Chapter 1 - The Divide
-mentions of rotting corpses and death
-two mentions of vomit (no one actually does though) [those two are because of Remus and his Imagination...]
Let me know if I missed anything!
Logan's PoV
I hadn't intended on walking so far from the others. I had been too lost in my own thoughts to realize just how far I had gone. Not until I almost stepped off the edge of a cliff. I stepped away from the edge but couldn't help peering down into the seemingly bottomless rift. It was the divide in the Imagination. Halfway across the rift, a fog acted as a barrier between the two sides of the Imagination. It completely blocked my vision of the other side.
Looking around, I saw a bridge a little ways away that led into the fog. I looked back into the trees that I had walked through to get here and thought about needing to return to the picnic. If they were even still there. I had no idea how long I had been walking. But curiosity brought my gaze back to the bridge. What did Remus' side look like? I doubt it'd be sunshine and rainbows like it was here. But would he want me there? Just a peek couldn't hurt, right?
My body seemed to have made a decision before I had. For when I stopped debating in my head, I was already standing in front of the bridge. It seemed to be pure gold with jewels embedded to make beautiful mosaics. It was definitely made by Roman. After testing the integrity of the bridge with a wary step onto it, I deemed it sturdy. I stepped onto the bridge and stared at the never-ending wall of fog.
I knew how fog was supposed to work, but anything could happen when it came to Roman. Taking a deep breath, I determinedly began to walk across the bridge towards the barrier. I refused to look into the abyss below me and kept my eyes forward. The fog wasn't disappearing as I got closer. Not even as I stood right in front of it. I tentatively reached a hand out and touched the white and gray wall. It was damp. Pushing my hand into the clouds, I tried finding the other side but stepped back when the clouds parted. An archway of darkness had opened up and waited for me to enter. After a quick hand test, I decided being a little cold would be a sacrifice I was willing to make for my curiosity. So, I stepped into the black void.
Everything went cold. No light penetrated the pitch black I stood in. Shivers rippled through my body. There was no sun warming my skin. There was no wind. It was just nothing. I wondered if death felt like this. But I shook my head to clear my thoughts and blindly walked forward. Every step was more dizzying and disorienting than the last. But I knew there was more. It wasn't just empty. I just had to push on. Finally, when I was about to vomit, my hand stretched out in front of me felt damp. Relief eased my tense muscles. I quickly stepped forward.
Moon and starlight lit up the land in front of me. There was a tower in the distance and a forest on my left. But in front of me, corpses stretched as far as the eye could see on the otherwise barren land. A figure stood on top of some large rocks and threw another corpse onto the ground. The outline was unmistakably that of the side who controlled intrusive thoughts. I turned around to look at the barrier I had passed through. It was made up of dark clouds with lightning seeming to light them up every once in a while, but I felt no electricity. I looked down at the bridge I stood on. It was black and silver with some emeralds embedded in it. But the pattern they made was disrupted by holes in the bridge. I wasn't sure how sturdy the bridge was and wanted off immediately. Even if it meant standing in the rot that made up the ground of Remus' Imagination.
"Howdy, Nerdy Wolverine!" Remus jumped onto the railing of the bridge and tried to lay across it in a way that I assumed was meant to be seductive. He was splattered in blood, vomit, and...semen? "What brings ya to this neck of the woods?"
"The others were having a picnic and forced me to go along. I wandered away and walked for so long I got to the divide. I got curious of what your half looked like, so here I am." I explained.
"A picnic?" Remus jumped off the railing and bounced on the bridge excitedly. I gripped onto the railing tightly. "Ooh, we should have one! We could have it in Janus' garden! Oh! Oh! Oh! This'll be fun! I was getting hungry from all this fun! Let's go!"
Remus grabbed my hand and began to drag me across the field of rot. It didn't take too long for us to reach a wall made of dead bushes that towered over us. Remus snapped his fingers a few times. The branches pulled back to reveal an archway. It looked sunny on the other side. Remus pulled me through onto the green grass and began calling for Janus. Although he used some interesting nicknames instead of his name...
The longer we walked, the more trees that surrounded us. There were trees of all kinds, including fruit trees. Soon, we reached a clearing in the trees. A little cottage right out of a fairytale sat amongst all kinds of flowers. I thought I saw a few snakes slithering through them but wasn't sure. We walked along a small, stone path that led to the house. There was a Prunus serrulata, otherwise known as a Japanese cherry tree, on the right side of the house. Underneath it, sat Janus with a book. "Yes, Remus?"
"Look who I found!" Remus shoved me forward. I straightened myself out, except my sexuality, and nodded to Janus. The deceitful trait stared at me without much reaction. After a few moments of silence, I cleared my throat to speak but Janus spoke first.
"It's not nice to kidnap people, Remus. Take him back before Patton throws a hissy."
"But Januuuuuusssss!" Remus whined and ran up to him. "I found him on my bridge! I didn't kidnap him! And I really, really, really wanna have a picnic! Pleeeeeeaaaaassssse?"
Janus shut his book and stared at Remus for a moment. Finally, he sighed softly but I saw the smile on his lips. "Okay, Ree. We can have a picnic. We can go to cherry hill and watch the sun set while we have a picnic. Sound good?"
"Perfect! Thank you, Jay!" Remus hugged him tightly and bounced excitedly as he grabbed my hand again. "Come on! We have to get everything ready!"
"You will clean up before though."
"Awww, man!"
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