Chapter 10: Father and Son
A few weeks later, Goth's POV
"This is very nice, Palette. I've never really explored other AUs unless it was for destruction or a mission."I say
"I know! This is one of the nicest ones that I've discovered! I thought you'd enjoy it since it's peaceful but full of activities! And your brother went with Shino and Uncle Horror for some secret mission!"He says, leading me around
I smile as we walk through the park, seeing beautiful plants growing and critters running around. We stroll around, admiring the sights. Nature can be so pretty...
"Yeah, it's probably just a grocery trip or food-related mission knowing him. It's just good that it's not Mr. Killer taking them on the trip."I say
He nods.
We continue walking down the path and chatting. He smiles widely at me and I tuck my face in my scarf, hiding mine. He is charming and a good friend, probably someone I'd consider a best friend...yet he's my only friend outside Papa's work. But we look to meet others and this is the first trip out to socialize. His hand brushes along mine and I grin. Then I gently hold his hand. We admire the fountain for a few minutes, sitting near it and even tossing a coin or two with wishes. But then the moment is ruined when I hear a familiar voice calling to me.
"Goth! There you are! Wow, you've gotten big and strong!"
"Goth, who is that voice?"Palette asks
"Ugh, some idiot that accused my dad of being a thief since he wanted my scarf."I say
We glance over and I frown, seeing Death come closer. I stand up, blocking him from Palette. Uncle Horror said that he was very dangerous. I won't let him touch Palette, especially once seeing his scythe.
"Goth! There you are! I'm so glad to see you and meet you properly!"He says, his wings flapping.
Wait...Scythe? Wings? Cloak like Uncle Paps....No...He's my father? Where has he been? Is he really the one that caused Papa so much pain? That I never met and came to accuse me first? What's going on and why is he here now?
"Ummm...That's Death...So, I'm going to get some coffee. You want some?"Palette asks, slowly backing away
I nod and see that he winked as he walks away. That code is for getting help if Death ever showed up. I make sure Palette gets away safely, blocking them from each other. I sigh, relieved when he is gone.
"Who is that boy? And aren't you a little young to have coffee?"Death says
"Palette and you're bold to be making that comment from what I hear about your addiction. You're supposed to be my father, aren't you?"I say
"What do you mean supposed to be?"He asks
"I'm only guessing since you look like my uncle. Also, the scythe and wings certainly didn't come from my papa. I say supposed to be for obvious reasons. You weren't around until now to the point that you didn't even know my name and called him a thief since I wouldn't hand the scarf over. You were never around to raise me or make memories, which is key to being a father. I don't hear Palette calling Ink his loving father since he is never around to be a father. You're like him."I tell him
I frown, crossing my arms.
"You got a scythe?"He asks
I snap my fingers, summoning it.
"Sometimes I wish I couldn't since it only hurts Papa more. I could see the pain in his gaze when we discovered my power. It probably was just another reminder of you. You...You cause Papa a lot of pain....He....He used to cry a lot.......He used to grumble a lot too. He had this puppet of you...He'd rip it up but always fix it later..."I tell him, turning the scythe with a frown
"Goth...Aww..."He says quietly
He gets closer but I back up. I didn't feel comfortable near him. I didn't understand this. After all the pain and absences, why did he suddenly decide to show up now? Why did he never come or contact us? Didn't he care? And what makes him care now?
"Why are you even here? Why'd you come now?"I ask
Then he kneels down to me, setting his scythe aside and extending his arms to me.
"Oh, Goth...My precious boy...I am so, so sorry for missing so much of your life. I truly wish that I was there for it as my work proves how valuable life is...But work was what kept me away as much as I hated it. I had to keep my work or I wouldn't ever be able to return to you. I wasn't willing to risk you getting into trouble, yet it seems that trouble came anyway. I am so sorry, Goth...But now that I have my work under control, I am determined to be a good part of your life. You can ask my brother if you don't believe me."He explains
I can see tears in his eyes and freeze up in shock. After so long of never having him around and seeing Papa hurt without him, I came to think that he'd be some careless person without regrets for what he did or not even realizing what he did. Yet here he is, Death himself, weeping and apologizing.
