Look out for what ended her up here at first place.
The mystery I was on to solve was behind this stupid riddle which doesn't sound like a riddle even, I just had to think a little more. Derek was sleeping because he was exhausted, not physically but emotionally. I was sitting beside the cutely-sleeping him as he didn't want me to go anywhere, moroever I needed some rest and less movement of body....hello! Pregnancy is exhausting ohkay.
I kept thinking and thinking about if there were any hidden or buried secrets. Derek said they never found them....as in the bodies because he didn't know in what state they were after the accident. I saw them that way, and the image of Nathan and Cathy started roaming in my head and I had to shoo it away because it was totally distracting me. Horrible death, I must say! Being and mother-to-be I just cried Everytime I saw Nathan's face now be it healthy or dead.
Who was driving the car by the way? And where were they going? Where did the accident happen? Was it a cliff or something like that and that's why the Woods couldn't find them? What day was it?
I needed to know all these detailed information about them to proceed further but that's the problem right, I couldn't just ask anybody in the house about them. Derek would have been best choice for it but actually he is the worst... because apparently they were his finance and child.
I was going crazy about what to do and how to get the information about them because I was clear with one thing... whatever I had to do...it had to be about the accident only. It was the only thing that ended her up here.. like this....at first place. It wasn't some critical THE CONJURING ghost type story which needed all the past behind. I just needed some information.
The phone rang suddenly which shuddered me as I was thinking about ghosts. Irony! I'm a ghost myself. But ohkay let's not get back to that.
I very slowly walked down the bed and reached the table on the corner where the phone was placed.
Picking up...
"Hello Derek...surgery was successful" I heard Alex chumming in his best.
"Oh hey...sorry actually Derek is sleeping, he was kinda exhausted...but that's...that's great news...I'll tell him surely." I said.
"Oh Iris...ohkay...ohkay....do tell him. And also that we will be staying for the night here." And the line went off.
It was the happiest news for the day. It had been such a busy yet boring and tensed day. I was woken up alone in this really big mansion. It was past evening now. My stomach started growling again for food. Ah this foodie baby!
I tried to wake him up but he pulled me more. I snuggled in his side and stroke his hair a little. He was waking up gradually now. I kissed his lips quickly and bit his nose which made him open his eyes completely.
"Evil..taking advantage of a sleeping guy..." He said in his snoring voice.
"Awww...poor victim...now get up I have to tell you something goooddd.....and...also...make me something to eat, we both are hungry" I said pouting like a kid and pointing towards my bump.
"Alright....alright...but tell me have they called yet? How's Sarah?" He asked while sitting upright and wearing his shirt. Derek always slept with naked upper torso. It was his weird sexy type of habbit.
"Yeah...about that...well that is the good news only.. surgery was successful. They gonna stay there for the night" I said clapping my hand in excitement as I knew we both were so happy knowing it.
"Oh my god.....thank God thank God.
Iris I love you..." He said while pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheeks three times. I was spellbound to be honest. Did he just say he loves me? Okay believe it or not, love...is a big word here, now you must be thinking how it is a big word when we often fall in it...but that's the catch...we often think it is LOVE when it's not...it happens rare so we don't really prefer saying it to everyone we date.
Alright hold on ......! I just started thinking too much.....he said that in excitement. Had it been me instead of Derek and Mrs.Webber's dog instead of me....I would have loved that filthy dog even.
Oh boy! My thesis sometimes harms me only...deeply hurt for calling myself a dog. Deeply!
"Now would ya come or I need to pick you up?" He said throwing the sheet on me pulling me back from my confused-to-disappointed trance.
"Coming....." I said and stepped out of the bed.
In the hospital! (Third person narration)
Sarah was out of the operation theatre now. Mrs. Woods was crying more in happiness now and Mr.Woods was just yelling at her to stop while rolling his eyes all the time at her. Alex and Naomi tried to hold them together to make peace between them in such hard times though. Sarah was brought back in her room on the gurney and laid back on her bed. There was a huge bandage in the left side of her head where the incision was made. Her lips were dried and she even seemed very weak. She was fast asleep or just unconscious.
