Chapter 24: Kings of Love
Weeks later, NO POV
By now, both of them notice that Valentine's Day is coming up. On their "shifts" of going out or watching the kids, they both tried to get flowers for each other. Error spent time researching the meaning of flowers beforehand while at home watching the kids and picked violets out since in regards to love, they are used to symbolize love, beauty, innocence, loyalty, or in some cases that the giver's thoughts have been consumed with love for the receiver. He thought it would be fitting since he certainly can't deny that his thoughts have been consumed by his feelings for Reaper at times.
But as he holds the bouquet in one hand and a single violet in the other, he begins to have doubts. His face burns as he thinks about his plan and what it could lead to. Then he frowns, crushing the violet in his hand. What is he doing? Is he really going to take the risk of their relationship by giving him this gift? How could he forget that he's a destroyer and always destroys nearly everything he touches or causes trouble for someone? He can't possibly think that this won't be safe from that chance of damage and ruin. Reaper deserves something great and he can never provide him the same relationship that Geno did...The kind that Reaper enjoyed and dreamed of...Not to mention that Fate will make their lives hell if he gets close to Reaper as well...
"DaMn iNk aNd hIs sHiTtY crAp...CaN't gEt tHoSe iDeAs oUt oF mY heAd."He mutters
Reaper on the other hand learned from Life what good flowers would be. He carefully collected blue roses, knowing from Life that it could mean deep admiration, longing, trust, and love. There's even a myth that they unite lovers who have been apart and symbolize their strength. That and he thought Error would like them better than the cliche red roses.
As he was looking for chocolates to get Error, his thoughts were filled with some doubts. Is this really right of him to do? He could be putting their relationship at risk by pushing or hinting at something more. What if Error rejects him? Where would they go from there? Only downwards, that's for sure. But he wants to do something so Error isn't neglected on such a holiday.
The flower wilts in his hand as his thoughts are racing and ruining his mood. He drops it, snatching some chocolates and trying to figure out a solution.
So how do the two fools decide to solve the issue?
Complete avoidance of the gifts, fearing the results. Well...mostly.
Error's POV on Valentine's Day
It's Reaper's turn to go work yet he clearly got up early since when I woke up, I found a large box of chocolates at the edge of the bed. I see that there's a note from him and smile. I climb out of bed, and quickly put the flowers and a vase in his room, tying the vase with a bow. I walk into the kitchen and drink some chocolate milk, smiling widely. Then I go into the routine of fixing the home, keeping everything in order. But then when I was looking for towels in the closet, I found a nearly ripped piece of paper with a bouquet of blue roses. I see scribbled crossed-out words littering the crumpled-up, ripped paper but I recognize his handwriting and it's labeled Poem for Error so I have a sweet idea of his intent. He just couldn't get it the way he wanted. I smile wider, tucking the note in my pocket, and admiring the flowers. Just the fact that they haven't wilted shows the effort and care that he put in. Then I get an idea of how to subtly show that I like them.
I left them in the closet as if I didn't see them, continuing with my routine. It wasn't long until my daughter found them instead and came running to me, wanting to make a crown for me. I sit down, smiling as she uses the flowers to make a crown carefully wrapped around my skull. It rests on my head gently above my eyes. Then I hear a knock at the door. I peek out, seeing Nightmare on the other side. I open the door while Shino watches from the couch.
"A flower crown?"He says
"Mhm. My daUgHt3r jUsT mAd3 It. WhAt br1nGs y0u h3rE t0dAy? WitHoUt a cAlL?"I ask
"Well, for today of course. Would you like to enjoy a meal together?"He asks
"TcH, i ThOuGhT y0u'd hAtE tHiS h0liDaY siNcE iT cAusEs p0s1tiVe f3eLiNg$ aNd aLl tHaT. I'M wAtCh1nG mY kIdS, NiGhtmaR3. I'M n0t g0iNg aNywh3r3."I say
"Well maybe when Reaper returns-"He begins
"ArE y0u s3ri0usLy trYiNg t0 aSk m3 oUt?"I ask
"I just want to spend time outside of business with you. Don't look too deep into the timing."He says, glancing away
And he chooses today? Really? And he just said, "for today of course".
I notice that he is avoiding eye contact with me.
"PeRhApS aNoThEr dAy. BuT nOt tOdAy. CaLl nExT tiMe."I say, shutting the door.
I am honestly not sure if I'm interested...Have enough conflict of love or feelings. I have kids to look after and have feelings for Reaper to figure out. It wouldn't be right to switch up out of nowhere or test my connection for Nightmare.
I shrug it off and Shino fixes my crown. I smile, eating the chocolates with her as well. After a little bit, Reaper returns home just as it gets dark out. Reaper glances at me and physically freezes up when he sees me as I munch on the chocolate. Shino has run off the color somewhere.
"Umm, are those blue roses?"He says
"YeP. ShInO fOuNd tHeM iNtO a cRoWn. DoN't It lOoK n1ce? AlSo, thAnKs fOr the cHoColAtE, ReApEr."I say
"Y-Yeah...No problem..."He says
I notice him nervously twiddling with his fingers. I smirk, knowing why with the roses.
"Dad! Look! Dressuh!"Shino shouts from down the hall
"I tHiNk sHe's iN yOuR roOm."I say
Reaper goes in, and I grin as I wait for his reaction to discovering the flowers.
"Error?"He shouts
I walk in and smile, seeing Reaper stare at the vase of flowers.
"Pretty!"Shino says
"Do you know why these flowers are in my room?"He asks
I shrug.
"MaYbE iT's a gIfT. Do y0u liKe tHeM?"I say
He smiles slightly.
"Yeah...they're nice..."He says
He steps closer to the vase, sniffing them.
"Someone has been thinking of me, huh?"He says, chuckling.
"PeRhApS."I say
"Flower crown?"Shino suggests
"I don't know how long that will last, sweetie. Not with my touch."He says
"Try?"She asks
He sighs, nodding. She carefully took each violet flower and after a few minutes, made it into a beautiful crown. She places it in his hands and smiles, seeing that they didn't wilt. I see the shock on his face and grin wider. I may have coded these flowers to resist his deadly touch so that he could properly enjoy them. Shino claps, giggling happily as he puts it on.
"Dads are kings ruling together!"She cheers
He glances at me and smiles, chuckling nervously as his face burns up.
What a day.
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