"Why....Did you want my scarf so badly?"I ask
"That's his scarf...And when I finished work, neither you nor your dad's names were on my list...Well, not the names I would recognize at least. I thought that I lost you both and that scarf was all I had left...I seem crazy, don't I?"He says with a sad chuckle
"No, you sound like you love him."I sigh
"You look just like him before he changed...Well, without the glitches...."He says
"Yea, he said that too."I say
"What happened to him anyway? How did he change?"He asks
"Does that matter? Papa is still Papa, even as a glitch."I say
"I just want to be caught up on everything that I missed. Don't want to be an idiot and hurt him over a dumb comment."He says
He really seems to care...Was it really just circumstances that kept us apart?
"Okay well from what I understand is that shortly around the time of my birth, some mean beings hurt him until he became the glitch and kept us in a blank void until he got free. He destroys AUs for the balance and so that they never pose a threat to us. Though there are a few exceptions, like his allies...Uncle Blue and Horror...Hmm..."I say
"So he moved on at some point? How are they your uncles?"He asks
"I tell you that people hurt Papa and you ask that?"I ask
He picks up his scythe again.
"Oh I don't have to ask about that. Those jerks are already on my list."He says
I smile a bit. He genuinely wants to protect Papa...Maybe he does mean what he says.
"Did mean people threaten to keep you from us?"I ask
He nods.
"In any way they could."He says
"Well to answer your question, I'm not related to them. They're just close enough to Papa to be family and have given the most support. Blue's his best friend and Uncle Horror got taken in by Papa from a living hell of an AU. Papa saved his life and gave him a new home in the gang. I'm sure you know the gang. Both uncles are good cooks and very protective of us, especially Uncle Horror. Papa isn't really into all. Not after you...Well, any real relationships that involve him. Relationships on his favorite show is a different story."I tell him
"What is he watching on the UnderNet now?"He chuckles
"Umm, nothing anymore. But he does watch UnderNovela. Asgoro is his favorite."I say
"What the heck is that?"He asks
Oooo boy, it's good that he's looking for help.
"Don't ever let him catch you saying that. You should get into it if you want a chance with him happy with you. You haven't spoken to him yet...have you?"I reply
"I explained things to him but he didn't seem to believe me...I don't blame him though...I was a total idiot...I wish I could've hugged him..."He says
"No..You don't. That would've just made things worse. He has gained a phobia of touch that's so severe that it causes him to crash and reboot. Most of the physical affection or care he gave me was through his strings. He's working on it with a few trusted friends and has made gradual progress. But I still wouldn't advise trying to hug him."I say
"How did he gain those strings?"He asks
"I told you that answer. He was hurt and cried a lot. The tears became a part of him and gave him power. He also uses them for puppets or other crafts besides caring for me or destroying AUs."I say
"Can I....hug you? Is that safe?"He asks
I smile, extending my arms to him. He eagerly pulls me in for a hug and I could feel him shudder, shaking as he holds me. I feel tears hit my wings as he cries, seeming relieved already. Then he glances at me.
"So..How do I prove to you and your dad that I really mean it and that I'm here to fix things?"He asks
"It won't be easy. Especially with Papa. He also took in two siblings that are from a timeline where you abandoned them too without Papa around. Younger brother Raven and baby sister Shino. They may be reluctant to trust you too. I'd say convincing those close to us would be best for you. If you can convince them that you're not a threat, then you might have a chance. I'd say it will be really telling if you can gain the trust of Uncle Horror, Blue, and Blip. They will be the hardest as they are the closest to Papa. And of course just being around to help and not cause trouble will also help Papa warm up to you. I'd like to get to know you too...learn to call you Father..."I explain
He smiles.
"Just...don't start with grand acts of love or romance. That may freak Papa out more than anything. I'd try to get affectionate after he gets comfortable with you again. But you know him better than I do in that aspect. You know what works with him, right? You did manage to get him to fall for you once after all. He missed you a lot so maybe doing the same things you did to be happy together could help spark fond memories instead of painful ones. That said, you should go now. He would lose it if he caught you this close to me asking these questions...He isn't that trusting of anything anymore..."I tell him
He nods, rising to his feet as his wings start flapping.
"Thank you...I love you, son. I can't wait to meet your siblings...This isn't the last that you'll see of me. We'll be a happy family again soon, you'll see."He says, then soars away.
Did that really just happen? He seemed genuine...He seemed upset at this delayed reunion...He has been in pain just like Papa...Maybe he can fix this and they'll be happy again...I want to see them happy...He's really back...
I slowly slip down to the ground, overwhelmed with mixed emotions after the shock passed. I didn't know how to feel. If I should be happy and hopeful or not. Within minutes I feel Palette hugging me and Uncle Horror is checking to see if I'm okay, but it's all a blur...
We can be happy, can't we?
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