Chapter 12: The Warning
NO POV, the next day
Error flips through pages in the library, researching the meaning of the bouquet Reaper gave him. For all he knows, that birdbrain idiot could've given him a bouquet full of insults. He finds each flower in various books, taking notes on their symbolism in a code screen. Then this list formed on that screen when he was finished.
Pink roses: sweetness, deep appreciation or admiration, and in regards to apologies, it could mean love or forgiveness. Shows an apology is sincere.
White tulips: purity, honor. I'm sorry/forgiveness. Associated with spring and new starts so could mean a desire to start over.
White orchids: purity, innocence, faith, safety, humility, and beauty. Gift for appreciation, respect, seeking hope for new beginnings. Sincerely sorry.
Pink carnations: Gratitude, Reconciliation, and unity.
Daffodil: rebirth and new beginnings. Resilience, energy, respect, and love.
He reads it over a few times, genuinely surprised. Reaper actually gave a fitting gift for his intentions to apologize and start over. And none of them really dived into overly-romantic meanings, which would've upset him more than any insult personally. He smiles for a moment. Reaper really put some thought and care into this gift...Then he frowns. No, he can't be that easy to sway. Not over some dumb flowers.
He shifts his focus to exploring the library.
Meanwhile, Nightmare is getting ready in his room for the planned meeting with Error. He grins, browsing through his closet hooks carefully, completely unaware of his locked library being intruded again. He picks an outfit out, putting it on and it quickly gets covered in goop and tentacles slip through it. He shuts the closet door to look in a mirror and adjust the clothes properly, a fitting suit for him. Yet in the corner of the reflection, Reaper appears with a harsh glare aimed at him.
"So, you're Nightmare. The walking octopus around Error and the kids..."He says
Nightmare quickly turns around and frowns, seeing him float in the shadows with his wings flapping and his scythe in his hands.
"How the heck did you get in here? Every exit is locked down!"Nightmare snaps, his tentacles raised.
"I am literally Death. What makes you think a lock of all things stops me? If it did, then I'd be pretty crappy at my job since I get everyone eventually."He chuckles
Nightmare crosses his arms.
"I really have to update my security around here. First Error, now this."He groans
"Speaking of Error, that's why I'm here. I have a warning to give you since it seems that you plan to get closer to him."Reaper says, landing on the floor and stepping closer
The room seems to get darker as his wings fold and he holds his scythe firmly. This change unsettles Nightmare in a way unlike the past where he'd usually enjoy darker environments. Reaper glares him down, narrowing his eyes.
"And what warning might that be from a delusional lunatic like you? What makes you think that you have any credibility?"He asks
"Because I currently have a special list that I seek to complete and I'd hate to put you on it given how Error clearly trusts you as an ally. I'd hate to have to take an ally away from him. And I have some credibility since I'm someone who loved him yet screwed up and hurt him. I'm working to fix that and the point of my warning is to make sure you don't make the same mistake as me. If I find out that you hurt him in any shape or form, broke his trust, take advantage of him, try any bullshit, then it won't end well for you. I'd hate to collect the soul of his ally but I have no problem collecting the soul of a traitor. And if you're wondering how, well..."He explains
He quickly swings his scythe, aiming it mere inches from Nightmare's neck.
"I think it's pretty clear what your final seconds of life will be like. And trust me, I will not make it quick or painless. I will make it the worse thing you've ever felt. Worse than your little Apple Incident. So it would be in your best interest to be a good ally and not betray him. Stay on your best behavior since as I made clear before, it won't matter where you are or how you try to hide and run, I will find you and I will get you. I'm sure you know that I do not rest until I finish my work and therefore know the right decision. Am I clear?"He warns
Nightmare completely freezes up at the mention of his past in this clear threat. Reaper smirks, seeing his tentacles drop and tremble.
"That's right. I know about it. I was there for it. If it weren't for your rebirth and transformation into a walking octopus of goop, then I would've taken your soul then. And the need for balance wouldn't have allowed me back then. But I don't give a shit about that in the case that you hurt Error."He says
"You're willing to take me away from my own nephew?"Nightmare asks
"Don't try to pull the family card on me. Don't try to use them for pity or sympathy. It makes no difference. I've widowed countless others and taken away family or friends as part of my job for centuries. What makes you think you're some special exception? Not my fault that your actions will have consequences and cause your time to come sooner. But rest assured, your nephew will not be harmed for your mistakes. I'd never hurt my son's best friend. Even I have limits, ya know. Now, do I make myself clear?"He responds
Nightmare nods and Reaper grins wider.
"Good. Now, go enjoy your little day with Error. Just remember that I'll be watching and listening, waiting for you to screw up. And if you don't mind me, I have some assholes to hunt down."He says, summoning a list as he lowers the scythe.
Nightmare sees a different title on this one than what he'd expect from Reaper. It said in bold red letters: ASSHOLES THAT CROSSED ERROR. Reaper notices his gaze and grins.
"Just be glad that you're not on this list. Bye!~"He says
And just like that, Death disappeared from the room and it changed to normal. Nightmare feels his soul pounding and shakes his head, regaining his composure. He fixes himself and leaves his room, considering what he was just told.
Very interesting...
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