"The surgery went well. Now we are hoping it ends well. We were successful in stopping the bleeder inside her head, there were clots of blood which was causing the seizure, as I told you. We were able to remove them. Now we are hoping our best that she will make it through the night...this is the last difficult part. I have my hopes high so you also don't worry. She is anesthetic now so won't be waking up in next hour, but we can hope for further. Do not talk to her about anything stressful or today related trauma, that can just worsen the state." Said the doctor who did the surgery on her.
Mrs Woods just went and hugged him while wiping her face. He was warm and good with people, he hugged her and rubbed her back and head to soothe her a little. She was so stressed already.
"Alex you must call Derek and calm him down now...you saw how he reacted seeing the dead body on the gurney right.....god knows when my son will be alright.." said Jeremy with his gloomy voice.
Cathy and Nathan were big part of his life, actually, his almost whole life and they were lost... suddenly. It was unbelievable for him for half a month when one day he was sent some of their belongings by the police. It was time when he realised they were actually gone and never coming back. He went into deep trauma. The Woods changed alot of shrinks in order to fix Derek. Alex couldn't help him as he lost his sister himself. It was such a horrible year for the Woods. Naomi stayed with Alex and the family all through the while, she never even got the chance to meet Cathy and Nathan.
After six months tight treatment, Derek was pulled out of the trauma he was in, but you never forget things. You learn to move on...learn to deal with it be it the most unexpected and unbelievable thing in life...you learn to live with it....but you never forget.
Derek's whole persona was affected by this incident. He did learn to live with it but he never really lived.
"He was sleeping...Iris picked the phone..she said she will tell him. You know Dad.....I don't feel so good about this Iris...I mean..she is weird, she acts weird sometimes. I don't know...I just don't feel good about her." Alex said coming back in Sarah's room and sitting on the couch beside everybody.
"Oh come on Alex....you are being judgy...she is sweet" said Naomi.
"Honey you even liked our neighbour's dog who later ripped your jeans apart.." he said rolling his eyes.
"Jesus...a dog and a person are two different beings Alex....don't be so rude." Naomi said to which Jeremy nodded and said
"She is right...that girl seemed innocent to me. She didn't lie...didn't pretend or anything...she is trying to adjust.."
"Come onn....every girl ""tries"" to adjust in a rich boyfriend's biggg house...just think about it.. did she even try to call and ask how is Sarah...or how are we even...she didn't even leave the house, stayed there only.....alone. I'm with Alex" Mrs.Woods said snorting and wiping her upper lips and underneath the nose.
"Why do you guys always see every girl as gold-digger...please.." said Jeremy in a quit high pitched voice.
"Alright...shhhh....guys...we don't have to fight...she is Derek's choice and have anyone of you seen how happy he is, I never even imagined he would be this happy or chirpy ever....but he is....because of Iris...so your judgements should be otherwise" said Naomi standing up like preaching kids.
"Yeah well...thats only kind of thing I was avoiding..." Said Mrs.Woods rolling her eyes.
"Uh...Mr.Woods we need some form filling and your insurance informations. Would you mind?" A nurse came and interrupted them all. Alex and Jeremy got up and went with the nurse while Naomi and Mrs. Woods stayed there silently with sleeping Sarah.
Back to Woods Mansion ( narrative:- Iris)
I was surely gonna marry Derek. He makes this delicious plate licking pasta.....oh boy. I ate like an elephant, gobbled half from his plate too, while he kept laughing. Suddenly I was so hungry and the pasta was ummmmmhhmmmhhmm.
"You are such a hippo ire...haha..." Said Derek laughingly when I was licking the sides of the fork after I almost licked his plate as well.
"Shut up... I've to eat for two....and I bet you Derek this baby...this one's gonna be the real elephant. It's hungry all the time..." I said pointing at my bump, at least I can blame it until it's inside and can't do anything in defense. Am I a bad mother already?
He just laughed and took my plate as he does in our apartment.
"Imma call Alex again" he said and called Alex while I was just sitting beside him.
"Hello...yeah...how is she now..and mother?" He asked.
