, pUsHing f0r m0r3 anD lYiNg dEspIte h0w uNcomf0rtAbl3 aNd uPsEt yOur aCti0ns lAteLy maKe mE oR h0w I eXpReSs tHis tO yOu. AnD y0u diD aLl thOsE fAvOrS aS mY aLlY. AgAin, eVeRyThIng wAs sAiD t0 bE f0r bUsIneSs rEas0ns. I d0n't oWe yoU a RelAtiOnsHiP aNd iF tHat'S hOw yOu sAw hElPiNg mE aS, jUsT tHiNgs To hOld oVeR mY hEaD oR eXChAnGe For lAtEr iNsTeaD oF bEinG a GoOd fRiEnd, tHen y0u'r3 aN aSsHoLe aNd i'm dOne."I growl at him, hanging up.
I groan, shaking my head. He really has gotten on my nerves but thinking over our entire relationship...all the things he did for me or the moments where he was kind and helpful to me...To think that it was part of a plan or a means to an end for him and not genuinely care for me and instead for his own selfish motivations...including my sensitive training with my phobia...hurts...I feel lied to and used...
I shake my head, dismissing it. I handled it now. I don't owe him anything and I'm certainly not something for him to take. But I do want to continue my training...not with him. Someone who doesn't have ulterior motives or hides their reasons.
I walk into the living room, finding the perfect candidate. Reaper. He always makes his intentions maybe...
"ReApEr...?"I say, stepping closer cautiously
Reaper glances over to me and smiles.
"Yes?"He asks
"I waS WonDerInG..."I begin, trying to find the right words.
I gently hold his hand with two fingers wrapped around his, feeling my face burn up.
Please don't tease...please don't tease...
"...CaN w3 woRk oN mY pHobiA tOgEtHeR?"I ask
I watch his face turn into a bushing mess as he stares at me in shock.
What the heck did his mind interpret that as?
"You want to work on it with me?"He asks, sounding shocked.
Oh...Guess he's happy that I picked him...
I nod.
"I thought you were already getting training for that."He says
"I gEt thE fEeLiNg tHaT tHey hAvE uLtEriOr moTiV3s. I tRuSt yOu tHoUgH."
He smiles widely when I say that. He squeezes my fingers gently.
"I'd be happy to help. I'm honored that I've earned your trust for something so sensitive. I'll take good care of you."He says, kissing my hand.
I hide my face in my scarf, internally thrilled to hear that.
That basically ended Nightmare's close connection to me and brought me closer to Reaper as we dedicated time to working on my phobia together. I still attend gang meetings through a portal and only show up to fights if Horror says that they need help. I've also blocked Nightmare's number by now.
I'm honestly better off without him who only intends to use me for his own pleasure or benefit. My family is the much better company for me...
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