Chapter 27: The Wrong Party
Hours later, Error's POV
"He sent WHAT here?"Reaper snaps after I told him what happened.
I sip from my mug, having waited until he relaxed after coming home and the kids went to bed.
"I promise to have a talk with Gaster later. That will never happen again, I'll make sure of it."He says
"Oh tRuSt mE, I thInK hE wiLl bE mOrE inCliNeD tO cOoPeRaTe gIvEn tOdAy."I say
He nods, smiling wider.
"I certainly hope so."He says
A week later, the kids were at a slumber party at a friend's house. At this same time, Horror invited me back to the castle for an anniversary party. What anniversary is that? Well, to celebrate the formation of the gang. I take my seat, seeing everyone either drinking or enjoying themselves. Nightmare even got a glass of wine in his hand, being a rare drinker. The way his tentacles dangle and wiggle indicates that he is already a bit buzzed so most keep their distance since he is a wild card when intoxicated. I keep my distance as well, still annoyed with his nosiness and trying to push my boundaries. He clearly wants something from me and I slap his tentacles away from me, not wanting anything from him or to give him.
I prefer not to drink since I never thought it had much of an effect on me. And hearing from Killer, I don't want to experience the symptoms of it like a fuzzy mind, loss of self-control or impulses and acting like a fool. I already have poor vision so I don't want to feel vulnerable or end up rebooting. Besides, I need a clear mind to destroy AUs or care for my kids. So I make myself a chocolate milkshake to celebrate the anniversary, getting refills of chocolate milk from Dust.
Yet it doesn't help and I start feeling weird. I suddenly feel extremely tired with my vision blurring, which is horrible since I rely on only one eye. Then my head starts hurting, my body shaking and everything seems to slowly spin. Great...I can hardly think straight and I feel dizzy...What the heck happened? I should be energized, not tired. Happy, not feeling like shit after drinking this...What is wrong with me?
I glance at myself and see that my glitching is lacking. I try to think it over and realize that I'm feeling drunk despite not drinking any alcohol. How can that be? Then I recall what Lust explained to me about how drugs could be put in drinks if I don't keep my eye on them...But they wouldn't place something in my drink, would they? I can trust them...I glance over at Nightmare and frown, having some suspicions of him as he returns with Dust from the kitchen. He could've done something to take advantage of me or gain control...Yet Dust might've just mixed the drinks up in one of my refills since he is clearly too buzzed to walk straight. Closer to intoxicated than slightly buzzed. Dust usually doesn't get intoxicated to avoid the hallucinations or dark thoughts of his past, yet he gets buzzed to silence his mind. He was currently joining a game of cards with a drunk Killer who won't stop singing nonsense.
"Hey...You don't look right. How are you feeling?"Horror asks, sitting beside me.
"LiKe sHiT."I say
"Yeah, you don't look good. I was wondering how your glitching died down so much...It's unusual..."He says
I nod.
"BoDy fEeLs...BuzZy...."I say, wincing as the music booms louder suddenly.
Horror takes my drink, sniffs it, and frowns.
"What have you been drinking?"He asks
"MiLk...WhY...? DiD iT eXp1rE...?"I ask
I didn't smell anything but then again, he has a better sense of smell and stronger instincts. His instincts are hardly wrong. He nods and dumps it for me.
"Who forgot to throw out the expired milk?"He snaps
"I assigned Killer that...."Nightmare says
"And you actually expected him to listen?"He says
"Why? Is everything okay?"Nightmare asks
"It has gotten Error sick."He says
"I can take him to my room to rest."Nightmare says, wobbling over to me.
"NoPe."I say, opening a portal home.
I glance at it, tilting my head as it only appears to be a blur.
"ThAt'S hOmE, RiGhT? HoMe...NiCe...."I say
"Yep, that's your home. How about you go home to rest? I'll check on you after cleaning this up."Horror says
"OkAy..."I say
"Let me walk you through...."Nightmare says, reaching for me
I slap his hand away, shaking my head.
"D0o0n't t0uCh mE...I...NaH....I g3t tH-tHiS...HoMe...NoT yOu..."I say, walking through
I grab the wall, leaning against it and feeling extremely unsteady. It feels like my legs are going to melt and I'm going to collapse.
"MmMm...DuMb...NiGHtMaRe...SHIttY mUg...ShiTtY lEgS..."I grumble, shaking my head.
I can hear my own voice slurring and lagging, upsetting me even more. I feel like I don't have control, completely out of it....The exact thing I didn't want and why I avoided drinking.
"Error? You're home early, are you alright?"I hear Reaper ask
I glance around, unable to spot him. Everything is too blurry and twisting.
"ReApEr....UgGgH..."I groan, blindly reaching out for him
"What has you so frustrated?"He asks
"WhErE...YoU..? CaN'T sEe..."I say
I feel a hand gently hold mine, intertwining with my fingers. My face burns up feeling this. Guess I'm too out of it to crash since my glitching is acting weird.
"I'm right here, don't worry. I'll guide you. Let's get you to the couch. You look unsteady. Are you okay? Did something go wrong You're back early so I can only assume that things didn't work out. Shino is asleep so you don't have to worry about her. "He says
"NiGHTmArE....MiLk....ShItTy.....MmMM....rEaPeR...."I say, struggling to answer him
"Is something wrong, sweetheart?"He asks
I try to look at him as he sits down. I can see his charming smile clearly through the blurry, fuzzy vision that seems sharp at the edges. My face burns up as my soul beats a bit more, feeling comforted with that smile. And for once, I don't care about hiding how much I like it. I lean in, kissing him and shutting my eyes.