"Put it on speaker." I mouthed to him while nudging his arm. He frowned in annoyance and put Alex on speaker.
"She is good. Mama is finally fine, dad is busy talking to the insurance guy" he said.
"What's with the insurance guy, give me the number I'll talk to him if he is creating any trouble..." Derek said immediately.
"Oh no no it's fine. It's all under control. How's your pregnant girlfriend though....?" And I got a little alert..... was that a taunt kinda thing. Derek got quite awkward too, but he looked at me and faked a chuckled.
"Oh yeah yeah...ire is fine...in fact she is sitting with me right now listening to you...why don't you...." And he was going to give me the phone when I waved a clear NO to him desperately. I knew I would screw up or worse...would cut the call after saying two yeses and one no. It's a protocol. Are you fine...yes. have you eaten... yes. Do you like me ..no.! Simple!
"Oh no no that's fine..let her rest..." Alex also said immediately. Duh!
"Ohkay Alex...tell me one more time... how's Sarah. ?" Derek asked stressing on the last line.
"The night is difficult Derek. We are hoping for her to get through this. The next morning will literally be our dawn of hopes. Boy Sarah really made me a poet or what..." And the two boys scoffed and laughed over it.
"So it's not critical right...I wanted to come back again but can't leave Iris alone and she gets nauseous with the hospital smell" he stated and I facepalmed myself in my inner world. Why this guy have to tell everything. We could have gone if he really wanted to, I could have disguised myself.
"Oh yeah yeah...alright then... I'll go get the dinner for all of us...the moment Sarah is getting fine...I'mma make her my slave" said Alex and Derek cut the phone laughing on it.
"She is fine...she just have to get through the night..." He said putting the phone back in it's place.
"Yeah..." I just vaguely nodded. Still frowned with his revelation.
"Do you think....she will....she will survive ire...?" He said suddenly and i could feel his voice back again with all the loads of lump.
"Honey....relax.... she's gonna kick ass... she's not going anywhere.....come let's watch FRIENDS, it will lighten you up."
I said nearing to him.
"Oh Jesus not again...!" He said rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"Oh so you got any better plans...?"
Oh Jesus I hate friends...I don't understand why am I even dating this guy. Hate him for this.. totally hate him..!
"Oh I got alot of plans...." He said huskily while pulling me in his lap and nudging his nose in my neck. It was so ticklish I started giggling.
"No...Derek....haha....no not these plans .. " I said while trying to push him away as I'm very sensitive with my ticklish spots.
"Oh definitely these plans......and so much more than this....." He said while reaching to my lips and kissing me passionately. It was like a cherry on the top. Perfect hunger management package...... Derek Woods!
I pulled his hair while we were kind of grinding in his lap, it was getting steamier than ever. He trailed down to my throat and started nibbling there. My fist was enclosed with his hair only while the other hand holding his down trailing neck.
"Oh Derek.......I.....I want you......now... " I said in between my moans while he was leaving wet toothy kisses in my cleavage. I badly wanted him, it had been so long for me being freaking celibate and now I had the most amazing guy in between my legs.
Crap this baby!
"I knoww....hmm...I know.....damn baby just leave Mama's vagina already...it's been so long...now Daddy needs it...." He said while kissing my bump and all the steam just turned into a frustrating laughter. Like really!
But thank God he did that...otherwise it would have been so difficult to control over that.
It was around ten by now. He scooped me up in a bridal position and stepped the stairs. I could see his red turning face because obviously I was heavier than the elephant. I just laughed and asked him to put me down. He made this sorry-im-pathetic face and put me down. I stepped the rest myself. Oh he is the cutest I tell you!
Derek started reading some magazines while I just binged some recent fashion details in his phone and it was like half an hour we started feeling sleepy already. We turned the light off and Derek just cupped me from behind and we closed our eyes to doze off.
"Derek....wake up" I heard this sudden voice and woke up quite silently enough to not disturb Derek, and turning the flashlight on of his phone I directed it towards the door from where I heard the voice.
It took my breathe away seeing what I found.
It was Sarah!!!
What's Sarah doing here?
Don't forget to vote and comment fellas.!
Lots of love and blessings.
Signing off
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