Chapter 13 - Confiding in Him
I don't think there's anything to warn about. Let me know though!
Logan's PoV
Remus pulled me onto his lap, nuzzling into me. I smiled and relaxed against him. Janus intertwined his fingers with mine and pulled my legs across his lap. A movie played in the background, but I didn't pay any attention to it. Everything was peaceful. I felt... happy. Remus stood up much to my complaint to grab the popcorn. Janus pulled me closer to him and ran his gloved fingers through my hair. He spoke softly, "Logan."
"Logan. Are you alright?"
My eyes snapped open. They felt sticky with dried tears and heavy with sleep. A raspy groan escaped my throat as I reached up to rub my eyes. I rolled onto my back and looked up to see Janus standing by the bed. Pushing myself up, I glanced around to make sure I wasn't in my room. No, I was in the laboratory Remus created for me. My voice came out quiet and broken, "How did you know I was here?"
"I was going to get something from the kitchen and noticed the door was locked. I searched around until I found you here." Janus handed over my glasses and went to look through the cupboards. "Do you drink tea?"
"I've never had it." I mumbled and stood up, smoothing out my clothes.
"Allow me to take your tea virginity then." Janus hummed and turned on the stove. He walked over to the table and pulled out a chair. "Sit, please."
Sitting down, I wiped the tear stains off my face and tightened my tie. Janus sat beside me and sighed, "I know you'd rather talk to Remus. Unfortunately for you though, I'm here instead. So, care to tell me why you locked the dividing door and cried yourself to sleep in here?"
"It's not important." I stared down at the table. The other trait hummed but said nothing more. We sat in silence for a while. I looked around the room to study it more than when Remus had dragged me through and onto the next floor. The room was circular and gray with soft lighting from the ceiling and black and blue accents. A little nook hung off the side with a bed and a curtain for a door. A silver panel on the wall had buttons to turn the lights on or off, change the colors of the lights, brighten or dim the lights, and one that turned the walls to glass. There was also a panel in the nook for the same things, except it turned the ceiling to glass too.
The deceitful trait stood up, startling me from my thoughts. He took out two teacups, saucers, spoons, and a bottle of honey. I watched him pour the water and put in tea bags, pouring honey in the cups after a few minutes. He threw away the tea bags and brought the cups over, sitting down beside me again. "If you don't like it, I won't be offended. Just let me know if you want more honey in it."
"Thank you."
"It's chamomile tea, which is supposed to help you relax." He added after a moment of me just stirring the spoon around. I hummed and stopped stirring, staring at it instead. "Logan. Please tell me what happened. I would like to know if Remus seeing you like this and killing someone is okay or not. Also... I'm worried."
"I 'threw a temper tantrum.'" I rolled my eyes and huffed in annoyance. "That's what I know Patton would call it had I given him the chance."
"You don't want to hear about it." I shook my head, thinking of how he reacted to Virgil being brought up. He changed the subject. I didn't want to tell him what happened if he was just going to change the subject as soon as I began speaking.
"I know Virgil had something to do with it. It's okay. I will listen to you, I promise." Janus spoke as though he had heard my thoughts. "Please tell me what happened."
"Okay..." I took a sip of the tea and nodded to myself. Good. Taking a deep breath, I started to explain what happened. I started with the talk I had with Virgil. My voice got increasingly louder as I ranted, though I tried to keep myself from yelling. I finished with my voice becoming quiet again at the part where I locked the door. "I decided to come here when I didn't see either of you two right away. Then I laid down and ended up crying until I fell asleep, I suppose..."
"I don't think of that as a temper tantrum, more as something that needed to be done." Janus had already finished his tea. He put his dishes in the sink before continuing. "He treats you like a child. Not even as the favorite child. We're adults and he's grounding you? You had every right to say what you did. I can say with certainty that I'm proud. Not like a parent but like... A friend... If you can allow me to say that."
"I thought you didn't like me. You certainly don't seem to trust me." I mumbled more to myself, but I know he heard anyway. He sighed and frowned, staring down at his clasped hands resting on the table. There was silence between us once again as I sipped on the tea. Finally, he stood up once more and pushed in his chair.
"Would you like me to tell Remus that you're here? If cuddling someone while making threats on the people who hurt you is your thing, then he's surprisingly good at comforting people. Unless you can make it look like you weren't crying and pretend like nothing is wrong, so he doesn't know about this." I didn't respond, simply stared at the teacup instead. After a few moments, Janus walked to the elevator that would take him back down to the ground. I heard the quiet beep as he pushed the button and the whir of the door opening.
"Tell him I'm here? Just don't say anything about what happened... It'll be our secret. For now?"
"There's a change of clothes in the closet if you don't want him to know you slept in your clothes." He stepped inside the elevator and pushed another button. I took that as a yes.
"Thank you."
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