It...feels nice...It feels comforting....Like everything else just sinks away and I don't have to worry since I'm with him. My soul starts zipping away when he starts kissing me back. It's been so long since we've had this kind of contact before...I've never kissed anyone since I changed lives from Geno's....But I don't stay on that thought too long, simply enjoying the moment.
I pull away, seeing his blurry face burn a bright blue. I smile at the look on his face.
Then I collpased on the seat beside him, passed out.
Reaper's POV
What....just happened? Did he...really just kiss me? Call me cute? And I'm not dreaming?
I pinch myself and feel my mouth again, realizing what's happening. I'm not dreaming and this really just happened...But he smells like he was drugged. I should know, I'm Death and way too familiar with ways to die. Did someone try to drug him? I better go investigate that party...
I carry Error carefully and smile at him as he snuggles closer in my arms. I place him in his bed, tucking him in bed. I kiss him gently on the head, making him smile. Then I summon my scythe and go to the party that he just came from, finding the majority of the gang drunk and Nightmare angrier than usual.
"Why didn't he want to join me? Why must he go there?"Nightmare asks
"He has a family, Nightmare. Of course, he's going to them. And your phrasing came off a bit weird. I think you should stop while you're ahead, Boss. Your actions lately are pouring gasoline on your bridge and if you keep going, you're going to drop the match that burns your bridge with him."Killer says, shockingly wise despite being the most intoxicated one here.
"Killer, give me Lust's number."Horror says
"I'll do you one better. I'll call him over."Killer says
"Why do I smell drugs off of Error? Who the hell tried to drug him?"I ask, making them jump.
I chuckle, seeing their alarm and not realizing my presence.
"How are you able to tell?"Horror asks
"I'm Death, so I have plenty of experience with the methods or causes for death. That includes drugs since overdoses could kill souls. I've learned the stench of it after reaping a lot of souls."I say
A few minutes pass and Lust arrives, glaring at the intoxicated room.
"Seeing Death here doesn't give me a good idea. How badly did you guys screw up?"He asks
"Someone drugged Error and I want to know who."I say
"Where's his drink?"He asks
Horror hands it to him and he takes some items out of his bag, testing samples of it. He frowns.
"Who the hell has there been this much drugs in here? Who put club drugs in milk?"He snaps
I see Killer physically shrink in his seat, looking guilty.
"Killer...."Horror growls.
"Okay so I miiiight have taken some drinks from UnderLust but know that Boss would kill me if I......g-got caught with them...So nobody lives here drinks milk....It went in milk...Forgot Error....."Killer says
"What drinks?"Lust asks
"N-Niceeee people....g-gave it...."Killer says, his head rolling from side to side.
Lust facepalms.
"Killer, they spiked those drinks. These drugs were meant to weaken you to be victimized or attacked, not out of the good of their generous souls. And since you put it in the milk, Error got the drugs instead which made him almost drunk. And the amount of the combined drugs is way over the healthy or legal limit, inches from an overdose. At least he was with you guys and not those freaks."Lust explains
"Eeeeh,Nightmare isn't that far off. Once he learned Error's situation, he tried to take Error to his bed or to grab him as he left."Horror says
I frown, glaring at Nightmare.
"But you know who can never learn this information?"Horror asks
"Literally anyone. If they learn that Error can get drunk, they will take advantage. He was lucky that he was with you guys...Well, besides Nightmare."I say
"Ink. Ink of all people cannot learn that he can get drunk, especially given his history. He'd just try to take advantage or hurt him."Killer says
"Error can get drunk?"Ink says
We turn to see Ink in a puddle, glancing at them before showing a wicked smile and sinking away. We glance at each other and frown.
"HE CAN'T! I have everything locked!"Nightmare says
"Well, he just did!"Dust says
"Error coded this place to be protected from threats of Fate's meddling so if he is able to get in, that means he decided to come independently without Fate's influence....Ugggh, great."Horror says
"The fuck is that?"Nightmare asks
I shake my head, returning home to take care of Error. He wakes up hours later and I smile at him.
"WhAt hApPeNeD...? LaSt i reCaLl iS h0rRoR...DiD i cRasH?"He asks, sitting up.
"Killer got some drinks from strangers and didn't know that they were drugged. He hid them in your milk, forgetting that you're the one who drinks milk the most. So you got drugged to the point of being drunk and nearly overdosed. So please, take it easy. I'll take care of you."I tell him
He stares at me in shock.
"WhAt a gReAt wAy t0 f1nD oUt..."He groans
"Hmm?"I say
"I neVEr tHoUgHt tHaT i cOuLd gEt dRuNk. I dOn'T gEt tHe EnErGy fr0m cAfFeInE oR cOfFee s0 i nEvEr drAnK oR eXpEcTeD aLcoHoL tO gEt To mE. WhaT diD i d0 tHaT i cAn't rEcAlL?"He says
"Well, you sort of kissed m-"I begin
Error.exe has stopped working. Rebooting...
"Awww, Glitchy...."I say, gently laying him down
He's adorable....That face is cute...That kiss...
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